Rom's Love Story:

'It's really warm…' the thought crosses her mind.

It's a different kind of warmth, like a warmth of a newborn chick. It's different from Ram's or from her Big Sister. It's also different from Nepean's or from anything that she ever experienced. It's a kind of warmth that is mixed with melancholy and sadness. It's a sadness that is akin to a crying child, a caring crying child.

And seeking this warmth, she holds it tightly. Not wanting to change it but wanting to feel more of it. It was comfortable to keep it close to her, it was familiar, it was nostalgic, it makes her heart beat a little bit more, it gives a sort of happy feeling. And she wouldn't mind holding this warmth for a little bit more…


The first color that she sees is the color of light blue. She's still in a daze, so she hasn't questioned why she sees the color of light blue. But in that daze, she feels really comfortable and warm, maybe that light blue color is the source. And so she snuggles up to that color.

"Mmm…!" like a small kitten, she enjoys it. And by this time, her mind slowly wakes up.

As she snuggles she notices to that light blue color, she notices something. It's breathing. She can feel the rise and fall of a part of this light blue color. And while thinking that, she can also feel the thumps, like beating a small drum in rhythm, that is coming from inside this peculiar color. It also smells, it's not a bad smell. It's familiar to say the least.

As her mind slowly turns all of its gears, she feels a small gust of wind brushing her hair along with some sort of whimper. That feeling and sound came to her in a rhythm, in time with the rise and fall of the light blue object she is snuggling up against.

"Hm…?" she looks up and saw a face.

It has all the features that a face has, eyes closed, navy blue hair, lips slightly open, a nose that calmly breathes in and out. Rom considers for a moment why does this light blue object that she is hugging tightly would have a face. And the answer came in no time at all.

Her face grew red and her heart rate skyrocketed. She can't speak, she can't move. Paralyzed in place, her heart beats like a jackhammer. He's way too close, so close that their skin might touch. Her embarrassment quickly swallowing her, the desire to get away as quickly as possible rises just as quickly. But strangely, something is binding her in place

"Mmm…" and that thing made her closer to him a centimeter more. She finally understood that his arm is in the way.

"Mmmgh…" wanting to put even a little bit of distance, she struggles. But that arm of his is not budging and it keeps on pulling on closer to her.

"Mmg…" she tries moving her leg, thinking that slipping from under the sheets might do the trick.

"Mmnn…" as though the boy knew, one of his leg catches hers, pulling her closer still, her entire body sticking close to him.

"Mm…" now she's in a bind, she can't move. It'd be bad to wake him up, but it would be bad if she's this close to him.

"…" she tries a few more but eventually gave up. The warmth that he excretes is kinda comforting to her. It's nostalgic and yet unfamiliar.

So she prays, from the depths of her heart…

She looks up, peering at his sleeping face. He's breathing is calm, the rise and fall of his stomach area as he breathes is in sync with her own. She can feel his chest thump in a usual rhythm. It's comforting. It's wistful, and yet alien at the same time. It's a very, very nice feeling that it's somehow enjoyable.

Please, please…

"…Mmm…" she succumbs to that enjoyment and snuggles up to him. She puts a little bit of strength in her arms as she pulls, as though seeking every inch of the source of this wonderful feeling she feels.

Even just a second more…

"…It's really warm…"

Don't get out of bed…







Her eyes slowly half openly from her sleep. The scene before her was out of focus, looking around for a moment before setting her eyes onto someone. She rubs her half open eyes, like a newborn baby, and that person's face focuses into view. It was a boy…


"Hey, wake up…" he gently spoke.

It was still early before sunrise. The room they are in have now become dark after leaving the fire with its last of its fuel. The street lights outside keep the room fairly visible. The boy lightly shakes the girl, attempting to lightly shake her sleepiness away.

"Mm…" but the effect on her was the opposite. He watches her eyelids shut slowly returning the girl to the land of dreams.

"Wake up…" with a bit more force, he shakes her again.

