The Once and Future King

Part 10

Previously: It would seem, when the Grate Dragon said that he and Arthur were two sides of the same coin, he didn't mean as master and servant, he didn't mean it as the closest of friends, he meant it as them become a pare. The age of Albion couldn't have been closer to coming true than in that moment their hands touched as blessed and excepted lovers.

"The next thing I wish to talk about is a sorcerer named Sargon who wishes to destroy the world starting with Camelot, but in order to do this he need to kill a grate sorcerer named Emrys, but apparently Emrys is the grates warlock to ever live. As much as I hate sorcery, we must find this Emrys and bring him to Camelot for protection." Uther explained the situation, and both Merlin's shift uncomfortably where they sit.

"But how are we going to find this Emrys? How does Sargon expect to destroy Camelot? Surely he knows we won't go down without a fight." Arthur asks, and Neerg squeezes his hand when he asks how are we going to fine Emrys, hoping Arthur would understand. Arthur squeezed back to comfort Neerg and Merlin, knowing that Merlin could feel what Neerg felt. He understood Neerg was squeezing his hand for a reason, was Merlin trying to tell Arthur he knew who Emrys was? Or…was he trying to tell Arthur…he was Emrys?

"That is where I am hoping Merlin's wolf will come in handy." Uther stated pointing to Merlin I his wolf form.

"Defiantly, since Wolfe is a creature of magic, he can find anyone or anything that poses it." Neerg spoke clearly, not knowing where he got the confidence from but decided not to question it. Uther smiles a pleased smile.

"As for Sargon destroying Camelot…he has been seen with a dragon that calls itself Burns the Destroyer. He is said to be the only dragon that can ignore a dragon lord, even when they speak in dragon tongue." Uther explained, Wolfe whined a little and Neerg tried to swallow the lump in his through. "He is said to be the deadliest dragon to ever live, he scale are the shade of all the blood he's spilled upon the floor, his flames sun hot and quicker than most dragons, truly a dragon to be feared. Not even I dared to try and destroy The Dragon of Death himself." Uther stated looking quite frightened himself.

"How do we defeat him?" Arthur asked, his voice cracking a bit. He'd defiantly heard of this dragon before. It would appear Arthur wasn't the only one with secrets.

"It is imposable, may have tried and failed. Guise says the only hope we have of defeating this dragon is to hope that I didn't kill its opposite when I set out to destroy all dragon kind…The Dragon of Light." Uther told them truthfully.

"What does he look like?" Asked Merlin, Uther looked at the black wolf in shock. "Do not be afraid, the reason I can speak is because I'm using magic to allow myself to do so." He explained quickly, it was a lie but Uther seemed to calm. "I must know what he looks like if I'm going to help fine The Dragon of Light." Wolfe said, determination in his voice.

"Guise says she's a pure golden dragon, eyes of yellow and flames a golden, blue colour apparently a very beautiful dragon." Uther told the wolf, finding it strange that he was talking to a wolf.

"She is." Stated Neerg, now Merlin has never seen The Dragon of Light, but the way she is described in book and the very few painting that where of her showed a beauty indeed. "But she was said to have fled to the havens years ago after their last fight to become the sun, whilst The Dragon of Death was forced into the depths of hell, which created the balance of earth, dark and light. If one is to leave where they belong, that element will start corrupting the world. But It take a very powerful sorcerer to free The Dragon of Death, one even more so to free The Dragon of Light." Neerg explained with such depth, it was like they were sitting with someone who had lived through the experience before. His knowledge was wise and insightful, one of experience, truth and confidence.

"I must say I am impressed Merlin. How do you so much about dragons?" Uther asked, starting to get a bit curious.

"I have almost every book on dragons, they wore creatures of greatness in my village. But the best storied were of the mighty men brave enough to fight them." Merlin felt a bit sick saying that, but he couldn't let Uther know he was a sorcerer or a dragon lord. "The best stories wore the ones that came from Camelot and of the king that could destroy them with ease." Merlin felt like he was going to physically throw up now, he hated talking about dragons in this way, but he had no choice. "Once my mother told me I'd be coming to Camelot, I decided to learn everything about dragons I could just in case one would attack that was difficult to defeat." Neerg explained rubbing the back of his neck in a way that said he was kind of embraced, but he honestly didn't know how he knew all that about dragons. He'd never read it in a book, Guise has never told him such stories, even the Grate Dragon had never spoken word of such a legend. So where had it all come from?

"So how do we stop such a creature." Arthur asked Neerg, believe this was indeed something Merlin had learnt because he wanted to know everything he could about them before coming to Camelot.

"Isn't it obvious Arthur? Merlin said that only the Dragon of Life could defeat him, and the only one that could summon her is the most powerful sorcerer, and since all the stories I've heard about Emrys being the most powerful, we will make him summon the Dragon of Life to save Camelot, and the moment he does we will destroy him so he can never us it against us." Uther explained with evil in his eye, Merlin swallowed deeply. Arthur nods his head and Uther send them to try and find this Emrys before the attack his, whilst he gathers the men to fight off the men Sargon has gathered.

When Arthur, Neerg and Merlin reach Arthur's chambers Neerg closes the doors. Merlin changes back into himself and releases his magic and Neerg turns into a leave which Merlin throws out the window, then looks at Arthur in pure fear. "Merlin what's wrong?" Arthur asks as he walks up to Merlin.

"I'm more than just a sorcerer Arthur. I'm also a dragon lord which I think is how I knew all that stuff about dragons but I can't be sure until I ask the grate dragon who you already know of because Guise told you about him when I was unconscious right?" Merlin asks to conform that Arthur was told of the dragon, Arthur nods his head. "Well, I'm also the one were supposed to be looking for." Merlin proclaims, and sits down on the bed. Arthur comes over to Merlin and sits down on the bed next to him and nudges Merlin with his elbow.

"Merlin…guess what?" Arthur asks with a slight smile.

Merlin looks at Arthur with confusion. "What?" Merlin replies.

"I found Emrys." Arthur answers, Merlin smiles and he chuckles at Arthur's stupid joke. "Don't worry, father won't find out. I'll go out into battel with him and tell him that you think you can find a way to summon the Dragon of Life with your extensive knowledge of dragons." Arthur suggests, which makes Merlin look unsure.

"I don't know if I can do that Arthur, I don't know the full extent of my powers yet. And I can't use a lot of it yet." Merlin looks defeated.

"You can do it Merlin. You'll find a way." Arthur kisses Merlin passionately, and brakes apart after a while. "Because you always find a way" Arthur continues, making Merlin smile.

"How is it, you always know what to say?" Merlin asks his love.

"I could ask you the same thing." Arthur replies in a whisper. Merlin smiles and goes to leave so Arthur can get some rest, for tomorrow he was going into battle. Arthur quickly grabs Merlin's arm, making him stop in his tracks. "Please stay." Merlin kisses Arthur on the forehead.

"Ok." He whispers before kissing Arthur on the lips, soon they were in bed together, holding each other close just listening to the other heartbeat. Arthur was in his perjurers, and Merlin borrowed a pair from Arthur. Merlin got dressed behind the dresser Arthur had, because he was used to having privacy when getting dressed. Seeing the clothing was too big for Merlin's thin body, mad Arthur really wish that the trousers would just fall down showing everything off, but Merlin kept a form grip of the fabric to ensure it wouldn't fall down. And they quickly fell asleep in each other's arms, feeling safe, comfortable and at peace as they took in each other's heat and let sleep take over.

To Be Continued