Exploring the woods behind the base probably wasn't a good idea, especially alone. But solitude and fresh air would be better than a four wall room filled with soldiers. 'God, what have I done? Signed my self over to the devil himself.' Pine needles and leaves littered the uneven ground. She found herself prowling up a mossy pine tree. All her manners were forgotten in the woods and she was able to exercise her feral urges that had been dormant for so long.

Her feral senses had created and entire new world. It had taken a while to make the world smaller when her mutations developed. The steps of a spider walking up a wall would blare like a marching band across the room. The dinner eaten a day before would linger on a persons breath and make her sick.

Now she had to get everything tuned all over again.

She focused on reaching the very top until she was above the evergreen canopy of the woods overlooking the foreign land of America. 'This is a big world,' she straddled a firm branch 'I could run for it, who would stop me?'. Her heart sank as she already knew the answer, there would be no doubt one of the feral brothers would find her. Striker would most likely send Victor, admittedly she feared him most.

Just being in the same room as the man made her heart pound in anticipation for him to snap. Only after a handful of encounters it became clear that he was by no means some irate brute, no in fact he was quiet calculating. The charred smell of wrath rolled off of him but the average person wouldn't know better by his stone expression.

He was studying everything Rhaella did that morning before training and again at breakfast, it made her wonder what he had found out from their brief encounters.

She would never want to be at the other end of his hunt. A shiver went through her, maybe at the thought of it or maybe because of the dropping temperature.

Her arms wrapped tight around herself and she closed her eyes to concentrate on the sounds but she couldn't clear her thoughts. She began to play back her happier memories.

The first night she danced with Tristane, when she didn't know that they would be spending their lives together. If only she had some power to see into the future, they could've been together longer. But there was no going back, and Tristane would not want her to dwell in the past. At least that's what she told herself. She opened her eyes and it was already getting dark.

Some of the stars became visible, but for some reason it seemed like there wasn't as many in the night sky these days. 'Are you looking down on me my love? Are you with my father and yours now?'

She heard a twig snap on the ground below and immediately crouched down to hide. Peering through the branches underneath she saw a man. She had smelled Logan enough times to recognize him in the dark. And he seemed to have done the same, stopping directly under her tree.

"Getting' dark kid," he sighed looking around slowly, "looks like you n' me got some training to do in the morning."

Rhaella let herself fall from the branch and managed to land on her feet in front of Logan. He was not impressed.

"How did you know I was out here?" She wiped the dirt from her jeans looking up at him. Logan was wearing his usual dark jeans and a semi clean wife beater.

"Lucky guess."

He turned on his heels and began walking away knowing Rhaella would follow.

"So, what made you wanna come out here kid? Plotting your next big escape?"

Rhaella felt her face immediately go hot, she must have looked as panicked as she thought because Logan gave a knowing smile. Well, it was more of a smirk but it still just affirmed that they were one step ahead of her, or, at least Logan was.

"No, I already know you'd come after me," she threw the idea of running away now that it proved completely aimless. Not wanting to talk about it any further she changed the subject. "You aren't... mad? About having to train me?" She looked over at him as they left the woods onto the trimmed lawn.

"Why? I told you I would after seein' ya try to scrap Wade."

It should have been reassuring. He had volunteered to help her maybe out of pity, but now Striker was forcing her to be his responsibility. Hopefully he wouldn't resent it the way Zero seemed to.

"So does this mean I won't be doing anymore training with Agent Zero?" She stopped. Logan stopped a few paces ahead of her and turned to look at her. "You should be training with the weapons ya' already have, a gun ain't much use to our kind".

There was a reassuring twinkle in Logan's eye and the edge of his mouth turned up. Our kind it offered a kinship saying she belonged. It was the most comfort she had gotten in this place.

His eyes then shifted down to her dirt covered jeans, "put some of those exercise clothes Skylark gave ya'. Meet me back in the gym." Logans voice was firm again. Rhaella nodded her head and he went his separate way.

She went through her drawers as soon as she got to her room. She pulled out a tighter pair of work out clothes and one of the many uniform shirts that came in Skylark's package. Like Skylark's jeans, the pants felt alien to Rhaella. Only up until now she had only worn thick skirts or dresses, but she liked the free feeling of wearing them.

