Demonic Lust
Warning this fanfiction contains sexual content.
Sebastian Michaelis Pov
Sebastian was feeling the urge to mate, It was indeed autumn. The first whisps of the violent breeze that tears leaves from their branches so gracefully.
~ Mating season of course, as if I could forget? It happens once every century to reproduce, the demon population is small and so each demon feels urges to have sexual intercourse with the nearest capable species. Since the species a demon may mate with isn't limited to one, the variety of demons are endless, however most decide to shapeshift into humans. ~
" I need a plan, a quick one. Ive left this far too late to discuss this with ciel. " Sebastian whispered into the cool midnight wind.
~ I could take leave for 24 hours, I could find a mate and bring them to the manor, I could have sexual intercourse with ciel.. Wait what? when did I ever consider that as an option.. however that could infact work perfectly and he doesn't have to remember.. ~
The next morning
"Its time to wake up, master"
"Hph, five more minutes"
"You can't sleep the day away my lord"
"I am the earl I may do as I please"
*Sigh* "don't make me have to pull you out of bed ciel"
Ciel was far too tired to process his name being used by sebastian so he promptly laid his head back upon his pillow and shut his eyes subtly to avoid contact with his butler.
"I see, well then if you don't wish to leave your bed, allow me"
Sebastian wrapped the layered sheets and blankets around ciel until they tangled around his ankles and hands, leaving his night dress barely around his waist.
"W..What do you think your doing Sebastian, What's wrong with you, Get me out of here"
~Milky flesh exposed, vulnerable. I can't control myself for too long if I carry on like this~
" What are you staring at you damn demon, release me"
~Luckily ciel didn't specifically say a time of when to be released from these makeshift confinements otherwise my fun would indeed be ruined~
"Of course my young lord"
Sebastian leaned down over ciel and lightly licked across his earlobe, causing ciel to shiver unwillingly.
"S..S..sebastian Wha-" Sebastian cut his words off with a passionate exotic kiss that explored the young earls mouth, leaving no inch uncovered. The kiss carried on as ciel started to respond back but with an attempt of biting sebastians bottom lip.
~ Oh right of course, humans need to breath, my bad ~
Sebastian released the embrace, leaving ciel gasping for air to fill his deprived lungs.
"Se..Sebastian, please.. no more"
"are you sure, my lord?"
Sebastian unbuttoned ciels night dress through the tangled sheets, exposing more pale white skin along with two pearl pink nipples, pulling the nightwear completly away leaving ciel blushing a furious shade of rose red. Taking one of the light pink buds in his mouth and swirling his tongue around it as a fast pace then kissing it lightly and blowing cold air to stiffen it then moving on to repeat the process on the second bud.
"Sebastian, Stop" The earls voice was uneven and shaking but the demand was absolute.
~ No loop holes there, I suppose we shall have to continue this later.. ~
"Of course, my young lord"
Ciel let out a quick short breath of relief, little did he know it wasn't over yet.
Later that day
Ciel had been silent after the whole incident, blushing subtly as sebastian unbinded him and dressed him for his daily work.
~ Who would have known the earl phantomhive to be so quiet.. yet he is still turning a shade redder when he catches sight of me, I suppose my earlier performance had some lasting effects on the boy ~
It was around seven o'clock when sebastian brought the assigned tea to the study
" Your tea, my lord"
Ciel nodded promptly but said nothing and sebastian left without another word.
Ciel picked up the delicate china tea cup and raised to to his nose to clarify what type of tea had been brought to him.
Ciel Phantomhive Pov
~ Its scent is distinctly earl grey, my favourite. However there is another, much more sweet scent to this tea.. like wild flowers and rosemary, what a perculier combination.. ~
he didn't exactly trust the tea to satisfy his tastes, so instead poured it from the windowsill in hopes sebastian wouldn't make it a second time, he set it upon the fragile saucer and left for the dining room.
Sebastian Michaelis Pov
Sebastian had prepared the evening meal to the young earls satisfaction, hoping the tea would have its effects soon, he hurried off to clean the fine china and utensils.
