Through the vivid sky, a white bird leaps its wings and flies off far away. Clouds are hanging here and there in the splashes of pink and purple created by the sunset. A breeze coming from the north shakes the leaves of the varied trees surrounding the Phantomhive's Estate. Flowing between the grasses, heading toward two figures standing in front of one another. One is wearing a white fancy ball gown and a veil hiding his face, a bouquet of colorful flowers in his arms and long gloves covering his hands. The other, a black suit with a rose displayed in its left chest pocket. A table is set by them, where a lit candle holder is casting shadows around progressively as the sun goes down. The shorter one lays his bouquet on the table and faces his lover. The one dressed in black raises the veil he's wearing. A blue/grey haired boy with one of his eyes hidden, the other blue as the ocean, frowns down at his clothes. His expression tells that he's very annoyed by them. His lips move and a sound comes out:

"Why the hell do I have to wear this stupid dress? It's so itchy and I look like a girl!" he lets out as he scratches his waist.

"I think you look very lovely in it, the tailor thought so too."

He sighs and lifts up his head. The man he is facing has sparkling red eyes, with a hint of pink. His hair, darker than black, blows to a side from the wind. His comforting smile makes his heart skip a beat. His perfect features, his pale skin, his muscular body, everything this man has, is his.

"Shall we begin, Sebastian?" he asks, his cheeks turning slightly red, but his resting expression not changing.

"Yes, my lord."

Sebastian opens his mouth and speaks the words he had to learn for this ceremony. They decided not to bring a priest, as that person might start spreading rumors about their marriage. As for the tailor, she was told that Ciel was getting married to a certain woman and so she decided to have her own fun with the outfit.

"Today, we shall celebrate the union of a man and man, […] as they will stay together until the end, […] help one another, […] not cheat, […] not harm, […] honesty, […] love each other eternally, […]"

As the words continue flowing, the boy nervously taps his foot and grits his teeth. He somewhat feels tense about all this. He knows that a lot of bad things could happen if one was to discover he was married to another man, but he loved Sebastian too much to not be officially united with him forever. Yes, there was the contract, but that implied that Sebastian was to serve him. Marrying him, however, will give him more rights. Considering he is a demon, there is still limits to what he can and cannot do.

"Ciel Phantomhive, do you accept Sebastian Michaelis as your husband, the one you will spend your life with, until the end?"

Ciel still seems lost in his mind, thinking about all the consequences this will result in. He doesn't notice it's his turn to talk.


Ciel snaps out of his bubble.

"Ah-! I do…"

"Sebastian Michaelis, do you accept Ciel Phantomhive as your husband, the one you will cherish and keep safe at all time? Yes, I do."

He searches in his pocket and takes out a golden ring. Ciel removes his gloves, places them on the table and lets Sebastian put the ring on his finger.

"This alliance will prove our unification, as well as our mutual love," Sebastian says as he slides it on.

"Eh…Alright then," Ciel replies, staring at his hand for a bit too long.

He feels different because of this unusual accessory on him. He did wear his blue ring, but this one, which is now placed on his third finger, feels rather special. Like if it has an invisible aura surrounding it and when equipped, gave the carrier strength and wellness. Deep in his thoughts again, he gets carried away and Sebastian brings him back again to the ceremony.

"Do you have the ring?"

"Oh, yes."

He searches in a hidden pocket in his dress and takes the other ring out, a golden one too. He grabs Sebastian's hand in his and inserts it on his finger, repeating what he said when he placed his ring on his.

"We may now kiss," says Sebastian as he leans forward and gives him a peck on the lips.

Ciel rolls his arms around his husband's neck and kisses him back. They stare at each other with a huge smile, finally wedded.

"Time for the cake now."

They walk back inside and head to the dining room, hand in hand, where a huge wedding cake as tall as Ciel is displayed. Nicely decorated, it sparkles a bit to the flames of the chandelier. Ciel approaches it, dips his finger in the frosting and licks it.


"Shall I cut a piece for us?"

"Yes, go on."

Sebastian takes out a knife and cuts a piece of the cake, lays it on a plate and brings it to Ciel. He hands him a fork and they eat.

"It's good," stats Ciel while chewing calmly.

"I tried my best," says Sebastian after swallowing his portion of cake.

"Well done, then," he genuinely smiles, his mouth clear from the dessert.

"Thank you," Sebastian smiles back.

As Ciel is preparing to go to bed, his dress finally off, Sebastian sits on the mattress with him. He gets close and takes him in his arm.


"Yes Bocchan?"

"You can stop calling me like that. Just call me Ciel now, but keep your butler role when we are with others."

"Of course," Sebastian nods.

Ciel kisses his cheek. A chuckle resonates in the bedroom. Sebastian climbs over him and stares at his face with a smile. His cute small face, his big blue eyes with long dark eyelashes, his pink lips, the sides turned upwards. He loves looking at him. At how perfect he is.

"Do you think we should have a honeymoon?" Ciel asks all of a sudden.

Sebastian blinks a few times. He wasn't expecting that kind of question coming from him. He answers after a couple of seconds:

"Oh…yes…Where would you like to go?"

"I prefer letting you choose this time…" Ciel says.

Sebastian raises his eyebrows in stupefaction. He is continuously stunned by how different Ciel acts since they got married. His mouth, open in a sign of "o", now takes the form of a smirk.

"What would you think of Paris?"

After two days, with the help of Sebastian, they land on a house located in France. It is early in the morning and the sun is about to set up. Barely anyone is walking the streets. Ciel turns to his partner.

"Let's watch the sunrise on top of the Eiffel tower."

Sebastian takes him in his arms and jumps from building to building until they arrive in front of the structure. He climbs up and drops Ciel next to him. The young earl gets close to the bar and lays his hands on its cold surface. The sun continues its ascent toward the clouds, bit by bit, changing the colors of the sky on its way. Ciel sighs.

"What will happen in the future?" he asks out loud.

His hair and clothes move to the wind blown up high where he is standing. He closes his eyes and listens to the city's noises getting louder. A sweet whisper opens his eyes:

"No matter what happens, I'll be by your side, until the end."



Thanks for reading the last chapter of this series!

I had so much fun writing this! Even with the ups and downs of my life, I somehow still continued writing and coming up with new ideas and actually ending the story (I always start one but never finish)! So I really hope you enjoyed this because I did! (I'm gonna miss this :c)

My birthday is Monday! (^▽^) lol little side note x3

Thank you so much for all the support, I couldn't have done this without you guys' help! So thank you very very much!

Upcoming fanfic: Unsure, I want to write longer fanfics in fewer chapters so it will take more time until I post.

Until then, favorite if you liked this, leave a review on what you thought of the ending or/and if you have any suggestions for a fanfic, and I will see you next time! ^^