"Mmmnn…" as if annoyed being woken up so early, she drowsily rises from her bed in a sitting position.

Her eyes wander around listlessly. Although everything she sees is as clear as it should be, nothing's registering. Rom is not good with waking up. Unlike her sister who is excited for the day after and can't sleep, she, on the other hand, is a like a cat. If she can find something to rest onto, she would sleep deeply in a matter of minutes.

After a short while of mindlessly looking around, her eyes are now wide open. Every object that she sees are now being registered. At first, she doesn't recognize the place as she looks around, but she remembers that they had to take shelter here for the night in an abandoned building.

Slowly she remembers that she had experienced a dream. It wasn't a dream that sad nor happy. Nor is it filled to what she wanted to be when she wants to grow up. It was a dream probably filled with impossible faith. Or probably filled with hopefulness.


But sadly, just like any other dream, it goes away once you wake up. And once she recognizes that it somehow brought a small tinge of pain to her chest to the point that wants to let it out. She doesn't know why that is. But she is absolutely certain it's because of…

"…Something wrong?" the boy asked.

"Hm hmm… I'm fine…" she said.

"…I see…"

"Let's have breakfast now…" he holds up a plastic, the same plastic bag that she brought last night.


Rom sits on the edge on of the bed while the boy gets the things that are inside the plastic bag that she brought last night. What he pulled out was croquettes, fortunately, ants hadn't invaded the plastic bag. It was only last night that they decided to buy their breakfast for today. The croquettes were her idea.

He gave one to her. She isn't a bit surprised that the croquettes aren't hot anymore. The boy sits beside her and started eating his share without waiting for her. She starts eating too as she is already used to such a silent meal with him.

"…Sorry…" she apologizes after she had gulped down her first bite.


"…I guess eating croquettes for breakfast isn't really appealing" she should have brought those meat-over-rice meals from the convenience store.

"…It's fine…"


"…You bought just about enough" it's true. 2 croquettes aren't really going to cut it for the both of them, so she brought 6.



"…It might be my…"

"Mhm…" she knows what his words are, but decided not to hear it. It was something that she can't understand. Her chest hurts every time she is reminded of that fact. She doesn't understand why but she feels like she has to…

…before it's all too late.

After their meal, Rom packs her things and they both left the abandoned apartment building. The sky is still dark. The street lights are lit, illuminating the world void of any other people other than them. The city lights glitter like stars. She follows the boy to a destination unknown to her and to a destination that he knows all too well.

Rom tries to match his pace occasionally going for a short jog. Even though they're both of the same height, he walks much faster than her. It's as if that he wants the stepping noises that he makes be imprinted on the walls of any building that has heard of it. As though carving 'I was here'.

After crossing the intersection, they move forward onto the next intersection and crossed it. They turn left following a long sidewalk. It was an unfamiliar road to her, even though Ram and she always visit Planeptune when they have time and explore more about the city. As such the tall buildings around her seem to stare at her sinisterly. But the boy marches on without any difference, a sign that he's used to these parts of the city. He turns a right on, going into an alley.

After exiting the alley, they cross the towards an intersection. He stops and looks up. Confused, she looks up as well following where his eyes laid. High above them is a metallic arch with the words: "Shopping street".

She looks down on the street. Its buildings aren't as tall like most of Planeptune's buildings. They are more like 2 story buildings. With the street lights on she can see that the street is clear of people and their shutters are closed. The boy doesn't budge; he stares at the street as though he is worried about something.

"…What's wrong…?" she asked.

"I haven't been here… in a long time…"


"…I hope it's still here…" he said. A tone of worry escapes him.

"…It's okay…" she grasps his hand.

"…I'm sure we'll find it" she shows him a smile. It holds different genuine things.

"…Mhm" returning the grasp of that small hand, they both take their step.

The shopping street is empty, considering the time it's no wonder. Their steps echo loudly as it can, as though they're a percussion instrument to the melody. The mild heat of his hand and the silent loud beating of her chest adds to that effect. A happy sort of feeling wells up from within her and also a sad one.