Rhaella threw the clothes on, trying not to waste time. She didn't think Logan was the person you would want to keep waiting, especially if she wanted to make a good impression on her new teacher. Thank God it wasn't Wade or Zero.

She tied her hair in a ponytail, since a braid would take too long.

She made her way down the hall, with a small spark of excitement that she would actually learn something from Logan about her powers. Even if it was just exercising them. But after a lifetime of feeling like an abomination, and outcast, It was like seeing the sun on the horizon, a weight taken off her shoulders because she was not bearing the burden of this by herself.

Logan would give her answers to all the questions she had been keeping to herself for over a hundred years.

She forgot how to get to the training room.

Suddenly the memory came back of Victor catching her all alone in this same spot. She gulped almost expecting him to show up again in front of her. She continued walking in the right direction thanks to the memory. Luckily Victor wasn't lurking in the corners.

The strange music and grunts became louder as she approached the gym doors. Dukes had been swinging away at a heavy leather sac. God did the guy ever take a break? He didn't seem to notice her walk in, the blaring music drowned out her footsteps.

She could still hear footsteps approaching behind her. She turned smiling expectantly to see Logan.

"How's it goin' Rhae?" Her smile dropped.

"Wade-" she greeted him

"Ready for another lesson?" He sauntered towards her slightly out of breath. His red shirt was drenched in sweat as were the brown locks the stuck to his forehead.

"It appears you started without me" she turned her head to the side a crossed her arms to make more distance between them.

A hopeful glint crossed his eyes. "But Logan is training me now."

It seemed to crush his spirit slightly, but he was a grown man and she certainly felt no sympathy after he whacked her behind in front of half the team. Her claws dug into her arms at the thought of it.

"Oh" he raised his brows and nodded slowly "I see, well I hope you remember all that I've taught you?"

"I won't" she turned to walk away and, without meaning to, the silver tail whipped across his smiled when she saw Logan open the door. She was eager and also nervous to start with him and had no idea what his version of training would entail.

He cleared his voice "let's go over here" he half heartedly waved her to a more private corner of the gym. She followed him onto a grey padded floor that felt good under her feet.

"Alright," he turned to her "we're gonna start with some basic moves" he lifted his arms up and showed her a slow motion strike, and then several more changing arms. He waited expectantly until she realized he wanted her to copy him. Rhaella lifted her small fists in front of her face like he did. Together they went through the motions picking up speed each time.

"Not bad," he muttered. Rhaella tried not to smile, she didn't want to look too pleased with herself, there was still along way to go. Logan opened his palms out in front of him, "now use that to hit me."

Her mouth fell open but she shut it immediately "Shouldn't we have something on our hands?" She instantly wished she had taken the comment back after realizing how stupid she just sounded. He healed the man had survived her feral side taking over, her fists would be let out a short laugh "you'll have to get used to it, in a real fight you ain't gonna have gloves"

That wasn't what she was worried about, Rhaella could take the pain. She shook it off the thoughts and raised her fists striking Logan's big hands. He smiled after the first round, not sure if it was a good or bad thing so she went again even harder.

When she moved again something was off, he was looking at something. She went to go again and he had moved out of her way and surprised her by swinging with his arm. What surprised her more was how fast her reflex was to block it.

"Good." He nodded his head, "you have to focus now on my body, and what move I'm going to make next."

Without warning, Logan's left and right arm swung at her and she managed to duck. "I think we're going too fast!" She yelped.

"It's in you to have fast reflexes and you're gonna have to use them" he argued swinging again. She lifted her arm in front of her face to block it but the impact of his fist had caused her to step back. A ticking feeling lit in under her ribs and she found herself swinging back, but Logan was just as fast if not faster. Rhaella swung her fists with purpose again and again and missed. Logan returned the hit but this time she didn't see it coming and fell backwards on the mat.

"When you get angry you let your guard down" he scolded her.

"I wasn't angry!" She jumped back up. Rhaella was just doing exactly as she was told. "I smelled you kid..."

She stared at him for a moment thinking about what he meant, then her eyes widen and mouthed 'oh'.

He can smell emotions too.