~ The tea will surely obscure ciels memory of tonight, the cup was empty when I cleared away the tray. So he mustn't have noticed the subtle change in flavour from earl grey. However if the tea should fail sebastian had also prepared a dessert of Chocolate de' peri. The dark chocolates strong aroma was sure to hide the seasonal scent of the spice added to obscure ciels memories for an estimate of 10 hours. ~
" My lord, I have specially made a dessert from france, the Chocolate de' peri. Its rather popular in paris and verona since the 1860's"
" Very well "
Sebastian served the dessert and left to clear away the leftover china.
Ciel Phantomhives Pov
~ The scent, of wild flowers and rosemary. Its the same, masked in dark chocolate and cream. I don't believe this is a coinsidence.. what is sebastian up too, Is it a drug? Is he trying to kill me, well I suppose I won't be able to find out.. unless.. ~
Finny arrived 2 minutes later, caked in mud from the forests and greenery. His distinctly enhanced hearing allowed him to hear his name from rather far away.
" Yes, young master?"
"Im full, would you please dispose of this, you may infact finish it for me."
"Oh thank you my lord"
~ Of course you won't resist taking a bite, now lets see if this is infact some drug. I wouldn't much care for the death of a commoner so it doesn't much matter. ~
"You are excused, please check back with me in one hour"
"Yes of course, master I will!"
One hour later
Sebastian was to prepare ciel for bed, however he still had a few minutes before the demon arrived, so ciel, realising it was past the hour, decided to check on finny.
Ciel found finny lying barely awake in the corridor, looking lost and confused.
~ These are most certainly side effects of a drug of some sort.. however it doesn't appear to be fatal at any rate. Im sure he will be fine.. I need to hurry back to my room before sebastian notices my disapearence ~
after having sebastian dress him for bed and fold his clothing he stood by till ciel dismissed him for the night. Lingering considerably longer than usual. Ciel supposed he should play the act so sebastian didn't become too suspisous of him.
" Sebastian im.. so tired please, you are dismissed already"
Sebastian smirked slightly
" Yes my young master, of course"
Ciel fell asleep without being further disturbed.
A few hours later
Ciel was abruptly awoken to a low chuckle he reconised the voice instantly as his faithful butler, sebastian..
~ What is he up to now? ~
Sebastian Michaelis Pov
Sebastian looked upon ciel rather confused, he shouldn't be as coinsious as he currently was, if anything he should be in a daze and follow along with sebastians commands. However as it was ciel was looking him in the eyes in a demanding glance to see who had disturbed his peaceful slumber.
"Sebastian what do you think your doing. I hope this isn't a repeat of this morning because I already said no"
~ Well you didn't say no exactly. You stopped it yes but you never said denyed the attention ~
" Oh ciel, how clever of you I did infact find finny sprawled across the hallway so I gathered you hadn't had the dessert however I did believe the tea would be a fine substitute for this task. "
" I poured it out the window, its scent wasn't the usual earl grey"
"I underestimated your ability to scent tea, my lord. Forgive me but this night may not turn out to be so pleasurable"
"What are you talking about sebastian?"
"You see ciel, demons mate once a century. Its mandatory for each male demon to perform sexual intercourse with a species that can potencially bare children, humans can bare a demons child, no matter the gender due to the changes that may be made later during child labour. You weren't supposed to remember this night, infact had my plan succeeded you would have been in a daze, following my every order yet not fighting me."
" You.. You pervert what do you think I am a whore!?"
"That's exactly what you will be tonight, my whore. I can make you moan, scream in delicious pain or pleasure. Tonight may prove to be more interesting than I had originally planned. I much enjoy your spirit."
"N..No I order you, sebastian Stop this instant, You will not have.. have sexual intercourse w..with with me no I forbid it!"
"Im afraid, my lord that won't work, mating season is something I cannot control and my urges will be far more powerful than a mere order"
Ciel, with this information attempted to escape from sebastians influence, even knowing his abilites he still tried to run, to find someone, anyone to stop this madness. However ciel made it halfway to the door before he was scooped up into sebastians arms and dropped back onto the bed. Leaving ciel ruffled amoung his sheets.
"Now, my lord. Trying to escape a demon? not a clever idea on your end, I must say."
"Please.. sebastian don't do this"
"Begging? how unsuspected and unlike you ciel"
"Don't say my name!"
"Ciel? I suppose I could call you my whore again, its rather fitting for what we're about to do, wouldn't you say?"
"I..! Seba-"
Ciel was cut off by the material now covering his mouth. Sebastian had tied it tightly around his head, effectively cutting off ciels protests.
