Spring time in Beach City! The soft ocean breeze blows softly across the boardwalk, carrying the scent of freshly cut fries and pizza throughout. Seagulls are chirping, young couples are cuddling, and Mayor Dewey is... Everywhere... Seriously... He's everywhere. All across town, decorating every telephone pole and wall, Mayor Dewey's face with the words "Re-Elect Dewey" in bright red is just everywhere.

Walking down the boardwalk, eating his fry bits without a care in the world, is Steven. With him, is his incredibly confused companion Lapis Lazuli.

"Uh... Steven?" Lapis asks with a hint of concern as she turns her head and body to get a good look at the scenery around her. "Why are there wanted posters of Dewey everywhere?"

"Those aren't wanted posters!" Steven says with a chuckle. "They're campaign posters. It's election season!"

"Election?" Lapis cocks an eyebrow in confusion.

"Yeah. Election. It's when townspeople who want to be mayor stand in front of everybody else and say why... Then they all vote for who has the best story!" Steven says as he finishes his fry bits and throws out the bag.

"I see." Says Lapis. "Dewey must have a tough opponent if he has to advertise no much."

"Uhm... No... Actually, I don't think Mayor Dewey ever had an opponent." Steven says as he thinks back to election years past.

"... What?" Lapis ask as a strong gust of wind blows one of the posters loose. It careens towards Lapis and smacks right into her face in such a way that it makes a perfect Mayor Dewey mask. Lapis lets out frantic muffled frustration as she tries to remove the poster from her face, Steven laughing the whole time.

As Lapis struggles with the poster, she steps on a discarded can of spray on sunscreen and slips. She hits the board walk with a thud, and the poster flies off and continues on its merry way. "Uhg..."

"Lapis!?" Steven helps Lapis up to a standing position. "Are you ok?"

"I'm fine, Steven." Lapis says with a small smile. Steven smiles back, and after a few moments of silence Lapis speaks. "I bet Dewey has accomplished alot with his time."

"Well... Not really. He mostly just drives around all day and give out glow sticks... There was one time the power went out. It kind of just came back on." Steven explains.

"So he doesn't do anything worthwhile?" Lapis asks.

"Well, he makes people feel safe and secure." Steven adds on.

"That's worthwhile." Lapis says with a smile. "Still... I wonder how he'd react to having an opponent." Lapis begins to laugh. "Imagine what we could do with two people debating!"

"We'd each have a speech to fart for!" Steven says with a starry-eyed grin.

Both Lapis and Steven stop for a moment and imagine the possibilities before they both simultaneously break down into laughter. Suddenly Steven stops laughing. "WAIT!" Steven yells with a big grin. "You should run against Dewey!"

"That's a good one!" Lapis says as her laughing begins to wind down.

"I'm serious!" Steven says. "Think about the possibilities! You can help so many people. You and Peridot can move out of the Barn... You can get a pool of Jellooooo!" Steven is starry-eyed and drooling.

"Uh... Jello?" Lapis asks all confused, but before she can prod the question further, her train of thought gets derailed from laughter. Standing behind them is Mayor Dewey.

"You? Run for Mayor!?" Dewey says with a throaty chuckle. "That's a good one!"

"What's so funny about that?" Steven asks.

"Universe, this isn't my first rodeo. I've been grabbing the political bull by the horns for years!" Dewey explains. Lapis and Steven both look at each other confused. They both shrug and turn their attention back to Dewey. "There's no way a sheltered little newcomer could beat me."

Lapis looks mad. "Uh... Lapis?" Steven goes to grab Lapis's hand, but she brushes him off.

"SHELTERED!?" Lapis roars as she walks right up to Dewey, her wings gushing forth from her gem. She takes flight to meet him at eye level. "What do You know about what I'VE been through!"

Dewey begins to sweat, trying to keep his cool. But inevitably fails. His voice begins to crack from fear. "I- I'm just saying that... The... The job of mayor is very-"

Lapis cuts him off. "I'll show you how 'sheltered' I am! Go tell your underlings that there's going to be a new Gem in charge!" Lapis points off into the distance, and Dewey runs off back to his election vehicle and drives away.

People have gathered around the spectacle, and are now whispering hushed words to each other. Lapis just stands there, dumbstruck at what she had just done.

"Did I... I've been spending too much time with Peridot..." Lapis sighs.

"Lapis!" Steven says as he excitedly tugs on Lapis's arm. He looks up at her and smiles. "Do you know what this means!"

Lapis looks down at Steven and smiles. "We're going to swim in 'Jello'."

((Well friends, its been awhile but I'm back with something new. Had multiple ideas of different stories to run with. Decided to go with this one first because this story is more light hearted and fun than my other idea. And while angst is good... I feel that a proper balance of angst joy and waffle fries are key to a strong mental balance! I wonder what flavor of Jello Lapis would like... Lime Jello? I like Lime Jello. Its green.))