A/N: Um…well…the only story that I made that broke ground in a category last time was Awake and Alive, a male human and female raptor Jurassic Park fic. And you know by the sound of things from this and what the images are going around the game so…take a guess.



They could only take so much. A mind control? Simple, shoot them in the head. Lancers? Shoot them in the head. Snoring from their teammate? A gun butt to the head.


"OW!" Wolf yells as he rubs his head and looks to the offender, Owl, their lead sharpshooter, cleaning her rifle butt. "The hell?! I was having a good dream."

"You were interrupting Central." She said trying to get his sweat off the padding.

"As I was saying, this mission is a sabotage. Take out the enemy transmitter and EVAC out of there. Gather anything you can. The commander needs some supplies so you can have those nanosuits you all want. And this is a dark incursion, so watch your step. Resistance reports new contacts that they say use to be Thin Men, patrolling around the streets." Central reports.

"Bloody hell." Catfish, their support and oldest member of the squad since the original invasion, said as he turns his small minigun to check to see if it spins well. "I hated Thin Men before and I'm going to hate it now."

"Don't we all." Tek, their specialist, said as her little GREMLIN friend seems to wave its tiny arms at them in agreement.

Wolf groans as he leans back in his seat and closes his eyes. "Wake me when we get there." He said before the lights in their airship turned red. "Fuck."

"How the heck do we know where to go?" Tek asks for almost the upteenthed time after only ten missions.

"Central said the commander is leading us somehow, but even they don't know where he is. They said he stayed in one of the towns before heading off and making his own commander center to connect to us." Catfish said running to a wall and looks around it to see civilians going about their daily life.

"Maybe he's on his computer and just chugging some beer while leading us." Wolf quipped as he adjusts his sword straps and the commander tells him to do overwatch, so he did as he was ahead of the whole pack.

"Grow up. The commander will never be like that." Owl said watching their movements from the rooftops.

"I'm serious. I mean, you are watching soldiers on a screen moving to your orders. It only makes sense to chug some beer to it. Maybe take a chug every time we scratch one alien." Wolf said looking over the cover he had and sees the large square ahead full of two patrols and civilians.

"Focus everyone. We need to make a clean mission here. Resistance reports say that the target you are looking for is in one of the buildings around the square. So watch it." Central calls in.

"Owl?" Catfish asks making sure he had a grip on his minigun.

Owl was heard humming a small tune as they see a rifle peeking out over the side of the roof. "Nothing on the right side. Left side is the medical building, but I doubt they would place a good transmitter in there. The one under me is already clear as told by Tek."

"You're welcome." Tek said checking any hacking opportunities.

"And the one ahead across the square is emitting some kind of light and there are more than two satellite dishes on the roof." Owl finishes.

"That's our target building then." Catfish said before they got the message to move around the square. "I like this commander." He said moving around as does everyone else while Tek and Owl tried to stay on the buildings and keep an eye out for them.

"Of course you would. You and him…her…go way back?" Wolf asks as he peeks around the building and notices the path nearby and the street, making him in full view to any curious one.

"Nah. Never met the commander. Though I can tell this one has been around." Catfish said trying to see if any patrols is coming their way.

"We got advent coming your way. Three soldiers. One a Lancer." Owl quickly said.

"Hunker down guys. Let's not spook them just yet." Wolf said trying to see them

"That's a first." Catfish whispered.

"Quiet." Tek hissed as she pushes her flying GREMLIN down out of view from the window.

All the chatter in the radio went quiet as the advents walked past without noticing Catfish nearby behind a hard light wall as he wore red armor and made himself show his back armor more. All they heard from them is mindless chatter they can't make out before they stop at a corner on the square.

"Get behind the bushes. Move low and stay low." Owl said coming back up and watching the square again.

Tek slowly opens the door and heads out while looking both ways before closing it behind her. "Isn't this a bit too easy?" She whispered as she came up behind Wolf.

Wolf scoffs. "Duh. You know the rules." He warns as he takes off his sword to not let it show over the side.

"Can it. We need to get to the transmitter." Catfish said passing them and heading on ahead. "Owl, see anything?"

Owl hums her tune as she looks around. "No. Quiet for you guys."

"Then let's hurry this up." Tek said trying to follow along as they reach the side of the hospital steps. "How the heck are we going to get through this?"

"Run, what else? Can't exactly go around that easily." Catfish said as they got the order to run to the other side.

"I'll tell you when." Owl said watching the patrols.

Catfish hefts his gun over shoulder and grabs a hold of the edge to run. "Wait." Owl said seeing the patrol walk past the steps and waits until they walked past it completely. "Go."

Catfish hefts himself over the side of the stairs and makes a boulder dash to the other end before jumping down and ducking behind the bushes.

"Hold." Owl said watching as Wolf readies himself and keeps watching the patrols for anything. "Go."

