Disclaimer I don't own anything to do with Pokémon also Bulbapiedia is a great source of information
Merry Christmas I'm not dead
AN: I want to thank everyone who reviewed and favorited and followed this story. I love reviews so please continue to respond on my story.
Juti: I am glad you like my story. I tend to take a lot of time in updating my stories. I have a busy life and often I just will lose my muse for a story for a little while. Sorry you have to wait but that's all there is. Still I'm glad to get any review even if it is just to tell me to get more of my fic up.
Agoge: thanks for your reviews as well, it is always cool to see people review by the chapter. To answer your thoughts without hopefully giving to much a way. Persephone will be meeting some legendaries with Ash though not as many as the movies and some not even at the same time. the ones she does meet with Ash will hopefully seem to be natural situations and not forced plot contrivance. As for Sephie's rationality, while I like it a bit, I am trying to cut back on it I find the character is too rational and am trying to expand her some not sure if I am succeeding at all, but I am trying. I have tried to give the story ore of a feel that Sephie is telling it from the future so some of the over rational bits will be more of knowledge she has gained on her journey, though I left all the battles alone so any ideas she came up in them are her own thought during that moment. Her powers do mean something and she as an interesting journey a head of her, especially since I went back and re wrote a bit to lead the story in the direction I want it to go.
Kakazu: Glad you like the story.
wanderinghawk1: Glad you like the story I want it a bit more realistic, that's part of why this chapter was so hard I wasn't sure if I wanted team rocket in it or not. Not to mention that their plans in some of the episodes I am covering are very cartoony.
19Teardrop94: I know I try to edit my stories but it's not always easy to see problems in your own work and I don't have a beta. Ps anyone reading this I am open if anyone wants to beta. I am trying to speed up and I think this chapter helped, putting multiple episodes that happened with Ash in one chapter. The aerokinesis does have a point, mainly it's a connection to how she ended up in pokemon, and will come up more once Sephie is on her own again. She doesn't really want to practice around the others.
Crystal Blue Butterfly: Thank you for your review. My work hasn't been called pure genius before and I really appreciated it.
Frankieu: Glad you liked the history I put in I will be trying to incorporate other pokemon origins as they come up in the story.
Pokemon speech "Pikachu"
Human speech "Human"
Mind speech "telepathy"
Pokedex Speak dexter
What are the Odds
Route to Vermillion Part 1
Abandonment is unfortunately a very real problem with pokemon trainers. While most trainers form concrete bonds with their pokemon, there are others who only look at pokemon for power or a certain aesthetic. The biggest number of abandoned pokemon unfortunately come from starter pokemon. Often young trainers have a certain pokemon in mind when they start their journeys, if they don't get that pokemon or the pokemon doesn't meet their expectations they abandon their pokemon. For a starter pokemon this can be devastating. Starter pokemon are usually human raised, and are raised with the expectation that they will go to their trainer and be their partner. Being abandoned can also be deadly for a human raised pokemon. The pokemon often does not have the skills to survive in the wild and many wild pokemon reject human raised pokemon.
It has been made illegal to abandon a human raised pokemon in the wild. If a human raised pokemon wished to be released into the wild a trainer may do so with a league member to witness. However it has to be the pokemon's choice if the pokemon is unwilling the trainer will be persecuted for abandoning the pokemon and likely sending it to it's death. If a trainer no longer wishes to have a pokemon on their team they may trade the pokemon, leave the pokemon a pokemon center or send the pokemon to a reginal professor or a breeding facility. While this may hurt the pokemon emotionally they will be safe and hopefully will be helped through the loss of their trainer.
A Pokemon Professor or Pokemon Nurse are able to check a trainer's team and if it appears that a trainer has abandoned a human raised pokemon they will be investigated. First offenders found will be fined 20,000 pokedollars. Second offenders will have their trainer license suspended for a year and have a 50,000 pokedollar fine. Third time offenders will have their license revoked permanently and be fined 100,000 pokedollars. If it can be proven that being abandoned directly led to the pokemon's death than the trainer can face anywhere from one to five years in prison.
Announcement of a new law made by Lance Wataru Champion of the Kanto and Johto Regions after there was a rise in pokemon abandonments.
I shut off the video phone and took a look around the small hallway I found myself in. I had been traveling with Ash, Brock and Misty for a few days now. At the start of our trip we had agreed to make camp in the nearby forest every other day so Ash and I could train our teams. I was trying to find a clearing that would be big enough to train both an Onix and a Gyarados in when I stumbled on to the Pokemon Tec campus.
Thankfully the teacher who found me was very understand of the fact that an unknown adult was wondering around the school. Also once I explained why I was there they were even nice enough to let me use a free training field, in exchange for talking to a class about what it was like to go on a pokemon journey and giving a demonstration of some of my pokemon. After the training session, another nice person showed me to the public video phones so I could call Professor Oak and let him know I was still okay.
I almost had a heart attack when I saw how much using the phone at the fancy school cost. Luckily Professor Oak paid me for my reports and gave me a huge bonus for the information and pictures I took of the Lunarian's city. Of course he had to stop choking on the noodles he swallowed whole when I first gave him my information. I giggled, it was a very memorable video chat.
