June 11th


"This is it…" Ally sighed and examined herself in the full-length mirror. "This is the one."

She turned around slowly, letting the flowy material of the dress trail behind her. She met a variety of awestruck gazes, all which matched hers when she first saw herself in the dress. This was the fifth dress she'd tried on, and it looks like the fifth time was the charm. The dress was just so, Ally.

"Ally." Trish smiled and covered her mouth in awe. "It's perfect! You look amazing!" Penny, Mimi, Carrie, and Kira all nodded in agreement.

Ally smiled brightly and turned around again to get another glimpse at her dress. It was the proper length of a wedding dress, not too short and not super long. It wasn't a complete white, more like an eggshell shade, which complimented her light skin. The satin material flowed naturally off her hips like a princess gown, but without the overly puffiness. The bodice hugged her waistline and showed off her slim body. The bodice with cinched and decorated with simple diamond swirls. It had a sweetheart neckline, but sheer laced sleeves kept the dress modest. It was simple and beautiful, just like Ally.

"Oh!" Mimi clasped her hands together in excitement. "I just know Austin will love it! He won't be able to keep his hands off of you!"

Ally slightly blushed, deciding not to mention her and Austin's non-sexual habits. "Yup. Greaty-great-great! So this dress is definitely the one. Now all we need to do is figure out decorations, bridesmaid dresses, and cake."

"What about the venue?" Kira asked.

Ally smiled. "Austin and I decided that we wanted our wedding at the beach. For the longest time, I hated the beach, but he helped me realize all the reasons to love it. And he loves the beach, so I want to have our wedding there."

"Awe!" Kira gushed. "That's so romantic! Crashing waves, beautiful sunsets, and warm weather? It all sounds so perfect."

Ally nodded as Kira sat in one of the bridal shop's chairs. She was glad that her and Kira could remain close friends, even through all the drama with dating Austin. Kira harbored no hard feelings, even if she had done some things with him. It was in the past, and she was happy to move on and let Austin and Ally live their lives together.

Trish crinkled her nose up at the overly-romantic descriptions. "Ugh, I beg to differ. Pesky seagulls, the smell of fish, and abundance of sand? I personally would rather have my wedding at a castle, or a beautiful, expensive hotel," She sighed. "But I'm happy for you, Ally, and I'm supportive of anything you want on your special day."

"Thanks Trish," Ally hugged her maid of honor, trying not to wrinkle the dress.

"I say we go out to celebrate!" Penny suggested.

"Yes!" Carrie agreed. "Nothing says celebrate like a new dress and peanut butter!"

Everyone turned to Carrie with strange glances.

"What does peanut butter have to do with anything?" Ally asked.

"Oh it doesn't!" Carrie smiled. "I just love peanut butter!"


After a night of fine wine and pizza at Mimi's house, Ally finally got back home. She had decided to leave her dress with Kira, because it had less of a chance of it getting ruined or Austin seeing it. The house seemed dark and the shades were pulled down, but Austin's car was in the driveway. She came inside quietly. It was completely silent until…


She heard the loud yell followed by a girlish shriek. She jumped and ran to the basement as the noise continued.

"Austin! Austin are you-" She ran down the stairs and stopped in her tracks to see Dez jumping up and down in a celebratory manner on the couch and Austin sulking on the bean bag chair.

Dez stopped his victory dance as he saw Ally. He paused and scratched his head awkwardly. "Oh hey… Ally…" He immediately jumped off of their nice leather couch.

"What's going on?!" Ally asked. "I heard yelling and shrieking…"

"Oh yeah, that. That was because I totally beat Austin's high score at Zaliens Five! Woo!" Dez high fived himself and Austin rolled his eyes from the chair.

"You were just lucky!" He fired back.

Dez narrowed his eyes. "Oh yeah? Lucky five times in a row?"

"Dez." Ally them off before an argument was started. "It's nearly midnight, shouldn't you be getting home to your wife?"

"My wife?" Dez repeated.


Dez face lit up in realization. "Oh yeah, Carrie is my wife! I still can't get used to it." He grabbed his keys from the table and walked over to Austin, who seemed to get over his sore loser attitude. "See you tomorrow, Buddy."

"Actually, tomorrow Ally and I have to go to the bakery and decide on a cake." Austin said.

Dez's face fell. "Oh.. right.. That makes sense… going to a professional to get a wedding cake because you guys are famous and all… Even though you personally know someone who will make a wedding cake for free…" He led on.