Without thinking she took a deep breath and smelled his scent, there was nothing but the musk of male coming off of him.

"You can smell it can't ya? Peoples emotions..." She closed her eyes and nodded.

The corner of Logan's lip twitched up. It was so exciting meeting someone with the same abilities, a female, and someone not Victor. He couldn't smell the charred smell of her anger anymore just the mild floral scent, the scent that had been making Victor so tense. It was nice but not enough to affect him the way it had Victor. He mused asking Rhaella what he smelled like but it was probably cigars and whiskey.

Rhaella put her hands up and mimicked the fighting stance, Logan did the same.

This time she didn't hesitate to lunge. Logan deflected her, and the two began to dance in swings, ducks and hits. At one point Rhaella managed to hit his side. Logan wondered if she was actually using all her strength, otherwise this was not the same feral he had fought in the dark. He glanced down and saw her footing was all wrong, the next lunge he moved her foot with his causing her to stumble. She wobbled to catch her balance but nicked Logan in the process. The whole time she had managed not to let her claws get in the way, she knew eventually Logan would expect them to fight claw to claw.

Does he even have claws?

"Alright let's get the footing right," he stopped. The next half hour they went through the movements slowly, paying attention to where Rhaella's feet were. Neither of them were tired but it was Logan who decided to end the lesson for the night.

"You like beer kid?" Rhaella wasn't expecting that to come out of his mouth she turned her head slightly.

"Beer?" Why did that word sound so familiar.

"Ya old enough to drink aren't ya? Ya were with Skylark." That's where she heard it, Skylark had bought her that drink the night they went to meet the team. Beer. That's what Americans called it, she almost slapped her forehead.

"Yes! Beer, I like it." She answered too late. Logan must've thought she was some kind of idiot. He looked at her with a curious expression, "Alright...well go shower and meet us at the bar, the usual table."

Rhaella's face brightened with a smile, she tucked some stray hairs behind her ears "Alright I'll be there."

She wasted not time going back to her room and turning on the shower. For the first time she felt hopeful. Logan invited her to go out with the guys, and definitely not out of pity but because she felt like they might be forming the beginnings of a friendship. She peeled of the sweaty clothes and felt if the water had warmed up before stepping in. Skylark was a friend, she supposed, but Skylark wasn't going with her on missions or relying on her in potential battle zones. Rhaella scoffed at the idea of being in a fight, and wondered if these missions were as dangerous as Striker was making them out to be. 'Would he have men like Zero and Victor if they weren't?' That was a good point. She wasn't entirely worried about who they would be fighting especially if they were the ordinary men like the boy whose head bent her metal food tray. When you had the ability to survive like she did, very few people scarred her. She found herself more concerned with living among the world she was generations out of touch with. The people, customs, culture and life was what occupied her thoughts, not dying. At least, not for now.

She turned the water off and rang the droplets from her hair. Steam filled the room and covered the mirror above the sink. She ran her hand across the glass to see the sharp green eyes looking back. Reaching for a comb she wondered what to do with the lengthy locks. In her younger years she would've had an assortment of handmaids weaving the strands into some beautiful fashion or at least one other person to handle it. It had looked so beautiful in all the styled up-dos. Now she settled for a plain braid that hung over her shoulder.

She went through her drawer half expecting to find something besides the usual green, black, and grey uniforms. I should be thankful to have clothes, but these were nothing like the ones in the magazines Skylark gave her. Of course this was the military, no one was concerned with what they wore as long as it was clean and matched the man next to them. She pulled on the pants and grey shirt anyway.

When she walked outside Logan had been waiting in the black vehicle. Rhaella made her way to the car catching his eye, she fumbled with the handle before opening the door and getting inside. Cars had been foreign to her until a few weeks ago. She didn't understand how they worked and would've half believed them to be magic. Logan only gave her a glance and 'humfed' a type greeting. She watched him move the stick that was in between their seats and the vehicle began to move. The ride was short and quiet aside from Logan pressing buttons to change the music that emerged from the car.

The two of them entered the building and she was greeted with the familiar smell of smoke and alcohol. The music blaring from the corner of the room had been much louder than the one in his car. She glanced around the room taking in the sight of all the men sitting at the tables and playing billards. Most of the men had hard angry faces. They had matching leather vests, srcaggly beards and art that covered every inch of visable skin.