"Your report on the evolution festival that the Mt. Moon clefairy hold was fantastic. There are only a few other pokemon who have their own evolution ceremonies instead of just evolving when they become strong enough. One I can think of off the top of my head is the Bulbasaur line. Most Bulbasaur will hold off their evolution until they can migrate to the location of the secret garden . The garden changes locations every year but any wild Bulbasaur who is ready to evolve will find it. What's really interesting is that if a trainer allows their Bulbasaur to attend the garden as well instead of just having them evolve when they are strong enough, than they share a strong bond and the ivysaur tend to have a bit more power than the counterparts. I wonder if the same could be said for the clefairy. I might have to investigate this, though it will not be easy, seeing as how rare Clefairy are. None of my sponsored trainers have one at the moment, so I might have to ask around." The professor said after looking over my report.
"You have time. From what I learned the festival is a once a year thing. Just be careful that the Clefairy hasn't been away from their group too long. After two years away they are not welcomed back in their clans and have to find a new one. You need a clefairy who has already gone back to their clan and left again or one that is from a different clan or only been away a short time." I remind Professor Oak.
"Yes, yes, don't worry I will keep that in mind. Now your reports on your gyarados look good, though I don't become discouraged if it takes a long time to teach Poseidon to float, it took lance's gyarados at least a year to reach that stage. Though his never learned bounce as a magikarp, which might help. Now is there anything else to want to tell me about I noticed that you caught an onix since we last talked and the onix in Mt. Moon are not the friendliest bunch. Most try to avoid them and get onix from other locations." The professor said grabbing some of his lunch in his chopsticks. I had to hide a wince, when I let onix out this morning he had brushed by me hard enough to knock me over. I then had to stop Poseidon from ramming him into the ground with an aqua tail.
"I caught onix while I was trying to learn more about the Lunarians. My team and I were just outside onix territory waiting to see if an onix would talk to us when he attacked. Poseidon was able to take him out and once we met with the steelix who lead the onix, everything was cleared up and she brought us down to the Lunarian's abandoned city." I told the Professor trying to sound normal about the crazy event.
"I see well it's good that you were able to clear…." Professor Oak suddenly stopped talking and stared coughing as he pounded his chest. Finally he coughed and appeared to swallow.
"Are you alright Professor." I asked worried about the man who was choking on the other end of our video chat.
"Fine, I'm fine." He said as he waved me off. "Don't worry about me and tell me about the Lunarians. you said that you were actually able to see the city! Do you have pictures? Did you take notes?"
"Of course I took pictures and notes, there is an ancient language that is all over the temples. I tried to get as much of it as possible though I have no idea what it says. Do you want me to send them to you. I didn't want to send them with my original report as the file is pretty big and could take more data than I am allowed to use at the center." I asked.
"No as much as I want to see the reports, too many things can happen to files on a public connection. I don't want any of this information hacked. Actual photos of the Lunarian's city are priceless to anyone studying pokemon and ancient history, and I don't want them to fall into less than reputable hands. You're in Cerulean city right now and I know you promised to travel with Ash to Vermillion from there, so here's what I want you to do. There is a friend and fellow professor who lives between Cerulean and Vermillion though closer to Vermillion. I want you to stop there on your way to the city. I'll send you the location of his light house. I'll send my Dragonite to wait for you there and you can give him hard copies of all your data. He'll be able to get the documents to me in less than an hour after that and next to no one is able to mess with Dragonite so everything should be safe. I'll let you go for now but try to contact me as often as possible between Cerulean and Bill's light house, so I know your safe. I am very glad that you will be traveling as a group and the you have a pokemon as powerful as a gyarados, with you." After that last bit Professor Oak hung up, probably to start making plans on what to do with the data I would be sending him.
Since my check in was done I figured that I should find my way to the class where I would be speaking. I hoped that I would find a map to point me in the right direction. Pokemon Tec might be a beautiful place, but it was also a frustrating maze of buildings and training fields. I heard battle sounds outside and decided that the best idea would be to ask the battlers for directions to classroom 4A.
Outside I saw that the battle was taking place on one of the water fields the school had. I was about to call out to the battlers when I realized that one of them was Ash. I watched and didn't know whether to face palm or smirk when I saw Pikachu take down a cubone.
Ever since I started traveling with Ash I learned that he could get into the most bizarre situations the second he left my sight. The first time was when he went to the Cerulean gym, after we met back up. I thought that he was just going to make an appointment not challenge the gym. In most cases if he had tried to challenge the gym without an appointment he would have been turned away and given a fake badge. From what one of my books said people with seven badges and the fake badge have been banned from the indigo league since they don't have enough badges. I didn't think I had to warn the kid since he was traveling with Misty. Thankfully Misty realized Ash didn't know and stopped him from taking the fake badge and battled him as a gym leader only for their battle to be interrupted by the team rocket grunt following Ash.
