Authors Note: Hey everyone! So this is my first ever Life With Derek Fanfic, and also my very first fanfic period. So I'm still learning the hang of this, so bear with me! Here's the first chapter of my first story. The beginning may be a bit slow and boring but it gets better I promise! The summary of this story is also not as great as the whole story will be, I promise! Please review! Good or bad, ill take any suggestions(:

P.S. The italics are thoughts and/flashbacks

Chapter 1

People always make plans. We make plans for our day, our careers, and our future. We plan things out our entire lives, but we never plan on anything to happen outside of our plans. So how do we react when the plan we had laid out in front of our eyes, doesn't play out at all how we planned? We get confused, frustrated, sad, lonely, and desperate. And why do we get like that? Because, we are the prisoners in our own autobiography novel, where the author changes your story, your plans, for something we never planned to be written out in our timeline. And it throws us off our game because we believe that the main way to get through life is to follow a plan. We never stop to ask ourselves if the plan was ours, or if it was edited by someone else, like it would be in an autobiography. We never expect our plans to take a detour or an entirely other path. The thing is, people expect to get hurt in life, and they expect things to not work out and to go wrong, but we never plan on any of it. We never write it out in our daily planner to get our hearts ripped out that week, or to lose ourselves so much that we become lost and unsure about our purpose in life. So what is the point of planning out our lives, if our expectations of our plans turn out to be our reality?

"One more?" The bartender asked Casey before he poured her another drink.

"Make it two." She says as she chugs down the first one he had given her.

Pain. Such an easy thing to get and a hard thing to wash away. We don't plan on getting hurt, yet we get hurt so much that after a while pain becomes a part of us. We get used to it so much that even when we don't get hurt, we still expect to, as if it's something that's supposed to happen. We try so hard to be okay, at least I do, but sometimes it hits me out of nowhere, all of a sudden this overwhelming sadness takes over me. And I get discouraged and upset and I feel hopeless, sad, and hurt, and once again I feel numb to the world. And that numbness is what got me to this bar tonight.

She chugs down her second drink before waving down the bartender for another one.

**** Flashback ****

"This is all your fault! You took our son away from us! And our grandbabies! It should have been you!"

"Mrs. Conners please! I am just as hurt and alone as you are!" Casey cried out.

"Don't you even dare compare yourself to me. Get the hell out of my house! You're a murderer!"

**** end ****

They say there is a reason, and that time will heal. But neither time nor reason changes the way that I feel. No one knows the heartache that lies behind my smile, or how many times I have broken down and cried. No one knows the reason why I'm sitting here drinking my night away. No one knows, and no one cares, and frankly, neither do I.

"Hey Joe! Another tequila please" Casey asked the bartender.

"Casey. It's 10 o'clock… you asked me to cut you off at 10." Joe explained.

"Screw it. I need to drink, so keep em' coming. I'll just call a cab." Casey said as she chugged down another drink.

Life sucks. People say it gets better, but what if you've already had better, and now it's too late to get it again?

"Bad night?" Joe asked her as he watched her chug down another drink.

"Bad life" I replied.

"I know the feeling. It gets better though." He said, and I rolled my eyes in reply. "Sometimes though, I wish I could pick my favorite moment or memory in my past, and go back to it and just stay there. You know, relive the moment?" Joe continued.

"Yeah, that would actually be nice." Casey said, as she started thinking back to a time she wished she could relive

****Flashback ****

"Derek! Put me down now or I swear I'll kick your ass!" Casey squealed as Derek threw her over his shoulder.

"I'd like to see you try princess" He replied with a laugh as Casey struggled to get down, right before Derek tripped and fell to the ground, taking Casey down with him. They lay there in the living room floor, bodies tangled up together, as they looked into each other's eyes.

"I hate you." Casey said with a playful smile.

"Shut up, you love me." Derek replied with a smirk.

"In your dreams Venturi." Casey replied as she rolled her eyes. Derek didn't reply right away, he just kept looking at her with a soft smile. "What?" She asked as she felt a blush creep into her cheeks.

"I love you Casey." Derek said with all seriousness.

"You l-love….but- well I- and you- we cant-" Casey rambled on before Derek cut her off.

"Casey. Just shut up and let me kiss you." He said with a smile before leaning in to kiss her, and she let him.

**** end ****

"Casey? Is that you?" A voice said, interrupting her trip down memory lane. Casey's breath hitched as she recognized the voice. It may have been eight years, but it was definitely a voice she could never forget. It can't be…He's all the way in… Casey turns around in her stool slowly, grabbing on to the table for support as she gets dizzy and starts to lose balance. "Derek" She replies as she looked up at him. It can't be him, he's just a memory. I'm drunk and probably just seeing things.

"Long time no see, Klutzilla, or should I say Drunkzilla?" Derek replied with his infamous smirk.