They pass by many closed shops, he looks around his surroundings making sure not to miss a single detail. It is true he hasn't been here since his hospitalization, and he hadn't heard any news regarding this street that caters to general shopping. It might be logical to say that his destination might not be here anymore. But nonetheless, the small warmth that grasps his hand makes him feel relieved. The "everything will be alright" feeling.

It had been a long time since he last felt something like this.

Their long walk came to an end when the boy stops and looks at a house. Rom looks at it as well. It was an ordinary house, not a shop. It's a normal 2 story house that showing its age. Its windows and front door are still intact a sign that no one has defiled the place. Its front lawn is filled with overgrown grass and vines that crawl on the wall.

They take their steps towards the front door and stood there for a moment. The boy takes a moment to stare that the door. It wasn't as though he is nervous nor is he gathering some sort of strength. He's just taking it all in, the front door's condition, the smell of the tall grass.

He opens the door. The inside of the house is dark. Anything that she would have seen is barely visible. Even the street light from the street isn't able to set even a little bit of illumination. He gave himself a moment, staring into the room intently. Remembering how it used to be and embedding what he is seeing.

He walks inside, pulling the girl in. It's dark, really dark. So dark that it hurts her eyes just from trying to make out what's in front of her. She shuts her eyes; her eyes relax from under her eyelids. She grasps that hand tight, putting all her faith to a boy that she doesn't know.

He guides the girl, answering to that clasp hand. They walk on a wooden floor she can tell from how he walks that he too was trying to make out through the dark house. They turn left and walk straight for a short while, then they turn left again. She feels that the hand slightly gained leverage, thinking that he might be on a higher landing than her she raises her foot and moves forward.



Her front foot hits something the unexpectedness made her tilt suddenly. She quickly recovers by slamming her forward foot.


"…Hm mm… I can't see very well"

"…Sorry…" leaving it at that, the boy guides her once more, this time, he is more careful on where she guides her.

Remembering where he is now, the boy follows where his memories lead him. He walks down the hall, his other hand on the wall. The hall was dark, really dark. Unlike where he had been earlier he can hardly make out anything. Thus he can only rely on feeling the wall and ground.

With his outstretched hand, he's fingers bend inwards its tip still feeling a surface, it was a corner. If memory serves him right, they might be at the stairs towards the second floor. He lifted his front foot and slowly hovers it down forward. His foot steps landing on solid flooring much elevated than his back foot.

"…There're stairs here…" he said to his companion.


He climbed the first two steps, before lightly pulling the girl behind her. She slowly lifts her front foot and steps on the first step. Relieved she takes her second step of the stair. The boy guides her again, gently pulling her as they climb the stairs towards the second floor.

Landing on the second floor, it seems that there is quite a bit of illumination.

"…There's a bit of light" he announced.

"…Really?" Rom slowly opened her eyes.

There was a hall, she could see the wall, floor, and ceiling of the second floor. Although it isn't as bright. But it is enough for both of them to see. There are 2 open doors on the right, separated by a night stand. Light peeking from the rooms. And at the end of the hall is another open room, showing its window that watches the outside world.

"…Is that…?"

"…Mhm…" he nods.

They take their steps forward, walking towards the open room at the end of the hall. She takes a peek at the two rooms that they pass by. There was still a bed neatly tucked and a closed dresser. There isn't any dust of the sort, there aren't any holes on the curtains nor are there any evidence of anything broken. Like it was untouched by the passage of time or rather, time had simply stopped for this place. The other room is like that as well.

Reaching the doorway of the room, there isn't at all dust or anything. The window shows that sunrise is about to begin as a thin line of orange appear on the horizon. A bed on the right side; neatly made and clean of anything. A dresser on the left wall; closed, but it felt like it was untouched as well. And a study table right under the window, there aren't dust on it as though they were avoiding it. There's a single book standing on the desk, it's a plain book. No insignia's nor a title. It stands, as though facing the boy. The book remains clean, not a speck of dust on it.

