A/N: The second chapter of my FUBAR romp on VĀ“Ger!

Disclaimer: Star Trek belongs to Paramount Pictures and, of course, Gene Roddenberry (R.I.P.), The Great Bird of the Galaxy. Voyager belongs to Rick Berman, Michael Piller and Jeri Taylor, I guess.

Rating: Soooo much of an R!

2- An Ensign discovery

"The Captain did what?!" said the Doctor upon hearing what had happened to Harry.

"We told you," said Tom. "Apparently, she went nuts and had sex with Harry." Harry whimpered slightly. They lay him down upon a bed.

"Rather forcibly, it seems," said the Doctor. He started scanning Harry. "There doesn't seem to be anything physically wrong with him, except for fatigue. Seems the Captain really...well, enjoyed herself..." Chakotay groaned, and Harry gave a weak whimper.

"Jeez, Doc, do you have bring that up?" said Tom. "The Captain's almost like a mother for Harry."

"GAH! IMAGES!" Harry exclaimed. The next moment he passed out.

"Never mind..." said Tom.

"We have to find out what happened to the Captain," said the Doctor.

"I volunteer to find her and stop her!" said Chakotay.

"No, Commander, it's too dangerous," said the Doctor.

"Please...?" said Chakotay.

"NO!" said the Doctor and Tom. Chakotay sighed.

"We should look over the sensor logs," said Tom. He and the Doctor went over to a panel.

Ensign Johnny Dotes was walking in the corridors of the ship. He was a member of the security division. Just a few minutes ago a concerned friend to him had expressed his worries about the security division having the heaviest casualties. Especially amongst the Ensigns. Johnny hadn't taken him seriously, dismissing it as a coincidence. Now he entered his quarters, humming a tune he liked. He took of his uniform shirt, since he had finished his shift. Suddenly he heard something. He looked around but he couldn't see anyone.

"Hello?" he said. No response. The light wasn't on though. A purring sound was heard. He turned towards the sound. "Come out where I can see you!" A person emerged from the shadows. Johnny gasped.

"There's no anomalous sensor readings..." said the Doctor.

"I think I remember that she... Let me check something," said Tom. He tapped the console.

"The replicator logs?" said the Doctor.

"Yeah, I think that she-" said Tom, interrupting himself when he saw the Captain's replicator log."-drank a lot of coffee... Can you really drink that much?"

"No wonder she isn't acting normal!" said the Doctor. "That amount of caffeine would be dangerous!"

"Well, I, er... WE have to do so-" said Chakotay but was interrupted when the com sounded.

"Janeway to sickbay..." said the Captain in a seductive voice. "Medical Emergency..."

"Captain, you have to g-" said the Doctor.

"It's not me, it's Ensign Dotes..." said Janeway, interrupting the Doctor. "There's something wrong with him. He couldn't take it, the lazy, naughty, little boy..." The trio in sickbay could swear that the Captain was pouting, or at least that was how she sounded. She exhaled. "Anyway....look onto his com-badge, yadda, yaddda, yadda, you know the drill... Janeway out..." The last part she said with the again seductive voice. The doctor walked over to a console and tapped it. A few seconds later Ensign Dotes materialised onto a bed in sickbay. And a person looking like he might die, whilst having a huge grin on his face was a very strange sight, to say the least.

"It's official," said the Doctor. "This ship is truly fucked up."

A/N: Johnny Dotes is of course a play with John Doe, since Ensigns mostly are anonymous.

Update rate on this fic will be when I have to time to write more stuff, since other fics have higher priorities.
