Headcanon (sent in by a Guest): Beast Boy has ADHD

Characters: Beast Boy, Robin, Mento (mentioned)

"Beast Boy, are you even listening?"

He startles, forces his mind back to the present and the affairs at hand.

He hadn't been daydreaming, not exactly. His attention had just drifted elsewhere for a second.

"Uhm, yeah, sure, something about-" He trails off, because truly he has no idea what Robin was talking about and the leader frowns at him, crossing his arms.

It never ends well when Robin crosses his arms.

The changeling shifts his weight from foot to foot nervously, hands clenched tightly behind his back in an effort to keep them still and he hates how hard it is.

"Please at least try to pretend to care about what I'm saying." The boy wonder sighs and Beast Boy lowers his head awkwardly, ears drooping.

It isn't his fault that Robin is so boring he can't even keep his attention focused. Or that sitting still makes him anxious. Or how easily he forgets stuff.

Or that sometimes everything is just a bit too much and too fast and he wants to get in bed and hide away from the world.

It isn't his fault at all.

But there isn't much use explaining that to Robin is there?

No, because his current leader reminds him of Mento. And explaining it to Steve had never done any good. He had only ever gotten impatience in return.

"I'm sorry." He says instead, clenching his teeth so hard it hurts.

There are some things you just don't tell.

I'm back deep into Teen Titans so I'm opening this up again. Feel free to send me Headcanons to write about.