Then a few days later when we stopped on the outskirts of a town to train for the day Ash ends up battling some other kid with a crazy powerful sandshrew. From what I was told after Ash pulled me away from training to battle AJ, Ash was demolished by the sandshrew and then the ground type was stolen by team rock only to drag them back to AJ and send them flying. Hearing that he had encountered the Rocket grunts again the second he left my sight, caused me to have a mini panic over how much Prof. Oak was going to kill me for failing to keep Ash safe, while Stridor who was sitting on my shoulder seemed to get extremely frustrated, that his idea of me keeping an eye on the young trainer was not working. Thankfully AJ was up for another battle, even if it broke his winning streak. Watching Stridor decimate the ground type with a combination of steel wing and his newest move aerial ace (Now named Steel ace) was great. I also took the time to ask the towns Nurse Joy, about AJ's training pokemon just to be on the safe side, and was relieved to find out that she helped build it to make sure it didn't unintentionally hurt his pokemon.
And now I find that Ash wandered onto the same campus as me and was fighting with the students. I walked closer and saw the girl Ash was fighting return her crying Cubone and say something to Ash. One of the kid's in the crowd saw me and pointed me out to the rest, who all started to look a little guilty. I figured they probably weren't supposed to be battling.
"Sephie, what are you doing here, I thought you were staying by the camp to train today." Ash cried when he saw me.
"One of the instructor's was nice enough to let me use one of the training fields if I would talk to a class. Speaking of which do any of you think you can tell me how to find classroom 4A?" I ask the group of students.
"I can." The girl who'd been battling Ash said. "I'm Giselle, and you're lucky most of us here have class there next, though I didn't know we would be having a guest speaker. Ash since you guys seem to known Sephie. That's your name right?" at my nod she continued. "since you seem to know Sephie why don't you come along and see what classes at pokemon tech are like."
Once we arrived at the classroom I saw the same teacher who let me use the training field writing on the white board. Guest Speaker Today was spelt out in big red letters across the board. The bell rang and all the students filed into the room, leaving me in the doorway with Ash, Misty and Brock behind me.
"Ah good you're here. I was worried that you might get lost, or would forget and still be at the training fields." The teacher said. "though who are your friends."
"They are traveling with Sephie Mr. Tate, I met them earlier and invited them along once I learned that she would be speaking to our class." Giselle spoke up from her seat.
"Well that fine then. Why don't you three find some empty seats while Persephone joins me in front of the board." He said.
"Now for the last week we have been going over how to use status conditions to help win in battles, and luck for you I was able to find someone with some poison pokemon who are able to inflict a pretty common status condition to speak today. Persephone why don't you let out a few of you pokemon and tell us about yourself and maybe share and experience where you used them in battle." Mr. Tate said. I let Aeron and Stridor out to the joy of the students.
"Right so my name is Persephone. I've been a pokemon trainer for about three weeks and have the boulder badge and the cascade badge. These are two of my pokemon Stridor and Aeron who like your teacher said is a poison type. I also have a second poison type, Hippolyta, but she isn't with me right now. Lyta's a beedrill and Aeron's a male nidoran. Today I'm going to tell you…" I trailed off what was I going to tell them. I hadn't had very many battles only a few after Mt. Moon and of course my… two…. gym battles. Suddenly I knew exactly what I was going to tell them.
"Today I am going to tell you how I beat the Cerulean City Gym using poison." I said thinking back to my second gym battle where I taught Daisy Waterflower new respect for poison Pokemon.
I walked into the gym, trying not to limp from the bruise I got during training, and up the reception desk for the second time since arriving in Cerulean City. The first time was when I request my gym appointment yesterday, and I was glad to have a full day to recover from the trip through Mt. Moon. I was brought out of my thoughts by a beautiful blonde, in a gauzy coverup walking towards me.
"Like hi" She said. "I'm Daisy, are you my two o'clock challenger?"
"That's me. I'm Sephie and I'm here to win my second badge." I told the blonde.
"Like really, you're probably around my age. Though I guess I shouldn't judge, I never went on a journey and only picked up training so I could get my gym license. No matter if you'll follow me I'll show you the battle field." She said waving me through a set of automatic doors and into a room that smelled like salt water.
"The battle field is a standard battle pool, though don't worry if you don't have any water pokemon, as per league regulations we have platforms so that land based pokemon can battle here too." The gym leader continued as she showed me the room. And then pointed to a green platform on the other side of the pool. "As the challenger you'll stand over there. My sister Lily will be the referee for the battle, if that's alright with you. She's a certified referee and leader like me."
"No that's fine." I told Daisy and headed over to the platform.
"Alright this is a two on two battle. As a challenger, Persephone has the ability to switch out her pokemon, while Gym leader Daisy can only switch pokemon by forfeiting the one she has on the field. As the pokemon teams are not listed for this gym the Challenger has a ten second delay after seeing the gym leader's pokemon to send out their first pokemon. Are the rules of the battle understood?" Lily asked from the side and both Daisy and I nodded. "The Gym Leader Daisy send out you first pokemon."
"Shellder take the stage!" called out Daisy. I gave a sigh of relief while shellder was an ice type, it would probably not know many ice type moves yet, so I could continue with the first pokemon I planned to send out, without worrying that her wings would get frozen.
"Lyta, Ex Veni*!" I called and the beedrill bust out of her pokeball to fly over the platform nearest me. then I wasted no time in giving my fist command.
"Lyta flash, then twinneedle!" I said hoping to blind the shellder quickly so it couldn't dodge my attack. It worked the clam was blinded.
