Hey everyone! Welcome to the second part of Expectations. I got inspired to write this story after seeing Plixs-1 fanart which can be found here art/Lady-Suitors-Outside-367681216

Thanks so much for taking the time to read this. Enjoy the ride.


Macguffin's Perspective

How did this happen? He thought before he voiced his question out loud "Howfur did this happen? (How did this happen?)." He turned to the raven haired lass waiting for a response.

She smiled sheepishly and batted her eyelashes trying to look as innocent as possible.

"Brandan!" Galen yelled running out of patience.

"I don't know! Blame the charm you returned to me!" he yelled back.

Galen pinched the bridge of his nose and took deep breaths. He needed to remain calm even if he was now in this state.

"How was I supposed to know it would turn us into girls." Brandan said all the while looking down. "The witch gave me a bad spell…. I didn't mean for it to turn out like this."

It was true we now find the young (once) lords now young ladies.

"What kind of spell was it exactly?" asked Eman.

"Well originally I wanted a spell to make the princess fall in love with me" Brandan began and quickly added "BUT when I realized how low that would be I decided against it and asked for a spell to understand why the princess chose Galen over me." She finished.

"If you asked for such a spell then why didn't you use it instead of giving it to Galen?" Eman asked curiously.

"Well…the witch said it was part of the spell that Galen had to open it to take effect." Brandan said quietly.

Galen marched right up to her and even in this female body he still towered over Brandan. "Bit ah gave it back (But I gave it back)" she hissed at the raven beauty.

Brandan laughed nervously and put her hands up defensively "You did! But you broke it remember when we went hunting the other day."

Galen thought over this. He had departed Castle Dunbroch a few months' prior after Merida had agreed to marry him. He had left to return to his Clan's land to tell his mother the good news. Eman and Brandan had tagged along with him and had planned to celebrate with a hunt once they returned to his homeland. He had been happy about the whole situation. They had gone hunting, it was a small group which had consisted of a few clansmen, his father and two friends. It was a grand time except when he and Brandan had begun arguing something that was not out of the ordinary for those two.

They had fought about proper hunting techniques which for some reason had escalated to the two throwing punches at each other. He remembered falling and hearing a loud crack. To which Brandan had rushed over and made him move. He had fallen on Brandan's satchel. Brandan began rummaging through it before he pulled out that familiar pouch. The charm! He thought. He grabbed it and opened it trying to see if it had broken. It had. Eman and Brandan had been near him at the time and they grew drowsy, Galen watched as his friends passed out. He could hear his father calling out to him before he to succumbed to slumber.

When he awoke his father had on the grimmest expression. His mind had gone into a panic and thought the worse. When he attempted to ask about his friends he realized his voice was not his own anymore.

And so this is where we find our young ladies.

"Look Galen, if Merida could reverse her spell then there must be a way to reverse ours!" Brandan said hopefully.

Galen glared at him "Ye mean YER spell (You mean YOUR spell)."

Brandan gulped nervously and slowly inched away from a very angry Galen. Eman took the chance to suggest something "Well in order to reverse this spell we're going to have to go back to Dunbroch and find the witch."

Galen eyes widened and he shook his head furiously saying no repeatedly.

Lord Macguffin placed a hand on his now daughter's shoulder and said "I know that you don't want the princess to see you in such a state but if we're going to have any chance of returning you three to normal you're going to have to return to Dunbroch."

Galen could only stare at her father, she sunk to the ground as despair sunk in. She sighed "A'richt! bit na yin bit th' clan mist ken wha we pure ur (Alright! but no one but the clan must know who we really are)."

They nodded in agreement and made their way to Macguffin Manor. There were many things that needed to be prepared. Galen sighed how was he going to explain this to his mother or worse what would Merida do if she found out.

Merida's Perspective

She made her way to the throne happy to get any chance to escape planning the wedding. Merida couldn't care less if she was wedded March, July, or October. Her mother on the other hand disagreed and proceeded to say such months were bad luck for couples, so the date was still undecided. She rolled her eyes as she remembered the countless fittings she was made to attend and she blushed when she remembered how her mother had given her the talk about the wedding night.

