Experiment 1-958-2-005-752

Cycle 054:1325
Camera 3CC

*Subject has turned his attentions inwards towards Planet 1 and the system primary. A self-injury is expected, as Planet 1 is close to syzygy with the system primary from his perspective. A transit will occur in 8 cycles. An amusing stubbornness has gripped him as he attempts to discern the full nature of Planet 1. It is already too close to transit to observe it with his infrared arrays, and even a new optical telescope is being assembled to attempt to manage the feat and linked to a filter to protect against the solar output—Hydrogen Beta—with a mirror diameter of 1.5 meters and a focal length of 25 meters in an attempt to build a better telescope for long-term observation missions by his suit AI of all major bodies in the system. However, his insistence upon observing as many of the bodies as soon as possible will almost certainly ensure an injury.*

*In the event of such an injury, the subject is likely to finally discover the full extent of the medical facility capacities. Looking through his telescope will lead to total blindness in the viewing eye and require cloning replacement of damaged tissues. Procedure time would be 1030 of a cycle for retinal repair operations and corrective nanite injection, and 4 more cycles before the replacement and corrective nanites fully restore sight. The chance for either withdrawal from danger or emboldening from this likely accident is about equal. Subject is attempting to observe again. Transcript is as follows.*

Transcript: Suit Integral Microphone

"God damn it all, it's hard to get a look at the big bloody bastard. Is that red color from the terminator, or is it the actual atmospheric color?"

Derpy: "Likely causes would be organic compounds. Most likely possibility is hydrocarbons and hydro-sulfates collected on the migration inwards. Solar input will affect the exact composition over time. The blue is from water vapor also collected. High concentration of atmospheric water and oxygen. 'Big Bloody' should eventually turn from red to blue as the ratio of water vapor relatively increases. Red bands will persist for the foreseeable future."

"So, red and blue. All it needs is some white and it becomes so goddamned patriotic that I'd have to salute it."

*Cultural Reference:
America/American Patriotism: A growing memetic propagation on the subject's homeworld. A form of hyper-nationalism focused on State: United States of America based upon its status as the most powerful state and its success in most endeavors granted by its natural resources and strategic position. Individuals indulging tend to coat all possible surfaces in the emblems of the country and feel an overwhelming need to pay respect to these emblems, even at inopportune times. Considered to be slightly disturbing by some aspects of the population of the planet and even the populace of State: United States.*

*Planet 1's ratio of blue and red would more closely resemble the flag of State: United Kingdom than that of State: United States. Current slang use in respect to Planet 1 could be due to the subject subconsciously picking up on this ratio.*

Derpy: "I do not understand. Please specify."

"I'll explain later. Any moons?"

Derpy: "Very well, Mr. Rich. Scanning. Unable to identify. Infrared starshine is washing out signs of moons. The automatic optical telescope is required for properly observing Planet 1 without risk."

"I know. It's getting too damn close to the star. I just want to see it with my own eyes for a bit before—"

*Subject misadjusts his optical telescope. The manual controls place the focus length too closely to the elevation and traversal controls, leading to the subject at this time blindly activating the traversal function while attempting to magnify the image. Subject catches 25% of the solar disk in his telescope before instinctively stepping away as the pain reflex kicks in.*

"OH GOD! Sonuvabitch, fucknuggeting damnitall! Augh! AUGH!"

Derpy: "Warning! Distress! How much pain are you in, Mr. Rich?"

"I'll let you know when the sun stops light-jizzing in my eye! Oh fuck me! It's like somebody poured boiling milk in there and then kicked me with ice boots! Auuuuugh! AUGH! Oh, damnitall!"

Derpy: "Can you see out of your eye?"

"No! Pretty sure I blinded myself! All I can see is a big light blur! Augh, it's like sun-milk shot into my eye with a hose!"

Derpy: "The medical station can correct the damage. I think it would make you feel much better, and it would save your sight, Mr. Rich."

"Right, take me down there, Derpy. Oh, ow, damnfucktittykick. Ow, ow, ow, ow!"

Derpy: "Engaging automatic guidance now. I recommend you continue protecting your eye until you arrive, Mr. Rich! I'll be running calculations on developing a camera interface to make sure you don't blind yourself again! I should have done the research already! Am I a bad friend, Mr. Rich?"

"No, no… you're right. Already too close and too dangerous. I shouldn't have been adjusting the damn thing blindly. Ah, well. Blind eye means kickass eyepatch."

Derpy: "Interfacing with medical bay computer! Eyesight restoration possible! Procedure involves minor tissue replacement and nanite reconstruction!"

"And needles to the eye?"

Derpy: "Yes, Mr. Rich! Wait, oh. That would be bad."

"Yes it would. Yeah, just… put me under for the procedure. That'd be a good friend thing to do."

Derpy: "Right! Can do! Prepping gas-based anesthesia with the medical bay computer! You'll be alright, Mr. Rich!"

"Yeah, best buddy-friend. Just wish you could do more to help me."

*Anomalous activity picks up in computer systems. Several simultaneous searches begin, checking on Search Term: Derpy, Search Term: Remote Help, Search Term: Autonomous System, Search Term:-*

*Warning! User rights control for Spacepost has been minimized! Read-only remote access! Fabrication systems activated! Processing load increasing to 100% on Spacepost main computer!*

*Unable to figure out what the AI is attempting to do. It may be attempting to build more processing to jump the sapience gap. Continuing strange and random searches of the cultural database are proceeding, and it appears to have recognized the remote overrides and disconnected them. The secondary overrides should still be operational, but the experiment has not reached the point of danger yet. Remote probe dispatched to re-enable the remote overrides in a period of 20 cycles, and—really? Really? Well, that won't help the subject at all.*