Furious Justice

A Fast and the Furious fanfiction which takes place directly after Fast-Five. Slight crossover with the old 90s martial arts "Martial Law" film series. I do not own any of the characters from either franchise. This is just a fanfiction for fun and entertainment.

Chapter 1:

He expected for his first day on the job to be interesting but nothing quite prepared Orson Willard for what he was about to encounter. He stepped through the front doors of the Los Angeles headquarters building of the Federal Bureau of Investigations, noting the great seal of the organization emblazoned on the floor as he strode toward the elevators. Switching his briefcase from his right to left hand, he was about to press the call button for the elevator when he heard a voice call his name.

"Special Agent Willard?" The voice said, making him turn around. The voice belonged to a man much older than Orson's own twenty-eight years. The man extended his hand and Orson shook it. "I'm Special Agent Branford, nice to meet you. Did you have any trouble finding the place?"

"No, I didn't sir. Kind of hard to miss it." Orson replied.

Branford smiled and pressed the call button for Orson. "Yeah, its a pretty big place I have to admit."

Orson had to admit that he found it curious that somebody would be waiting to greet him in the lobby. Maybe that's just how they do things in the FBI. Maybe people here are just nice He thought to himself. Before he could put his question into words, Branford spoke as they stepped into the elevator.

"I know you were hoping to get yourself set up and situated but Special Agent in Charge (SAC) Dunning wants to speak with you immediately."

A million questions and scenarios flooded Orson's mind at Branford's words. Why does the SAC want to see me? Did I do something wrong? I just got here! He decided to calm himself down. Orson learned a long time ago not to jump to conclusions or to make suppositions. All it did was blow things out of proportion or make things worse than they already were. Instead he nodded and shut his mouth. Branford nodded in return as if in satisfaction in Orson's choice of response.

Soon they were in front of the oak door of SAC. Orson noted that there was a faint woody smell coming from it; the door looked oak so he thought that made sense. The whole office he noticed, had a sterile smell and feel to it, much unlike the police stations that he was used to. Branford sharply knocked on the door twice and a clear voice that said, "Enter!" was the response.

A tall, rangy, gray haired man stood from behind a gigantic desk as Orson and Branford entered the office; Branford shut the door behind them. "Agent Willard? I'm SAC Dunning, pleased to meet you." He said as he extended his hand. Orson took the offered hand and was then directed to a seat. Branford sat down next to him but not before Dunning sat down first.

Dunning produced a manila file folder and opened it up. "I've been going over your file, Agent Willard. You've had a very impressive career," He began. "Five years with the L.A.P.D. Two of those years working patrol before being transferred to the Anti-Gang Task force where you served with distinction. You even did a stint in...'Martial Law?' What's that"

Smiling Orson said, "It was a program that the L.A.P.D. started, to work on enhancing police officers hand to hand skills. Sean...I mean Lieutenant Thompson and Detective Sergeant Billie Blake started the program, them being experts in martial arts themselves."

"Ah..." Dunning said, nodding. His finger traced down the file which notated and confirmed Orson's story. "Says here you're no slouch in that department. You hold black-belts in Shotokan Karate and Judo, a fifth and a third degree respectively." Again he nodded this time, impressed with what he read. "Then you transferred to Internal Affairs."

He paused and looked up at the person he was reading about. "Not a lot of people willingly transfer to IA, especially when they were having so stellar of a career where they were at. According to the files, another year and you would have easily made Detective Sergeant. Yet you asked for a transfer to IA, why?"

Orson felt himself shift uncomfortably, not from the question but from under Dunning's withering gaze. "Sir, I've never had a particular liking for bad cops. I felt that IA was the place where I could best serve my community."

The boss nodded slightly in agreement. "Indeed. It says here that shortly after you transferred there, you put away four of the seven members of your former task force. The cases were airtight too, apparently there was a lot of corruption in that unit. I have to ask, Agent Willard, was it personal?"

There was a pause as Orson pondered how he should answer the question. In the end he decided that honesty was the best policy. "I'd be lying if I said that there wasn't some personal feelings involved in those busts. But that wasn't what motivated my intentions for the arrests. The unit had been skimming off the drug money they captured and even murdered somebody, making it look like a good shoot."

"Well because of your efforts, 55 convictions were overturned and over four- million dollars of restitution was paid to the families of those incarcerated by the dirty cops. I can't imagine that you were very well liked after that."

"I didn't do the job to be liked, I did the job because it needed to be done." Orson replied, feeling a little defensive.

Again the boss nodded. "It also says here that you even slapped the cuffs on your father. Your father was a cop and he'd been collecting protection money. It seems like you squandered any good will that you might've had with the department. I guess that's why you transferred over to the FBI right?"

