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Only Dreaming - Part 3.

Upstairs - Mrs Hughes' Bedroom.

Sitting on her bed, Mrs Hughes heard his whisper over and over in her mind. Yes she was walking up the stairs at the time, and she wasn't sure she had heard it at first but she had, clear as day. She had heard him say her name, just like she had said his a short time before. Had he dreamed about her, like she had him? Looking towards her door, a million thoughts going through her mind.

Downstairs - Mr Carson's sitting room.

After making sure Mrs Hughes had disappeared out of sight, Mr Carson went to his sitting room, to wait for a while before going up to bed. He had wanted to make sure she was well in her bedroom first, before going up to his own room. As he sat thinking, a lump formed in his throat at the thought of him saying her name, had he said it aloud, or was it a whisper. He couldn't remember. He prayed it was a whisper, like he planned but the sudden fear that it wasn't scared him. If it was said out loud, like he feared, did she hear it or was she too far up the stairs?

After a short time he stood to his feet, deciding that it must be clear to go on up to his room by now. Turning, he stopped as their in his doorway stood the most beautiful woman in the world, Mrs Hughes.

"Mrs Hughes, I thought you had gone up?" Mr Carson said after a moments silence and watched as she stepped further into the room, closing the door behind her.

"I had, but I needed to speak with you. Or I wouldn't have been able to sleep tonight." Said Mrs Hughes while turning back to him.

"Oh yes? And what would you like to speak to me about, Mrs Hughes?" Mr Carson asked, his heart beginning to race.

"Before, when I was walking up the stairs..." Mrs Hughes hesitated as she began to wonder if she had imagined it, they had both had a long day and was both very tired. And earlier on she had lied to him after he had heard her say his name and question her about it, had he done the same thing, if she asked would he lie like she had? And as she pondered the questions going around her mind, her heart began to race.

"Mrs Hughes?" Mr Carson asked, concerned.

Slowly looking back up at him, she took a deep breath "Did I hear you say my name?" Mrs Hughes finally asked. And there she had her answer, he didn't need to say anything, she could see it in his eyes.

Looking away momentarily, he nodded "Yes Mrs Hughes, you did hear me say your name. And I can't hide it anymore, I can't kept it a secret any longer." Mr Carson explained while moving to stand in front of her "Mrs Hughes, I.. I love you. There I said it, I love you and I always have, ever since I first saw you I have loved you." Studying her face, Mr Carson prayed he hadn't just ruined their friendship.

"Why didn't you say anything before?" Mrs Hughes asked a moment later while looking up into his eyes.

"I was scared, we are best friends and I didn't want to ruin that if I did confess my true feelings. I didn't want to lose you, or our friendship and so, I kept my feelings to myself." Mr Carson said, looking down.

Watching him, Mrs Hughes smiled and stepped closer. "Truth is," She began and reached up, cupping his face as he lifted his gaze. Looking into each others eyes as she continued. "You had heard me right, I had said your name earlier. I told you I hadn't because I felt the same as you, I was scared also, Mr Carson."

"Oh Mrs Hughes, will you ever forgive me?" He asked, putting his hand up onto hers resting on his cheek.

"If, you can forgive me?" Mrs Hughes smiled and watched as he shook his head, concerning her.

"There is nothing to forgive, Mrs Hughes" Mr Carson said, giving her a smile as they both lowered their hands.

"Well there you go then, I have nothing to forgive you for either, Mr Carson." Mrs Hughes smiled.

"Oh, come here, Mrs Hughes." Said Mr Carson in his deep manly voice and stepped closer. Wrapping his arms around her shoulders, as she rested her head on his chest, he couldn't help but smile.

"I feel so much better now that we have been honest with each other, Mr Carson." Mrs Hughes said softly and closed her eyes.

"Me too, Mrs Hughes." Mr Carson said, nodding slightly. "How long have you felt this way?" Asked Mr Carson.

"For far to long, Mr Carson. I just wish I had said something earlier." Mrs Hughes answered and opened her eyes.

"Me too, Mrs Hughes, Me too." Said Mr Carson and watched as she raised her head, her gaze meeting his. "Dare I be so bold, and tell you that I love you, and thank you for being you, Mrs Hughes."

"You may, Mr Carson. You may." Mrs Hughes smiled "And I love you too."

And there in his sitting room, he kissed her forehead. Something they had both dreamt about for so long.

The End!