I do not own Legends of Tomorrow, or the characters, other then any oc who may be introduced within the story or the plot, which is the only thing I do own. Hope you enjoy and as always please review!

Author's Note: This story is my own story based on my own thoughts with Leonard and Lisa's past and childhood, and will be told in Leonard's POV. If you like the story and would like to see more, then I will try to keep up with this as much as I can. If you don't like, then I only ask that you please keep all negative comments to yourself. Now then onto the Story!

Chapter 5 - Someone To Protect

"You want to start telling me what the hell that was all about?" Mick asked turning toward me once we got onto the ship. "Just leave it be." I said rolling my eyes in annoyance as a wave of dizziness washed over me. "I'm fine." "Like hell you are." Mick snapped as he grabbed ahold of my shoulder and turned me around to face him. "What the hell is going on Len? We're partners remember? Or did you forget the fact that I saved your ass from being killed that day in juvie?" I shook my head in response and said, "Mick, it's nothing that concerns you okay? It's my personal issue alright? just leave it alone." Mick threw his hands up in frustration and just stared at me, his brown eyes glowing like liquid fire.

"Does Lisa know?" He asked. "About this so called sickness that you have?" I shook my head. "I don't plan on telling her. There's no sense in worrying her." Mick stared at me as he spat out, "What do you mean no sense in worrying her?! She's your sister!" He snapped angrily. "Exactly." I said trying to keep myself calm. "Which is why I need to keep her safe. The less she knows about me and my condition the less likely she'll do something stupid and idiotic." "You mean like going after your father?" I rolled my eyes and stifled a growl of irritation when the thought of my so called father flashed through my head, but I was glad he was dead. The bastard deserved to die for all he had put us through.

Suddenly the alarms in the ship went off as we all looked around trying to figure out what was going on. "We need you guys now." Kendra said running up toward us. "There's something you need to see Leonard it's important." A sudden cold shiver of fear raced down my spine as I suddenly had the overwhelming feeling that something was wrong. I looked over at Mick and both of us raced to the front of the ship to see everyone else huddled around a moniter that showed the scared face of someone I knew very well. My sister.

Lisa's eyes were full of pleading tears and her body was trembling in absolute fear. I stifled a growl of anger and narrowed my eyes toward a man that was holding her by her throat with one hand with his other hand wrapped around a gun that was aimed directly at her temple. Another cold shiver ran down my spine as the man I know reconized turned toward the moniter and looked right at me. "Hello Leo."

It was Lewis Snart, my father. The same asshole who had constintaly beat my sister and I as kids, the same man who allowed my mother to die, he was alive, and all I could do was watch as his cold blue eyes bore into mine with an evil smile spread across his face. "I'll make this simple for ya Leo." He said slowly. "I'll spare your sister's life, if you surrender yours to me. You want to save little Lisa Leo? then meet me in the spare basement beneath the Saint & Sinner's bar in Central City. I believe you still remember the place don't you?" I stifled a low growl of anger again as I looked over at Lisa who just gave me a pleading look which told me not to do it. "Is this fruitcup for real?" Mick asked leaning toward me so that only I would hear him. "He must be out of his mind to ask something like that. He's playing with your sister's life." "So What's it going to be Leo?" Lewis asked as his blue eyes sparked with evil intentions. "Your life? or your sister's?"

I turned away from the moniter and began making my way to front of the ship, with Mick's voice calling out, "Hey, Where do you think your going?" "To save Lisa." I replied quickly not even bothering to turn around. "Where did you think I was going?" I heaved a sigh of frustration when I felt a hand on my arm and turned around to realize it was of course Mick who was giving me a rather pitful but yet concerned look. "You can't face him by yourself Len." He said softly. "He's dangerous." I shook my arm away from Mick and replied, "Well I can't just sit around and wait for him to kill my sister. I have to save her." "Well you can't go out there without us." I heard Jax say as he looked over at Stien who nodded in response as I shook my head.

"This is something I have to do alone. My sister's safety is my responsibility." "But Leonard we're a team." I heard Kendra's voice this time and fought the urge not to lash out in anger. My sister's life was on the line, and now was the time for arguing. "I'm afraid their right Mr. Snart." This time it was Rip's voice speaking now as I rolled my eyes in his direction. "Look, I appreciate the fact that you all want to help, but like I said this is my responsibility. You have your issues with Savage killing your wife and son, and I've got my own personal issues with my father who will kill my sister if I don't save her by myself."

And with that I turned around and headed off in the direction toward the front of the ship, when I felt Mick's hand on my shoulder again. "Mick, I've already told you, this is my responsibility. I know you want to help but-" "Len, he's setting up a trap for you." He said cutting me off. "You know that right? He's using your sister as bait so that he can get you in his clutches." I rolled my eyes and heaved a sigh while leaning against the side of the ship as a wave of sudden dizziness swept over me but I ignored it. "Come on Len, this guy is a psychopath who will say and do anything to get you back on his side."

"Since when do you care all of a sudden about being a hero or a criminal?" I asked looking at my partner as though he was insane. Mick's eyes filled up with deep concern as he replied in a soft voice, "You know the old saying, don't let your friends drink and drive? Well I guess in this case it should be don't let your friends fight insane psychopaths by themselves." I let out a small laugh and replied, "I'll keep that in mind the next time you decide to take on a psycopath by yourself." "Len, I was being serious, Lisa's like a little sister to me too, and if this guy wants you then he's gonna have to settle for me too. Cause you and me, we're a package deal, you either get both of us to join or it's no deal." I smiled and patted Mick on the shoulder. "I appreciate it Mick, but this isn't one of those times where the package deal of Captain Cold and Heatwave come into play, this time it's just me."

As I made my way toward the jump ship, my thoughts turned to Lisa now as I drew in a shaky breath and called out, "Gideon, can you hear me?" "Yes Mr. Snart." Replied the female robot voice of the ship. "If I don't make it back, tell Mick that I-" I stopped and tried to gather myself together. Don't cry. I thought to myself while drawing in a shaky breath. Don't show any weakness. Keep calm you've got to stay strong. "Mr. Snart?" Gideon's voice broke me out of my thoughts and I shook all the bad thoughts from my brain and replied with a deep breath, "If I don't make it tell Mick to watch out for my sister." I climbed into the jump ship and turned it on. The engine roared to life and I drew in a shaky breath as I felt a single tear roll down my cheek as I brushed it away with the sleeve of my jacket. Sorry Mick. I thought. I can't lose my sister. I drew in a deep breath as the ship rocked it out from the wave rider and I could feel myself free falling through time. Hang on Lisa. I thought. Lenny's coming to get you little sis, just hang on a little longer.

TOO BE CONTINUED...Wow! Talk about intense! I almost didn't finish this chapter due to Leonard's death on Legends of Tomorrow, but hopefully he will somehow be alive again for season 2. Speaking of which, will he sacrifice himself to save his sister? Or will Mick and the others manage to save them both before it's too late? Stay tuned to find out more. Hope you enjoyed and as always please review!