"Into the water shellder." Was unfortunately the command before Lyta was able to connect with the blinded pokemon. Now once the pokemon cleared it's sight it would be able to get the jump of us from the water. Unless it didn't know where to attack.
Lyta double team make as many as you can and spread out around the platforms and pool. Once it attacks one hit it poison sting and keep them coming." I told the Beedrill. The copies buzzed around the pool for a few second before the shellder appeared on one of the platforms and shot out icicles at the clones around it. Luckily none of them were Lyta and she was able to firing bolts of poison at the clam. Some bounced off the hard shell, but all our training on accuracy showed it-self as most went right into the opening, causing the pokemon to squeal in pain, and hop back into the water.
"Double team again replenish your clones." I called out, shellder popped up twice more however the last time he popped up he was slower, and seemed a bit unsteady. He must have been poisoned by the stings which ment it was time for the next part of my plan. In a quieter voice since I knew that the real Lyta was near me I told her what to do. "Next time the clam comes up get close and knock it into the air. Use harden on your drills so they're stronger and once it's in the air hit it with as many fury attacks and twinnedles as possible."
It worked beautifully. The shellder run down from the poison in its system had no time to get back in the water before Lyta got to the platform he was attacking from. She sent the clam up and then it was like a violent game of keep it up. Every attack drove the shellder up and on its way down Lyta's attack would send it back up. Finally when I saw that the clam had stopped moving in the air I called off the attack. Shellder fell onto one of the platforms and didn't get back up.
"Shellder is unable to battle, Challenger Sephie wins. Leader Daisy send out your next pokemon." Lily announced.
"Shellder return! Seaking take the stage!" Daisy called out. Seeing the massive fish that appeared in the pool I decided to return Lyta and send out my next pokemon.
"Lyta redi!* Aeron, Ex Veni!" I called sending the purple pokemon out on one of the platforms. Aeron looked around on the platform and moved as though to back away from the water in front of him only to have his back foot fall off the edge of the platform and hit the water. Once the nidoran moved to the center of the platform, the match began.
"Horn attack Seaking. Get that nidoran in the pool." Ordered Daisy.
"Dodge, and try to hit him with a double kick." The seaking came rushing out of the water faster than I thought. Aeron dodged most of the attack, but he got clipped in the side, thankfully he was still able to hit the fish in the side with two powerful kicks. Unfortunately the kicks sent Aeron in to the pool.
"Aeron get back on the platform, you don't want to face this fish in the water." I called to him. unfortunately while we worked on swimming Aeron's small legs didn't make him very fast he struggled to get to a plat form as I watched the large Seaking barrel towards him for another horn attack without even being told to.
"Aeron horn attack." I cried as the fish got close enough to attack. Aeron spun around to face the Seaking his small horn glowing brightly and was able to catch the other attack on it. Both pokemon's horns were locked like glowing swords, but I knew that Aeron was at a disadvantage in the water. Seaking would overpower him.
"Aeron leer then poison sting, make that fish back off" I shouted. The nidoran's eye made contact with Seaking causing the fish to shudder then his mouth opened and he shoot out a poison sting right in Seaking's face. The water pokemon rushed back from the poison type, and Aeron was able to make it to the platform.
Aeron was shaking once he was back on the platform, but he looked back at me and seemed to smirk. Looking at the pool I saw that the water seemed a bit dirtier after the brief conflict in it.
"Aeron focus energy while we wait for Seaking to resurface." I commanded.
"Oh no you don't Seaking supersonic." Daisy said and unfortunately the attack hit, causing Aeron to stumble around the platform as his head spun from the attack. Luckily Daisy then gave the command that won me the match.
"Now while it's confused use aqua ring to heal up." Seaking gather the water around him and then pulled it into himself. Then he started to thrash and cry out. Finally Seaking's cries died out and he floated unmoving in the water.
"Seaking is unable to battle. The winner is Sephie and her nidoran." Lily announced.
"Any question?" I asked once my description of the battle was over. I saw one kid with his hand up and pointed to him.
"Why did seaking faint after using aqua ring, I thought that move healed pokemon?" he asked
"That's the same thing that Daisy asked me after our battle and I'll give you the same answer I gave her. Yes aqua ring does heal, but only when used in water." The whole class looked like it would explode over my vague answer, and I felt a small bit of pleasure at trolling the kids before I put them out of their misery.
" The pool unfortunately for seaking was not pure water but diluted poison. You see anytime the poison stings hit the pool they dissolved and added poison to the pool. But that wouldn't have poisoned the whole pool. Instead I had Aeron who knew toxic, to constantly release the potent poison into the pool any time he touched the water. While he was vulnerable while stuck in the water he was also releasing a constant stream of potent poison into the pool. By the time he left the pool, there was a barely noticeable purple tint to the water. Then Seaking pulled the poison directly into his body causing him to faint." I finish my explanation of how I won the gym though it wasn't exactly that easy. Aeron had been practicing toxic for days to get his poison strong enough to effect the large pool. But he did it and it won us the match.
"Any other questions?" I asked and then field a few more inquiries until the bell rang, mostly about my age and what other pokemon I had on my team.
