hey all of you guys how's it going? Yeah if your all wondering yes I'm making another fairy tail story I'm doing this as another test and challenge for myself. The reason is cause I just kind of wanted to improve my writing that's all so this is going to be a little different from the main story.

As usual I don't own any of the characters just my oc's nothing else including fairy tail

Chapter one

The Island

On a distant island far away from Fiore

Rain was dropping like bull lets through the night with the trees whistling to the wind supported by the roaring might of thunder. Now right now a child was running for his life through the woods with a look of fear on his eyes with blood trickling down on his forehead wearing only ragged clothes that had a hood hiding his face and his entire left arm was wrapped up in bandages.

as he was running he looked behind him and saw the red eyes that belonged to the pursuer that seemed to be getting closer and closer by each passing second. He then made a right turn as the trees were cut like paper behind him witch tumbled down shaking the ground.

As he kept on running further he was running out of room to run and ended up at the end of a cliff. He was exhausted and when he turned around his pursuer was looking at him right in the eye. The man that was chasing him wore a lion head piece on his head and black gloves along with black jeans leaving his chest exposed showing many tattoos mixed with scars.

As he begun to walk forward he brought out a dagger to finish the job and as he got closer both of he child's fists began to be coated in a mixture of black and dark blueish lightning

" Electric Barrage! " he then began to punch rapidly creating multiple blasts while the pursuer was doing the same thing

" Wave of the beast King! " upon rapidly punching he created multiple blasts shaped like lion heads intercepting the child's attack creating an explosion that sent the child back near the edge but managed to hang on but was having a hard time do to injury and exhaustion.

The pursuer then walked forward and raised his dagger into the air while e child closed his eyes as he waited for the final blow that would be the end. A loud burst of thunder roared into the sky and as the boy waited for it nothing happened.

the boy opened his eyes and saw that the his pursuer had stopped and looked at the child with eyes of guilt that trailed tears of pure shame " wha- why? " the child asked confused cause this guy was trying to kill so he wondered what why the sudden change in heart.

" I'm sorry... " he began " our home is lost what ever happened to our cause? " he asked himself as kneeled down to be at the child's length before patting him on the head much to the child's confusion " huh? " he examined flinching back a bit before the man sheathed his dagger into its case before removing the strap that held it and handed it to the boy who become even more confused.

" here take it " he insisted " you will need it and once the time comes everything will make more sense " once he explained the boy accepted the weapon and put the strap on his shoulder.

" now I need you to listen to these words, " he said and the boy instantly nodded his head " this very world we stand on is full of sin that deserves to be destroyed so there may be peace in this world, but I realized that there's still good in the world that's worth protecting " he said having a hard time breathing meaning and showing something was wrong.

" I'm all alone, what can I do? " the child spoke up and the man touched the boys right cheek and smiled " your not alone, this is the beginning of your story and someday you will do great things ".

" I don't- I don't understand " " you will in time " the man awnsered grunting in pain.

" I think he's over here! " a voice called out and the man growled before turning back to the boy and quickly muttered a chant.

" there's no time you must go! " the man then touched his chest before a brown magic sealed appeared on him " remember you always have a choice.. " the man then pushed the boy off the cliff who screamed before the spell took affect making him disappear out of in air as if he wasn't there as the man whispered " always now go " after that the man took his last and final breath.

two other hooded figures approached him and they appeared to be crossed " seems that the right heart has disappeared " he looked to his companion " what now Sem? "

the one called Sem looked forward in the distance " I can't find his magic energy, so for right now inform our master immediately ".

" He's not going to be happy about this " after that they were off until the other figure kicked the body off the cliff " you were a fool Liore ".

on a beach somewhere in Fiore

the boy had landed on the sand near a rock bumping his head knocking himself out so he was out for the count for now.

To be continued

okay folks this is the first chapter. So what do you think? Not to bad for the beginning right? There's a lot of questions your probably asking yourselves right now by what they meant by the right heart and just what his this boy capable of? Well you'll find out next time in chapter 2

( ps I apoliogize for the misspelling and I hope that you can all understand it better now cause I updated it and honestly it's how I write )

so for right now I have the second chapter in works and now

until next time

G King!
