Author's Note: So I originally started this story with the intent of it being a short story. Should I just continue with it oneshots of their current life? Tell me what you guys think!

Jace was startled awake by the shrill ringing of a phone beside him. He opened his eyes slowly only to be met with a darkened room, the only light coming from the phone that woke him up in the first place. Trying to look for a clock and coming up empty he settled on trying to guess the time from the sunlight, but the curtains were all closed not giving the slightest view of the outside world. He outstretched his arm to the bedside table trying to not move Clary, who laid on his chest, one bit. They stayed up until the early hours of morning to due to multiple intense love-makings and he owed it to her to let her rest, not that she'd wake up from a phone call. Clary could sleep like the dead if she was really tired, which she was due to Jace's instigations. Not looking at the caller id thinking the phone belonged to him he answered with a quiet "hello?"


"Yes? Can I help you?" Only going to sleep an hour or two ago Jace couldn't recognize the voice and was starting to get irritated for being woken up from a peaceful slumber.

"Who are you?"
"Jace Herondale, who are you?" he responded irritatingly. He was the one woken up and now he was being questioned, he would've punched the guy if he was here.

"Jonathan Mo- wait JACE?!"


"What are you doing with my sister? Why are you answering her phone? Why are you in Paris? Are you two together again?! "

"Jon! For goodness sakes stop shouting so loud through the phone Clary might wake up. We'll call you later to tell you everything."

"What do you mean Clary might wake up? So she's next to you?! It's already noon over there! Why are you guys still sleeping so- JACE HERONDALE YOU ARE A DEAD MAN I-" Jace immediately hung up the phone as Jon's voice grew louder and louder through the phone.

Jace looked down at Clary on his chest, completely succumbed into sleep. They've only been reunited yesterday afternoon and it's too soon for them to be bothered yet. He knew they all wanted them to get back together again, actually they both knew. It wouldn't be hard to tell everyone they've reunited again he was just scared of Jonathan. Jon was very protective of his little sister and didn't try to hide his anger at Jace for hurting her. Jace can actually quite recall the certain visit Jon paid him after Clary left. If he thought about it hard enough he can actually feel all the pain and soreness from Jon's beating. At the time he didn't even care about it. He had hurt her and believed he deserved all the pain, so he just stood there not blocking or throwing a punch in return as Jon punched him again and again. Alec and Simon managed to hold back Jonathan before hurting Jace too much but it didn't matter then, he was already in pain much more than he can handle.

He was broken out of his thoughts as Clary tightened her arms around him and snuggled her head further into the crook of his neck. He froze immediately trying not to jostle her but it was too late as she immediately pulled her head back and opened her eyes. She slowly raised her fingers and brushed them along his jaw and chin. Clearly she didn't know he was awake and looking down at her with confusion. She kept on staring intently at his jaw and chin as she continued to brush her fingers along it. Clary continued to trail her fingers upward his face slowly as she lifted her head to be met with opened eyes.

"Good morning handsome," she greeted him softly immediately overcoming her surprise that he was awake.

"Morning angel may I ask why you were so focused on my jaw?"

"Your stubble's starting to grow."

"Oh yea, I forgot to shave yesterday," he responded as he immediately brushed his hand along his jaw. "Does it bother you?"

Clary looked up at him shyly with a smile she's obviously trying to suppress as she whispered, "Actually I like it. I really really really like it."

"Well how about I don't shave it off until I go back to work for you then?" he laughed.

Clary's playful smile slowly fell off her face as she sat up to face him with a serious expression. "What will happen when we go back?"

"We-" Jace let out a sigh as he got out of bed and picked up his shirt before giving it to her. "I can't focus if your body is out in the open like that, it's too tempting," he groaned out as he sat down on the bed facing her.

"We can do anything you want Clary. I can move to New York or you can move to LA, whichever you prefer. I told you you're it for me and I'd do anything for you. I won't let you go again," he said fiercely.