The boy walks towards it, towards the one thing that his parents left him. The girl follows behind, still holding his hand.

Upon reaching the point where he is only within arm's reach, he let's go of her hand. Somehow, his hand felt a bit lonely. With both hands, he stretches them towards the book. His fingers inch closer and closer. It reaches to a point where his skin hair would barely touch.


But he pulled back his hands at the last second.

"…What's wrong?" she asked.

"…I don't know… I want to… but I can't…" he's hesitating. A feeling that he hasn't felt in a long time. That book is what his father gave him, that day on his 9th birthday, a year before that incident. He told his father that he wasn't a reader of sorts but still urged him to keep that book where he would see it when he enters the room.

"…This book is probably sad…"

"…?" he looks at her, dumbfounded by what she said.

"…It's been waiting here, all this time for someone to open it..." probably because she's a reader of books herself…

"…and make someone happy…" that she knows that books convey many colorful words.

"So…" she takes a step towards the book, her small hands reach and grab onto it.

"…let's read it together!" she turns, stretch the book towards him and gave a smile.

"…Ah…" it was this feeling again. The same feeling. The feeling that something is happening. The same feeling that he felt when he met saw that night. What is this feeling called? The memories try to keep up, searching for that word. Searching inside that dull gray world, he searches the meaning of this feeling.

"…Mhm" he nods.

Rom hops onto the edge of the bed. The boy followed suit with her, sitting on the edge of bed right next to her. She takes the book on her lap, and the boy holds the front cover. She puts her hand on top of his, feeling his warmth all over again. With synchronized breathing, they both open the book for the first time.


"…Waaah!" she can't contain her surprise.

There were pictures, a lot of pictures. Turning a page reveals even more. She wondered, how many pictures are there. Both of them turn a page showing them another set of pictures. They turn another page, and then another. But every last page they look at is filled to the brim with pictures. It was an album.

And in every picture, shows a boy with two other people, a man and a woman, most likely his mother and father. In every picture, shows a boy in different situations taken in different moments. One of them shows the boy sitting before a cake, another shows him sitting under a tree, another shows him holding a controller seemingly playing a game, another shows him with some boys and girls and a few other adults with him in the center.

All of them shows a boy with a monotone look, bored and detached. The same boy that she reads stories to. The same boy that is right beside.

The boy looks at the pictures one by one, its pictures that he knows all too well. Nostalgia hits him like a river, remembering all of the events that occurred in detail. How his dad was excited to take pictures, how his mother urged him to make a pose, how his relatives try to sweet talk him to show some sort of emotion, how some of the kids try to get them to play with him. It was all in the past not so long ago, and yet wonders why he remembers them all now.

And as they turn a page, slowly time moves backward. The boy in the picture gets younger and younger, slowly but surely showing emotion. His height gets shorter and shorter, some showing a smile here and there, others show a kid curious about the world around him still in that same bored look. The childlike tendencies appear more and more as they turn.

Some pictures show a kid showing a project before a class, some show a kid eating spaghetti in delight, some shows a kid sickly with his mother nursing him to health, a child lifted by his father high up in the air thinking that he was flying. Moments that he may never remember, moments that he never knew.

And as time goes back, he slowly turns into an infant. His first medicine, his fist milk in glass, his first time walking, his first time eating with a spoon, his first time seeking his mother's embrace, his first time taking a bath with his father. It was all an infant enjoying life filled with love and care, ignorant of everything.

And one more page they turn, and what seems to be the last one, was a mother holding a baby covered in cloth. A red-faced baby, indicating a newborn. Eyes closed and lips shut, as if pouting. His mother holds him in his arms, looking at her child with loving grace. A smile that shows only one emotion and with tears drifting down her eyes. A miraculous moment of when life creates another life, a miraculous moment filled with a heavenly atmosphere, miraculous moments that all the words in the world cannot describe fully, was taken in one picture.

