A/N: This idea popped into my head when I started looking at holiday pictures and it would not leave me alone. My favourite place in the world is Disney World and the idea of a Swan Mills Family trip to Disneyworld seems totally legit in my head. I have the story planned out (for now) and it should be 16 chapters in total.

The story is set post season 3 finale.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters mentioned in this story. They all belong to the creators of Once Upon a Time or the Walt Disney Company.

It had been six months since Emma had returned from the Enchanted Forest, since Regina ended things with Robin, since Emma shared a kiss with Hook but then promptly changed her mind and told him that things between them would not work out.

It had taken two months for Regina to walk the streets of Storybooke with her head held high. For the past two months she had avoided people as much as possible. She only really spent her time with Henry, and even then she tried to encourage him to stay with his other mother, allowing her time to wallow. Henry of course refused, telling her it was his home too and he would be staying put! She loved him dearly, and in times like these she couldn't stop herself from seeing his biological mother in him. He was the perfect mix of them both, no idea how or why, but it just worked. He was the perfect son, the perfect young man…her little prince.

Emma had tried to make contact several times daily for the first week after she returned. In the second week she tried a few times, but by the sixth week she had completely admitted defeat allowing Regina the time she needed.

Emma was disappointed that she had not seen Regina, that she would not been able to put things right. She did not know who Marion was when she met her. She would have still saved her, of course she would, she is 'the savoir' after all. If only she had been able to speak to Regina she would have explained why. She would not have let them meet for the first time at Granny's with a room full of people. She would have done whatever it took to make it right but Regina would not have had the time to put her walls up and completely shut her out. Before the Marion thing she really thought that they were becoming friends.

Six months later and things were better between the two mothers. Emma had tried a few times to apologise but Regina had shut her down and asked that the past stay in the past. Emma respected Regina's wishes and did not bring it up again. They had successfully settled into a co-parenting routine. Henry mostly spent his time at the mansion but often stayed with Emma at the weekends and the occasional week night. They tried not to enforce a strict 'my time/your time' policy in order to avoid Henry feeling like he was being constantly shipped from pillow to post. He kept things at both homes so he never had to pack up to go and stay with the other parent. What they did do was spent time together as a family. When Henry was at the mansion Emma would often come over for dinner. Regina equally would think of something Henry may need and just pop by to drop it off, causally bringing breakfast with her. Emma had told Regina she was welcome anytime but Regina always had to have a valid reason to visit.

The two women did not really spend much time alone without Henry. Occasionally they would bump into one another at the diner and have lunch together, discussing Henry mostly, avoiding anything personal. Both women however let their guards down when Henry was around. They would laugh and play and forget about life commitments and all the bad in the world.

Henry referred to Friday night as family night because on nine out of ten Fridays the trio would spend the evening together. Most of the time this was at the mansion and Regina would cook a lovely meal that she had just 'thrown together'. Emma always complimented her on how amazing the food was, and Regina would always make too much so that Emma would have to take some home with her along with other the homemade baked goods.

Friday morning started off as normal and Emma had text Regina the night before to say she would collect Henry in the morning and drop him off at school.

Henry had breakfast and was waiting impatiently by the door for Emma to arrive. As soon as her car pulled up he quickly kissed Regina on the cheek and shot her a quick "Bye Mom" before running out the door. Regina thought he was acting a little odd but did not want to dwell. "Have a nice day Henry, she you tonight" she called after him. But when Emma returned to the mansion an hour later Regina was a little confused and slightly concerned. Emma quickly assured her that Henry was fine and she just needed to ask her something. The blonde was nervous and rightly so.

Regina paced the hallway of her mansion, her fingertips rubbing at her temples in distress "Why did you agree to this without consulting with me first?" She asked bitterly.

"I didn't agree, I said it was a good idea and I needed to discuss it with you first" the blonde woman before her tried to justify looking a lot like a deer caught in headlights.

