He hated the scent of hospital.
More than that, he hated being weak. He hated himself for being a pain for them. He wanted to get out, to walk ever so normally and tell them that he's alright and they don't need to worry about him anymore. But as he tried to move his body, a sudden flash of pain struck his body. He gripped the railing of his bed as he hissed with pain.
He gritted his teeth tightly so that he wouldn't scream. The pain slowly subdue to nothing. Oz sighed in relieve and let his body rest again to the bed. He stared at the white ceiling, wondering if what he did before is wrong or right. He vividly remember Gilbert panickly calling out to him and Alice crying face stared right to him.
'How could you Oz?' She said ever so quietly. It sends shiver through his spine. He never meant to make her cry, he'll do anything to make those tears never appear on those purple eyes. But... The reason why she cried was always because of him. Gil too. He caused them nothing but worry and pain.
"Oz!" The door busted open, revealing Gilbert and Alice who entered in panic. They immidiately circle Oz in a tight hug. Alice rested her face on the crook of his neck while Gilbert on top of his head.
"I'm sorry Alice, Gil. I... I... I always causes you guys trouble and... and... I... I have no right to stay with you guys again and wa-"
"STOP BLAMING YOURSELF!" They both yelled, tears visible on their eyes. Their hug become tighter and Oz become even more pitiful as time passes.
"It's my fault Oz. I can't protect you well enough. I'm the worst servant. I'm not even worthy to look upon your face again. I failed you" Gil ranted. His tears fall even faster than him and Alice.
"No Gil... It's my fault. I..."
"Geez, stop blaming yourself already. You too seaweed head. It's clearly no one fault. We never expected it to be there. In the worst place and time possible" Alice explained, she somehow found her voice becoming calmer faster than two of her companion. Oz and Gilbert can only stared at her as her explanation dawned on them The three laughed.
Now fairly happy with their conclusion. Their grip tighten around each other and they smile to each other.
"Next time we'll work together and make it even better than now" Gil explained as a wide smile spreaded on his tears stained face.
"Yes, we'll be the best team out th- ouchh" Oz yelped in pain. Just because he's too happy to notice the pain that has been lingering on his body ever since the two hugging him.
"I'm sorry Oz!" "Oz! OZ! Tell me where it hurts!?"
"No, I'm okay you kno- aww"
"WE'RE SORRY OZ!" And so it continues until Sharon and Break cut off the happy confrontation with tea and sweets