It has been 4 months since the defeat of Abasi and the pridelands are at peace...Kion and Tiifu have had a son together and Asha has grown to be an adventurous and Kiara are now queen with Kibwe next in line,which Kion doesn't mind because he doesn't really want to rule anyway.

Wasi,the son of Kion and Tiifu,runs out of pride rock's den and takes a deep breath.

''I love my home almost as much as I love my parents.'' Wasi said to himself as Asha and Kibwe came out,''Hi,Cousins!''

''Good morning,Wasi.'' Asha said to the Younger cub.

Kibwe,now a teenager,sighed.

''How are you?'' Wasi asked.

''I'm doing good,Wasi.'' Kibwe and Asha said at the same time,then looked at eachother,''Don't copy me!''

The two then continued arguing while Wasi looked on in amusement.

They're always fighting,The Cub thought to himself,Sibling rivalry,I guess.

''Kids,stop fighting.'' Kiara said as she walked out,''I don't want to deal with it today.''

''Hi,Aunt Kiara!'' Wasi greeted his aunt happily

''Oh,so you say hi to her,but not to me?'' Kion,who was next to Kiara, a raised eyebrow.

Wasi rolled his eyes

''Hi,Dad.'' Wasi greeted his father while smiling.

''That's better.'' Kion said as Tiifu walked out

''Hi,Mom!'' Wasi greeted.

Wasi was 3 months old and had yellow fur like his father,though it was a darker shade due to also had a Brown tuft of mane on his head.

Wasi turned to Kibwe and Asha.

''Do you guys wanna play something?'' He asked,but they are still arguing,''I guess not.''

Wasi then walked off into the grasslands while whistling until he heard a rustle coming from a heard a conversation and snuck over to the bush to listen to it.

''Faraji,be quiet!'' He heard a female cub's voice say.

''Furaha,I AM being quiet.'' He heard another cub's voice say,this time a male.

''Hey!Who are you guys?'' Wasi asked the 2 cubs as he approached the bush.

the 2 cubs,Furaha and Faraji,jumped out of the bush,stopping Wasi in his tracks.

''Who are you?'' Faraji growled until he met his sister's angry glare,a glare that would scare even Kion if he saw it,''Sorry.''

''Excuse my brother..he's always growling at strangers.'' Furaha sighed.

''No,No,It's ok.'' Wasi said.

''I'm Furaha and this is faraji'' Furaha told the slightly younger cub,''Who are you?''

Wasi felt unthreatened when he realized that Furaha was the kinder of the 2,though both were relatively calm cubs.

''I'm Wasi..son of Kion and Tiifu.'' Wasi replied and Furaha's eyes widened at the name 'Kion'.

'' mean..THE Kion?'' Furaha asked and Wasi nodded,''That's so cool!''

''Why are you calling my dad 'THE Kion'?'' Wasi asked.

''Wasi,your father is legendary for all he's accomplished!'' Furaha replied

''He is?''

''Yeah..He beat the ancient lion Abasi and contributed to saving the pridelands more times than I can count!'' Furaha was a maroon colored cub.

''Cool..hey,we don't have any Lionesses that would give birth to a Maroon cub..where do you come from?'' Wasi asked.

''I came from the mountain pride is ruled by a corrupt dictator and me and my brother fled from the mountains to the pridelands,knowing that it was peaceful.'' Furaha replied.

''Oh,wow…'' Wasi said with wide eyes,''W-Where are your parents?''

''Dead..he killed half of the lionesses and forced the rest of the lions into slave labor for his jackals.'' Furaha replied with a tear escaping her eye.

''It's ok..hey,wanna come to pride rock?'' Wasi asked and Furaha and Faraji squealed.

''Sure!'' They both replied.

later,at pride rock…

''Dad!Dad!'' Wasi shouted while running up the rocks with Furaha and Faraji.

''What is it,son?'' Kion asked,then looked at the 2 cubs next to him,''who are they?''

''These are Furaha and Faraji,2 cubs who escaped the mountain pride to get away from their brutal leader.'' Wasi replied.

''Holy crap..what happened to the lionesses of the mountain pride?'' Kion asked Furaha.

''The Leader of the pride put half of the lionesses into slave labor while killing the other half.'' Furaha replied.

''Hmm...Well,I t-'' Kion started before he heard a noise coming from the sky as a fighter jet crashed into the grasslands,''What the?''

Kion,Wasi,Furaha,Kiara and Faraji ran to the fighter jet and saw a hairless creature stand on 2 legs.

''Who's that?'' Wasi asked and Kion just shrugged.

Suddenly,a ball of light shoots into the creature.

''Huh?'' The creature said,then turned to see the lions,''AHHH!''

''Hey,Hey,we won't hurt you...I think.'' Wasi said calmly,easing the creature,''Now who are you?''

''My name is Austin..I come from the United States.'' The Creature,named Austin,said.

''The United States?What's that?'' Wasi asked.

''A place that isn't this one.'' Austin replied with a shrug,''I'm something called a human...though I am kinda turned off by the fact that you are all talking lions.''

''You'll get used to it.'' Wasi said with a laugh.

little did they know,Mzingo was watching them as he flew to the outlands to meet up with Janja.

''Mzingo,report.'' Janja said to the Vulture.

''It seems that Kion and 3 other cubs have made friends with a Human,Janja.'' Mzingo said and Janja looked at him with worry.

''That complicates things...oh well,we can take them all out,one by one.'' Janja said and walked into the cave where the hyenas live while his eyes glowed as he walked in.

Phew..The first chapter of my story is done!I would really love if Carmen738 stops rushing me,though -_-

Anyway,Thanks to all the friends that I made while writing this series of fanfics.

And yes,Wasi is the main protagonist of this fanfic instead of Kion and Furaha is the deuteragonist instead of Tiifu,so that's cool.

I promise that I will dive deeper into the mountain pride,but for now,There's peace in the pridelands and I wouldn't want to ruin that peace so soon xD.