January 7,1995

Hogwarts Castle

Harry soon found himself back at Hogwarts and back to his normal routine. He was current lounging on his bed daydreaming when he was suddenly caught up in a vision.

The vision

Harry was in a abandon hallway in an old house then he heard voices coming from a room he cautiously followed the voices and when he was outside he paused when he heard his Name mentioned.

"SSoooo have you entered Potter in the Tournament"? asked a silly voice

"Yes yes master I did but they will not let him compete since the Diggory boy was chosen as Hogwarts champion".

"Fool you should have convince Dumbledore and Crouch to let the boy compete"

"Sorry master" stutters the man

"It's of no consequence now you will have to dispose of the Diggory boy".

"Yes master it will be done" said the man with a deep bow and exited the room.

"Soon Harry Potter you will be mine soon" the voice cackled

End Vision

Harold came out of his vision with a start gathering his thoughts he got up and headed out of his dormitory he had a headmaster to see.

Once he was in the common room his signal Wyatt and Thomas to follow him.

"Where are we headed sir"? asked Wyatt

"The Headmasters Office" said Harold as he approached the stone Eagle that guarded the entrance to the office. He said the password as the eagle lurched to life moving aside to reveal a spiral staircase , ascending the stair he knocked once and received an enter.

Harold entered the office along with Wyatt and Thomas and was greeted by the cheerful shed Headmaster

"Ah Harry what can I do for you"?

"Professor I just had this vision it was a vision of Volddmort but he wasn't quite human and another man, seeing Dumbledore nod he continued. Sir this man entered my name in the Goblet Voldemort plans to get me through the Tournament and he plans to dispose of Cedric so I can compete.

"Hmm I was afraid that might be the case, this is troubling I will have to alert the Queen and Ministry of these new occurences"

"Trust me Harry I will make sure no harm come to you or Mr. Diggory now go rest I will handle this said Dumbledore getting up and heading to Floo while Harold and his bodyguards left his office.

Dumbledore reach the Floo and Floo Amelia Bones office at the Ministry.

Amelia was in her office looking over paperwork when Albus head appeared in her fireplace

"Amelia may I come through"?

"Yes of course Albus"

With a flash of green flames Dumbledore entered the office of the head of Magical Law Enforcement and representative of the Queen.

"Well Albus what can I do for you"?

"I have very disturbing news it seems that Harry has had a vision and in this vision it was of Voldemort and an unknown man now this man put Harry's name in the Goblet also playing to execute Cedric Diggory so Harry can compete".

"Well this is serious, what do you think we should do"?

"I for one think this man is in my school I suggest we do an lockdown and gather all adults.

"Right I suggest you gather some members of the Order we do this tomorrow the quicker the better I will let Her Majesty and Sirius know".

"Great that will be splendid anything about the Horcrux"? asked Amelia

"Yes I found one it's was in the Gaunt Shack in Slytherines locket me and Severus destroyed it, I called in a favor and all Known deatheater vaults are be checked at Gringotts".

"Good good well I better head over to Balmoral Castle you know the Queen is still in residence there".

"Quite right I will be on my way and make the necesarry arrangements"

January 20th 1995


Harold day has been going great so far his classes were quite pleasant. He and Daphne spent lunch together under the great oak tree near the Black Lake and now he was headed to Dinner in the Great Hall.

Dinner was great Harold spent most of his time in a focusing about Qudditch with Ginny and Neville. When dinner was over Dumbledore asked them to return to there dorms immediately and asked the Teachers and guest to stay behind for a meeting Harold had the distinct feeling something was about to go down.

Once Dumbledore was informed that all students where safely in their Dormitories he sealed the Great Hall using the ancient wards of the castle.

He then turned to the other Headmaster and sent an patrons to the antechamber to the left of the staff table. Everyone looked at him curiously before the turned to the door of the antechamber which opened revealing Amelia Bones and eight trusted Aurors.

"Albus what is the meaning of this"? asked a confused Madame Maxine

"Well my dear lady we have had a tip that someone who entered young Prince Harold into this tournament is right room" said Albus looking around he notice Moody looking paper then usually.

"Right as head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement of the United Kingdom I have come to investigate these claims" said Amelia who also notice a pale Moody.

"Yes you will all be question under vertiserum now would Alastair Moody come forth asked Amelia looking at the list of suspects.

It was then that Alastair panicked and made his way toward the doors of the Great Hall while firing off curses at the rest of the group in the Great Hall .

Once he made it to the doors he found them sealed and he turned around to face to approaching aurors and members of the Order of the Phoenix.

"Alastor surrender for questioning. Amelia said as she approached him .

"I quite agree with Amelia Alastor no dark curses will work in this room" stated Dumbledore calmly.

Allister wouldn't give up and shoot two cutting hexes towards the two which the duo deflected.

With one wave of her wand Amelia stunned the Professor and quickly tied him up and put him a chair.

After making sure he was secure Amelia Enervated him and poured the truth serum down his throat after his glazed over she knew he was under the effects.

"What is your name"? she asked

"Barty Crouch Jr."

"I thought Crouch Jr was dead"! Asked a shocked Madame Bones

"No my father smuggled me out four years ago".

"Did you put Prince Harold James Potter name in the Goblet of Fire'?


"Why did you do this "?

"The tournament was a way for the Dark Lord to get Potter and use a ritual to gain his body back Crouch sneered.

"Where is the real Alastair Moody"?

"In his trunk in his office"

"Where is the Dark Lord hiding"?

Little Hangington.

"Well that's all Kingsley Tonks take him to the holding cell we prepared.

"Yes ma'am" they said and took the struggling death eater to his cell.

Amelia turned to the others in the group "Well Albus I think you can handle everything from here I will send Aurous to patrol the castle to make sure no more unwanted visitors sneak in also I have to issue an arrest warrant for Barty Crouch Sr".

"Quite right Amelia we should get together tomorrow and discuss things further" .

"Goodnight Albus, Professors"