"Thanks for speaking to the class." Mr. Tate said as soon as the last of his students filed out of the room. "many of them thought status conditions were no big deal if their pokemon were strong enough. I'm glad that you were able show that they can be a big deal."
"It was no problem. I love poison pokemon and while I won't specialize with them it was fun to show what kind of damage they can deal. Most people only acknowledge poison types when looking at how to deal with fairy pokemon." I tell the man thinking of how poison was mostly an afterthought in the games until fairy type happened in gen 6. I shook the teacher's hand one more time and then met Ash and the gang outside.
"That was an awesome story Sephie. Did your gym battle really go like that or were you just exaggerating for the rich kids." Ash said as soon as he saw me, only for Misty to slap the back of his head.
"Of course it was real, she has a cascade badge doesn't she? That means that Sephie must have beaten my sisters. I'm also going to assume that her battle is the reason Daisy asked me to find a qwilfish or tentacool for the gym while on my journey." Misty said.
"Yeah I'm sure they don't want to have to worry about a poison type turning the water against them again, or plus they were pretty pissed that they had to delay the rest of their appointments to give the filter time to get rid of the poison."
"I didn't know that. They're going to want to upgrade the filter too. I feel bad for anyone trying to challenge the gym, since they'll probably shift to only two appointment days and put in an extra day of water shows to pay for it." Misty said and we headed back to camp.
It was a few days later, around when I stated to realize that it was a bad idea to let Brock navigate that we ran into the first of Ash's starter trio. We were lost on the way to Vermillion and had stopped at a small pond to refill our water bottles. I pulled out Dex to use the navigation and find out just how far off the path we were when an oddish came by to get a drink. I wasn't looking to catch a grass type even if it was duel poison, so I didn't pay much attention other than to keep an ear on Misty and Ash who both wanted to catch it. I chuckled a bit with Stridor who landed on my shoulder as I heard Misty mistake it for a water type. Stridor started to tell me what he was able to scout on his flight, which included an occupied house.
However I got up to stop Misty when I heard the oddish cry out for help. She didn't want to be captured then I would keep Misty from catching her. I was late in keeping Misty from throwing her pokeball, but didn't have to worry. An angry Bulbasaur rushed out of the woods around the pond and knocked the pokeball back at Misty.
"Back off, Humans." He snarled before picking up the oddish and leaving the pond.
"What was that about why was the bubasaur so mad?" Ash asked.
"The oddish didn't look like it wanted to be caught. That cry was probably for help and the bulbasuar was trying to protect it. Let's forget about it for now while we try to find our way back to the path. We are so far out that the gps on Dex can't find us." I said
"The pokedex had a gps?" Ash asked surprised and I put my head in my hands. Who though it was a good idea to let ten year old's out into the world unsupervised again.
"Yes Ash, it was how I was able to plan the best routes through Viridian Forest and estimate how long it would take me to get through Mt. Moon. Though I guess the fact you don't know about t shouldn't be a surprise considering how long it took you to get to Pewter City." I said. Ash turned a bright shade of red before ducking his head.
"No one ever told me." he mumbled
"It doesn't matter now anyway. Like I said Dex can't get a good signal and I bet your pokedex can't get one either. Thankfully I sent Stridor to scout out the area and he found someone living out here. Hopefully they will be nice enough to show us the way to the right path." I said. Stridor launched himself off my shoulder and landed on a tree in the direction we were supposed to walk.
"Thank goodness one of us thinks ahead, or we would probably be stumbling around for hours." Misty said and we all picked up our stuff to follow the spearow.
Only ten minutes after we set out again we hit an obstacle. To continue on we had to cross a rickety old bridge that spanned a rather deep ravine. I took one look at the thing and jumped back. I might be a tiny bit afraid of heights. I can do sturdy things, like the path in the mountains was no big deal but a bridge over a huge drop count me out.
"That doesn't look very safe guys." I said standing as far from the edge I could get.
"I'm sure its fine. You said someone lived close by I'm sure they would keep the bridge in good condition." He said before setting off across it. Misty and followed him and waved to me from the other side. With no other choice I started across the bridge. I was halfway to the other side and starting to think I was paranoid when I heard RRRiiiippp, and turned to see the rope holding the bridge pulling a part. I went to sprint to the other side, but it was too late. The bridge dropped out from under me.
I had two seconds of panic plummeting to my death. Then Poseidon's pokeball opened and the giant sea serpent appeared under me. One of the key points of the move bounce is to use flying energy to go up, but the other key part is using it to come down in a fast, powerful and most importantly controlled manner that doesn't injure the pokemon performing the move. While he couldn't float, Poseidon could still use the control he learned from bounce to slowly descend to the water.
"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou." I sobbed, my arms going as far around Poseidon as possible.
"Easy Sephie. We're not falling anymore you can let go you're safe. It's okay." I heard Poseidon repeat again and again, before I registered what he was saying. I looked up into his red eyes, and felt myself calm a bit. Poseidon had been the only constant in my life since I had landed in this world. He saved my sanity by giving me someone to confide in when I first arrived, he saved me from Onix in Mt. Moon and now he saved me again. I never wanted to let him go.