Logan put his hand out signaling her to walk in front of him. She kept walking through the rowdy crowd of men until she saw the familiar mousey face of Chris Bradley. She smiled and gave a have a small wave, he nodded in acknowledgment. Her eyes moved over and the her smile disappeared when she saw the Merc with the usual red shirt sitting beside him, never the less she tried not to look too disappointed. The whole team wasn't there this night, and maybe that was a good thing. Atleast I'll get to know them a little better.

Rhaella sat on Chris' other side and Logan next to her.

"Glad you could make it out" those must have been the most words Chris had ever said to her. "Me too" she smiled.

She looked over to Logan who had started lighting the Cigar that was in his mouth.

"So Rhae," Rhaella turned her head back to look at Wade. "You excited about our mission this week?"

Her mouth opened to reply but nothing came out. Did he just say our? She was about to ask him if he was going but a woman walked over between them. The lady was a looked to be in her late 20's with short red hair, her body was voluptuous. Dark jeans covered her jeans and her breast threatened to spill out of her tube top. Her eyes were lined thickly in black, and the smell of vanilla was rolling of her. At that moment Rhaellla found herself envying her. Maybe it was because her outfit was so alluring compared to the dull ones that hung off her own body.

"Hey boys," the girl sang. She smiled as her lined eyes gazed over the men around that table her hand on her hip and her chest stuck out even more. The woman's smile left when she saw Rhaella and she stood back up straight.

"Ahem, what can I get you guys." Her sultry greeting was over and her attention moved to the paper in her hand.

"Sam Adams, draft" Chris muttered making eye contact with the redhead's breasts.

The girl nodded writing down on her pad, and looked at Logan. He plucked the cigar from his mouth "Scotch," he spoke with smoke and plugged the cigar back between his lips. She wrote it down and then smiled over to Wade "How about you Wade?" She purred and put a hand on the back of his chair. Oh she had eyes for Wade, Rhaella could smell it coming through the stench of vanilla. Wade returned the smile, Rhaella could understand the girl's reaction, Wade did have a very attractive smile. "I'll have the usual Sarah," he winked. His warm eyes moved from the girl and over to Rhaella. "And she'll have...something fruity?" He smiled back at the waitress who snorted at that.

Rhaella didn't like that at all "I'll have whiskey, actually." Looking up at the girl, her who' sly smirk wiped off. "Whiskey, alright."

The girl quickly went back to the counter top at the other end of the room feeling the heat of Rhaella's glare.

"Looks like there's a free table over there," Chris interrupted Rhaella's stare, stretching his neck to see "Let's grab it before one of these Neanderthals takes it." He stood with Wade to go play.

A large man in a leather vest from the table behind turned to look at them "The fuck you callin' me?" The man slurred, his red face covered in a long grey beard. The burly man stood from his chair and Chris too a step back "Hey woah" Wade stepped forward trying to calm the tension "What my friend here meant to say was let's get a table... before one of these Homo-sapiens takes it." Wade corrected. The big mans face got even more red


"No!" Wade pointed to Chris "he did!" Chris wanted to kill Wade that very moment. All Rhaella could do was watch in horror as the man roared in anger and swung his big fist at Wade.

Wade ducked and with some astonishing strength for a man half the guys size, swung fast and knocked the big man to the ground. Rhaella's jaw was practically on the floor. She had never seen Wade in a fight. But he had been so quick and effortless, and now the man twice his size was knocked out on the ground.

The red head returned with a tray of drinks smiling. Wade plucked his glass bottle from the tray smiling at Sarah. "Just in time!" The girl looked around confused wondering what she had missed. When she looked down her eyes bulged out of her head and got her answer.

Wade and Chris walked past her towards the table, Rhaella followed quickly plucking her glass of whiskey from the tray of the waitress standing there shocked.

The music was loud and the bar so crowded no one seemed to notice the alteraction that happened in the corner or maybe no one cared. The three of them gathered around the table with their drinks, Logan strolled in not far behind. Luckily this was a game she had played before in her time.