They turn to another page and found no more. The album has shown all of its contents to them. There were no letters attached, not even a word was written here. But it's meaning shows way more than words could ever describe. Its story was clear to the boy as well as to Rom's.

Eventually, they closed the album and stare at nothing in particular. With the album on Rom's lap, she caresses it mindlessly. The boy just stares at the closet opposite of them, taking the story of the album all in. Not a word escapes from their mouth, a comforting silence befalls on them once more.

"…You were right…" he broke the silence.

"…It was a nice a story…"

"…Mhm…" she nods. It was touching. A lovely story that she might never ever come across from other books.

"…Why now…?" she asked.



"…I thought it might be something that I might already know…"


"…get bored of even…"


"…I was probably making excuses…"


Suddenly, without warning, he stands up. He takes a quick look at the window and said:

"…It's almost sunrise…"


"…One more…" he stretched out his hand towards her.

"…Mhm" before taking his hand, she puts the album inside her bag.

Holding each other's hand, they both exited the room and headed for the stairs. They hesitated, seeing that the first floor is still dark but with exchanging a nod they headed down. Upon landing, the boy quickly guides her towards the front door, down the hall, stepping down from their landing, and then to another hall. The trip towards the front door was faster.

Exiting the house, the boy takes one last look at the house. It's time beginning to move once more. He is sure that this is the last time that he would ever see this house again. The girl looks at the house as well, knowing that she will never uncover more of its secrets. She silently gave her thanks for showing her even a peak.

The boy makes a run for it, the girl trailing behind her. He's run was more akin to a light jog but he still kept at it. What is he running from? Or what is he running to? He doesn't know. But he knows it would be worth it. The girl behind her notices it too, it's a moment worth running for.

Even if this place has changed even a little, the streets have not. He remembers how many intersections it takes and which to turn to. He follows his memories, like chasing a ghost of the him that he had forgotten, turning left, turning right, running straight ahead. He didn't mind the slight pain on his chest, the lack of air that he's able to take, he kept on running his legs carrying him in the moment.

Eventually, they've made it to their destination. In front of them is a giant gate that covers the wide 6-way highway road. The gate isn't anything ordinary as well, it uses a solid hologram to making it look like a solid transparent sheet is just hanging there. If one doesn't have pass nor clearance that is done by paying a small fee, one can't get out of the main city. Of course, they can't get some at this time.

"…haa… haa…It's closed…" he said, his bored tone comprehending reality.


"…At this time too…" he knows that he can't get out of the city. That is why he is only able to look at the gate from a distance. Even when he is so close to it, he just can't.

"…Do you want it outside…?" she asked.

"…Mhm… It has to be outside…"

"…Mhm" she nods once.

She let's go of his hand and steps forward. With the heat still lingering on her hand, she conjures up her maces. The boy behind her is a bit astonished, believing that his eyes are deceiving him. She holds her staff with both hands, a little bit of nervousness is dwelling in her.

This might be a crime. When you break important stuff people will get mad. It's common sense. She would always do the right thing because it's the good thing. She won't do anything embarrassing because it's embarrassing. The simplicity of a child's mind full of wonder about the world. But right now, she feels that she wants to do something that she knows is wrong and is not a good thing. She knows that someone would get mad at her. She knows that she would get scolded. So why then? Would she break her own set of rules just for him?

She doesn't know the answer. Her simple thoughts can't comprehend something like that. But right now it's not a bad feeling. It's not a scary feeling. It isn't an embarrassing feeling. Nor is it a guilty feeling. Rather it's a feeling like giving a gift. A happy feeling that seems to sprung from deep inside her like a flower. A feeling that gives her butterflies in her stomach.

She raised her maces. The temperature around her dropped almost instantaneously. Small icicles form and disappear all around her like twinkling stars. A gusts of cold wind rises from where she stands, like a storm is about to be born from where she stands. The ground beneath her glows, a crest forming. She points the blue tip of her maces towards the gate, the surge of power dwelling in her.

"…Arrows of Ice!"