"Thats enough of that my love, shall we begin?"
"I suppose I'll take that as a yes, lets continue where we left off this morning, ciel"
Sebastian said his name softly, purposely trying to induce a reaction from the cyan grey haired boy who was attempting to struggle from sebastians strong grasp on his fragile frame. Sebastian had ciel nude in less than a minute and was pleased to note the pinkish hues above his cheeks begin to colour into a deep red. Sebastian stared down at ciels exposed flesh with Lust filled crimson orbs, that sent shivers throughout ciels small body.
"My my.. how innocent you look, the body of a child"
"Hush my little whore, this has only just begun"
Ciels mismatched eyes held a glazed shine to them that soon formed small droplets of tears that slid down his blushing cheeks as sebastian traced every inch of ciels milky skin with butterfly kisses. Sebastian licked the tears from ciels cheeks and proceeded to fondle his small pink buds till they turned a shade darker and stiffened substancially. Ciel could clearly see sebastians bulging erection making his trousers tighter by the minute through his tear stained eyes. Sebastian, noticing his discreet glance, decided to undress.
Ciel Phantomhive Pov
~ There is really no use trying to escape.. Its pointless.. meaningless.. why sebastian.. why are you doing this to me? ~
Ciel let out a stuggled wimper at the sight of sebastians 9 inch cock that was going to soon be entering him. Sebastian let out a low chuckle.
"You shouldn't worry now, I'll be sure to prepare you"
More tears slipped from ciels neon purple and midnight blue orbs as sebastian licked long strokes up from the base of the boys now growing erection. Sebastian stopped every few moments to suckle the tip and tongue the slit. Sending waves of pleasure through ciel. Sebastian stopped and inserted his index and middle fingers in his mouth and then positioned them at the entrance to the young earls anus. Pushing unmercifully inside. Sending a shockful burst of pleasure into ciels prostate.
"Your enjoying this, aren't you ciel?"
~ I can't think.. my body is reacting of its own accord, Im silenced and subjected to these sexual tortures.. but it I need release.. ~
Ciels erection was dripping precum, Sebastian continued thrusting his fingers into the boys entrance and dipped his head to clean his masters erection.
~ Oh.. end this Just end this now.. I can't take this anymore ~
" You want me inside of you don't you ciel?"
Ciel shivered inwardly at his name.. so unusually spoken in that deep voice of sebastians..
"Say my name when I enter you"
and with that he removed his fingers from ciel and disposed of the material silencing him. Soon afterwards with minimum movement sebastian had swiftly penetrated ciel, holding his legs apart.
"S..SEBASTIAN Umphh.. It hurts so much.. please make it stop"
" Shhh, its fine you will get used to it my love"
~ Love.. Haven't heard that in.. so long ~
Sebastian Michaelis Pov
~ So tight, His muscles are squeezing my erection, its almost suffocating. It feels so deliciously warm, Lets finish this ciel ~
Sebastian continuously thrusted into ciel at a fast even pace moaning ciels name in a hoarse whisper every few moments.
~ Mm Im not going to last long not if he keeps squeezing me, milking my cock like this ~
"Mmph yes ciel, keep going"
"Nphaaa! S..Sebastian.."
Ciel Phantomhive Pov
~ Umph God it hurts, but he keeps hitting my prostate.. so hard its pleasurable ~
Ciel felt bursts of relief and pleasure flood through his small delicate frame that had been subjected to this unmerciful torture, He unwillingly moaned several times as the tremors of his orgasm sent sebastian into his own, spilling his seed into ciel. Sebastian detatched himself from his young master and lay in a slight daze, realising fully what he had just done to his master.
~ That was awful, my body aches all over but it was worth it 100% Ive never felt that much pleasure before in my life ~
Sebastian Michaelis Pov
~ What did I just do, why did I do this with ciel? I hurt him, that surely breaks our contract.. I don't know what his reaction will be.. ~
Ciel cut off his train of thought when he moved across the bed to lay his head on sebastians shoulder, tears trailing down his cheek bones as he snuggled closer.
" Ciel "
" Mmph?"
" are you alright?"
"Yes.. Sebastian?"
"Yes, my lord?"
"Hold me close"
Sebastian pulled ciel closer, he was tucked against sebastians chest, his head nestling into his shoulder, his shallow breathing evening out and finally falling asleep in sebastians embrace.