A/N: This is just a fun thing I wrote when I remembered Janeway's line "One more cup of coffee and I'LL jump to warp."

Disclaimer: Star Trek belongs to Paramount Pictures and, of course, Gene Roddenberry (R.I.P.), The Great Bird of the Galaxy. Voyager belongs to Rick Berman, Michael Piller and Jeri Taylor, I guess.

Rating: Soooo much of an R!

1-When you get to much...

Captain Kathryn Janeway sat behind her table in her ready room. It had been a long and tiring day. She had set a new record for amount of coffee drinked. By how much she didn't know, she had stopped counting at twenty- five cups. She began feeling sleepy, got up, and dragged herself to the replicator.

"Coffee, black," she said. A cup with coffee materialised. Janeway took it and drinked up. She felt a bit more energised. She put down the cup into the replicator. "Recycle." The cup disappeared. She got back to her seat. She sighed of boredom. But then, something happened. She felt more than just energised. She felt...well, strange. She felt hot, and took of her outer uniform shirt, now wearing the undershirt. The door beeped. "Come in." Harry Kim entered.

"Here's the report, Captain," he said.

"Any problems?" said Janeway.

"No," said Harry. Janeway still felt hot. She clutched her forehead as it for a second pounded with pain. Then it was over. "Captain? Are you all right?"

"Yes, fine," said Janeway. But she felt...tense...eager. For what she didn't know.

"Well, here's the report," said Harry, and gave her the report. As she took it, her hand touched his for a moment. Now she knew what she felt. She looked at Harry with a, to him, unfamiliar look.

"Computer, look the doors," said Janeway. The computer complied. Harry looked around nervously.

"Um...Captain?" he said. "What's going on?" Janeway got up. Suddenly she ripped of the sleeves on her undershirt, and then ripped a long slit on the font, creating a rather low cut, showing of her bust rather good. "Holy-! Um...er...I don't think this is such a good idea, Captain!"

"Don't you worry about a thing, Harry...." said Janeway in a very seductive voice. The feeling Janeway was feeling was that she was very, incredibly, enormously, HORNY. She approached Harry slowly, moving very seductively. "Just let me take care of everything..." She made a purring sound. Then she leapt forward towards Harry, who let a out a scared cry.

"Did you hear something?" said Tom Paris on the bridge, looking at Chakotay.

"No," said Chakotay. "Why?"

"Thought I heard a woman scream," said Tom. Now Tuvok entered onto the bridge. "How about you Tuvok, did you hear anyone scream just now?"

"No," said Tuvok. "But if you are 'hearing things', perhaps you should visit sickbay, Mr Paris."

"No," said Tom. "Probably just my imagination..."

"Shouldn't Harry be back by now?" said Tom about an hour and a half later. At that moment, the door to the Captain's ready room opened. "Ah, there he is now." Paris looked toward the door. Harry was standing in the opening. Or rather, he was barely standing in it. He was hunching against the side of the door, his clothes in shreds. On his face and several other exposed parts of his body was scratch marks, obviously made by fingernails. "Are you okay?! What happened?!" Harry looked at him.

"S-s-sh-sh..." he said.

"Sh?" said Tom.

"She r-r-r-ra-" said Harry,

"Raped you?!" said Tom.

"No...she had s...s...ssseee-" said Harry.

"SHE HAD SEX WITH YOU?!" exclaimed Chakotay. He got up and ran past Harry, knocking him to the floor. Harry whimpered when he hit the floor. Tom ran over to help his friend. Chakotay came back out. "Damn it, she's not there..."

"Maybe we should get Harry to sickbay, Commander?" said Tom, an irritated tone in his voice.

"What? Oh, yes, you're right!" said Chakotay. They helped Harry into a turbolift. "Tuvok, you have the bridge."

"Yes, Sir," said Tuvok, and got seated in the Captains chair.

"Sickbay," said Tom, and the turbolift started moving.

A/N: MOHAHAHAHA!!!! Now starts the reign of twisted humor fics by Emher! Let the destruction begin!

This fic is basically my idea that caffeine isn't too good if overly consummated. This fic is going to consist of short chapters updated weekly on Mondays.

Review, please!
