1412 words this chapter. Thanks for hanging in with me through this!

Chapter Eight, Conclusion, The Love Challenge

The day after Valentine's, Emma and Killian were at Granny's having dinner with Henry, the Charmings, the Loxleys and Regina. At one point, Daisy went on break and joined them. She and Henry sat together, talking and joking. Emma noticed that the girl wore Henry's headband.

Emma sighed, nesting her head against the pirate's chest.

"You look happy," said her mother. "I guess Valentine's was good this year."

Emma looked up at Killian. "Very good."

"I don't want details," announced Charming.

Killian smirked. "No? That is a shame. We had two celebrations of love and they were both smashing."

"I really liked the picnic," Emma said.

"Picnic?" asked Mary-Margaret , her eyes wide. "In Maine, in winter?"

Emma laughed and nodded. "He brought lobster."

"Ooh," said David.

"I was partial to the dancing," Killian said, sharing a blush and chuckle with his lady.

"Dancing?" asked Mary-Margaret. "That's so sweet."

"I'm afraid that the word 'sweet' does not apply to the kind of dance my love performed for me."

She elbowed him. "Sh, Killian."

He chuckled and kissed her cheek.

David looked sick. "I said I don't want details."

"How was your evening?" Killian asked, smirking at him.

"It was fine, nice."

The pirate shook his head and glanced sadly at Mary-Margaret. "I shall take him under my wing next year, my lady."

Mary-Margaret laughed. "Thanks, but it's not necessary. We had a lovely time. I made a steak dinner and afterwards we cuddled on the sofa with Neal and watched old romantic movies."

Killian sighed and shook his head. "The day of love is wasted on some people."

Emma just laughed. "It sounds nice."

"Ooh, look what he got me!" exclaimed her mom. She proudly held out her hand. On the index finger sat a gold rose with a small diamond in the middle and a tiny blue enameled bird on top.

"It's beautiful!," replied Emma.

"And it's so me!" cried Mary-Margaret. She leaned over and kissed her husband.

"Good job, Dad."

David smiled at Emma, then gave Killian a pointed, smug grin.

"It is indeed a lovely token, for one small gift," sneered the pirate.

Emma chuckled and shook her head.

David shot back, "Some of us don't have to overcompensate with lots of presents."

The pirate matched the prince's smug grin. "There was no need to compensate for anything, Mate. I merely value the love of my life."

"So do I."

"Please, guys," said Mary-Margaret "It's not a competition."

"Not anymore," said Emma. She looked teasingly at Hook. "And I won."

'You most certainly did not," he retorted, "it was a draw."

Emma giggled and nodded. She looked at Henry and his...girlfriend? "So...how are you?" she asked him.

Henry smiled great big. "I'm fine. We're...uh, good," he said with a blush, looking at Daisy.

She smiled. "Yes, we are." Daisy fingered her head band. "I love his gift." She smiled at him. He blushed.

"I love hers!" He pulled from his pocket a nice wooden pen with a blue jewel on top.

"That is a handsome writing utensil," observed Killian.

"I thought it might be lame," Daisy said. 'You are a writer though."

'Yes he is," said Regina, smiling.

'It's perfect!" cried Henry, making Daisy smile and blush.

Killian, Dave and Mary-Margaret chuckled.

"It is," said Emma. "Now, tell me a little about last night."

Henry laughed. "It was fine. I only caught Mom spying once."

"I was not spying," Regina answered.

Henry shrugged. "Roland was the real problem."

'Yeah, sorry about that, Mate," said Robin.

Daisy giggled "He is so cute."

"He wouldn't stop coming in! " cried Henry, glaring at Roland, who was giggling and stealing fries from Daisy's plate. "Robin kept chasing him out!"

Daisy nodded with a chuckle. "One time Robin picked Roland up and tossed him over his shoulder."

"That was fun!" cried the little boy.

Everyone laughed.

"I think Mom finally sealed him out magically."

"No comment," said Regina.

"Magic comes in handy," said Emma.