From those sparkling icicles, she fires off a thousand arrows all at the same time. They race through the air, each of their surroundings leaves them almost freezing. Almost stunned, and almost shocked, the boy just watches. And in a single second, they reach their target.


An explosion erupted, its shockwave almost making it hard. A cloud made of water vapor covers the entire area. The cold wind sweeps in on the boy's skin, it's like he was dumped with cold water. The asphalt in between has its surface frozen. She puts down her maces and exhales some air to remove her tension.

"…Let's go...!" she reaches out towards his hand again.

"…The gate…"

"…I… 'opened' it…" she said.

The cloud of water droplets begins to clear, slowly revealing the status of the gate. The solid hologram, which is also slightly translucent, is now gone. The surrounding area around the gate is frozen, even the bars on the side which projects the solid hologram is turned into more akin to an ice sculpture.

"…Mhm" he might not understand. But what he understands is that the gate is open. He can go to that place he's been looking for. From that 13th floor, from that 4th room, he saw it. He can now get to that place.

Returning that small hand's hold, Rom runs ahead pulling the boy with him. Heading off to a world where it is just the two of them. She could not understand what is pushing her to do things for him. The wild thumping of her heart seems to know the answer, swaying between hope and sadness like a pendulum. But like a pendulum, it draws an arc like a smile. The same smile on her face right now.

The main city of Planeptune is near the beach, just a few kilometers in and one can already smell the salt water in the air. It is one of Planeptune's tourist attractions and is the 3rd most favorite all over Gamindustri according to recent magazines. Featuring white sand, clean ocean water void of human waste, a sea life rich of corals and fish and a nice sunset for the romantics.

But at the side of said beach, is a cliff that overlooks the entirety. It doesn't have much popularity, but it has garnered the local's approval for it having a great view of the ocean and the sunrise. Even aspiring photographers have given their recommendations.

They both arrive at the cliff. The sky above them is split in three, a dark blue sky behind them, a blue sky blue above and a clear shade of golden orange slowly growing from the horizon. The color of the sea is dark. The wind blows to the right, the grass below them bends. The clouds overhead move gently.

There isn't anything on the cliff, it's a just a cliff near the beach with a patch of grass. The stares at the horizon, taking the scenery in. Swelling his lungs with fresh air, and imprinting the golden orange of the horizon on his retina. The girl does the same, carving the warmth of his hand on her heart. The smell of his shirt, the color of his eyes and hair, the sound of his voice.

"…I never knew of this place…"




'It is what he was looking out to the city for…' she knew what his words was before he could speak it. He had never a stopped searching. A place where it is not at the hospital. A place of his choosing.

She looks at the boy, his navy blue hair swaying with the wind. His eyes focused on the horizon. A boy who is at the same age as her and yet feels infinitely farther from her. Her heart quenched, a sad feeling engulfing her. She wants to help him. But knows that she can't. She can't do anything. She wants to cry, cry at her helplessness, cry at her ever so slowly sinking heart. She wants to help. She wants to cry. Two things that she can't decide to do and can't do as well.



"…Can I hear one more story…?"


Like a string being strung. Or like a drop of water on a dark sea. The dark walls that was slowly covering her stopped. There was something she can do. It was simple one. One that she can do over and over again. She casts away her tears that were about to spill, and looks at the boy. His eyes are gentler now, not bored nor detached.


They both sat on the spot, the grass blades cushion them from the hard crust. She takes her bag from behind, unzipping it to reveal a set of books crammed inside. With the inclusion of the album, the bag is gaining some weight. She peeks at each and every one of her books looking for one that she hasn't read.

'This book…'

Pinched between her index and her thumb was a book that has some papers sticking out. It was a story that she had made upon Miss Neptune's suggestion. While it seems that she had fun making one, telling that story to someone else is a different thing. Embarrassment quickly rising from within her.

"…You're not going to read that one?" he asked.

But even if it's embarrassing, the girl doesn't mind. It was, after all, a story made just for him to hear and no one else's. With a little bit more of courage, she pulls her book out from her bag and rests it on her lap.



