Summary: Scarecrow once again escapes Arkham. The batfamily work together to apprehend him before he's able to test out his new concoction. After a stakeout goes awry, Crane manages to escape, but not before exposing Nightwing to his toxin. Seemingly unaffected by the toxin, they assume the new mixture is a failure. As the toxin festers in his system, it attacks him full force.

The story is told in multiple perspectives, mostly focusing on Dick Grayson, and the rest of the Batfamily.

Rated M for future violence. And eventually Jason's language, because you know, Jason.

Disclaimer: I don't own Batman. Batman is cool. I am not cool. Therefore, I cannot own Batman, or anything affiliated with the DC franchise.

Dick had missed this: working on a case together with his family. After Timmy came back with a completely not dead Bruce, he had finally stepped down from the mantle and resumed being who he was meant to be: Nightwing, Bludhaven's black and blue-clad protector. Damian was eager to work alongside his father as Robin, but he was also reluctant to leave Dick's side. The now eleven-year-old missed working with the man he learned to love as his mentor - as his brother, not that he would admit it to anyone. Not that he really needed to. Dick knew Damian missed working with him. As much as he hated being Batman, he missed his Robin.

Of course, Bruce's return had been almost a year ago, but with Nightwing in Bludhaven, Red Robin in Jump City with the Titans, Red Hood with the Outlaws, and Bruce and Damian here in Gotham, they've only had a few opportunities to co-op as a family.

Jonathan Crane was once again at large after having escaped from Arkham a few weeks ago. The batfamily had been attempting to track his movements since his escape, but had yet to locate the Scarecrow. After weeks of research, preparation and gathering information from Jason's contacts in crime alley and the Gotham underworld, all of their Intel had pointed them to this location; a small, abandoned neighborhood in The Gotham Narrows, on the same island as Arkham Asylum. About a half a mile stretch of buildings, far from the asylum, were left untouched for years, and Crane saw it as the perfect location to develop and ship out his new batch of fear toxin.

The acrobat stood in the shadows at the top of a building overlooking the alley of the facility he'd be entering once Batman gave the signal. It was a few minutes past ten and a light rain fell upon the area. The cool, autumn night was only illuminated by the half moon that occasionally dimmed as the passing rain clouds drifted past it. Crouched low and alert, Dick looked in the direction in which his brothers were supposed to be positioned. Nightwing narrowed his eyes and searched the shadows of the building to the far left, where Jason would be. Of course, he couldn't see him, but he knew he was there, waiting and ready. On the roof of the building opposite of Dick, was Tim, using his wrist computer to electronically mark the schematics of the area with the position of Scarecrow's cronies. Dick smiled at his own joke. Scarecrow's cronies. I like that, he thought to himself.

A small light blinked on Nightwing's own wrist computer. Opening up the schematics Tim had just sent him, Dick went over the plan again. The holographic computer displayed a 3D-image of the square mile surrounding the building they'd be infiltrating. It was positioned in the center of the map. The ten story high building was surrounded by buildings just as tall on all sides. Tim had marked with red dots the men Scarecrow had guarding the facility. The lack of security cameras in the building and surrounding area made it difficult to pinpoint the enemy's movements. No cameras meant nothing to hack into. Crane compensated for the lack of cameras with a larger sum of men.

Only twenty minutes before, in the windows of the surrounding building were at least five snipers scanning the area. Dick and Jason had effortlessly taken them down covertly. Still, the map was scattered with red dots, indicating that it was heavily guarded. The main entrances of the building were guarded by two large men wielding AK-47 machine guns. In the alleys to both the left and right of the building was ten patrols of at least five men each, either holding a firearm, or a blunt weapon. All of the men were wearing mediocre versions of Scarecrow's signature burlap sacks over their faces.

As soon as Batman broke radio silence, Red Hood and Red Robin were to begin the attack on the men guarding the building's exterior. Batman would take down the men on the interior providing cover while Robin and Nightwing would rendezvous and locate Crane and apprehend him.

"Batman. The thermal imaging scan of the building is complete." Red Robin's voice came over their communicators. Just as it did, new red dots appeared on the holo-map. "There are fifteen men total spread throughout the first and second floors of the building. Crane and his lab are presumably on the levels below. Ready to proceed when you are. Over."

A few minutes passed in silence, as Nightwing awaited Batman's response. "Noted," he replied. "Nightwing and Robin, proceed on the interior and make your way below. Hood and Red, begin your attack. Remain in stealth. We don't want Crane knowing we're here yet."