Wolf gets himself over the wall and runs as Tek attaches the GREMLIN to her pack and gets ready to run herself. "Hold." Tek held her breath as she clenches her hands. "Go." Owl hissed as she zooms in on a patrol heading their way. Tek growls a bit as she gets up and rushes over before jumping down and laying flat. "Nice job guys."

"Where to now?" Wolf asks only for to receive orders to move onto the building. "Never mind." He said crawling to the building.

They started to try and follow before Catfish holds his arm out and makes them stop as he looks down a path before waving his arm behind him and they move down the side as Catfish kept starting.

"What's up? What do you see?" Owl asks trying to see.

"Thought I saw something. Something…big and long." Catfish said before catching up.

"You sure that isn't yourself?" Wolf asks and makes Catfish get a tick on his forehead.

"Shut up rook." He grumbles as he carefully steps in the door and Tek closes it behind him.

Wolf chuckles. "Oh, I'm not a rook anymore, you should know that."

"Unfortunately, it's not enough training yet." Catfish replies back.

"Guys, just start shooting." Owl said rubbing her head.

They all look to each before shrugging and with Wolf taking out his shotgun, Catfish taking out his minigun, and Tek taking out her assault rifle before they all shoot once or a bit and the transmitter explodes.

"Transmitter down." Catfish said.

"And we stirred up the hornet's nest." Wolf said looking outside.

Owl frowns as she sees all the advent and sectoids converging on the building. "They're all over and I'm being told to hunker down. Sorry guys. Looks like the big guy wants me for a good strike. The only thing I can do is give you a good visual."

"Copy. Do what he says. We can handle it, right?" Catfish said spinning the barrel freely.

"Copy." Tek said letting her GREMLIN fly free and up to the second floor.

Wolfs chuckles as he ties the sword on his back again. "Let them try and get close."

"Be careful what you wish for. You got two lancers out there. Five soldiers. One commander. Two sectoids. Good luck." Owl said as she tried to watch for a flank on her end.

"Copy. Hope the commander has a plan." Catfish said looking to his wrist tablet for anything and marks him as moving and overwatch the area. "I got overwatch." He said moving into position.

Tek looks to hers. "Hackable sensor. Going for it." She said letting her GREMLIN fly off out the back and heads to the sensor before it connects and shows up it can hack it and actually disrupt the alert for reinforcements or give them a few more intel and supplies. "Going for supplies." She said initiating the hack and sees the bar travel along before it just passed the supplies. "Yes!" She cheers and does a fist pump as the sensor goes down and the GREMLIN goes back to her. She smiles as she is told to head up and goes to a building corner.

Wolf scoffs as he peeks out and waits as he gets the order to aim at the sectoid right by the window. "Yeah, got it." He said aiming with his shotgun and fires it and hits the wall but also the sectoid and hurts it, but didn't bring it down. "That's a hit." He calls.

Owl smiles. "Still got more. Don't get cocky."

They all start to duck down and get some scrapes from the laser fire as the aliens and advent shoot into the building.

Hissing emanated from the building as a weapon with a cycling green energy was picked up off the table and a few buttons on the side were pressed with claws from a regular looking yellow scaled hand and made the energy glow brighter and spin faster before it beeps.

A slithering sound then came about as gunshots and energy blasts with the occasional psionic usage came from outside and the door opened to a large snake like creature that had armor along its front and only midsection while having completely covering up the back end of its head down to a tail like plate armor below the torso.

The snake hisses as it looks to the bright flashes and explosion from the courtyard before heading to it carefully. Seeing some advent soldiers coming up to the building in the way, it hisses to them and points inside and they jump through before trying to shoot from the windows on the far end.

The snake snaps its mouth together before slithering up to the side as it sees the insurgents cowering in a building as they try and shoot at its allies in the courtyard. Seeing one with a handle on its back, it aims its head carefully and reels back its long reptilian tongue.

Wolf frowns as he aims and fires at a sectoid getting close and destroys the cover which makes it easier to hit for the others. "Scratch one bogey." He said pumping the shotgun.

Owl frowns as she keeps watching before hearing hissing and sees something over the side of the building in the alley. "Guys, new contact." She harshly whispered as she kept watching.

They all look to where Owl is and sees a large thin figure. "Is that a…Thin Man?" Catfish asks before seeing something came at them and wrap around Wolf.

"What the shit?!" Wolf yells as he was pulled back to where the figure is and struggles before something long and big wraps around him and couldn't make him move. "The fuck…?!" He yells and stops at the sight of a female looking snake alien with its tail wrapped around him tight. "Well that's not fair at all. A double whammy." He said bewildered as he stopped struggling for a bit.

The snake tilts her head as the insurgent stopped trying to get out and his words. 'Double…whammy? Is that something humans say?' She thinks to herself before resuming wrapping Wolf tight.

Wolf yelps and felt the squeeze press on his abdomen. "Hey! Buy me dinner first sexy snake lady." He said grinning a bit as he tried to free his hand.

