The next afternoon, Drake and Josh were working as bellboys in the lobby.

"I can't believe Mr. Moseby's having us work as bellboys to pay off the damages to the vent," Drake said.

"Hey, at least he didn't make you unclog the toilets," Zack said, "That's a nightmare, especially in Woody's room!"

"Hurtful!" Woody exclaimed. Suddenly, a familiar figure to Drake and Josh walked in the hotel.

"Mrs. Hayfer?" Josh asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same question Josh," she replied, "and I hate you, Drake."

"I know," Drake said.

"Hey Drake, Josh," Helen said, "After last night's fiasco, Marion needed some time off, so I convinced him to let me be temporary manager for the day."

"That's great, Helen!" Josh said.

"Well, what are you two standing around for?" she asked, "Take her bags!"

"Yes ma'am!" they replied.

"I brought in some extra help from back home," Helen said, "Say hello to Crazy Steve!"

"COCKADOODLE DOO! THE COW SAYS MOO!" Crazy Steve came in yelling.

"Oh no!" Drake and Josh groaned.

"And tonight's movie night here at the Tipton, so Josh, you're in charge of popcorn." Helen said.

"You need me to do anything, Helen?" Cody asked.

"Yeah, just stand there and look adorable!" Helen said. Suddenly, Bailey walked in.

"Bailey, you're back!" Cody said. "How was Kettlecorn!"

"Cody, I missed you!" Bailey said, giving him a hug, "It was nice to be home again, until Moose fell in the feeding trough and the hogs almost tromped him to death."

"If only…" Cody sighed.

"What?" Bailey asked.

"Nothing," Cody said, "Anyway, they're showing a movie tonight, wanna join me?"

"Sure," Bailey said, "I'm sure it'll be fun!"

Later, at the movie showing…

"Y'know, honey," Walter said, "Even though Weathercon was a complete disaster and the boys had to work to pay off damages to the hotel, this turned out to be a pretty nice vacation!"

"I agree!" Audrey said, as she kissed him on the cheek.

"Here's your popcorn!" Josh said, giving a bag to a guest, "Enjoy the movie."

"Hey Josh," Zack asked, "What's playing anyway?"

"I'm not sure," Josh said, "I think it's The Creature that ate Manhattan or something."

The projector started rolling, and suddenly, to Josh's horror on the screen was a video of him playing in the bathtub.

"HO! HO! HO! MERRY BATHTUB!" Josh shouted on video. The audience burst into hysterical laughter. Walter and Audrey were in shock.

"Megan!" Josh sneered, "You'll pay for this!" Josh spied her and ran after her.

The next morning, Drake, Josh and their family were getting ready to leave.

"Man that sure was some funny stuff last night!" Zack giggled, "Merry Bathtub! Ha, ha, ha!"

"Well, good day to you!" Josh shouted angrily.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Zack said.

"Well, Josh," Drake said, "This trip didn't turn out exactly like we planned, and Megan made fools of us, but we had a pretty sweet time and met some awesome people like Zack and Cody."

"And London and Maddie!" Josh said.

"I'll never forget you, Drake!" London said.

"Nor I you, London!" Drake said, as they held hands. Suddenly, she got a text on her cell phone.

"Ooo, a cruise on my friend Chelsea's private yacht!" London said, "Later losers!"

"Can I come?" Maddie asked.

"Ok, fine!" London said.

"Y'know Drake, I'm glad we could come on this vacation even though I was made the laughing stock of Boston at the end," Josh said.

"Me too, Josh!" Drake said.

"HUG ME, BROTHA!" Josh shouted, as he and Drake embraced.

"HUG ME, BROTHA!" Zack shouted to Cody.

"No thanks," Cody said.

"Don't worry Zack," Bailey said, "I've got it covered!"

"We're gonna miss you guys," Cody said, as he walked up to Drake and Josh, "minus Megan though!"

"I heard that!" Megan shouted.

"We'll miss you too, dudes." Drake said, "but if you're ever in San Diego, look us up sometime. We should hang out."

"Sounds sweet!" Zack said.

"You two sure have a pretty sweet life here!" Drake said.


"Except for the occasional Moseby meltdown." Zack said.

"Occasional?" Cody said, "More like every day."

"HEY, WHO ATE MY ENCHALADA?" Crazy Steve burst in yelling.

"Uh, Crazy Steve, he told me not to say anything, but I'm terrible with secrets," Zack said, "Moseby ate it."

"Zack!" Moseby said, as walked into the lobby, "I've had just about enough of—oh dear!" Crazy Steve rushed at him with full force, tackling him to the ground.

"Well, I guess I was wrong," Zack said, "you didn't eat it!"