Disclaimer: I not own anything from Seraph of the End.
Mika had been craving for days. Everyday it seemed he needed more, wanted more blood from Yu. It felt good. Right after the boy would take a shower, stripped of his shirt, Mika would take a bite. Blood was so thick and so invigorating to from Yu. It made Mika grave it more and more. But he knew that if he drank too much Yu wouldn't be able to do much. His limbs would be weak, and he'd need time to heal after each bite.
However, Mika's cravings were not the main problem at this moment. It was that stupid brunette. What was his name? Yoichi? The human was so intrigued with his Hyu that it began to irk him. He didn't like it when Yu's friends would take long periods of time with him. Yu was only for him. No one else.
Watching them laugh and talk, seeing the brunette blush boiled his own blood. He wanted to walk over and snatch his Yu away from that human and drink his blood with delight. But he couldn't. Not when everyone was already weary of him.
His first appearance was not the best one. Nor was his first try at being civil with the humans.
When they had first arrived he had been silent and still silent whenever someone had tried to strike a conversation with him. He only talked to Yu. That's who he only needed in this world.
The brunette, Yoichi, had laughed with Yu when he had caught the glare of Mika. He had stopped shortly and began to cower in the gaze. Yu had noticed and followed the brunette eyes to Mika sitting on the dusty porch. He frowned.
"Yoichi, I'm sorry." Yu whispers to the other. "He gets jealous."
"No, no." Yoichi smiled sympathetically. "It's fine."
Unknowingly, Mika could hear their whole conversation. It made the vampire scowl even more and toot his nose up at the brunette. Yoichi was weak. He wondered how such a weak human still survived.
"Maybe he's hungry?" Yoichi giggled. "Most people become agitated when their hungry."
Yu went frigid and touched his neck. The last time he had given Mika blood the vampire was not so gentle as before. And now Mika tended to get more blood than he should.
"Are you okay Yu?" Yoichi asks seeing his friend distraught. "Something wrong?"
Mika's ears perked as he looked at Yu from the porch. His eyes zoomed in one them, seeing if Yu had been hurt.
"I'm alright." Yu gave a dry laugh.
Truth be told, Yu had been feeling weaker ever since Mika's feedings became more and more relevant and needy. He could barely find the strength to stand or lift his sword.
"I'll give him some of my blood if you want." Yoichi suggests knowing exactly what was wrong with the boy. "Do you think he would mind?"
"In sure your blood is sweet just like you." Yu smiled seeing the boy blush. He then became grim. "I don't think I can handle another feeding."
Mika's nose twitch and scowl disappeared from his face as he continued to listen.
"Did you tell him that?" Yoichi asks with concern. "He needs to know."
Yu looked away. "Yoichi...would you really share your blood with him?"
The brunette gulped. After a few seconds he nodded, "Yes. If it means making you better then yes I will."
"Would you...for me this time...share your blood with him?"
Yoichi was cold. His eyes were wide saucers. Mika was just the same but his expression soon had died and replaced with anger. They saw him as weak and dependent. He didn't need Yoichi's stupid blood.
"Time to eat!" Shinoa bursts through the screen door scaring Mika. "Come in guys it's late and who knows what could be lurking in the dark!"
Mika, Yu, and Yoichi had all come into the house. Mika didn't eat at the table as usual and avoided contact with any of the squad. His dinner always came after Yu's where he would take the boy to his room and would drink all he wanted. He could hear them laugh and joke, even be serious sometimes at the table, but he never interjected unless when his Yu was put on spot light or someone reminding them of their past.
Dinner had ended soon, they all had showered and went to their collective rooms. Mika waited patiently on his bed for Yu to walk in, fresh from his bath, and ready to give his blood. He had shrugged off earlier's conversation that Yu had with that brunette as all talk. That weak human wouldn't ever give blood. Mika had waited for hours.
Finally, when he had heard the crack of his door squeak, he snapped his head to it so fast that he could have broken his neck. A figure slowly entered the room. It smelled like Yu's shampoo. A smile appeared on Mika's face.
When the body fully came into the room, Mika was utterly surprised to see Yoichi standing there nervously toying with his brunette locks.
"Uhmm...I...Yu said that I can give you my blood...um...He wasn't feeling to good." the boy was a blushing and scared mess. "I.."
Angered, Mika turned his head the other way. "Get out."
"B-But…" Yoichi was red down to his feet. "You have to eat-Yu said that if you don't-"
"Where is Yu?" Mika got up and walked in front of him. "What is he doing? I don't need your blood, you filthy human."
"F-Filthy?" Yoichi repeated feelings his eyes burn for a second. He tried to blink away the tears but they wouldn't leave. "I-I just wanted to help you."
"I don't need your help." Mika snapped not caring if the boy were about to cry. "Get out."
Yoichi turned to leave, as he did a whiff of his scent hit Mika. He was violently spun back and growled at by the vampire.
"Why do you smell like him?" Mika bared his fangs as if he were about to rip the boy into pieces.
The brunette struggled for a moment. "He...He told me that you like the way he s-smells and he gave me his shampoo so it can remind him of you."
Mika let go of the frightened boy who scurried out of his room. He sat back in his bed and listened for any other sounds to see if Yu were going to come tonight.
Nothing made a sound.
Except for the soft crying down hall that no human could probably hear. Mika's eye twitched. He knew it was that brunette, Yoichi, crying down the hall. The vampire had not moved from his bed and did not care if the boy was crying.
If it were Yu, then things would be different.
Mika had spent all night waiting for someone who hadn't shown up. Yu had stayed in his room, sleeping and healing from their last encounters. Now, the vampire felt a hunger build in his stomach from not eating when he should have.
Morning was rough when he saw Yu training with the other squad members. He looked rested and even more delicious than usual. From the corner of his eye he saw Yoichi, who looked unwell.
"Yoichi!" Yu smiled running over to the boy. He whispered. "Sorry about last night. He must have taken more than needed, you look pretty pale and your eyes are red like you haven't got any sleep."
Mika listened quietly.
"Ooh." Yoichi scratched his head. "We...uh...I..didn't..."
"Hey!" Kimizuki yelled calling for Yu. "You just can't leave in the middle of training to go talk!"
Yu nodded and trailed off toward telephone pole. He looked back and gave Yoichi a thumbs up and mouthed the words 'Thank you'.
Sighing shamefully, Yoichi fixed his gear again, his fingers fumbling over his weapon. He looked up to see if anyone were busy to help him but when he did so he met the eyes of Mika who sat on the porch with a scowl on his face.
Hurriedly, Yoichi fixed his weapon avoiding the vampires glare and scampered to train with Mitsuba.
A/N: I hope you guys like it so far! Remember to review, favorite, or follow! Lovies~!