Nightwing smiled as he grappled to the fire escape of the building. Entering through a window of the fourth floor, he scanned the area cautiously.

"-tt-," came a noise on his left. Smiling wide before turning around, Nightwing looked towards his little brother. The boy had grown taller since last time he'd seen him. The eleven year old now looked to be 5'0. He wore his own Robin costume with his signature green combat boots with bright, red laces, and his hood pulled over his head. "Did you not hear Drake? There are no men on this floor." Robin whispered harshly, glaring at his older brother.

Waving his hand dismissively and walking towards the door leading to the staircase Nightwing replied, "I'm 'proceeding with caution,' and all that. Good to see you too, Lil' D."

Nightwing could feel the little demon rolling his eyes as he walked passed him. He stopped at the doorway, pressed his back against the frame, and looked both left and right, then left again before signaling Robin to follow. It appeared that the emergency lights of the building were activated. These lights ran on a generator, and provided a dim light that was enough to see, but not illuminate the building. Robin huffed and casually walked passed him.

"There are no men on this floor, imbecile." Robin whispered harshly before quietly making his way to the stair case. Dick wanted to laugh at his brother's antics. Man, how he missed this precocious little brother.

Together, they descended quietly to the basement levels, Robin slightly ahead. When Dick was Batman, he had allowed Damian to occasionally take the lead. The small gesture was a way to convey to Damian that Dick trusted him.

As they were nearing the second floor, Robin's movements became more slow and cautious. His eyebrows knitted in concentration as he listened for any cronies. They stood on the end of the last landing before the sub-levels of the building. The door leading to it was on the other side of the turn of the hallway. Robin crouched low and placed a hand on the wall as he concentrated on the sounds. Nightwing remained behind him, listening closely, but also eyeing his little brother. The Boy Wonder minutely nodded and held up two fingers behind his back, his head not leaving the direction of the door. After a few seconds, Robin's hand went from holding up to fingers, to forming a first, moving it back and forth two times.

Nightwing nodded to himself, understanding Robin's hand signs. Two men guarding the door. Both armed. The only light in this area was the dim, yellow-tinted bulb above the metal door. Removing his escrima sticks from his belt, Nightwing crouched low in a defensive stance and awaited Robin's signal. Still crouched on the ground, Robin slowly removed a small, round smoke pellet from his belt and prepared to throw it down the hall.

Robin inhaled once before releasing it. After it bounced three times, it activated and instantly filled the hallway with thick, black smoke. The lenses of their masks had an electronic filtration system that allowed them to roughly see through the smoke, but not entirely clearly. The former Dynamic Duo began their attack and in less than ten seconds, both cronies were unconscious on the ground and the smoke cleared.

"Nice leadership, Robin." Nightwing commented as he tied up the two unconscious men and retrieved the door access card from one of their belts. Dick smiled as he saw Damian stand up straighter and lift his chin higher at the praise.

"Of course," Damian said before clearing his throat and lifting his hand to press the comm in his ear. "Nightwing and I have arrived at the entrance of the lower levels." He relayed through the comm.

A brief second of static filled their ears and a few grunts from a fight were heard in the background before Batman's response came. "Noted. Proceed with caution. Have the anti-toxin on hand as well as a re-breather. We do not yet know what we're up against. I'll rendezvous with the two of you when I'm done here."

Nightwing slid the stolen key-card in the receiver and opened the thick metal door that lead down a dark hallway leading to the lower sub-levels. Nightwing held it open and bowed dramatically. "Ready when you are, Prince Dami." He smiled as Damian huffed in exasperation.

Rolling his eyes for the second time that night, Robin proceeded to descend the staircase with extreme caution. "No names in the field, idiot."

A/N: I've completed my college applications and I have a lot more time on my hands, so thought I'd try my hand in fanfic. I have this story pretty much planned out, and it will eventually get pretty violent and angsty, but there will also be some fluff and whatnot thrown in the mix. This is just the prologue. It's pretty much AU, but the events in which Batman was "dead" and Tim went to search for Bruce, and Dick and Damian took on the roles as the Dynamic Duo have already occurred. This story was inspired by the plethora of Scarecrow fics I've read, and a lot of content from the recent Batman animated films.

The ages are following closely to what is assumed from the New 52, but maybe a few months to a year in advance.

Bruce is 41? Dick is 22. Jason is 21. Tim is 17. Dami is 11.