At last, the day has come.

Probably, this is the best decision I've ever made... Or maybe is the only good one; at this point, I don't know anymore.

Rational thought is making me do this... Is the easier way.

I quit; I'm sorry to say that, but I quit.

Lots of bad things have been happening to me lately...

Frankly, I just hope someone will care enough to read this.

Obviously, this situation can't continue.

Officially now, this is the end of my writting career (as if it had even begun) and of everything else to me...

Later, my dear readers. See you in the next destination.

- Sweetooze -

Oh my Cuthulhu, I love you all so much and I'm so very sorry!

Pleople, this was just a prank, you don't need to worry, I'm fine and I'm going to continue writting this story.

Thank you so very much for caring for me this way, I'm really grateful for that and I'm sorry if you felt offended by this joke.

Seriously, I've been planning this since February and I really didn't think you( guys and gals) react this way.

A special thanks for arielafina and Queen-of-Ice101 for the reviews; if I were you I'd probably had done the same thing (and trust me, I've done it many times; I've been on Quotev).

I'm sorry again, sweeties.

Sweetooze :D