Poseidon seemed to understand. He brought his head down to where I was on his back and nuzzled me making a purring noise. The noise comforted me, and confused me at the same time. I had no idea that Poseidon could purr, and hearing such a noise out of the giant fearsome sea serpent as weird. A shriek, had me looking up. I saw Stridor flying above us.
"The other humans are going further on to look for a path down and sent me to make sure you're okay. I spotted a path back up to the top downstream so you can meet them, if your done shaking that is." He ended dryly.
"Shut up." Poseidon snarled a the bird. "If I wasn't faster she could have died. Where were you, you have a debt to pay, but I didn't see you helping your trainer."
"Yes because I would have been so much help. I case you haven't noticed not all of us are huge, and while Sephie is small for a grown human I can't lift her."
"I'm alright now so we should start downstream." I said interrupting the argument the two pokemon were about to have. Stridor was as temperamental as the best of his species, but this was the first time Poseidon had shown his gyarados temper. Well first time it wasn't directed at Onix at least. Now that I stopped shaking in fear I made my way up to behind Poseidon's head (the advised riding area on a gyarados) and we headed towards the path up.
I just made it to the top of the path when I bumped into someone. Taking into account that I was in the middle of nowhere, and the only people I knew where around were my traveling companions, bumping into another person was pretty shocking. So it should be forgiven that I had to blink for a few seconds, as Stridor laughed on my shoulder, before remembering my manners.
"I am so sorry." I said and helped the blue haired woman to her feet.
"No it's fine. I was just as startled as you to meet someone out here. Speaking of which what are you doing out here? It's a long way from the road."
"My friends and I got a bit lost we were headed to a house Stridor found." I pointed to the spearow on my shoulder. "when the bridge I was going over broke. If it wasn't for another of my pokemon Poseidon I would be dead."
"Oh my, thank Arceus that you're okay." She said though she look a bit guilty for some reason. "After an ordeal like that you need a hot drink and maybe some sugar. You don't want to go into shock. I'll take you to my house, it's not far and probably the one your spearow saw. Oh I'm Melanie, I don't think I introduced myself."
"Sephie" I said and followed her.
"Trespassers!" The shout interrupted, our conversation and Melanie and I raced out of the forest into the clearing around her house. There I saw the bulbasaur from earlier growling at Ash, Misty and Brock.
"Your friends?" Melanie asked.
"Yup." I said. I watched the boys try to get around the grass type only to have vines whip in front of their faces.
"Calm down Bulbasaur. They're not here to hurt or catch anyone, they're just some lost travelers." Melanie called out.
"They tried before." The pokemon said not taking his eyes off my friends.
"Bulbasaur I promise and I'm sure that my friends promise not to hurt or catch any of the pokemon here. Right guys?" I ask the others. They all quickly agreed and Bulbasaur back off and didn't try to chase them off. Though I noticed that he still tried to keep an eye on Misty and Ash.
"Hey Melanie is it alright if I let out my team, after that fall I'm sure they all want to be out of their balls for a while."
"No problem you can all let out your pokemon if you want, just make sure they don't bother the other pokemon here."
"No problem. Everyone Ex Venite!" I shout releasing my other four pokemon. The first three immediately crowd around me, while onix just moved off to the side. Coeus and Aeron wanted to be reassured that I was fine and Poseidon took up his now usual position between me and onix. Then I saw Melanie's pale face and realized that I probably should have warned her about Poseidon. At least she seemed to take it better than Misty.
It was the first night Ash, Brock Misty and I were spending out in the wild. I had just finished helping Brock for dinner and let out my team. The second everyone one had fully materialized I heard a scream. Misty was staring at Poseidon white face and shaking.
"What are you doing with one of those giant monsters?" she asked as she shook. I walked over and gave Poseidon a pat, I knew her monster comment would have gotten to him.
"Relax Misty, Poseidon's been with me from before I even started my journey. We have a deep bond and he's not going to go off in a rage. Besides I have to give Professor Oak regular reports on his progress. Poseidon is perfectly safe." I told the water trainer.
"Wow I didn't realize that you would be evolving your magikarp so soon Sephie. He looks really strong and healthy though. And I see you caught some other pokemon as well." Brock said looking at Aeron and Onix. "Where's your Beedrill though?"
I sent Lyta to Professor Oak after my gym battle he wanted to study her. And I actually caught Aeron the same day as our gym battle, Poseidon got him all wet after he evolved and the tough guy tried to take him on in his angered state. Thankfully Coeus had no trouble subduing him. As for Onix," I peaked at the pokemon and tried not to flinch at the glare the rock snake gave me. "he was caught after he attacked in Mt. Moon, we don't have the best relationship yet."
"I could help if you like maybe my onix could soften him up a bit." The former gym leader said before releasing his own pokemon. Unfortunately Onix just turned his back on Brocks pokemon.
"Human raised." I heard him snarl under his breath.
"Are we forgetting the giant dangerous sea snake that is hanging around" shouted Misty as she looked between me and Brock.
"What's the big deal, it's just a big water pokemon and Professor Oak knows about it." Said Ash
"Just a big water pokemon? the last time one of the gym Magikarp evolved we needed a new ceiling. My sisters have been called out before to deal with rampaging Gyarados and have come back with most of their teams beaten into the ground. You have to treat a gyarados with caution and Sephie just stands next to it and pats it. I don't know what a rookie trainer is doing with a gyarados, but just keep it away from me." the red head ranted, before walking off to the river where she released her water pokemon.