"You?" Ally asked.

"Uh, duh! I said for free. I couldn't have been talking about Trish."

Ally smiled. "We'll think about it, Dez. We'll call you tomorrow."

Dez sighed. "Alright." He turned to Austin again. "Catch you later, Buddy." They did their 'what-up' handshake and Dez went upstairs.

Ally took a deep breath and plopped on the couch, close to Austin. "What a day… but I finally found a dress."

Austin chuckled. "Took you long enough. We all got our tuxes fitted a month ago." He turned to her. "So when can I see it?"

"On our wedding day." She answered simply.

He grinned. "But I can see it before then, right?"

She giggled. "No! It's bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her dress before the wedding day. It's the rules."

He leaned in so their noses were touching. "But I'm notorious for breaking the rules."

She teased him with a slight peck on the lips. "And I am not." She grabbed his hand. "C'mon, it's late. You guys gave me quite a scare."

He followed her up the stairs. "Don't worry, it won't happen again." They reached the top and he went to close the door behind them as Ally made her way into the kitchen. "Mostly because Dez won't beat me again."

"In your dreams."

"AH!" Ally shrieked and put a hand on her chest, as Austin ran in to see what was going on, he was met by the sight of Dez sitting at the kitchen table, eating a spoonful of peanut butter.

"Dez!" He yelled. "What are you still doing here and why do you have a jar of peanut butter?!"

"What?" Dez replied innocently. "It's midnight, I'm eating my midnight snack. Also, I love peanut butter." He said it as if it was obvious.

Ally loved Dez, but right now, she was angry. "Get out. We'll discuss the cake thing tomorrow." She literally dragged Dez to the front door and pushed him out. "Good night Dez." She shut the door and locked it.

"But what about my peanut butter?!" He called through the door.


The next morning, Austin and Ally were up bright and early, ready to go cake testing and to make reservations for the reception hall. It was only half past eleven when the duo left towards the city.

"I have a feeling I'm going to like this part of the wedding planning." Austin grinned, thinking about all the desserts that he would sample. "I mean, how often do you get dessert for breakfast?"

Ally rolled her eyes. "Austin, you eat pancakes every morning… that can be considered a cake in itself."

"Yeah, but it's like a breakfast cake, and it's not as sugary."

She giggled. "You top it with butter, chocolate chips, syrup, strawberries, whipped cream, and pretty much any sugary topping that can go on a stack of pancakes. But I'm glad you're excited. If we don't find what we are looking for, I'll give Dez a chance."

He turned to her. "I know that you are worried about him ruining the wedding. Sure, he's done some crazy and irresponsible things in the past, but it's been years. We are more mature."

Ally chuckled, unsure if she could believe it. Though Dez was still hyper and .. well Dez.. she couldn't help but think of what could happen at her wedding. She saw what happened at Trish's Quinceanera and her party after getting over her stage fright. She would just have to trust him.

Miami had many different bakeries, but Austin and Ally were only visiting the most well-known ones. This included Bonnie's Bakery, The Cake & Cookie Company, Sweets and Treats, and the Florida Cakes and other Bakes. They had a lot of stops and decisions to make, but it was all part of the wedding process.

The first stop was Bonnie's Bakery, because it was right inside Miami Mall. Ally was pretty familiar with the store, because Trish had worked here for two in a half days and Ally covered her shift on the first day. The bakery was very small, but it was family owned. They had all sorts of cookies, cupcakes, truffles, and chocolate covered fruits on display, but they didn't see anything that really stood out.

The Cake & Cookie Company was probably the most popular. People came to this spot when they need their birthday and celebration cakes. The bakery was most well known for their elegant cakes and delicious cookies. It was in downtown Miami, so Ally quickly found a place to park and they headed inside. They had a cozy appeal with yellow furniture and tables, and a giant display of elegant cookies, cakes, and cookie cakes. Austin wanted to try the triple chocolate cake, but Ally found it too rich for her taste. She picked out a lemon creme cake, but Austin didn't enjoy the taste, so they moved on.

Sweets and Treats was designed for smaller stuff. They specialized in cupcakes of every sort, chocolate covered fruits, macaroons, cookies, and tarts. They also had an entire section that was basically a candy store, which Austin marveled at. Although they weren't able to get a cake, they were able to put together goody packages for the guests and they found some delicious treats for their dessert table.

