Hey guys, it's me again! Thank you guys for the wonderful feedback and also to those who followed or favorited this story! It's you guys who keep me motivated to write.

Anyhoo, Sasuke appears in this chapter. I hope I didn't made him too OoC here, he's kinda tricky to write sometimes.

Okay no more distractions! Here's chapter 2.

Warnings: Extreme AU, Fem!Naru, time travel, possible M rating in the future

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or anything related to it.

Chapter 2

To say Sasuke wasn't in a good mood would be an understatement.

A few hours ago, he woke up in the middle of the woods with Naruto beside him. They were shrunken for some reason and since Naruto was unconscious then, he couldn't ask Kyuubi about their predicament. So to get a hold on where they were at, he went off first to gather information.

When he learnt that they were in the Warring States Era, he sent a poor random villager running due to him chuckling eerily like a madman. 'Naruto gets what Naruto wants eh?'

After learning where he was, a small village in an area that would later be called Konohagakure, he left to go inform the dobe. Only to find her gone.

There were no signs of struggle or anyone being here except them, so after he sent clones to find where she was and turned up with no results, he chalked up that she woke up when he was gone and left the area. 'Tch, the dobe will be fine on her own. I'll find her later.' He assured himself before heading to another direction.

While he was gathering info, he heard that the Uchiha clan compound was at the northeast direction from the village. 'Might as well join them if I need to help Naruto change them.' Sasuke thought as he asked the villagers whether they could take him to the compound. All of them were scared of the infamous clan, so no one dared to take him there. They tried to convince him not to go venture there but little did they know that he was also an Uchiha.

After about an hour of travelling, he arrived at the compound's gates. The guards were eyeing him suspiciously, some were even readying their weapons and stances. Sasuke hn'ed before landing in front of them.

'Time to get this over with.'

When Madara got back to the compound, he noticed that everyone was on high alert. 'Something must've happened when I was gone.' He thought, while trying to find a servant to tell him what happened.

Suddenly, Izuna came running to him. "There you are aniki! I've been trying to find you!" He slung his arm around Madara's shoulders and paused for a few seconds, trying to catch his breath, before dragging Madara by the sleeve of his yukata, "Father needs us now!"

"Wait, why? What's going on?"

"A boy, around our age, came to the compound and claimed that he was an Uchiha. Normally our interrogation team would handle him but then he showed his Sharingan. After checking that they were real and no surgeries were done on him to implant the eyes, father demanded that they bring the boy to him and he will interrogate him himself."

Madara raised an eyebrow at this,"What's his name?"


When they entered the meeting room, they saw the Uchiha elders sitting around in a circle, with their father at the front. Next to their father were two empty cushions. They sat down without making a noise and let their father, Tajima, start.

The boy, who was Madara's age, sat in the middle of the circle. To Madara, his appearance was like Izuna's. But the aura that radiated off him said otherwise. This boy was proud and confident, the way he held himself told him that he was ready to strike at any moment without hesitation when necessary. His perfect posture and eerie calmness showed everyone that he was no ordinary Uchiha kid like the others. He was like one of them, a part of the main family.

"What is your name and why are you here?" Tajima's cold and calculating eyes bore into the boy. Everyone in the family knew that it was impossible to lie to him as he had a knack for detecting lies and deceit. The younger Uchihas, especially the children, were understandably afraid of him. Yet, this boy was not. He remained still and betrayed no emotion.

"Uchiha Sasuke. I came to join the clan after my parents' death." Before their father could ask about his parents, the boy said, "They were rogue Uchiha. So there's no point in asking what their names were."

"How did you awake your Sharingan?"

"When I was fighting my parents' attackers. I killed them then went on my way to your compound."

"Who taught you to use them?"

"I taught myself."

Madara was astounded by this boy. He already awakened his Sharingan and learnt to use it. 'He'd probably make a good opponent, like Naruto.'

After a few questions here and there, Tajima deemed him trustworthy for now. He told Izuna to take him to their room, while he told Madara to stay behind.

"Keep a close eye on him, Madara. He may seem genuine but he could still defect at any moment. If he does betray us, kill him."

"Yes father."

Much to Sasuke's distaste, he was to stay with Madara for now until the clan head had proof that he was trustworthy. Although he knew that this Madara was far from the one who destroyed Konoha, he still felt tense being with him in such close quarters and not being under threat.

Sitting down in a corner of a moderately sized tatami room, he closed his eyes and meditated on today's events while listening in the brothers' conversation.

