Disclaimer: I do not own anything. All rights belong to their respective owners.

Tatsumi Port Island

Kirijo Group Building – Mitsuru Kirijo's Office
April 8th 2011, 8.56 PM

Droplets of water are beginning to flow on the window surface as the rain starts falling from the night sky. Despite this, Mitsuru was busy filling out the paper works on her desk. Organizing a major company such as the Kirijo Group is by no means an easy task, yet she managed to handle the corporation for the past year with outstanding performance. It is only a matter of time before the Kirijo Group is firmly secured under her command.

A sudden knocking on the door interrupts the steady pacing Mitsuru had maintained for the last few hours.

"Who is it?" Mitsuru asked.

"It's me, young Mistress. May I please come in?" Said the voice from beyond the door.

After being granted permission, the door opened to an elegant lady with dark purple hair. She is Kikuno Saikawa; her personal maid, childhood friend and trusted companion.

"Young mistress, the night has already fallen. Forgive me if I sound impertinent, but I believe you should go home and rest for tonight."

Mitsuru smiled at her friend. Even though Kikuno is one of the few people who is permitted to call Mitsuru by her first name and without honorifics, she always treated her with care and respect.

"I'm fine, Kikuno. There are only few works to be done left, and I intend to finish it before tomorrow morning."

"In that case, I asked that you allow me to assist you with these matters."

Despite being in the presence of a renowned leader in the business world, Kikuno is able to maintain her position and calm demeanor. A worthy friend indeed.

"Kikuno, I'm very grateful for your offer," Mitsuru looked at her attendant "but I wish to do it by myself. Not because I don't want to rely on you, but because it is my responsibility."

Hearing her reply, Kikuno could only give slightly sad expression to her mistress.

"Are you perhaps still feeling guilty over your friend's passing?" Kikuno asked.

"Perhaps... Kikuno, do you think I could ever atone for the sin of my family? For everything we have brought upon ourselves?"

"I'm afraid I have no rights to decide whether one sin should be forgiven or not," The young maid replied "But I believe doing everything you can to prevent the same mistake is better than lamenting the past we can't change."

"You're right…" Mitsuru sighed to herself "I suppose I still have much to do…"

Kikuno pulled out a blanket from the drawer in the office, before putting it on Mitsuru

"Speaking of which…" said Kikuno to her mistress "I have received new information from our department in Hokkaido, No.2 has just finished her task and is currently on her way returning here."

"I see… I'm glad to hear she's safe. What about the other?" Mitsuru asked.

"No. 4 has yet to give any new report of possible Shadow outbreak, but he had found several potential recruits. I have already finished my investigation on their background should you wish to check them" said Kikuno as she gives Mitsuru her report on the new recruits background check. "No. 5 is currently prepping the assault team to liberate one of our Shadow infested laboratory in Kyoto. They should be able to clear the facility before the week ends."

Hearing not only her friends are doing fine, but also their operations so far have been major successes, Mitsuru can't help but feel relieved.

Just after she had grasped full control of her company, Mitsuru had formed another secret special branch called the Shadow Operatives. On public, this group is known as a new department from Kirijo Group specializing in private security and threat countermeasures. In secret, however, Shadow Operatives was formed in order to combat the ever growing threat of Shadow around the country. The group itself, while new, has achieved several accomplishments which earned them permission from the Prime Minister to cooperate together with the police department. The Shadow Operatives are led by its founding members, ranked where the lower number has higher authority than the other. Nonetheless to say, Mitsuru herself is ranked No. 1, being its creator and supreme leader.

No. 5, Aigis is the last of Anti-Shadow Suppression Weapon android and was also part of Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad or SEES for short during their high school year. Aigis handled most of the field operations while also responsible for training their new recruits. Despite not being human, Aigis is a persona user and a precious companion of her.

No. 4, Akihiko Sanada is another dear friend of Mitsuru since middle school and a police officer stationed in Tokyo, Japan's most populated areas, where he is responsible to gather information for possible Shadow activity as well as recruiting new potential members. He is also part of SEES throughout their high school years.

No. 3, Kikuno Saikawa is vital in providing tactical support for Aigis' operations while also helping both Akihiko and Mitsuru on dealing with the paper works and technical problems that might arise with circumstances. Despite not being persona user, Kikuno is trusted by Mitsuru to handle large part of the group activities.

Mitsuru bit her lips.

No. 2, Hamuko Kirisaki is the special operative of the department. She was both the field leader and second-in-command of SEES. Having the highest authority next to Mitsuru herself, she is allowed to conducts investigations and missions wherever they are. Unlike the other operatives, Hamuko is acting alone thus making it easier for her to do covert operation.

Ever since the incident in Port Island 2 years ago, Mitsuru blames herself and her family over the tragedy they had caused. The creation of the Dark Hour, a hidden time in midnight where only a handful of people were active and Tartarus, a skyscraping tower full of Shadows. The two phenomenon had nearly brought about the end of the world if it weren't due to efforts of SEES in their long year of fighting.

They had won the battle, but not without losing what precious to them.

Mitsuru's father was killed when the SEES advisor Shuji Ikutsuki betrayed them. Shinjiro Aragaki, a personal friend of her and Akihiko, also died protecting one of their young SEES member Ken Amada from a group of rogue Persona user called Strega. Another friend lost his life at the peak of their battle. The love of Hamuko's life. Minato Arisato.

I'm sorry Hamuko…I wish you could meet with him again one day…