Florida Cakes and Other Bakes was their final stop. This shop was known for it's wonderful cakes, which are specifically designed for any occasion. Austin and Ally headed in, not surprised at the size and elegance of the bakery. It was designed like a castle, and the inside was filled was displays of chocolates, caramels, cakes, cupcakes, fruits, shortbreads, gingerbreads, and home made candy and fudge. Both of them were reminded of Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. The bakery was every child's dream, and Austin and Ally were both excited for what was to come.

As they looked around and marveled at the bakery, a young woman about their age skipped up to them. " Austin and Ally?"

Austin and Ally turned on instinct, thinking that it was a fan who wanted an autograph. However, they would recognize that cheery voice anywhere. The girl had long blonde hair that was pulled into a bun. She wore and lace blouse and a flowy ebony skirt. Her eyes were the brightest shade of blue and her smile was very dazzling.

"Oh my gosh…" Ally took a closer look. "Kimmy the cheerleader?"

Her smile only grew. "The one and only!"

Austin looked surprised. Neither of them has seen Kimmy or any of their old acquaintances since graduation. "Kimmy, it's good to see you. We didn't know you worked here."

She laughed. "I've worked here since I was fourteen. This is my family business."

Ally's eyes widened. "Seriously? Your family owns the most famous bakery in the state?"

She nodded. "Yeah, I thought you knew. I was always baking sugar free cookies and cupcakes for school events. Anyways, what can I help you with?"

"We're actually here for a cake tasting appointment." Austin answered. "We are getting married soon."

Kimmy nodded. "Oh yeah, that's right. Everyone knows. She pulled out a clipboard from the front podium and flipped through it. "Hmm.. I'm not seeing you guys on here."

Ally sighed. "Yeah, it's under Monica and Edgar. We put it under our middle names to avoid paparazzi."

"Oh, that's a great idea!" She put her hand on Austin's arm. "Austin, I had no idea your middle name was Edgar! That's so cute!"

Ally grinned slyly, "Well actually, he-"

Austin blushed hard and covered her mouth. "Why are we just sitting here chatting? Let's eat some cake!"

Kimmy gave them a confused look. "You two haven't changed. Follow me."

Kimmy led them into a private room with a comfortable tasting table. She handed them a binder. "Here are some ideas for flavors and designs. I'll be right back."

As Kimmy left the room, Austin and Ally started looking through the binder. They were greeted with many cake flavors. Chocolate, marble, white chocolate, vanilla, strawberry, cream cheese, red velvet, cake batter, and so much more. The designs were even better. Florida Cakes and Other Bakes specialized in custom made cakes. So Austin and Ally could come up with any idea, sketch it, and they would make it a reality. Ally wanted a traditional, tiered, vanilla wedding cake. However, Austin wanted something unique and fun. He pointed out cakes with colored fondant, cakes with edible pearls and flowers, and cakes that didn't even look like cakes. None of them caught Ally's eye. Some impressed Ally and some impressed Austin. None impressed both.

Kimmy returned with some basic cake samples. After trying a variety of flavors, the duo decided to go with white chocolate. They loved the flavor, but they couldn't decide on the appearance.

"So, is there any specific theme of the wedding?" Kimmy asked. "Maybe we can go with something like that?"

Ally thought. "Well, we are having it on the beach.. So I guess it would be beach themed."

"And-" Austin cut in. "We also have a music theme going. Treble cleffs, lyrics, instruments, and pianos."

"Well…" Kimmy flipped to the page of all the music designs. "We have a couple of beach cakes and a few music cakes. We can try and compromise."

"Hmm… well also one of our near and dear friends is amazing with cakes. Perhaps we talk to him and he could help us decide." Ally smiled.

Kimmy grinned. "Sounds good!" She handed them a business card. "Just call me when you figure it out. By the way, are you guys still in touch with Chuck McCoy?"

"Yeah, why?" Austin asked.

Kimmy sighed dreamily. "Oh nothing.. I was just wondering if he was … still on the market…"

Ally shook her head. "I'm sorry. He's taken."


I'm sorry that this is a shorter chapter. I know I promised the Auslly wedding and it's going to be big and amazing. I just wanted to stretch things out so it wouldn't be so rushed. I'm going to add in the rehearsal dinner and bachelor/bachelorette parties and then we will have the wedding. I'm also working on SS&MH and I'm going to try to work on Multicolored again. I hope that nearing Autumn will be some inspiration. Thank you guys for sticking with me.