"So then, if I say no I'm the evil unsupportive mother while you get to be cool supportive one?"

"Come on Regina, don't be like that, although thank you for recognising my coolness. This could be what you need, what we all need; a break with no monsters, no victims needing to be saved, just You, Me, Henry, sunshine and fun." Emma smiled sweetly.

"Your idea of fun and my idea of fun are obviously very different Dear!"

"What's not fun about Disney World?"

"From what I know of it, it's just full of strange people who worship stupid idiots like your mother and father as well as a silly little mouse!"

"Hey don't talk about Mickey like that! That guy made at least some of my childhood happy!" Emma smiled weakly.

Regina's face drops at the comment. She knew Emma didn't mean anything by it but it didn't stop the knot from forming in her stomach and the bile from rising in her throat.

"Regina, please just think about it ok?" the blonde asked before Regina replied.

"I will do some research and get back you. Maybe a few days wouldn't be too bad" she added, sounding less than enthusiastic.

"Erm, well about that…we aren't going for a few days we are going for 2 weeks. You see, there's a lot to see and do in Orlando and we, well Henry, doesn't want to miss anything. He wants to go to all the Disney parks plus universal studios and Kennedy space centre, see it's even educational. We get to see a real space ship and even have lunch with an astronaut!" Emma's face light up with joy just thinking out their potential holiday. Regina cannot help the small smile that graces her own lips at the blonde's excitement and childlike smile.

"Henry doesn't want to miss anything? Are you sure about that? From the way you're talking I'd say you don't want to miss anything." She teased.

"Look Regina I won't stand here and lie to you. I want to go; I want the three of us to have this experience together. It's somewhere I've wanted to go since I was a little girl, Somewhere I never dreamed I'd be able to go. So yes, I'm excited about the prospects of going there with my son…and you."

Regina feels herself slowly but surely becoming overwhelmed with emotions, mainly fear and uncertainty, but maybe also a little bit of excitement. She knows she needs to get herself away from Emma and out of this situation and her first instinct is to send Emma away.

"I need some time to think and process all this. Please can you just leave before I say something I may regret?" Regina lets the words leave her mouth before she can stop herself. The sad puppy face that Henry plays oh so well is definitely a trait inherited from his birth mother.

"Oh yes sure, maybe call me later?" Emma asks as she turns to leave.

"Goodbye Miss Swan" is all Regina can think to say as she starts to close the door.

Regina doesn't miss the hurt look that washes over Emma's face. As Emma gets halfway down the path she adds "I'll call you later Emma" and then she lets the door close gently behind the other woman. Regina does not see but Emma smiles.

Regina spends the rest of the morning researching Disneyworld and Orlando. She does not really 'get it' but from what she reads people seem to love the place. She can see why it is appealing to children and well, Emma is a big kid so it makes sense she would want to go.

She wants to say yes and make both Henry and Emma happy but if she's honest with herself she's scared. She's scared of leaving Storybooke, scared of being without magic, scared of having to spend two whole weeks with Emma Swan, but mostly scared that she'll actually enjoy herself.

She feels bad about her earlier run-in with Emma. She knew she had upset the younger woman. She really did not mean too but it was just something that came naturally to her. She pondered her relationship with Emma. They really had become friends, a family of sorts, a totally functional mess of respect, loyalty and love. She's not sure how or when it happened but she secretly even had a teeny tiny bit of love for the rest of the Charming clan. She sent Emma a quick text message just to make sure everything was ok between them.

'Please collect Henry from school as normal and come home for dinner' Emma's quick reply reassured her that things between them were ok.

'Thanks. I'm sorry about this morning. I'm even texting real words just for you. See you later' She really wishes Emma would not apologise so often because she knows saying sorry back is what she's meant to respond with but she's not that person. She sends a quick reply to Emma and goes back to her day.

'No need to apologise. We shall discuss the vacation later'


After a rather quiet family dinner they sit silently together in the living room until Henry stands and addresses his mothers who sit at opposite ends of the large sofa. First he addresses Regina…

"I know Ma spoke to you today about our vacation plans..."