Rhaella tipped her glass back and let the amber liquid burn her tongue. There was something comforting about it.

Chris handed out the pool sticks to both Logan and her while wade racked the balls.

"You any good Rhaella?" Chris turned to her.

Rhaella shrugged her shoulders "I'm decent."

"Good you can be on my team." He smiled. Although she didn't know Bradley that well, he reminded her of a small woodland creature, something quiet and innocent, like a bunny or fawn. It was absurd to imagine him being able to hurt anyone.

Logan bent over the table with the cigar still in his mouth, with a loud crack the balls scattered across the green cloth.

"Stripes." Wade announced.

Logan was able to make another one before he missed. Rhaella took the moment to align herself the right way, and landed hers in the corner. She was able to make it one more time before missing while Wade pulled through with three. It was a good thing she was on Chris' team because the kid couldn't make a shot to save his life.

"C'mon Logan, finish it off" Wade cheered his partner. Logan hit the ball with uncontrolled strength it went flying off the table.

"That counts as a scratch." Chris piped up.

Wade sighed rubbing his face with his hands, "Could you at least change this music? I'm tired of this Hell's-Angels-Led-Zep crap." Chris giggled an closed his eyes. The jukebox that had been blaring music stopped and turned over a new CD "Freezin' rests his head on a pillow made of concrete again " , the raspy voice began singing along to guitars, Rhaella couldn't make out how this was different from the music before. She picked the white ball off the floor and rolled it in her hands trying to think of where to put it. The way the balls were scattered there was no way she could make it.

Wade tapped his finger on the table "Over here,"

She looked at him unsure if this was some sort of trick or not. After a moment she gave in and put it where he wanted, after all what did she have to lose? She stared at the ball and leaned on her stick wondering how this was supposed to help when all of sudden the stick slid out of her hand and a she felt the warmth of someone close behind her. Her head snapped over and gave Wade a look of curiosity and warning. He put his hand up "easy, trust me". But she stiffened when his arms reached around her. She tried to move but her stomach was pressed against the table and Wade hovered behind her. I should've known. The stick went back in her hands and she knew what Wade wanted. Leaning over she pointed it at the white ball and felt Wade's hand come over hers adjusting the angle. The way she was standing would require her to lean forward more if she was to hit the ball. Her back bent forward more causing her behind to push into Wade. An immediate heat came to her face and she hoped no one else could see.

"There, now hit," the stick slid through her front hand and cracked the ball sending it bouncing off several walls before colliding with a solid red sending it off into the pocket. She breathed a laugh, realizing she had been holding her breathe. The heat behind her didn't linger, Wade quickly let go and walked back to his side of the table. Should she have said thank you? Part of her didn't really want to make eye contact with him. Instead, she reached for her glass and took another sip of whiskey, this time much larger.

By 11:00 at night Logan brought her back. The alcohol hadn't affected either of them. Logan, because of his healing and so would be true with Rhaella but she hadn't asked for any more than the one Logan had paid for. She didn't want to take advantage of Logan's drink offer and besides, she didn't have money to buy her own. The ride with Logan was a short quiet one. Logan wasn't a talkative guy and she was alright with that, she wasn't much for starting conversations either. She watched him turn the wheel and the hand go back to shift the stick in between them.

"What" Logan looked at her. She jumped, oh god, had she been staring at him this whole time? Her face reddened and she wanted to turn away but there was a question itching to be asked.

"Why don't you have any claws." It almost sounded silly the way it came out but she still waited for the answer.

He chuckled to himself and took his right hand off the shifter making a fist in the air. Her mouth opened in awe as she watched bones move underneath his skin and cut their way out above his fingers. Three rigid yellowed bones dried in the air, as long and sharp as swords. An amazed breath let out of her lips, her hand cautiously reached to touch them. She watched her own clawed fingers touch the veiny bones. Logan shifted uncomfortably in his seat, breaking the show up he sheathed his claws back to shift gears, letting the fresh holes in his hands heal. Rhaella retracted her hand quickly and looked down, wondering if she had been to forward.

