Daichi: So, I think we all saw this story idea coming from a mile away. The real question is how to design the other kids...

Verity: We don't own Digimon, we don't own Undertale, we don't own anything here.


"Frisk! Frisk, get down from there!" Frisk Dreemurr, technically princess of the monsters, but only second in line (First in line going to her almost-identical sister Chara), glared down from the tree.

"Come on, I survived the underground. I think I can handle falling from a tree."

Sophia Combs, one of seven accidental resurrections, and most violent ballerina ever, sighed. "Not that. Your flower is tormenting people again." Why had she brought Flowey along? Right, because Chara was too ill to play with him and bad things happen when Flowey is bored. Part of the reason she SAVEs every morning.

"Oh. I take it Nate went on about his theories to much?" Nate Beasley was the student of the group, and constantly went on about theories and discoveries. "Actually, why don't you handle it?"

"Because Sans wants us to be nice." Sophia pointed over to where the skeleton was talking with Marcus Simpkin, who was once arrested for illegal possession of a firearm. "Why is he our counselor, again?"

"Because Papyrus was upset he wasn't doing anything and looking after us... doesn't require much effort."

"Does he ever even try?" Frisk stiffened, remembering a world where things had gone very, very wrong.

"It's better that he doesn't."

"What do you mean-" But Frisk had already gone to confront her favorite flower.

"Look, Flowey, stop tormenting Charnette." Charnette Rhodes, whose hobbies included playing house and picking flowers, sighed in relief.

"Thanks, Frisk. I don't know how much longer it would be before I started gaining LOVE." Not that she'd actually follow through with it. Charnette was the sweetest little kid they'd ever met, the youngest of them at seven years old. Not that any of them were over the age of fourteen.

"Well, you wouldn't have as much LOVE as Sophia, Chara, Marcus, or Stan." She gestured over all of them, stopping momentarily at the boxer Stanley Boon, LV five. The lowest of them that actually had LOVE. Chara had the most, at nineteen. Nate looked up from his notebook.

"That's true, especially since there wouldn't be as much intent to harm as they would have."

Flowey seemed like he was realizing the true meaning of fear. "...Please don't kill me. Frisk, you know what too much LOVE does to people. You saw what happened to Chara."

"Relax, bro, I wouldn't let them kill you." Flowey looked mad. He was always mad when one of the humans mentioned Asriel. "Now, I may tell mom not to let you have any more pie..."

Finlay Statham, who dreamed of being a master chef, and the only one besides the Dreemurr girls who Flowey would tolerate, passed by at that moment. "Hey, Flowey, if they cut you off, I have a new recipe."

"Fin! Don't encourage him!" Frisk could tell that, under different circumstances, there was no way they would all be friends. But life was weird like that. Ignoring the gut instinct that told her to SAVE, which should have served as a warning, she headed over to where Sans had let Marcus go- literally, as the kid had been held in the small skeleton's blue magic. "What am I going to do with these people...?"

"look, kid, you knew you had pitfalls ahead when you decided not to RESET."

"I know, but... I'm never getting through to them, am I?"

"hang in there. you got through to your sister, didn't you? if it makes you feel better, i'm rooting for ya, kiddo."

"Thanks, Sans." For a moment, the ground almost shifted beneath her feet. "Did you feel that? Either Chara suddenly got access to my powers, Flowey somehow got more DETERMINATION, or something big is going on." A small device made an appearance and fell into her hand. "My point exactly."

Why was this happening? This was supposed to be a normal camping trip, with minimal time-space shenanigans! She saw Fin pick up Flowey in confusion, and felt Sans' hand on her shoulder, and then it all went blank.


"Frisk, get up!" A shove. "Frisk..."

That wasn't Chara's voice, or Flowey's, or anyone she knew's really. Sitting up in surprise, she almost hit her head against the small green blob.

"Great, you're awake! I was worried. If it went wrong and you died or something, I don't know what I'd do! Oh, I'm Gummymon, by the way."


"Frisk, you're here!" Turning, she saw Flowey burrow up next to her. "This place is weird. If Chara were here, we could have a lot of fun! Oh, and Fin has something to show you." She didn't even have time to ask when he'd left his pot.

"Flowey, don't run off like that! It's safest if you stay in the pot!" He was followed by a small flame creature that was almost reminiscent of Grillby.

"Um, Fin..."

"Oh, yeah, this is DemiMeramon!"

"Fin, do you even know where we are?"

"I'm not sure. I saw Sans earlier, he said he was going to check up on the others. He might actually be trying."

"Fin, be nice. I know what Sans was going through before the barrier broke, and I can't really blame him. He's been trying harder lately," She pointed out. And it was true. The fact that she wasn't RESETting anytime soon probably helped that.

"Frisk, you, Chara, and Sans seem to have this big secret going on. I want in."

"Fin, if Sans won't tell Papyrus, what makes you think we'll tell you?" The argument was broken up when they heard a roar in the distance.

DemiMeramon shuddered. "It's Kuwagamon! He's back!"

"Run!" Gummymon cried. Frisk grabbed Fin and did as she said.


They had no clue when they finally managed to get away other than that they collapsed as soon as they could, suddenly noticing the other presences. "You're all here already? How?"

The group and the creatures with them pointed at Sans. "Shortcut."

They were quickly introduced to the other small creatures, which identified themselves as 'Digimon'. Marcus had a small cat like creature called Frimon. Charnette had a fluffy fox called Viximon. Stan had a fuzzy blue thing called Wanyamon. Sophia was partnered with a purple ball of fuzz called Dorimon. Finally, Nate had a creature with metallic helmet and fluffy tail called Kapurimon.

They wanted further introduction, but they were tired, and Frisk knew that they'd be safe enough with Sans around, so they decided to put it off for a time, and surrendered into sleep.


Daichi: So, the story is going to be very different. Flowey and Sans are there because they know enough about how space and time work that they'd find a way in anyway. Also, all of them have a reason for the partner I have chosen for them. Their partners are all the same gender as them, to make it easier. Feel free to guess, although if you know which chara-cter's which it shouldn't be too hard.