"…Don't laugh…"


She opens the book…

There was a land called colorland. It is a land where everything is colored only one color.

The color of the trees are green, right down to the roots. The color of the birds is blue, right down to its beak. Even people is colored only one color.

In colorland, every person is able to paint their color on everything they touch.

It's a colorful land where things and objects change color every time people touch it.

A boy can touch a tree and turn it red. A girl can touch a cat and turn it pink.

Colors change every day, making life at colorland fun and exciting.

And then there was a boy whose color was gray.

Everything that he touches, turns to gray.

Nobody wants to talk to the boy.

Because everything he touches turns into a dull, sad gray.

The boy is always lonely.

Even his day is colored gray.

One day, the boy notices a lamp post as he was walking by.

The lamp post isn't any different from the other lamp posts.

But what's different is its color.

The lamp post's color is like a rainbow.

Changing color right before his very own eyes.

The boy looks at the lamp post with awe, seeing something incredible for the first time in his life.

And looking at the next lamp post, he saw that it was the same.

And the next lamp post is too.

And the next.

He followed and followed. The lamp posts that changes color.

The trail of colored lamps ends. And in front of the boy is the park.

In the middle of the park is a girl.

A girl that is changing colors.

She sits on the sand of the sandbox playing alone.

She hears the boy coming closer to her and looks.

The gray boy and the rainbow colored girl met.

And with a smile from the girl, she asked the boy:

"Would like to play with me?"

The boy nods without a single delay.

And so they play, they play, they play, they play.

They play until the sun comes down and when the sun comes up.

They would always play in the park.

They color the park in shades of gray and color.

One day everyone in colorland notices what they were doing.

And went to see what was going on.

They rainbow colored girl playing with a gray boy.

The young boys and girls all run towards the two wanting to join in their fun.

The girl is excited she has more people to play with now.

They all play, and play, and play.

Play until it gets dark and play when the sun comes up.

Boys and girls all like the girl's color.

But no one likes the boy's color.

No one likes the color gray.

And the gray boy is sad again.

No one wanted to play with him again.

They all only wanted to play with the rainbow colored girl.

But the girl walked to the boy and asked:

"Why aren't you playing?"

"Because no one like the color gray"

"Why do they not like the color grey?"

"Because gray is the color of sad and dull. No one likes sad and dull"

"But I want to play with the color gray"

"Why? I would make you sad and dull"

"Hm mmm…" the girl shakes her head.

"Because the gray colored boy is my first friend"

And the boy looks at the girl.

The rainbow colored girl smiled at him.

And asked:

"Would you like to play with me?"

-The End

She closes the book after she read the last line. The boy stays quiet throughout the whole story telling. The wind started to blow once more, as though they were listening to her story as well. The grass rustles and the waves below smashes against the rocks. A silent melody plays in the background.

The boy was silent and the girl is too. She doesn't bother putting back her book, she's waiting for the boy to speak first.

"…It was nice…"


"…the story…"

"…Mhm" she smiled.

"…What's the title…?"

"…I don't know…"

"…I see…"









"…I'm going…" he stands up and walks ahead of her.

"…Um, wait…" he stops on his tracks, his feet on the edge of the cliff.

"…Um… Ah…" she fumbles with her words. Whatever sentence that she wanted to say was caught on her throat.


"…Ah… th… the album…"


"…Can I keep it…"

"…Mhm... You can…"


The wind blows.

"…And um,…"




"…Can I ask you one more thing…?"


"…Did you had fun…?"

A strong wind blows.

The past few weeks of being together. Just the two of them, as reader and listener. The girl who reads books to a boy she doesn't know, and a boy who listens to a girl he doesn't know. It is a strange, mysterious relationship these two have. A relationship that started on that night, on that night that made something inside them change.

Their story wasn't an epic nor was it something romantic. It wasn't a thrill, it wasn't a mystery, it wasn't a tragedy. It was simply a story of a boy and a girl. No more, no less. It is just a story of two people simply meeting and departing. The world will continue to move on, even when their story ended.