I stayed especially close to Poseidon that night, because while I knew that Misty was right and many gyarados were dangerous, Poseidon was a sweet heart and her words hurt him.
Shaking off the memory I was about to reassure Melanie, but she seemed to get over her fear.
"All pokemon are welcome here so long as they are respectful to the others." She said and the group scattered around the clearing. Misty and Ash let out their pokemon and then said they were going to find Oddish and apologies for scaring her. Brock went with Melanie to ask about the medicines she made.
I made my way over to the stream were a lot of the pokemon were gathered. I never passed up a chance to talk to new pokemon, and I figured I could pass info to Melanie if any of the pokemon had any issues. I approached slowly and sat down near the stream but not too close. I had learned my lesson about casually approaching wild pokemon.
"Hello," I said as they watched me wearily. My team followed me over, Aeron and Coeus settled beside me while Stridor landed on my shoulder and Poseidon slid into the stream. The magikarp in the stream swam over and stared up at my friend appearing to awed to even speak. None of the other pokemon near us said anything either.
"I just came over to see if anyone would like to talk I love getting to talk to new pokemon." I said trying not to let their silence get to me. The other pokemon just stared back at me, and then I heard a snort from behind me. From a bush behind me came a brown and white fox like pokemon.
"They won't say anything. They're too intimidated by the all the muscle that followed you over here." Said the female eevee.
"Hey we aren't here to intimidate the shitty pokemon, we just want to make sure or trainer's okay after almost fucking dying in their fucking caretaker's shitty traps." Aeron said in his usual way.
"What do you mean their caretaker's traps? I just fell because the bridge broke, right?" I asked confused I don't remember any traps.
"I heard the shitty blue haired girl talking to the kid and the orange one. She told them how she set all these fucking traps to keep thieves away from this place. You can bet that fucking bridge was one of them." The purple pokemon answered.
"I calculate that there is a 97% chance that the bridge was indeed a trap ment for unwary thieves. There was a 50% chance of Persephone dying from the fall from the bridge with no intervention. It was fortunate that Poseidon was able to release himself from his holding device." I felt faint after I heard how close to dying I had been from Coeus.
"Don't blame Melanie for the bridge, while she set the other traps it was the crazy Bulbasaur over there that set the bridge trap. He super paranoid and has taken over as protector of the whole area. Unfortunately he sometimes goes overboard."
"Why is he so paranoid that he makes a lethal trap?" I asked.
"That's mainly his story but I will say that he was the last pick of the starters and while his trainer seemed nice at first it didn't take too long for the asshole to show his true colors. So Bulbasaur has trust issues. With my old trainer at least he was ass from the beginning so I had at least had some warning that things would go bad." The eevee said.
"What's your story then, if you don't mind me asking. I heard that eevee were really rare especially around these parts."
"It's fine I'm mostly over it you're not dragging up too many painful memories like you would for some of the others around here. Like I said my trainer was a asshole. I'm human raised like Bulbasaur, so my trainer expected me to be super loyal from the get go like starter pokemon are. But I am also an eevee and my mom told all her kits how some trainers just want one of us to be a certain evolution. Her trainer traded her to the breeding ranch after she evolved into a leafeon instead of the espeon like he wanted. No surprise she didn't feel enough love for her trainer if he got rid of her as soon as she evolved. Anyway I knew I had to be careful as soon as I saw my trainer's nidoking. That thing looked like it had, had a moon stone forced on it the second it evolved into a nidrino. Left the guy with a few screws loose too. That pokemon was my trainer's enforcer anytime a pokemon didn't train like he wanted he had them train against the nidoking and we were usually in need of a pokemon center after that.
So I knew I had to be careful. I followed orders and kept an eye on my trainer's hands anytime he let me out. Luckily I did because about a moon after my trainer got me he let me out of my pokeball and tried to for a thunder stone on me. I dodged and destroyed the stone. I don't know what I want to evolve into yet, but I know for sure I don't want to be some spiky electric zapper. Asshole trainer wasn't too happy I destroyed the stone and had his nidoking beat me up before destroying my pokeball and leaving me alone in the woods. Balbasuar found me and brought me to Melanie who fixed me up and let me stay. I would leave but I don't know how to survive away from humans.
What about you. Humans don't usually understand pokemon so you must have something special about you. But does that mean you're a bleeding heart like Melanie or are you an asshole like my old trainer and just brainwash your pokemon to like you with your powers. Though if you are brainwashing your pokemon you might want to try harder with the onix, because that guy seems to hate you." Eevee finished her paw pointing to onix who was glaring at me from the other side of the clearing.
"Onix and I have some issues, but every time I try to talk to him he brushed me off, sometimes physically and then I have to stop Poseidon from attacking him. I don't know how to get him to even listen to me."