Now she was really confused. 'Dinner? Dinner? I'm supposed to buy him dinner? Humans make no sense. No wonder we harvest them. They are useless.' She thinks frowning and hisses in his face as Wolf was about to be free.

She then heard crackling from his ear. "Wolf! Move your head!" She heard from it before a loud crack was made after Wolf moved his head and a large hole was made into her wrapped tail that made her hiss painfully and let him go. "You're clear!"

Wolf gives a thumbs up above him as he looks to what he can admit was a good looking alien. Too bad it has to die. "Hey, think command won't mind if we take this one back and treat it to dinner?" He asks chuckling.

"Wolf!" They all yelled.

Wolf keeps chuckling as he takes out his sword and gets ready to swing it down on the alien. The snake hisses warningly before moving its tail out of the way and makes him miss. "You have to be shitting me!" Wolf exclaimed as he jumps back.

The snake hisses harshly as the aliens start to go down in the courtyard now that Owl is in the game as Wolf stared down the snake alien in a showdown.

"Well, it's just you…and me…and your backup…and my backup…let's just call it between you and me." Wolf says correcting himself as he held his sword at the ready.

The snake raises an eyebrow at this one's antics before Wolf brings the sword up again and, acting quickly, grabs a thick branch with the tip of its tail and throws it to her and catches it clawed hands and blocks the blade and smirks and hisses as she tries to stand upright on the best parts of her tail.

Wolf hums as he looks to the branch. "Not bad. Been wanting a sword fight." He said as he starts trying to strike every which way but the snake kept blocking him and moving its body around him while trying to get strikes in herself as the last alien went down in the courtyard and a blue flare was shot into the middle as the team went down and heads to it.

"Wolf! We have to go!" Owl yells as the ropes came down from the Skyranger and they were lifted up and a single rope was left behind.

Wolf frowns as he kept trying to strike and gets blocked at every turn. "Damn snake. Fuck this." He said quickly unhooking a frag grenade and throwing it between them and jumps away as the snake leaps the other way as the explosion happens and takes out a few walls for the building nearby and coils up for another strike but finds him grinning and waving as he was lifted up into the flying transport and takes off in it.

The snake frowns and looks to her tail and sees her orange blood leaking from it and finds it can easily be repaired, but would leave scars before looking to where the Skyranger went. 'This one…may not be so useless after all.' She thinks before looking to the sick in her hands. 'I need a better weapon for this one.' She thinks throwing the stick behind her and slithers off, ignoring the pain in her tail for she was deep in thought.

Wolf laughs and cheers. "Woo! My first sword fight with an alien! I want more." He said as he and the rest of the team were in the research lab as they look over the footage of him fighting the now termed, Viper, in a sword on branch fight.

"Calm down. You could have been killed." Owl said bonking his head and makes him stop.

"Ow." Wolf said holding his head. "You always were the mother hen here. But you have to think, a sword fighting alien. How awesome is that?!" He asks excited at another encounter.

"Which could lead to your death if it came back with a stun lancer." Central said walking in. "What the heck happen Doc?"

Dr. Richard Tygan sighs. "A viper, obviously. But this one certainly picked up skills of sword fighting. Able to hold up to a ranger. Seems we are facing a bigger danger than the regular vipers we may see."

Central then turns to Wolf relaxing in a chair. "Okay jackass. What happened on your end?"

Wolf grins. "Called it a sexy alien. It has boobs by the way. And fought it in a sword to branch fight. Then dropped a frag and run the hell out of there. I'm itching for another encounter with that one."

Central rubs his forehead as the other members of the team shake their heads. "You are injured and will be placed in the infirmary for a bit. No arguing." He said sternly, seeing his reaction. "You'll get your chance to see it, but they will kill it." He said pointing to the others.

Wolf groans. "You have to be kidding…why is there a giant envelope on the screen?" He asks stopping at the sight.

They all look to it and Tygan opens to find it is from the Commander. "Huh. He says, fight her again. And see if you can take it out on a date?" He asks himself reading that.

Wolf grins. "Awesomest Commander ever!"

Central groans along with everyone else in the room except Wolf who was too excited. "You have to be kidding me."

She slithered along again as she walks behind the gene clinic and into the warehouse as some advent soldiers step aside for her as she heads inside and looks to the heavily locked storage cage and enters her personal password before opening it and heads to the far end to where the insurgents' weapons and armor are placed.

She hisses as her tongue slithers out before heading back into her mouth and picks up the chest on the bottom and places it on the nearby table before opening it to the same weapon of the one she faced. 'Now, I can have dinner with him.' She mused to herself as she picks up the sheathed sword and pulls it out to see it mirrored cleaned and sees her reflection. 'Now to find that wretched human.' She thinks before pushing the sword back in with a clack.

Yep. It's that story and I learned my lesson from my first attempt at something like this from Jurassic Park so let's see how far this sort of relationship can go.