Disclaimer: I don't own Fairy Tail. I hope that you guys enjoy!

In the kingdom of Magnolia, just a bit over 18 years ago, a princess was born to the king and queen.

The princess had bright red hair and sparkling brown eyes. She was named Erza. Princess Erza Scarlet to be exact.

In her youth, not even being able to speak, she seemed very happy. She smiled and babbled and was extremely playful, until that terrible day.

A year after the birth of Princess Erza, they celebrated her birthday. All through out the kingdom, excitement spread.

The interiors of the castle were plastered with streamers and balloons. Inside the ballroom was the party. The king and queen wore grand clothing, along with most of the guest as well. But, more importantly was the baby princess.

Her crimson hair reached her jawline, her small bangs that barely reached her eyebrows, were pushed to the side. Upon her tiny head was a small tiara. She wore a small, cut little pink dress, decorated with bows.

Her brown eyes were shining with confusion, and yet excitement for the unknown event that was taking place.

The entire of the place was full of the bright smiling faces of the kingdom. In fact, the brightest faces in the room were of three fairies. Now, these aren't your typical fairytale type of fairies. These fairies had tails.

One, had bright white hair that matched her smile. She wore a dark purple dress with white lace that went to her mid-thigh. She had bright wings with four points on each side of her back. Her wings were white like her hair and blue like her eyes. Her tail was like all of the other fairy tails was curved with a sharp point at the edge.

He name was Mirajane. Mira, as most call her, was specialized in many things, beauty, light, demons, and most importantly, love. Mira, was there, like the other two fairies, to put a magical gift to the now one year old princess.

The one next to her was a blond with brown eyes. She wore a dress similar to Mira, except her's was blue and pink. Her wings and tail were similar to Mira's, once again being a different color. Her wings and tail were golden.

This fairy's name was Lucy. She was a fairy centered on the stars, friendship and creativity.

The final fairy had bright green eyes and midnight colored hair. She too, wore a black and yellow dress in a similar style. Her tail and wings were dark green and purple.

This, was Minerva, the fairy of strength, confidence and transformation.

All three were smiling and chatting simply. What they didn't know, was that there was a certain fairy that wasn't very happy.

This fairies name was Juvia. She has light blue hair and deep ocean blue eyes that could seem to be endless. She, in all honesty, was quite a beauty. But, sadly she is an extremely emotional person.

She was sad, but mostly furious that she wasn't invited to the first birthday of Princess Erza. So she did what any sensible entity would do.

She came up with an evil plan to get back on the kingdom. Sounds completely sane and logical, right?

So, as the day past by, it came down to everyone's favorite part of birthdays. Gifts!

Everyone made way for the three fairies, as they flew through the air and landed in front of the King and queen, kneel before them.

Each stood gradually, smiling and bowing their heads slightly to the rulers of their kingdom. Mirajane went first.

The young fairy smiled brightly at the audience, and cleared her throat a little and began to speak.

"My name is Mirajane. And I am honored to be here today to bestow a gift onto the now one year old princess." After doing another, somehow graceful head bow, she turned towards the small princess.

Erza, was in a simple explanation, taken away. Seeing such a beautiful person with magic was too wonderful to. Erza smiled at her and giggled, with her eyes sparkling.

Mira returned the smile and giggle.

"Erza Scarlet will be beloved bully all who see her and will be outstandingly beautiful." As Mira said these things, she moved her hand in a circle, causing a wave of purple magic to shimmer down onto the small child.

Erza continued to giggle, and began to clap her hands, along with the crowd.

Mira turned around returned to stand beside Lucy, watching as Minerva went next.

"I am Minerva. I am great full to live in such a great kingdom ruled by such wonderful people, who have saved from when I couldn't be strong. I want to thank, and ensure that princess Erza Scarlet will be a great ruler." With the words spilling out of the fairies mouth, Minerva walked over to Erza.

Erza simply stared at Minerva's empty expression. Minerva wasn't a huge fan of kids, but as soon as Erza puffed her cheeks and stuck her tongue out at her (Erza was doing that for fun. She's to young to be that mean) Minerva knew she would like this kids style.