"I - I think I want to go back to LA with you. It's just I'm helping Jon with the company and I don't want him to be disappointed in me, not to mention my parents."

"Actually Jon might already know. He called and I thought it was my phone so I answered. I told him we'll call him back later, and angel you know your family would never be disappointed in you. Besides, you can help run a company from across the country. You should know that by now with our families' lifestyle and all."

"Do you want me in LA with you? We just got back together again what if you want to take it slow?"

Jace felt his heart stop at the sight before him. She looked so adorable with her wide green eyes as she shyly looked up at him. How could she not know how much he loves her. He would move to New York or anywhere for her as long as they're together.

"Of course I want you in LA with me angel. I wouldn't allow it any other way. I offered to move to New York for you just so I won't have to be apart from you."

"So we're moving back to our house?" She couldn't stop the grin that was slowly making its way to her face.

"Yes Clary, we're moving back. If you want to move back to our house that is, I understand if you want to pick out a new place considering everything that happened."

"No, I don't want a new place. I know our last memory there wasn't the best but we have so much good memories there. I don't want to throw all those good memories away just because of one, besides I told you I've forgiven you. We're over that okay? Don't hold it over yourself." Clary reached her arms out and wrapped them around his waist as she buried her face in his chest. Quite honestly she kind of felt like a cat but it's been so long since she's been in Jace's presence and she'll take full advantage of it.

Jace's phone began to ring right as they both found a comfortable position causing him to groan in annoyance.


"Mr. Herondale?"

"Yes this is he."

"I'm sorry Mr. Herondale but you'll have to come back to the office again. Your new supplier here in Paris is currently in the meeting room requesting your presence, he wants to make changes to the contract."

"He's there? Right now?"

"Yes sir, but he said he can come back in 2 hours if that will be more preferable for you."

"Alright I'll be there in 2 hours. Make sure all the files are at my desk. Also I want the head of the legal department team listening in to the meeting to see if all the standards are met."

"Sir, our legal department head is not here at the moment."

"And no one bothered to get a temporary replacement? Who is in charge of that?! Never mind, forget that. Make sure everything else is complete."

Jace leaned his head back as he let out a sigh or more likely a groan. It's only been a day since he got his girl back and now work was calling him. He devoted practically every minute of his life to his job these past few months to distract himself from thoughts of Clary and now for once when he finally wants a break from it, he can't get it.
"What's wrong Jace?" The furrow on his brows and stern line of his mouth let her know he wasn't happy. She lifted her hands to place them on his cheeks as her thumbs smoothed out the furrow on his brows.

"I have to go in the office, there's a problem with the contract with our supplier and he wants to fix it right now."

"Oh, that's not so bad. I'm sure you can fix it quickly. Wait, why is your supplier here in Paris? Wasn't it somewhere else before"

"I … well after you left, I couldn't handle knowing we're still partners with a company that was the reason for me hurting you so much so I cut our deal. That's when my grandfather stepped in and threatened to disown me."

"Oh Jace," she sighed. "You didn't have to do that."

"I'm okay Clary." He placed a kiss on her forehead to emphasize his point.

"Okay, come back here after work?"

"Actually can you go with me please. I just got you back. I don't think I'm ready to let you go just yet."

Clary was immediately touched by Jace's words. His face said it all, the sincere look in his eyes spoke to her. Gently cradling his face in her hands she whispered with sincerity, "I'm not going anywhere anymore Jace."

He gently kissed her tugging her bottom lip in both of his before pulling away and wrapping her tightly in his arms. "Will you go to the office with me?"

"Of course, but we need to get you clothes first because your suit yesterday has blood all over it and I ordered my assistant to get you casual clothes not formal ones."

"Does this mean I get to go on a date with you?" All of a sudden going into the office didn't seem such a bad idea.

"Jace you act as if we've never been on a date before." She smiled at him.

"With a girl as amazing as you, I can go on endless dates with you and not be tired of it at all. So what do you say Clarissa, will you do me the pleasure of going on a date with me?"

"It will be my pleasure."