"Henry…" Regina says in a stern voice trying to delay the inevitable discussion that was to follow.

"Please Mom just let me finish. I promise I will listen to you after I'm done."

Regina thinks about saying something more, but then nods for Henry to continue, Emma just sits back and watches the understanding between them. Henry makes sure they are both focused on him and then continues.

"I made a list of reason why us going to Disney World is the best plan ever. Number 1, I've never been on a real holiday away from Storybooke that actually happened. Number 2, I want to go on holiday with both my Mom's together. Number 3, Disneyworld is the perfect place for the Evil Queen and the Saviour to vacation" He says with a cheeky smile.

"Henry please don't call your Mom that" Emma interrupts. She hates when Henry uses the E word when talking about Regina and has talked to Henry about it on multiple occasions.

"I'm sorry mom I don't think your evil, it was just for my list purposes" he says guiltily

"It's fine Henry, please continue" Regina assures, also throwing a small smile at Emma as a silent thank you.

Henry continues for what seems like an eternity even Emma begins to zone out. "Number 100, I want to meet Mickey Mouse"

Both women stay silent for a few minutes to ensure that Henry only had 100 reasons why they should go to Disneyworld. Regina finally speaks up.

"Henry you do raise some very valid reasons why we should go on vacation but I've been doing my own research and a holiday like this takes a lot of planning if it is to be done correctly. Maybe we could go in a year or so?"

Henry smiles at Regina and then Emma before handing Regina a folder full of documents. There's vacation brochures, theme park maps, a map of Orlando, car hire information, even a list of the top 100 places to eat in Orlando.

She lifts them out one by one showing them to Emma

"What's the Grand Floridian?"

"That's the hotel we are staying at"

"What's a Magic your way ticket?"

"That's the ticket we are getting"

"What's cirque du soleil?"

"It's a show we are seeing, you will love it"

"Southwest airways? I take it that's the airline?"


Regina looks at Emma suspiciously and asks "Did you help him with all this research?"

"No I didn't know about all this, stuff" she says gesturing to the pile of papers in Regina's hands and across her knee.

"Do you really think this is a good idea?" Regina asks Emma in a small voice.

"I think it would be a great vacation. Disneyworld is the most magical place on earth" Emma replies sheepishly not wanting to upset Regina

"So is that a yes?" Henry almost bounces as he asks

"I don't really have much choice do I?" The former Queen questions.

"You do, but if you wanted to make your two favourite people very happy I think its best you say yes?" Henry teases with a huge hopeful grin.

Regina takes a deep breath and look Emma in the eyes before looking at Henry and smiling

"Ok I guess we are going to Disney World then" Regina reluctantly declares.

Unexpectedly both Emma and Henry engulf her in a massive hug. It shocks her first, not the hug from Henry but the hug from Emma as they have never hugged before. They had both been hugged by Henry at the same time but Emma had never intentionally wrapped her arms around her the way she was doing now. It made Regina blush and she's not entirely sure why.

"Thank you Mom, I love you" Henry beamed at his Mother.

"Thank you Regina, I love you too" Emma added with a big grin

Regina felt her heart swell at how happy she had made them both and even though she would never admit it to her son and Emma, they really were her two favourite people.

Henry spent the next hour telling Emma and Regina all the things they had to do, the places they had to visit and the food they had to eat. He had even made an itinerary with every day of the holiday planned out with extreme precision including where they would eat. He had really planned out every last detail of the holiday. All that was left to do was booking at paying which Regina and Emma split between the two of them.

"So I guess Operation Ears was a success kid?" Emma asked him while ruffling his hair

"Operation Ears?" Regina questioned with a confused expression.

"Henry's idea, everyone wears Mickey ears at Disney World." Emma stated with a smile

"Over my dead body, or more likely yours Miss… Emma"