No way… it really is him. God why can't I just say something? And why is my heart beating so fast?! Casey sat there frozen for a moment before jumping up and throwing her arms around him. "I'm not drunk, you're just blurry." She whispered into his neck.

Derek was taken aback by the hug, but he laughed as he hugged her back. I can't believe I was just thinking about her, and five seconds later here she is in my arms, holding on to me the same way she held on to me the last time I saw her.

****Flashback ****

"I love you, Princess"

"I love you too, D." Casey replied with a smile as he pulled her closer into his arms.

"I'm sorry. That I left you on your own, that I wasn't there for you when you needed me the most." He said sadly.

"You're here now, and you're not going anywhere. That's all that matters." Casey said with a smile as she kissed him.

**** end****

"I can't believe it's really you." Casey said after she finally let go of him.

Derek sat down next to her. "Its really me, Princess."

Casey looked back down at her drink on the table as he used her favorite nickname from him. He hasn't called me Princess in so long. Not since the last time I saw him… not since he left…

Derek watched her as she sat there quietly staring at her drink, before she picked it up and chugged it down. He knew Casey better than anyone else, so he knew what she was thinking. But it has been eight years since he has seen her, so he had no idea what she would be doing at a bar, unless he was the reason behind it, which he knew couldn't be possible since it has been eight years and she had moved on.

"I gotta say I'm surprised to see you here. For one, I thought you lived in New York, and two, you always hated alcohol, and you never go to bars." He said raising his eyebrow questioningly.

"I did live in New York, I moved back to Toronto because I got a job offer here. And yes, I did always hate alcohol. But a lot has changed." Casey replied as she gulped down a shot of tequila.

Derek watched her with an amused expression on his face. No kidding. He thought.

"And stop talking to me as if we never stopped talking. It's been eight years Derek. Life doesn't go on pause when you're not around, it moves on. You can't just pick up with me where we left off as if it's been only yesterday and not eight years." Casey snapped, as she took another shot.

Derek was taken aback, but at the same time tried to hold in a smile. Typical Casey, first hugging me as if no time has passed, and then yelling at me for acting as if no time has passed. "Casey…I wasn't trying to… I never meant to… Look, like you said, it's been eight years, a lot has changed. But we're Casey and Derek. We're not like other people, we actually do pick up where we left off as if no time has passed. That's how it's always been between us. It's easier that way." Derek explained as he took her hand in his.

How is it that so much time has passed and yet every time I see him, the feelings come back as if the life I had without him never existed? "It's not easier that way; it's just our hearts natural reaction towards each other." Casey said as she looked down at their entwined hands.

"Maybe our hearts are trying to tell us something?" Derek said with a small smile.

"Yeah, that we have issues. I need another drink." Casey said as she waved the bartender down, asking him for a drink.

"Make it two." Derek told the bartender. My heads already spinning, might as well make it spin some more.

God why does my head hurt so much? Casey groaned as she sat up in bed. Where the hell am I? She looked around the room before realizing she was in her own house. Oh right, I moved. "Morning princess" Casey jumped as a voice from beside her startled her. She looked down to see Derek in bed with her, under the sheets, naked. Oh God...not again... I slept with Derek!

"You don't remember last night, do you?" Derek questioned with a frown as he saw the look on her face.

"Ofcourse I do... most of it. I just. You. I. And. Well. I - I have to go to work. First day, don't wanna be late." Casey said as she got up and wrapped the bed sheets around her naked body.

"Yeah sure. So you live here now huh?" Derek asked as he looked around her room.

"Listen Derek we don't have to do this, you know... make awkward small talk after waking up in bed together... I'm gonna go shower. And when I get out, you won't be here, okay?" Casey smiled sweetly before running into the shower.

"Casey wait!" Derek started to say, but Casey was already in the bathroom with the shower running.

"Name?" The lady at the desk asked without even glancing up at Casey.

"McDonald, Casey McDonald. I'm the new editorial assistant." Casey replied cheerfully as she glanced at the young woman's name tag. Jessica.

"You're late. Mr. V doesn't like it when his employees are late, especially not his assistants. 3rd floor, room 24. Orientation has already started." Jessica said as she handed Casey her name card.

Casey gave her an apologetic smile as she took her card and headed towards the elevator. She looked at her watch as she waited to get to the 3rd floor. 8:45? I'm not late I'm early! Phew. The elevator doors opened and Casey walked out heading towards room 24. She walked in and saw a few other people already in there, some getting coffee and some just chatting with each other.

"Well good morning gorgeous! I'm Trevor, editorial Manager; you must be the new assistant."

Casey looked up to see a rather handsome gentleman introducing himself. "Yes, Casey. How'd you know? That I'm the new assistant?" Casey questioned.

"Your name card" Trevor said as he nodded towards the name card around her neck that read Casey McDonald, Editorial Assistant.

