Helping a Hero

By: RedRose0123

Disclaimer: If I owned either Danny Phantom or Young Justice, I totally wouldn't have this as fanfiction it would be canon. But sadly this is the best I can do so...I don't own either of the aforementioned shows. And I don't own the Justice League either!


The day I was rescued started like any other. There were no signs from above that said to me, "Oh, hey look, we felt pity for you and now we're sending help so be awake tonight, will ya'?"

No my freedom came very suddenly for someone who had been held captive for-

How long had it been? How long was I held there? I remember trying to keep up with the days by scratching small, thin lines on the wall beside where I slept, but they didn't like that. They started giving me some kind of medicine to keep me "compliant," but really I think it was just to disorient me enough so that I couldn't fight back. And I would have fought back if given the chance, but I started having the black outs after that- minutes first, and then hours at a time. After a while I would just wake up with open wounds and new scars and have no idea how I got them and that really freaked me out for a while, but then I just-.

I'm sorry, I'm rambling again aren't I? Here I'll start over:

The day I was rescued, I woke up to another day in my own personal hell.

A/N: First attempt at a crossover. I just like the idea of DP meets Young Justice. This is not a one-shot and yes I know this is short. The other chapters will be longer. I'll try to update within a few days- Saturday at the most.

Published: 2/01/16