
It started out like any normal mission. The Teen Titans had responded to a call that Cinderblock had escaped again and was terrorizing Jump City again. The five heroes had arrived on scene and were battling it out with the large super-villain as usual, and as usual they were just about to take him down when the most unusual thing happened.

"Beast Boy, now!" Robin screamed. Beast Boy morphed into a Tyrannosaurus Rex and lashed out his tail, effectively knocking Cinderblock off of his feat. He landed onto the streets with a loud crash, but then a blinding white light followed, temporarily blinding anyone within that five mile radius.

"What was that?" Cyborg yelled, his hands still hovering by his face.

"Where is friend Beast Boy?" Starfire asked. She was rubbing her eyes in an attempt to dull the ache of the blinding light. "Is he alright?"

"Beast Boy?" Robin called. He was on his feet, stumbling forward as he tried to locate the green shifter.

"Guys, over here!"

The Titans stumbled in the direction of Beast Boy's voice, Cinderblock temporarily forgotten. They found him in an alley near where the goliath villain lay in a disoriented heap, crouched down by something.

Raven made it to him first, her eyes better able to adjust quickly after the mysterious light attack. What caught her attention has the figure by Beast Boy's feet.

It was a girl. A very unconscious girl. A very green unconscious girl.