Susan Zahn and Erin Darroch

Just Rewards – Chapter 1

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Summary: "If money is all that you love, then that's what you'll receive."

Disclaimer: All characters depicted herein are the property of Lucasfilm, Disney, etc. Our only profit is in the form of readers' feedback. Please be generous!

Ratings/Warnings: M; mild language; angst; some non-explicit suggestive adult themes

Time Frame: Extension and expansion of Star Wars: A New Hope; during and post-ANH

Tags: Han/Leia. Romance/Angst. Han Solo/Leia Organa

Note: With thanks to our lovely beta readers: CorieMariee, BonesBooth206, YellinYee, and Marjorie Joyce.

Also if you're familiar with the rest of the Kismet series, please note that the OC name Kristin Aldritch = Keris Aldric now. We decided the old name was too "Earthy."

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Chapter 1

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For them to perceive the advantage of defeating the enemy, they must also have their rewards.
—Sun Tzu

"Yahooo! You're all clear, kid!"

The unexpected voice, new and loud and boisterous, made every head within the tense Rebel war room, hidden within the ancient Massassi temple on Yavin IV, jerk up then pivot around in an attempt to pinpoint the intrusion. But the rowdy call had originated from the same intercom speakers channeling frantic messages of Alliance fighter pilots mid-battle as they fought off the Imperial TIE fighters swarming to protect the approaching Death Star.

"Now let's blow this thing and go home!"

Princess Leia Organa, intently watching the mesmerizing holographic plotting table as glowing icons of combatants swirled in their fatal dance, suddenly felt dizzy and gripped the table's edge; time seemed to stop while the oddest sensation of ringing filled her ears.

General Dodonna was the first to officially respond. He pointed at his chief of communications, a female officer standing across the expanse of the plotting table from him. "Lieutenant Aldric, update our encryption code now! And then find out who just broke into our—"

"No, wait!" Leia interrupted, overcoming her initial shock at the unexpected rally cry. Standing beside the general, she grabbed the old man by his arm and looked up into his bearded face, unable to restrain the sudden rush of energy and hope that coursed through her. "That's Captain Solo! He's come back!"

The general drew a breath, taking a moment to gauge the likelihood of her claim and the state of things in the battle portrayed on the virtual panels around them. "Very well, if you're certain, Your Highness. Lieutenant, cancel that order."

"Yes, sir. I'll still follow up with how he broke into our frequency."

"There's no need. Solo was at the mission briefing and…." Dodonna broke off as the table before him erupted in a flash of light as the dominating globe representing the Death Star suddenly flickered then disappeared. Alarmed, he glanced back to Aldric. "Lieutenant?"

"Checking now, sir!...It's—it's gone!"


"Great shot, kid!" Captain Solo's raucous voice rang out again, filling the room with its unrestrained cheer. "That was one in a million!"

Realization set in and a wave of visible relief swept over everyone in the war room.

"They did it!" Disbelief at this second respite from imminent death left Leia giddy and she grasped the table edge once more to keep from collapsing in a heap. The adrenaline rush she'd been riding ever since the moment the trio of Corellian smuggler, Tatooine moisture farmer, and an oddly timid Wookiee had broken her out of that Imperial detention cell cut off with a suddenness that left her trembling. "Dear Goddess, they did it!"

"It's over, at least for now," the general announced as he bowed his grayed head and paused to be alone with his own thoughts.

Leia remained beside the general, barely noticing the continued chatter of the staff surrounding them, her emotions and thoughts a jumbled mess.

"Your Highness," Dodonna spoke up again as he looked at her. "I would appreciate it if you would join me in debriefing Red Squadron and Captain Solo and his crew when they return. Perhaps something in their feedback would prove useful for you in your capacity as acting military intelligence leader, and you could help me in vetting our newcomers."

"Of course, General," Leia agreed. "I don't know very much about them yet, other than their obvious contributions today, but I can certainly be a character witness to their behavior under fire. I can also start profiles on each of them and initiate the usual background checks."

"Excellent, thank you."

After a few more moments, the general became busy with another task, and Leia couldn't remain still any longer. "I'll be down on the flight deck."

She barely registered Dodonna's acknowledgement as she rushed for the exit and into the narrow stone corridor beyond.