Did I tell you guys that my biggest problem with writing is that I get easily carried away? No? Well, now you know. I can't not stop myself from writing down my ideas and, most of the time, they don't fit together, so I start writing another fic. That's what happens here. But don't worry, I will still update «the life she deserves», I just sent two chapters to my beta.

Since I don't want to abuse her kind help, that chapter was only writing and verify by me. I apologize for any mistakes.

That one is set in an alternate-universe where Liz didn't have to run away from the Cabal and the FBI. She never betrays Ressler and her team and she's still an FBI agent.

Hope you guys enjoys it.

She keeps catching him looking at her. Normally, this might have unsettled her—she'd probably even call him out on it—but today she allows it. She enjoys it, even. Although she knows it'll probably lead to nothing, she relishes in the fact that he finds her beautiful enough to stare at.

But then she catches the wayhe's looking at her, and she is suddenly unsettled and ruffled. He's not just looking at her the way you'd look at an attractive person…he's looking at her so hard she can almost feel his eyes drilling holes into her.

Ressler is looking at her like she's made of diamonds. Like she's the most beautiful woman in the world—like she's not even a woman at all, but a masterpiece.

The last person to look at her like that had been Tom.

Liz tries to ignore him, pretending to bring her attention back to her computer, trying to complete her report on the last blacklister they catched.

But he won't stop staring at her. She thinks maybe she shouldcall him out then. After all, doesn't he have things to do? "Ressler, don't you have someplace to be? Some papers to print? Report to give to Cooper?"

"Wha...?" Ressler says, still staring.

"Sorry! Did I interrupt something? This comes from Samar who just enters their office, making both of them jump in surprise.

"No, no..nothing. Why would you ask that?" Ressler pointedly looking at Samar while waiting for an answer.

"Well, you were gawking at her like a high school boy on prom night." Samar answers with a provocative smile.

Liz flushes. "What? No! I mean—" Ressler stammers. His face is rapidly reddening.

Samar laughs again, and, despite the pointed look Liz's trying to give her, she exits their office as fast as she came in.

Ressler sighs, "Okay…listen, Liz."

She obeys, turning towards him.

"You must know that by now but… Aram and Samar are holding this New Year's party tonight. And…well, I'm not the kind of guy who like office's party…. but it's New Year's party and I thought I would made an effort and… I'm rambling am I? Anyway, I thought it would be nice for us to go there like…. together?" he looks hopefully at her, his hands jammed in his pockets and his shoulders hunched. She never saw Ressler like that before. He was always so confident about everything. Maybe Samar was right after all—he didlook like a high school boy asking his crush to prom.

Except she wasn't sure she was his crush. Why would she be? She was so messed up and complicated. Liz's initial reaction is to deny his request. But, then she realizes three things: one, that she really doesn'thave anything planned for tonight, two, that Ressler was, indeed, making a big effort by choosing to go to the party and three, that she…she think she mightactually possibly want to be his date. Maybe.

"Sure." She hears herself say it before her mind has even made up a decision.

Ressler blinks, taken aback, "What?"

"Sure, I'll be your plus one." A smile tugs at her lips as she says it.

Liz smoothes the wrinkles out of her dress for the umpteenth time. I look fine,she tells herself, but she doesn't quite believe it. She's wearing a black leather dress—not something she's worn before, and probably not something she'll wear any time soon. It's a v-neck, and backless, so it isn't exactly ideal for the winter time, but it's the only thing she had that would be reasonable for a New Years party.

She hears a knock on her apartment door, and she knows it must be Ressler. Looking at the mirror one last time, her reflection reveals that her hair, which was pulled back into a high ponytail, isn't perfect,but it's good enough. Besides, she doesn't have the time to fix it.

Ressler knocks again, and she takes a deep breath—for some reason, she's nervous—and opens the door.

Ressler's face is brighter than usual. Maybe, it's the natural smile on his lips or the way his eyes are shining. No matter what it is, Liz finds him even more attractive. "Hi," he says, his smoky tone makes Liz shivers, "These are for you." That's when she notices a bouquet of flowers in his right hand—yellow roses, her favorite.

"Thank you," she takes the flowers from him. They're already in a vase, so she sets the whole thing on the coffee table. "Come on in," she says stepping aside and letting him in. She closes the door behind him and turns to look at him.

He's staring at her. Again.

But she's staring at him, too.

His hair is slightly ruffled, it's an unusual look for him, but she likes it. His white shirt is spotless, and matches his blue and black striped tie perfectly.

"You look…" he gulps, "you…wow, Liz. You look incredible."

"You too," she says, suddenly shy, "Except…" she reaches over, grabbing his tie. "Let me fix this," she's suddenly aware of how close their faces are as she begins to fix his tie.

"There," she says once it's done. She's very aware of the fact that his eyes haven't left her face the whole time. Also, her hands remain on his chest, resting there. She tells them to move, but she can't seem to get control of them.

In fact, she can't seem to get control of any part of her body. Although her brain is screaming a warning: Elizabeth Keen, you stop this right now! He's your partner and you'll only get hurt!,her body doesn't seem to listen. Her hands trail down Ressler's chest, feeling the hard, shaped muscles underneath his shirt, and her eyes skim down his body. Ressler's breathing heavily, watching her every move.

And then she's kissing him. His tie knotted in her fist and his mouth on hers. She's not even sure who initiated it—they seemed to lunge for each other at exactly the same moment. But she also knows that kissing him isn't enough.

Quickly, as if she's afraid she'll lose time, she rips off the tie she just so carefully fixed, her hands immediately moving to the buttons on his shirt. Ressler's hands find the straps to her dress, which he pushes off her shoulders, pushing her up against the door as he's doing so.

His lips find her shoulder, kissing the collar bone and then moving up to her neck. "What about the party?" Liz finds herself asking as her hands comb through his hair.

His arms find her waist, and her legs find his, wrapping around them. Ressler grins at her, "Who cares?"

She laughs at that, all thoughts and fears suddenly melting away. She doesn't think. She doesn't need too. She just needs him. "Bedroom's that way." She nods at the hallway as he carries her towards it, and her lips find his again, and she feels herself sigh into his mouth.

They dispense the rest of their clothes on her floor before they even make it to the bed, where their passion only intensifies, not dwindling, not daring to stop, even when they hear the countdown outside and the fireworks overhead, they don't stop—they can'tstop.

And Liz doesn't want it to stop. Not ever.

So, what's your thought? Don't hesitate to drop a comment. I really like to read you guys.

I don't know how long «the life she deserves» will be but that story will be 4 or 5 chapters long MAX.

I forgot to wish you guys a happy blacklist day! Let's hope for a good episode!