Killian smirked. "It does indeed." They shared a private laugh. "I declare Valentine's Day a success," he said grandly, "at least as far as my love and I are concerned." He grinned teasingly at David.

Emma chuckled. "It was a complete success, Killian," she said. He turned to her and they kissed.

"Perhaps next year I will join you in the strip tease."

"Killian!" she exclaimed, with a mortified look.

"I said no details!"

Mary-Margaret's mouth dropped open. "Oh, Emma! Did you really?" she asked with a smile.

"What is a strip tease?"

"Ask the mayor to explain, Loxley," said the pirate. He smirked. "Perhaps later she will even demonstrate."

"What did you say?" cried the mayor, huffing with anger.

"Guys!" cried Henry, looking at Daisy, who was giggling hard. "You are so embarrassing!" He looked at Roland. "There are kids here you know?"

Emma nodded, her face covered by her hands.

Killian shrugged. "I can take care of that easily." He cleared his throat and leaned closer to where Roland sat, a few seats away. "Young Loxley, I do believe Granny has a new ice cream flavor."

The boy squealed and ran to the counter.

"The problem of the proximity of young ears has been solved, "said the captain. "Now, I do not understand the fuss," he said. 'I merely spoke about the...form of dance. I did not offer my interpretation of her moves. Although…"

"No!" cried the Charmings, Henry and Regina. Emma and Daisy were too busy laughing.

Robin looked perplexed. "Please, someone tell me what a strip tease is."

"No!" cried Henry, Regina, and David.

"I will educate you later, Mate," said the pirate. "I will not be demonstrating it for you though."

"That's a relief," said Emma. She bit her lip and leaned closer to him. "You can demonstrate one to me, though, tonight."

Henry groaned "Daisy, let's move to the counter."

"I'm coming with you," said David.

"Me too," agreed Regina, standing up.

"Stop, no one has to move," said Emma, laughing. "We'll behave. Right?" she asked Killian

He looked at her and smirked. "For now, Swan, for now."


"Perhaps before then we can drop by the store that sells the edible underwear."

"Killian!" cried Henry, Dave, and Regina. Daisy covered her mouth with shock and amusement. Emma sagged back into her hands.

"You're going to get grounded," scolded Mary-Margaret with a laugh.

Emma straightened and nodded. She whispered in his ear. "We'll definitely go shopping later," she said. "We'll get some new dance music too."

KIllain smirked widely. "Thank the spirits that be for this hallowed Valentine's Day."

"I thank them that it's over," said David, earning a scowl from his wife. "I mean, that it's over for him, not us. I don't hate it, honey. I...I love you," he said, kissing her firmly.

"Oh, brother," moaned Henry. "I'm glad it comes only once a year. I have a while to recover."

"You don't mean that, do you?" asked Daisy.

He blushed. "Only where Hook is concerned," he said with a smile.

She smiled back.

Robin looked at Regina and opened his mouth.

"Don't," she said. She scowled at the others, then turned to him and her face softened. "I'll tell you later," she whispered. "If you're good, I might even try to show you one."

Robin raised his eyebrow. "From Hook's enthusiasm, I gather whatever it is, I will enjoy it." He smiled.

She smiled back. "I've never done one, but we can learn together." She took his hand and he nodded.

Killian sat back, proudly draping his arm around Emma. "See how the couples now talk intimately? I believe I am rather good at this love spreading thing," he said.

She stifled a laugh. 'Yeah, I can see you as Cupid."

He narrowed his eyes. "I do not resemble the large chubby infant in any way."

She giggled. "I don't know, you recently got some tiny...unmentionables."

He smirked. "And I plan to get more."

"Oh, I hope so." She leaned in and gave him a deep kiss. "In fact," she whispered, caressing his stubbled cheek, '"let's add another stop to our shopping trip tonight."

His lusty smile spread. "Let us indeed," he said, staring at her lips. "As much as I enjoyed Valentine's Day, I refuse to limit the celebration of our love to one or two nights a year."

She smiled and kissed him. "No. Our love is too big for that."

"Indeed, Emma, indeed."

The End, Happy Valentine's Day!