"With all due respect sir, where is this going exactly?" Orson said. He didn't mean to lose his patience, he really didn't, but he didn't join the FBI to be grilled on his past deeds.

At first, Dunning stopped dead in his tracks, stunned. He sat down the file and looked intently at Orson, then he grinned. "I'm sorry, son. I didn't want to give you the third degree but I wanted to know what I was dealing with." Orson looked puzzled at the SAC's response but said nothing. "I had to know if you were as tough and incorruptible as your file said you were, now I know because I can see it. I just had to make sure. "You like putting away the bad guys don't you?"

Nodding Orson replied, "Yes sir, I do. I don't like the guys who 'get away with it.' I'll take them down when I can."

"That's why you're perfect for this job." Dunning said as he closed Orson's file and set it down. He picked up another file and slid it toward the young agent. "Are you familiar with the Toretto case?"

Thumbing through the file, Orson nodded his head as he studied the information. The case was legendary in law enforcement circles. It had started out as a joint FBI/LAPD task force on hijackings. An undercover cop named Brian O'Conner was sent to infiltrate the hijacking ring but he let the leader of the gang, Dominic Toretto, go for unknown reasons.

After being drummed out of the police, O'Conner absconding to Miami to avoid his own arrest, he was offered a deal to get his crimes expunged by cooperating with another joint federal agency task force. He helped to nab a major drug lord and was offered a spot on the FBI. He was supposed to infiltrate the organization of yet another drug lord but encountered Toretto again. The mission was a success and Toretto was apprehended for his past crimes. For reasons that could only be explained due to friendship, O'Conner helped Toretto escape incarceration.

A Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) Agent named Lucas Hobbs was sent to arrest Toretto and O'Conner and tracked them down to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on suspicion that the two fugitives had killed undercover Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) agents. Hobbs failed to arrest Toretto and O'Conner but managed to uncover the real killers. The crew was last seen in Los Angeles after being offered immunity for their help in taking down a ruthless British gangster named Owen Shaw.

"I thought this case was closed sir?" Orson said after closing the file folder. "Hobbes cut Toretto, O'Conner, and the rest of the crew an immunity deal after the England caper. Why the renewed interest if I may ask?"

"Immunity for their past crimes involving the hijack, yes. Not immunity for willful destruction of property and manslaughter." Dunning replied.

"Come again sir?"

"In Brazil, Toretto and O'Conner stole a fifty-ton bank vault and dragged it through the streets of Rio. The feat was remarkable in of itself, but at those speeds with that kind of mass, it was a destructive weapon. Turn to page 81 if you'd please."

Doing as he was instructed, Orson turned to the page and saw the photos of the rampant destruction left in crew's wake. He let out a low whistle as he flipped through the photos. "Wow." was all he could say. "Wait a minute, you said manslaughter?" said Orson, the phrase dawning on him.

"That's right, Willard. During their 'jaunt,' they used that safe as a wrecking ball, destroying all sorts of property in the process. This included a bank where local patrons were there cashing their checks of all things. Seven were killed when that safe smashed through the bank building. I won't even go into the body count of the cops that they killed."

"Wait a minute, they killed cops too?" Orson replied incredulously.

"Yes, yes they did. We can't speak to whether or not that these cops were good cops or corrupt cops as Rio has a horrible history of corruption within their law enforcement agencies. But, the fact remains that they killed a bunch of cops with their antics. Let's say that most of the cops had it coming, can anybody really expect to believe that all of them were bad cops?"

Closing the file, Orson sat back stunned, trying to absorb all he heard and read. "I didn't know about any of this sir."

"Of course you didn't. This was classified as a federal matter once the Rio caper was finished. The Brazilian federal agencies have issued an arrest warrant for Toretto, O'Conner and the rest of the crew. I want you to go down to Brazil and investigate the allegations first hand."

With a grim nod, Orson placed the file under the crook of his arm. "Yes sir, I'll do my best. But I do have to ask, why me? I'm just a rookie."

"You're new to the FBI yes, but you're no rookie. Your experience as an investigator with IA I feel is a great asset."

The phrase struck Orson as curious. "You must have hundreds of investigators that are probably more qualified than me sir. I find it curious that you highlighted my IA experience, why?"

"You're sharp, just as sharp as your file indicated you were." Dunning answered. "I have a strong reason to believe that Hobbs didn't just 'lose' them in Rio. I think he let them go. If that's the case, then Hobbs is just as big of a suspect as O'Conner was when he let Toretto go all those years ago. I want you to investigate the whole thing, get all the evidence you can. If the evidence supports an arrest warrant, we go after the Toretto crew."

Orson stood up, smoothing out his crisp, blue suit. "Again sir, I'll give it my all. If there's any evidence to support these charges, I'll find it."