I can't believe it's been almost a year since Bill has decided to cancel Weirdmageddon and since Bill used me as a backscratcher. It took me two weeks to get the demon smell out of my fingernails. And I still have nightmares. One moment everything is fine, and the next, Bill is restarting Weirdmageddon. I just don't feel like I we can trust him. After all, I trusted him once, and he betrayed me. Well, it's getting late. I need to go to bed. My niece and nephew are coming back to Gravity Falls tomorrow morning.

Ford closed the book with a sigh. He left the lab and went to bed. Next thing he knew, he was out in the lobby of the Mystery Shack.

"Whoa!" he exclaimed, losing his balance from the sudden earthquake. Familiar laughter filled the air and sent chills down Ford's spine.

"Hahaha! Hey, there, Fordsy! Ready for another Weirdmageddon?" an enormous Bill called from outside as the world became blood red.

"No!" cried Ford. "Bill, you can't!"

"Oh, yes, I can! Ahahahahaha!"


Ford awoke with a gasp and groaned with frustration. "How many times have I had that nightmare, anyway?" he muttered. "618?" He shook his head and went back to sleep.

"Oh, my gosh!" exclaimed Mabel with an excited squeal. She shook her brother vigorously. "Dipper, we're here!"

"Wha...? Really?" Dipper asked, just waking up. Sure enough, there was a sign that said "Welcome to Gravity Falls".

"I can't wait to get there! Even Waddles is excited!"

Dipper chuckled. "Mabel, he's not even making any sounds," Dipper commented, pointing to the sleeping pig.

"Aw, who cares? I'm excited! I can't wait to see Candy and Grenda and Grunkle Stan and Grunkle Ford and Pacifica and Old Man McGucket! Hey, I wonder how Bill and Gideon are doing."

"I'd expect they're taking some time to adjust to actually being nice."

"And I'm sure they're doing great."

"I still can't believe they've actually reformed. I mean, they were such jerks to everyone before."

"Aww, come on, Dipper. Everybody deserves a second chance."

In less than ten minutes, the bus arrived at the Mystery Shack. Mabel and Dipper cheered. But nobody came to greet them.

"Where is everybody?" asked Dipper as they entered the dark, silent building.

"I don't know," replied Mabel. "Waddles, can you check around?"

Dipper rolled his eyes. Suddenly, the room filled with light.

"Surprise!" a crowd yelled in unison.

"Aw, you shouldn't have," said Dipper, his eyes still adjusting to the unexpected brightness.

"It's okay, Waddles," Mabel soothed, stroking her startled pig. "It's a party. You love parties, huh?" Waddles oinked in response.

"By the way," said Stan, "you probably didn't notice, but I snapped a picture of you guys when we turned on the lights." He laughed out loud. "Your faces were priceless!"

Dipper smiled and rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, Grunkle Stan. Good to see you, too."

Ford chuckled and ruffled the boy's hair. "How are my favorite niece and nephew?"

"Oh, we're great!" Mabel chirped. "We played Bus Seat Treasure Hunt on the way over here. Huh?" she asked, interrupted by the sudden power outage. "How come everything's red all of the sudden?"

Loud cackling was heard from outside. "Hey, there, everyone!" Bill called. "The demons have entered the house!"

Cheers came from Bill Cipher and his demon friends as they all flooded the shack. Everybody looked around as the power came back on and the red vanished.

Ford panted, recovering, and glared at Bill. "Bill! Don't do that again!"

"Aww, did I give poor Fordsy a heart attack?" Bill teased, twirling his cane.

Ford rolled his eyes, blushing slightly. Let it go, Stanford, he told himself. He's just trying to get under your skin.

Grenda and Candy exchanged a look. "Yeah! Let's get this party started!" shouted Grenda.

Cheers erupted from everyone as the party finally started. Most people, except Mabel, stayed away from the demons, especially Ford.

"Hey, there, Sixer!" Bill Cipher called in the middle of the party, approaching his six-fingered former friend. "Great party, huh?"

"Yes, the planners have... really outdone themselves," replied Ford.

"What are you doing over here all by yourself?"

"Hm? Oh, I'm just thinking."

"Mind if I take a look?"

"If you mean reading my mind, then I would rather you not—"

"Too late! I know what you're thinking about!"

Ford growled with annoyance.

"So, you got trust issues, huh?"

"What do you think?" Ford snapped.

Bill lied down in midair, not caring about Ford's frustration. "Paranoid as always, are you?"

"Leave me alone." Ford tried to walk away, but Bill immediately blocked him.

"Aw, come on, Six Fingers. You can't possibly think I'm gonna restart Weirdmageddon."

"Why should I believe you when you say you won't?"

"Do you remember why I stopped Weirdmageddon?"

Ford rolled his eyes. "Because you would have died if you had stayed in your decaying dimension."

"Exactly. And if I restarted the apocalypse, what do you think would happen?"

"You would get sent back to the Nightmare Realm?"

"Yeah, and then I would...?"


Bill clapped. "Very good! So I'm not gonna risk it. I'm gonna be the friend I never was. Okay?"

Ford thought for a moment and nodded.

"All right. Now how's about you go enjoy the party?"

"Okay," replied Ford with a smile.

Once the party was over, Ford waved the guests goodbye and went down to the basement to write in his journal.

You know, I think I was wrong about not trusting Bill. He seems like he genuinely has changed. I mean, he definitely has a lot to learn about being good, but he's coming along well. I think we can trust him after all.

Finally, this is done! Writing a story can be harder than it sounds. By the way, for chapter 2, I will not be doing requests, as I already have an idea. But I might incorporate some of your ideas into the next chapters! Hope y'all enjoyed!