"Princess Erza Scarlet, will be one of the strongest females in the land. I feel like the future queen should be strong enough to hold her own." Minerva's lips twitched into a smile at the expression on Erza's face.

Minerva walked away from the baby princess and stood in her place nest to Mirajane.

Lucy stepped into the center of the stage, like where the others were. She smiled brightly at the people in front of and opened her mouth to speak, but sadly was intruded by a huge wave of water breaking down the huge wooden door that lead to the ballroom.

Somehow, Juvia had perfect timing. After soaking the floor and pushing most of the crowd out with the flood water. She entered, wearing some evil attire. She wore her typical hat, except it was black, along with a black and red dress that seemed sleek, and yet elegant. She even went heavy on the eyeliner and mascara. (Trust me, it's not a good look for her)

She floated to the center stage, smirking at the king and queen.

"What do you want with us evil wench!" The King spat at Juvia, which in return she sneered.

"How dare you call Juvia a wench! Juvia just came here to deliver Juvia's special present to Princess Erza." And with that, she quickly flew over to Erza and incased both of them in a bubble. Erza, not realizing that she was in any danger, clapped and giggled.

Juvia simply smirk at the blood red haired baby.

"Indeed, Erza Scarlet shall be beautiful and beloved by all, and strong, but she shall have Juvia's curse! A curse in which that, on Princess Erza Scarlet's 18th birthday, she shall fall into a deep slumber for 100 years. And all those hundred years, this land shall be cursed by rain." Juvia looked out to see the terrified looks on everyone's faces.

"She shall fall under this curse by pricking her finger on a rose!" She began to laugh a little. In fact, I would say she was losing sanity. But, then again who am I to judge.

"Juvia! Why are you doing this to this poor innocent child!" Lucy screeched at her fellow fairy. Juvia and Lucy were pretty close, so it pissed Lucy the fuck off to see Juvia doing this. Juvia simply smirked evilly at the blond.

"They didn't invite Juvia to their party!" Juvia whined like a five year old who wanted a pack of gum at the store, but there parents said no. This notion, made everyone sweatdrop.

"You did all this shit, because you weren't invited to a damn party?" Minerva asked in a dead panned tone that read 'are you kidding me?' All the fuck over it. Juvia, as a response, simply nodded.

I bet most of the crowd was wondering why the fairies weren't fighting Juvia, or that the guards weren't coming to save the day. Well, because the King is a dumbass, he let all the guards have day off, which was how Juvia broke in so easily. (Nice going Kingu! Saving the fuckin day) But fairies, on the other hand, couldn't break the fairy code.

Fairies cannot fight other fairies directly. Fairies are used as support in battle, not as brawlers.

So, they could do jack shit. Knowing this, Juvia simply vanished, popping the bubble around Erza, causing the princess to whimper.

Lucy stepped over to Erza, scooping her up into her arms.

"How are we going to get rid of this curse? Is there anything you can do?" The Queen pleaded, sending a glare to the King. The fairies looked at each other.

"Sadly there's no way to reverse the curseā€¦" Minerva said looking over in Lucy's direction. Mira fallowed the gaze and understood instantly.

"But, we could make it so that there is some hope of reversing it." With those words Lucy understood. She tsked her tongue and sighed.

"Why do I have to always do this?" Lucy asked, grumbling as she handed Erza over to the queen.

"You didn't give Erza her gift yet, so this can be her gift. Now, hurry up." Mira rushed Lucy along. She looked around the almost empty room to see most of the people had left, the few that weren't, were pasted out on the ground.

" It is true on Erza Scarlet's 18th birthday, she shall prick her finger on a rose. It is also true that she will fall into a deep slumber, but there still is hope. Erza can be awoken by true loves kiss, awoken by the kiss of her Prince Charming. And that is the only way, the princess shall be saved." Lucy finished, pouring her magic onto the toddler. She seemed exasperated as a result.

"My Lord and Lady, I think it would be best if the three of us lived in the castle, to help protect the princess, just in cases Juvia wants to attack." The King and Queen agreed to the proposal, but said that the girls would have to be around Erza's age, and would have to use magic only in emergencies. And with that, the princess was under the protection of magic.