Was it fun…? She asked. The strong wind blows as though it already knows the answer for him. It made him turn to her. Her blue eyes meet hers and hers meets his. His blue hair sway, her brown hair moves with the wind.

And in that strange moment, a distinct, abrupt, framed, a finite moment for her and him, as though their hearts have beaten in sync, he smiled to her, and they both realized something…

"It was!" he said, his usual monotone completely disappearing.

"…" her heart is beating a thousand times a minute. Different kinds of feelings swirl inside her like a torrent.

"It was really fun" just for now, he reverted back to the child he was. The child he is.

"…I…" those swirling emotions…

"…Reading books for you…" becomes a stream…

"…and eating with you…" …and she says all the things that she had kept.

"…I worked hard…"

"…I made sure that you'll be interested…"

"…I made sure that you'll listen to my books…"

"…I want to make sure you had fun…"

"…It was fun for me too…"

"…I was happy making you that book…"

"…I was happy even if we don't talk…"

"…I was happy even when you don't look at me…"

"…I was happy reading you books…"

"…I was happy just thinking about you…"

"…I was happy just being near you…"

"…I was…"



"…I love you"


And the sun flashed before her eyes from behind blinding her for a moment. A strong gust of wind made her look away.

And when she looks forward, he was gone. And what replaced was the view of the ocean and the rising sun.

The wind becomes gentle, as though petting her slowly. Her heart suddenly slows down its beat, her eyes stare out towards the sea as though waiting for something to happen. As though looking for someone that was once there.


A voice spoke behind her. It was a voice that she hadn't heard for quite a while. A voice that she knows all too well.

"…?" she looks behind her. And a girl with a petite figure, dark blue eyes and light brown hair appears before her vision.




"…Y-You…idiot…*hic!* *hic!*!"

Blanc hugs her little sister as though her life depends on it. Kneeling, she hugs her tight as streams of tears fall from her eyes. Rom simply just doesn't say anything, her eyes unfazed even when her sister had embraced her.

"…D-Don't ever, EVER do that again! You idiot! *sob!* *hic!*"

"…Mhm" she mindlessly said.

"…What were you thinking running away like that!?" amidst her big sister's sobs she asked.


And the girl realized.

"…I was…"

The reason why her heart beats wildly every time.

"…I was… *hic*"

The feeling behind her swinging between hope and despair.

"I was…! Uhu! *hic!*"

The feeling behind her anything for that person unconditionally.

"I was…! *hic!* *hic!* *sob!*"

The feeling behind her wanting to be with that boy she never meant.

"*sob!* *hic!*…I was…!"

The meaning of the night that made something happen.


Final Chapter: To where the fairy tales go.

A/N: Finally! Dangit this chapter was hard to construct. Keeping the overall tone while trying NOT to rush this was like a tug of war inside your stomach!

But nonetheless, here's the final chapter.

It was a bit of exciting experiment for me. Keeping the tone of the overall story low and trying to make every chapter interesting. I was aiming for that stage-nana masterpiece but, alas, this is all I can do in my experience with such a genre. Next time I'll do better! I promise on my puddings!

Anyways, Twilightiger1602, here's your OC in the most pessimistic way possible. HAHA I really did butchered this boy, the poor kid.

FUN FACT: His submitted OC is the OPPOSITE of how this story portraited him.

So, as an apology, this whole story is CANON to the overall arching story of my OC. And not a spin-off! Treat this as Love Plus Plus point 5 or something like that.

Would it actually make an impact to my OC's story? Nah, not even a zilch. But for Rom's character development, it will and you'll see the effects of it on future fics.

Anyways its the usual thank yous

To twilightiger1602 thanks for sending your OC man.

Godofmadness reviewed every chapter again!

Jack555Ripper for being the first guy to review this.

And to the rest that PM'd and reviewed and said this fic is awesome!
Thank you and good reading.

PS: New poll coming out.