Yes, she was glad that she was now in the throne room along with the rest of her family. They were awaiting the arrival of the Macguffin clan and she was waiting to see Galen again. She had been sad when he had to leave but she had been happy when she heard the clan was returning. She smiled.

"Ah to be young and in love." She heard her father say. Her mother laughed a bit as Merida flushed pink at the statement. She nudged her father and he let out a chuckle.

The guard announced their arrival and the Macguffin men walked through. She watched her parents greet Lord Macguffin. She searched the sea of green and orange kilts for a familiar face with a gentle smile but no Galen did she see. Her eyes did however land on three ladies that stood by Lord Macguffin.

Two blondes and a brunette. She took the time to study them. The smallest of the three was a platinum blonde with a dreamy expression, she wore a dark green dress and her hair fell just past the nape of her neck. It looked un-kept and like the wind had brushed it.

The brunette was the second tallest and wore a rather revealing dress. It looked like her corset had been laced quite tight for it showed a great amount of cleavage. She wore a great big clunky necklace round her neck. A bit too showy Merida thought.

When Merida turned to the final lady she got a reaction she was not expecting. Their eyes had met and she had hurriedly looked down, it reminded her of something Galen would do. Where they related? She looked like him. She was the tallest of the three with sandy blonde hair tied into two braids that reached past her shoulders. She was modestly dressed for a buxom woman.

Merida was interrupted from her thoughts when Lord Macguffin spoke to her.

He bowed "My princess my humblest apologies. You're probably wondering where your betrothed is?"

"Yes, I was." She responded.

"Well unfortunately the lad was not well enough to make the journey. Came down with some sickness and is recuperating at home."

"Is he alright?" She asked her voice laced with worry.

"He's a'richt (He's alright)" answered the tall blonde quickly. She blushed heavily when all eyes turned to her "He juist needs rest, he shuid be alang sometime efter (He just needs rest, he should be along some time later)"

"I'm glad to hear that. Thank you!" Merida responded happily. The blonde smiled at her and Merida could only be reminded of her Galen.

"Well, Lord Macguffin I see you brought these young ladies along" Queen Elinor said. "Who might they be?"

Lord Macguffin responded "Forgive my rudeness my lady-queen. I'd like you to meet my second oldest, my daughter Gael." The tall buxom blonde stepped forward and curtsied awkwardly. "Since my son could not come, he insisted that his sister come in his place to help with preparations for the wedding. These are her ladies-in-waiting Eva and Brenda." He finished as the other two curtsied as well.

"Splendid!" said the Queen. "Now we have a fresh set of eyes to help us oversee the preparations."

GREAT thought Merida more ladies to nag her to death. She pouted angrily before turning to find that Gael was looking at her sadly. Had she seen Merida's annoyance? Merida offered up a smile to show everything was alright, no point in being rude to Galen's sister after all. Gael returned her smile.

The Queen had excused everyone and Merida took this chance to slip away before anymore ladies could drag her to more fittings.

Macguffin's Perspective

They had been excused and she and her ladies had been escorted to their room. Once they had been left alone Gael(Galen) sighed sadly and flopped on the bed all the while cursing his/her bad luck.

Eva(Eman) spoke taking her out of her misery. "Eva? Why Eva?"

"Well we didn't exactly agree on names before we came here" Brenda(Brandan) said.

"I would have preferred the name Bonnie" Eva said sadly.

Gael(Galen) shook with anger before he yelled to both of them "That's whit ye'r worried aboot! (That's what you're worried about!)"

The two flinched at the angry tone Gael had used.

"Nae th' fact that we're stuck lik' this...that thare micht nae be anyway tae chaynge back (Not the fact that we're stuck like this...that there might not be anyway to change back)" Gael said.

She looked down and whispered quietly "Whit if she finds oot 'n' ...hates me (What if she finds out and …hates me)."

Brenda rushed over to Gael and put a hand on her shoulder. "We'll find a way to make things right. You have my word as your friend."

"Ah hawp sae (I hope so)" Gael said as she wiped some stray tears away.

"So do I!" piped up Eva breaking the tension. "All this acting proper does a number on my back. How do ladies go around with their heads held high all the time?"

They all shared a laugh and agreed that tomorrow morning they would seek out the witch.