"Where have you been these few days aniki? It's not like you to go out that frequently." Izuna fussed. If Sasuke recalled correctly, Izuna was a calm and devoted person. He was man who was extremely loyal to his clan and who died believing that the Senju only wanted control. 'This time, it would be different 'ttebane!' He already could hear those words coming out of Naruto's mouth.

"Just went out to train and think about stuff." Madara replied before sighing, "Don't worry Izuna, I'll be fine. It's not like I'll run into the Senju or something." Sasuke snorted inwardly, 'He'll rethink that next time when he knows the boy he's been meeting is a Senju.'

"You know you could always find me to spar or train with. Plus, you never know when you'll run into one, or even a group of Senju. What will you do then?" He can hear Izuna frown at his brother's statement.

"Nah, I wouldn't want to bother you. You're always busy helping with the younger ones' training." Sasuke knew he was lying through his teeth, but didn't say anything. There was a pause before he added, "Maybe next time?"

Izuna was about to retort when the door slid open. A man came in, by his voice he's probably older than them, and said, "Izuna, your father would like to see you now." Izuna went to the door and said they'll continue this conversation later when he's back.

After the door slid shut, Sasuke heard Madara muttered something like 'He doesn't need to know about them' under his breath.

Sasuke raised an eyebrow at that, 'Them?' He was about to ponder more on the matter when he felt Madara heading towards him. He opened his eyes and looked at him with a blank face.

"Uh, hey. Sorry if my father was annoying you too much with his questions earlier. He just wanted to make sure." Madara came forward and sat down in front of him. "I'm Madara and the boy who I was talking to is Izuna."

Sasuke nodded before replying, "I suppose you remember my name from earlier." There's no doubt that he's still a bit wary of Madara, a civil version of him was unnerving to him.

"You said you had already activated the Sharingan." Madara stated, and he nodded to confirm what he said, "Do you want to spar?"

Sasuke paused at that. He never pictured Madara to reach out to his clansmen like this. A smirk crept up onto his face when he saw his competitiveness shining in his eyes, silently challenging him. 'This is a good chance to gauge his abilities.' "Sure."

It was until next morning when they had the chance to spar. Izuna and some other clansmen decided to spectate from a distance. "You can do it aniki!" Sasuke could hear Izuna cheering for Madara. He faced his opponent and raised an eyebrow, silently asking him whether he wanted him to use his Sharingan.

Madara smirked in anticipation, "Use it. I want to see how good it is."

Sasuke closed his eyes and reopened them, revealing the infamous three tomoe Sharingan, and returned that signature Uchiha smirk. 'Let's see how good you are.'

Sasuke had to admit, he's not bad at all. Even without the Sharingan, he could keep up with him and dodge attacks easily. He noted that down mentally while they were using taijutsu to fight. 'But not good enough.' He found a small opening with the Sharingan and landed a heavy punch at Madara's gut with his fist. The other fell back but before he could recover, Sasuke pointed a kunai at his neck.

"You're quite proficient with using the Sharingan, Sasuke. Despite not having been trained correctly by our fellow clansmen." Madara commented while patting dust off his clothes. Sasuke lowered his kunai and started walking towards Izuna and the others. Sasuke hn'ed at that while musing, 'I should retrain myself, this body isn't used to fighting yet.'

Izuna ran towards them, astonishment pasted all over his face. "That spar blew me away Sasuke! No one, well except me, has beaten Madara before! We should also spar sometime soon." Izuna came and congratulated him, and then Madara came over and joined in their conversation after checking if he has any injuries. "Yeah, I want a rematch."

Sasuke wasn't too surprised at his request, Naruto was like that too. She'd demanded rematches if she lost to him. Sasuke nodded curtly and said, "I guess you two would make good sparring partners." Izuna cheered and later argued animatedly with Madara on who would get to fight him next while walking back to the compound.

He trailed behind them as he watched them argue, with Izuna seemingly winning the debate. Closing his eyes to let them rest, he thought, 'I guess they aren't so intolerable.'


God...I feel like Sasuke is way too OoC for some reason. I hope it's not too unSasukeish though.

For pairings, I'm still undecided lol... I'll post a poll on my profile later down the line to see which pairing you all prefer.

Thank you guys so much again for reading this! Please review if you have the time and feel free to point out my mistakes or give some opinions on the story. They will be much appreciated!

See you in the next chapter!