The day was perfect. The sun was out and the flowers were blooming, birds were probably singing somewhere outside, it was a Disney fairytale. The media was respecting their wishes of a private ceremony (with the promise of a press conference later), everyone's flights were on time. The dress hung from the window, hair and makeup were done, jewelry was on and it was all going to plan. Well, almost to plan. The bride had locked herself in the bathroom and refused to come out, not even the pleas from the flower girl nor the threats from her red headed mother got her to unlock the door. Issie sat on the floor with her back against the door, trusting that her bridesmaid will respect her refusal rather then just push the door open.

"Issie, please open the door?" Pepper knocked on the door while Natasha perched on a nearby chair. Issie's sister had left a few minutes ago but Cath was pacing back and forth.

"Do you want me to go get Steve?" Pepper tried again.

"No! Don't get Steve!" The muffled panic on the other side of the door was the first noise they had heard from the bride in a while. Cath's pacing speed up and Nat raised her eyebrow.

"Who do you want me to get? What do you need?" Pepper looked over at Natasha who gave a casual shrug. Suddenly the door opened and Matt walked in. He walked over to the door and pounded on the wall next to the door.

"Speak your piece."

All the woman froze as scrambling was heard and the door was flung open. Matt stepped in and closed the door behind him.

"What's up Little Lady?" Matt gathered his little sister up in this arms. "But no crying, your makeup is finished and not waterproof." He gave a small smile at her breathy laugh.

"Matt." Issie tried to hide herself in her brother's arms like she did as a child. "What if he doesn't want to marry me now?" She handed him, the small object that had been hiding in her hand. Matt was torn, half of him was elated but the big brother wanted to go and beat up the man who did this to his little sister. He put the object aside and tilted her chin so she looked up at him.

"Tell me. Do you honest think that this will take away Steve's love for you or make him not want to marry you?" He raised an eyebrow "Because if you do, I have my car out back and a buddy who owes me a favor." Matt smiled as Issie sank into his arms and let out a deep sigh.

"Thank you." She took a deep breath and then stood up, ready to finish the day.

"Is that a no to the car and favor?" Matt grinned down at her.

Three pairs of eyes were watching the door as it opened and the sibling stepped out. Pepper smiled as the photographer caught Matt helping Issie into her dress and zipping up the back. Her sister helped her with the garter and Natasha placed the veil lightly over the curled updo just as her father knocked to take her to the front of the church. She watched as the three women closet to her walked down the aisle wearing the lavender dresses Steve insisted upon. Her father gave her a hug before the door opened and she walked toward her future.

Steve stood at the front of the congregation counting the minutes and the songs that were playing. They were three songs over due and he was trying very hard not to run his hands through his hair, he knew that Bucky would have his head if he messed up what his best man had worked so hard to style. He turned to look behind him and tried to smile back at the grin from his best friend. She was late. He knew that sometimes getting ready took a little more time and weddings started a little late, but that didn't make him feel any better. She was still late, four songs late. The door opened and Nat followed behind her daughter as she threw flower petals in the air. Steve breathed a sigh a relief. One by one the bridesmaids came down the aisle. Then the doors opened and Steve saw his future walking toward him. He remembered the first time he saw her in the common room of the tower, purple hair everywhere and a tattoo peaking out under her t-shirt. He had thought that she was beautiful then but that didn't compare to the picture walking toward him. She had dyed her hair to a natural color for the wedding which was why he had insisted on the purple bridesmaid dresses. But now, she walked down the aisle on her father's arm and he could swear she was glowing. Her smile grew as she got closer and Steve could only smile back and hope that the moisture welling up in his eyes wouldn't blur his vision of his bride.

If you asked him about the ceremony later he wouldn't be able to give you a play by play, but he was fairly sure he didn't mess up or stutter his vows, but not certain. He did know that the kiss at the end, his first kiss with his wife, That was the stuff of fairytales. Steve held her hand as he lead her down the hallway to the reception but had absolutely had to stop that second to give her another kiss.

"How are you doing, Mrs Rogers?" He turned her toward him and wrapped an arm around her waist, happy to steal a few moments of quiet. Issie leaned into him and laid her head on his shoulder.

"I'm wonderful, Captain Rogers." She felt him let out a contented sigh and rest his chin on her head. "Steve, before we go in, I have something to tell you." She pulled back just a little to look up at him.

Steve frowned slightly at the movement but looked down at his wife. Her eyes were bright, but uncertain. He waited as she fingered the buttons on his dress uniform (she had insisted) until finally she took a deep breath and looked up.

"I know we haven't really talked about it, but you are so good with Emma and I know you love when you get to do children events, and I know that you will worry about everything, but you are going to be amazing and I can't wait to watch you with them. But we'll do this together and the whole team will be there to make sure they are safe and Nat and Clint do it and I'd bet everything that Bucky will be the most protective, and-"

Steve leaned down and gave her a long kiss. He had realized relatively early on that kissing her was the best way to upset her train of thought and stop a rant.

"What are you talking about?" He looked down at the flushed bride.

"I'm pregnant." Issie looked up at her husband. His jaw had gone tense and his eyebrows had gone up to his hairline.

"What?" His question came out in a rushed breath.

"We're going to have a baby." Issie waited for the shock and panic, but she would be waiting fo a while. She watched the words register then gasped as he swooped down for a passionate kiss. Steve pulled back and for the second (third, ok, fourth) time that day tears welled up in his eyes as he cupped Issie's face in his hands.

"We're having a baby?" Hope and joy shone out of his blue eyes and Issie could help but tearfully nod. His watery smile would forever remain one of Issie favorite memories.

That's it everyone. I hope you've enjoyed reading Issie's journey!