"Oh right! So when does the orientation start?" Casey asked as she played with her name card.

"Right now." Trevor replied with a wink as he headed to the front of the room. "Alright people, now that everyone is here I'll go ahead and start with the introductions." Trevor began as he sent a smile towards Casey.

Was he waiting on me just to start? I guess I really am late... Casey thought as she took a seat at the table.

"I'm Trevor Crooks, I'm your editorial manager. Now due to our recent upgrade to our department we have several new employees. Some of you are transfers and others are newbies, so welcome to all of you. You each should already know your job titles and responsibilities. On the table are binders each one with your name on it. Find your name and that binder will be your guide throughout this job. If you have any questions about your jobs as you begin working here you will report to me. Actually you will report to me about everything throughout this entire job. Every Friday the editorial crew will meet up here in room 24 to discuss our progress. As far as-" Trevor got interrupted by his phone ringing. "Just a second. Yes, Crooks speaking. Correct. Yes sir. Right away." Trevor said into his phone before shutting it and walking over to the desk to grab his binder. He looked over at one of the young men sitting at the table and motioned for him to get up. "Malone, come with me. We gotta go meet with Reyes. McDonald, Mr. V will be waiting for you in the conference room." Trevor said before walking out of the room.

Casey looked down at her binder as she opened it trying to see if there was a map in there to help her find the conference room. "It's on the 5th floor, room 16. Mr. V is the editorial president. He's pretty chill and normally late himself, so don't worry you'll be fine." Casey looked up to see a young redhead speaking to her.

"Do I look as lost as I feel?" Casey asked with a chuckle.

"Just a little. I'm Becky." The redhead said with a smile as she stretched out her hand for a handshake.

"Casey. And thanks. I better get going." Casey gave her a warm smile before heading towards the conference room. Now which one is Mr. V? I wonder what it's short for...Victor? Or maybe it's a last name, maybe it's... "Venturi! Here are the files you asked for." A young man yelled, breaking Casey's thoughts as she looked up to see Derek being handed the file. No. No way...Derek? Is my new boss? He's Mr.V? Casey stood there frozen trying to process this. As soon as Derek looked up and made eye contact with her, she bolted out of the room.

"Casey, Casey wait!" Derek yelled as he caught up to her, grabbing her arm gently to stop her.

"Mr. Venturi, I was told to report to you." Casey said coldly.

"Mr. Venturi? Come on Case we've been on a first name basis since we were 15. I think we're still close enough to be on a first name basis, especially considering how close we were last night." Derek said with a smirk that made Casey gape in return.

"How could you not tell me that you're my new boss? You knew and you still slept with me!" Casey yelled at him as she hit him in the chest lightly.

"Relax! Look I knew I was getting a new assistant but I didn't know it was going to be you, honestly! And like I said, after last night you can definitely call me Derek." He replied with another smirk.

"Der-Mr. Venturi, what happened last night was a onetime thing and-" Casey started before she was interrupted by Derek.

"Well technically for it to be a onetime thing it would have had to happen only once... but since that wasn't our first and only time..." Derek trailed off as Casey glared at him.

How dare he bring that up right now?! First he takes away my virginity and gets me pregnant, then he shows up after two years getting me to fall for him all over again before disappearing with nothing more than a cold goodbye, and now this time he turns out to be my new boss! Every time I sleep with him something bad always happens! "What happened last night was a mistake. We were drunk, we hooked up, and that's it. Now you're my boss and it's my first day here and I really just want to work." Casey said sternly.

"Case, a mistake happens once, maybe twice, but not three times. Although I'd say that even our first time wasn't a mistake." Derek said, this time with a serious face.

It was a mistake...the first few times and now. God he has no idea the hell he put me through each time I got involved with him... and yet somehow I feel like this time won't be any different. Casey thought as she stood there without saying another word.

Casey took a deep breath before saying "Derek, last night didn't happen. I just moved back from New York to get a fresh start and start my new job. I went to a bar and had a few drinks, and then I went home. By myself. Last night did not happen okay?"

"Actually it did happen, and I have the hickies and scratches to prove it." Derek said with a smirk that made Casey both melt and explode at the same.

"Mr. Ven- oh! My apologies, I didn't mean to interrupt." Casey was about to snap back at him before she was interrupted by a young girl who looked like an intern and stood there looking down timidly.

"No worries, I was just showing my new assistant around, filling her in on what we do here." Derek replied to the girl with a smile, but still continuing to look at Casey as he spoke.

"Ofcourse! Well um, Mr. Crooks wanted to know what you decided as far as our Magazine section." The young girl asked.

"Oh the magazine, right. Alright I'm coming. We'll continue this later, Ms. McDonald." Derek said with a smirk before heading out of the hallway, followed by the young girl.

So there it was, it's not great I know but wait til you read the next chapters! Like I said, its gonna get better! Please Review:)