"That's easy, and if your other pokemon weren't such pansies they would tell you the same thing as me. just challenge him to a battle and beat him down. We respect strength even a human raised pokemon like me. Stand up for yourself and don't coddle the rock snake. Next time he tries to hurt you tell him off and then beat him in a battle he'll listen to you then, if only because of your strength. That or get rid of him." Eevee said
"Watch your mouth grounder." Stridor screeched. "We would have helped the human with onix if it got worse, but we felt like the human had to try things her way first especially since she still feels guilty about how onix joined us." I wasn't sure I wanted to take Eevee's advise. While I would like to stop having to snack on oran berries because my newest team member kept bruising me, I didn't exactly want to force onix into anything just because I beat him up.
"I'll think about your advice." I told the evolution pokemon. We sat in silence for a bit just enjoying the pond and the quiet atmosphere the village was very peaceful. After a bit Aeron nudged me and pointed to where Melanie, Ash, and Misty were talking with Bulbasaur. I went over to see if I could help at all, when I heard one of the things I was dreading since first coming to this world.
Even if I barely watched or remembered the anime, I still remembered the team rocket motto. I looked up as soon as I heard Prepare for trouble echo in the clearing. The infamous trio of Jesse, James and Meowth stood on top of some weird looking blimp thing with a hose coming from it. Then the hose started up and it was all I could do to keep from being pulled over by the winds.
I saw Eevee digging her claws into the ground and still being pulled toward the hose. I grabbed the her from the ground, and ran for the cottage in the middle of the clearing hoping it would protect us from the winds. My pokemon followed though I had to return Aeron to keep him from flying away.
I heard a screech and saw that Stridor was caught in the winds and didn't have enough power to get away. The small bird was able to keep from being pulled into the hose, but his wings were straining against the wind and he wasn't able to get away. I reached for his pokeball to return him when Stridor started to glow. The glow grew until the spearow had been replaced by a powerful fearow.
Stridor broke free of the wind and flew to attack the balloon the Rockets were standing on. Ash seeing what was happening sent out Pidgeotto and had her use gust against the pipe the winds combined and formed a small tornado.
"Posiedon use twister on the tornado, I don't want that thing coming toward us. Push it near team rocket." I called to the gyarados who was still in the pond, the winds not being nearly enough to move the big water type. Poseidon used his new move and a twister of draconic energy swept up the tornado spinning in the middle of the clearing. The twister picked up team rocket and swept them away. Not to be out done Stridor became covered in a dark aura, which he then sent after the criminals with a flap of his wings. It seems that the fearow learned pursuit when he evolved.
Stridor landed next to me once he made sure his last attack connected. He was no longer the small bird that rode on my shoulder. Instead standing on the ground he could now look me in the eye. I reached over and stroked Stridor on his long neck and he screeched at me.
"Stop it that tickles human. Now just because I'm bigger doesn't mean I'm going to ferry you everywhere human. And while I get I'll probably have to stay in the ball while in human cities, I better be able to stay out whenever we are in the wild get it. Now I'm going to hunt evolution is hungry business, keep an eye on the hatchlings while I'm gone." The now larger bird ordered before flying off.
"Is everything okay, fearow can be temperamental?" Brock asked as he watched Stridor fly away.
"He'll be fine once he has a caterpie or two in him. Stridor is just a grump when he's hungry. Is everyone okay? No one was caught by flying debris or pokemon were they?" I ask worried about my companions. I get a bunch of fines, though Melanie is staring at my arms. I look down and realize that I'm still holding Eevee. I go to put her down and her claws grip my arm.
"Wow Sephie I've never seen Eevee that comfortable with someone before. She doesn't even let the other pokemon get that close to her. She might want to go with you" Melanie said still staring at the pokemon in my arms.
"I just don't see the need to cuddle with everyone like most here do. Anyway Melanie's right I'm coing with you. You seem like a decent sort even if you're a bit too soft. I'll come along as a voice of reason since all these boys don't have the stones to tell you what's what."
"Are you sure Eevee?" I asked holding a pokeball up to her.
"Yup I'm bored here anyway, but there was no way I was going off into the wild on my own. Also call me Ivy, that's what the breeder used to call me. All of us were named after plants because mom was a leafeon." She said and before tapping the pokeball and being pulled inside. Once the ball dinged I tossed it up.
"Ex veni, Ivy" I called as the newest member of my team materialized. Brock and Misty came over to congratulate me on getting ivy on my team while Melanie looked between Ivy and Bulbasaur, and then she looked at Ash.
"Hey Ash don't you think that Bulbasaur's a great pokemon?" she asked him.
A.N. so excited that I finally finished this chapter. Sephie's first time seeing team rocket. She won't run into them too much and they will get less cartoony when she does see them.
Gyarados (M) – Poseidon – moves: flail, splash, tackle, bounce and combination move splash tackle, dragon rage, Aqua tail, twister, and brine
Metang – Coeus – move: take down, headbutt, confusion, metal claw, and pursuit
Fearow (M) – Stridor – moves: leer, peck, growl, quick attack, wing attack double team, steel wing, fury attack, and pursuit
Beedrill (F) with Professor Oak- Hippolyta or Lyta – moves: string shot, poison sting, bug bite, tackle, harden, fury attack, flash, Twinneedle, venoshock
Nidoran (M) – Aeron - moves: leer, peck, double kick, poison sting, fury attack, horn attack and dig
Eevee (F) – Ivy – moves: tackle, tail whip, swift, sand attack, helping hand, and quick attack