A/N So sorry for the long, long wait. I got a new laptop and had to transfer all my files over and then my office 365 ran out and I couldn't afford to renew it so I had hand write all my stories and then I had to type them all up when I finally renewed Microsoft office.

Hawkgirl silently watched as doctors and nurses fussed around Wally. She had been sat by his side when his heart monitor started going crazy and she had been pushed to the side when the doctors ran in to help him. After about ten minutes of anxious waiting the heart monitor started to slow back down and the doctors started to leave. One of nurses came up to her and Hawkgirl asked what had happened. The nurse explained "That because of his super speed his heart wanted to try and speed up but his body couldn't cope with the sudden speed burst" Then the nurse asked her how she was doing. Hawkgirl didn't know how to answer. She wanted to lie and say she was fine but she really wasn't; she hadn't slept or eaten in ages. "I'm tired and hungry" she finally replied.
"You should get some rest; don't worry we'll keep an eye on him." Said the nurse. Hawkgirl nodded and headed out.

J'onn was up on the main bridge when he noticed that an unknown person was trying to teleport up. He went over to the computer and started to type. He told the computer to not let them through because they might have been a threat. Just as he was about to press enter; Batman, out of nowhere, flew in. "Let him through," he ordered.
"But we have no way of telling who it is and whether they are a threat or not," the Martian replied. "I know who it is so let them through!"
J'onn sighed but decided not to argue with him. He pressed a button and somebody started to appear on the teleportation pad in front of him. Soon enough the figure fully emerged. J'onn instantly recognised who it was; Batman's former protégé, Nightwing. "I CAN'T BELIVE YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!" he shouted, obviously furious. "I was going to but I got a bit side tracked with other things," was Batman's reply. This infuriated Nightwing more.
"So you're telling me that my best friend, from like forever, has be in a coma for THREE WEEKS and you didn't tell me because you got SIDE TRACKED!" Before Batman could reply Nightwing stormed off towards the med bay and to make sure his best friend was alright.

When he arrived at the med bay Nightwing saw that doctors and nurses were surrounding the Flash. He burst through the door and all of the medical staff turned to look at him. "Excuse me sir, but I'm afraid only justice league members and medical staff are allowed to see the patient," stated the doctor who seemed to be in charge. "What about close family members?" asked Nightwing. "Yes family members are allowed in but you're not his family," said another doctor. "Wally always said that I was like family to him so I think that I should be allowed in to see him!" and with that Nightwing grabbed a chair, pulled it up to the bed and sat in it. None of the doctors or nurse dared to argue with him so they slowly left one by one. When they were finally alone Nightwing took Wally's hand in his own. "Hey, Wally, it's me," Nightwing whispered, "I thought you way want some company who is not a doctor or a nurse."

He talked to Wally all night long, telling him stories about what had happened in the teen titans and in his personal life. He told him jokes and told him about a new smoothie bar that had opened up in Central City. By morning he was asleep n Flash's chest with all the league watching him.

- Flashes P.O.V -

My head was banging. The last thing I could remember was running along GL's path of light and throwing the worm hole generator into the sun. There was a massive flash of light and then nothing. I had just woken up to find that I couldn't move or open my eyes. It was horrible. I could hear voices talking and I could feel the weight of someone leaning on my chest. They had been crying. I could feel the wet patches from their tears. "I wish he would just wake up" I heard someone say. I tried, I really tried but I couldn't. "You should leave him now to get some rest" said a voice that sounded like a doctors. I felt the person on my chest sit up. "I'm not leaving my best friend!" Oh my goodness, it was Dick that had been crying on him! "Dick, you should go," that was defiantly Batman.
"Fine but I'm coming back later!" shouted Dick. I heard the sound of people leaving. 'No don't leave!' I thought, 'I promise I'll wake up!" I tried to take a breath in but there was something chocking me. I coughed and spluttered. "He's trying to wake up!" I heard someone shout. I heard the noise of people running in. Doctors and nurses fussed around me and then I felt the thing choking me get pulled out. I finally took a deep breath in. It felt good to get oxygen into my lungs. I tried to open my eyes and it worked! The lights were bright so I squinted but I could make out the concerned faces of Dick, Green Lantern, Hawkgirl, Superman, Martian Manhunter, Wonder Woman and Batman. "Welcome to the land of the living!" said Dick.
"Yeah, you gave us a big scare!" said Green Lantern. All the heads around me nodded. "Did I save the world?" I asked. My voice was sore and hoarse.
"What do you think," said Hawkgirl, "do you think we would all be stood here if you didn't?!" hat made me feel good. It was nice knowing that what I did wasn't in vain. "Hey Dick!" I said. "Yeah" he replied. "You do know that crying isn't a very manly thing to do!" I told him. As soon as I had said it, the part of Dicks face you could see went bright red. "How did you know?" he asked, obviously embarrassed. "I felt it"
"Yeah and I bet he's gonna hold it against ya for the rest of your life!" said a mystery voice. Everybody turned to look at the door way when I saw who it was. "Roy!" I shouted, soon regretting it.
"I leave you alone to do your own thing and look what happens!" he said as he walked further into to the room. "I really don't know what we would do without you" he said with in a soft whisper. "I agree, you're the only person I know with a sense of humour!" said Dick. I laughed at that and soon everybody in the room was laughing too. I was glad everyone was happy and that I managed to save the world.

The End!

Hope you enjoyed!

P.S Just in case you didn't know, the thing chocking him was a breathing tube.