"It looks painful," she remarked with mild concern

"It is" he replied flatly, her eyes looked back down at his hand. No evidence of a mutation, no claws or scars, just beautiful, human hands. A sudden pang of jealousy hit her, what she would've given to be so lucky. Logan at least looked normal, he could hide his mutation, no one would ever know what was beneath his skin but Rhaella bared her flaw for the world to see. No matter how many times she cut them down to her skin they grew back before the day was over.

The vehicle slowed to a stop, Logan got out and in an act of some forgotten chivalry walked around to open her door much to her surprise.

"Thank you," she said sweetly.

Logan made a gruff sound which she took as a 'you're welcome'

The two ferals strolled side by side into the building, with their friendship developing a little more after this night.

"Good night kid" he called on his way towards his room. She wished him the same and walked her own way.

Aside from the scuffle with the larger man at the bar, the night went pretty well and she had enjoyed herself for the first time since she had gotten here. She opened the room to her door and plopped onto her bed,to exhausted to notice the manila folder on her nightstand.

The events of the night replaying in her head, the music, the game of pool, Wade-.

'NO' she tried not to think about that part of the night. She shook it from her head but her mind wouldn't stop reminding her how his body felt pressed up against hers. No, stop thinking about it, she remembered how he had also done the same with a stick. And all of a sudden the memory was shoved back and replaced with her disdain towards the man. There was nothing enjoyable about it, she told herself. He's just another mercenary here to make money, she remembered how he had easily brought the man at the bar down and the way he had cut through Zero's bullets. Yes, he's a mercenary, a good one, one that loves what he does and that makes him dangerous. He's dangerous she warned.

And so am I.

Morning arrived with a knock on her door. Rhaella growled into her pillow, begrudgingly pulling away from the warmth of her blankets to open the door. Whoever it was it had better-been someone worth talking to at 8:00 in the morning.

"Hey Rhae!"

It wasn't.

"Wade? What are you doing?" She didn't try to hide her annoyance. He was interrupting very important quality time between her and her bed.

"Can I come in?" His head leaned to the side to get a good look at the inside of her room. She moved to block his view. "No."

Wade's muscular frame had no problem pushing past Rhaella, who was still half asleep, into the room. A growl escaped her chest watching him walk around her territory, what was he doing? Wade's eyes wouldn't stop moving around the room.

"Are you looking for somethi-"

"Ha, here it is." Wade went towards her bed and picked up the folder. Her eyes widened, was that there the whole night? how had she not seen it.

"What is that?" She walked over to him.

"This was supposed to tell you we had a meeting right now."

Rhaella's mouth dropped "I never saw it-" she hurried to the drawer taking out her uniform. She was in trouble, so much trouble. Her hands gripped the end of her shirt and she was about to pull it out. "Excuse me do you mind?" Wade was still standing there waiting for her to get dressed. She didn't have time to play his game, and went in the bathroom to change slamming the door behind her. She managed to get her uniform on as fast as she could and walked out into her bedroom. Wade was laying on her bed holding something to his face. "What are you doing?" He jumped and threw the small white cloth that looked a lot like her bra on the floor.

"Nothing! Let's get this show on the road." He jumped out of her bed and opened the door. She shook her head and followed him.

"I hope I'm not keeping anyone waiting." She muttered to herself. Wade didn't reply, the two of them walked upstairs to Striker's office. As expected he was sitting at his desk waiting impatiently. He huffed in annoyance and motioned for the two of them to sit in the chairs in front of his desk. Rhaella's eyes darted around the room before taking a seat. Where was everyone else?

"Well, now that we're all here," he glanced at Rhaella "these are your assignments."

He handed the two of them folders. "Victor and Logan failed to capture the information I wanted from 'the butcher', now we must go after his partners and find out what he was trying to buy and where it is going." Rhaella opened the folder and her eyes scanned across the page "what do you expect he's selling?" She asked but part of her new when she saw the familiar word adamantium.

"Weapons." Striker replied, "The two of you will head out tomorrow morning for Nassau, from there you will take a boat into Cuba, find the headquarters for Larsa Galvez and get the information on what is in the cargo ships being sent between Cuba and Niger."

Rhaella gulped, this was her first mission and she was sharing it with just Wade.

NEXT CHAPTER- Rhaella enjoys music, Wade finds the rum, Everything that can go wrong will go wrong in Cuba.