a/n: hey guys! it's been pretty much a year, hasn't it? I'm the worst! I feel awful, this story never left my mind but the last year became very taxing and my muse for writing seemed to slip even though I had this chapter written for ages I went back and rewrote it at least half a dozen times. I hope you all still enjoy it and look forward for more to come. I promise to try and get the chapters up much sooner than a year apart. 3


Sebastian wasn't able to sleep. He only managed to lay in bed and close his eyes. His brain didn't stop twisting and whirling throwing out different ideas and scenarios that only served to make Sebastian feel guilty. These scenarios almost all included Kurt being injured or dying and they all ended the same way, Sebastian was not able to save Kurt. All of the "what if" situations were worse than the dreams he'd been having.

As if adding insult to injury the discovery that Kurt's boyfriend, Blaine, was a Guardian was another blow Sebastian was trying to get over. It would certainly make things more difficult. It made sense that a Guardian would be protecting Kurt, however he expected that Guardian to show them self by now. Blaine was obviously still a novice. Sebastian was angry at that as it begged the question as to why they would allow a novice to guard such a valuable person. Probably the most important in the world.

Sebastian had to hope that Blaine wouldn't alert the other Guardians, more skilled Guardians capable of more than tiny Blaine. And boy was he tiny. He expected Guardians to be...taller. And what was with that hair?

The thoughts quickly turned more petty as Sebastian picked apart everything he could about Blaine. Realizing that this was now jealousy, Sebastian stopped himself and forced the thoughts away. His cheeks flushed. He wasn't jealous of Blaine because there was nothing to be jealous of. Regardless, if Blaine had told other Guardians they would undoubtedly send more which would prevent Sebastian from getting close to Kurt. Not as though the Guardians were capable of actually protecting anything successfully. They already proved that by allowing the the bloodline to dwindle down to just Kurt. No. Sebastian would not be moved. He would be the one to protect Kurt. If he could. Sebastian was in too deep to ever back out now.

Nick had be absolutely right in Sebastian's feelings for Kurt. Naturally, Sebastian would never be one to admit this to anyone especially Nick. He could already imagine the smug grin that would cross Nick's face upon this confession. It was truly annoying how quickly Sebastian had found himself caring for Kurt. That was not his intention. It was a deep rooted sense of caring that Sebastian hadn't felt in centuries. He wasn't even sure he'd be able to feel this way again after what happened.
He was taken by everything Kurt was though. It went beyond looks, which Kurt did have above anyone else he had ever seen, but there was something else inside of Kurt that drew Sebastian in. And if his affection for Kurt could not go any deeper, hearing the boy sing pulled him past the point of no return. It was captivating and purely magical. Like a siren and Sebastian would happily crash to his demise for the sound of it.

Sebastian rubbed his hands over his face trying his best to clear his mind of Kurt completely if only for a few minutes. The silence in his room did nothing to help distract him. He sighed and glanced over at the clock beside his bed. There was only forty minutes until his class with Kurt. Sebastian had managed to stay in bed all night and through the morning thinking of Kurt. With a groan Sebastian kicked his feet over the edge of the bed feeling exhausted. He had to keep in mind that Kurt was someone he needed to protect for the fate of the world and not someone to fall for like some silly school boy.

"Too late." He murmured out loud in response to his last thought.

While it would take nearly the whole forty minutes to get across town to campus from his place using public transit, Sebastian didn't worry. Actually, it seemed to bother Kurt more when Sebastian was late. It even bothered Kurt when Sebastian was right on time. He looked forward to the little acts he could do to distress Kurt. It was always fun to see him get so annoyed.
Sebastian grinned as he readied himself for the day in about five minutes quickly showering and grabbing whatever was first in his closet. He hummed the song Kurt had sung at his class showcase as he walked out into the living room. Sebastian could still hear that voice so perfectly in his ears.

"What has you in such a good mood?"

Kurt's beautiful voice was ripped out of Sebastian's head and Hunter's cold tone replaced it. Hunter's presence was hardly ever surprising but this time Sebastian was legitimately shocked to see the other Grigori in his apartment.

Naturally, Hunter was seated in his usual spot on Sebastian's couch and he had helped himself to Sebastian's liquor. Sebastian jumped a little but regained his composure a moment later, his expression changing as his eyes rested on Hunter.

"Don't you know how to knock?" Sebastian stopped what he was doing and any kind of happiness or lightness he felt at the idea of seeing Kurt was now gone.

After the visit with Nick, Sebastian had lost whatever ounce of trust he had in Hunter. He knew siding with him was a mistake, but it did give him a chance to keep him close.

"Come on, Sebastian we're family." He said with a grin.
Sebastian's eyes narrowed. "Not really."
"Close enough." Hunter sipped the amber liquid in his glass, the ice clinking lightly and for a moment was the only sound in the room. "You've been gone. I came to visit last week and you weren't here."

Sebastian tensed, he knew this would come up but he hadn't prepared what he might do when it did. Stupid. Always be prepared. He took a deep breath and did his best to seem nonchalant but it was obvious that Hunter wasn't buying it. Sebastian had already given too much away with the brief panic that crossed his face.

"You must have just missed me." Sebastian said and went over to the bar to clean up the mess that Hunter left behind. "I've been here the whole time."

He wasn't sure how anyone was able to make a mess while pouring alcohol so he assumed Hunter had done it on purpose.
"I took it upon myself to stay over two nights." Hunter swirled the liquid in his glass staring at it as it almost spilled over the rim. "You never returned. I got worried."
"You sure sound it." Sebastian said dryly.

"I was starting to think that you found the Last Guardian elsewhere and you left me behind." Hunter said. "I was hurt."
"You claim to be a lot of things." Sebastian kept his responses short. He didn't want to give too much away to Hunter but he was certain Hunter was smart enough to figure it out on his own.

"We're partners, Sebastian. Remember? We agreed that the two of us would look for the Last Guardian and we would protect him. You came to me because you were having no success on your own." Hunter sighed and crossed his legs. "You're not going back on our deal, are you?"

"No." Sebastian said through gritted teeth. "I hope you aren't going back on it either. We said we would protect the Last Guardian for the sake of this world and as a way to find redemption." He put emphasis on the word protect. Hunter didn't flinch.

Hunter nodded, looking bored by everything Sebastian was saying. "It's going to be tough when the others come looking for him and it's you against the world." Hunter said with a sly smirk.

Sebastian didn't reply to this. Instead he finished wiping down the bar. He poured himself a drink and turned to face Hunter with a steely expression. His mind raced trying to think up some sort of excuse. He would not sell out Nick. He had no idea what Hunter might do to him. He was feeling this alliance start to dramatically slip away on both sides.

"So cut the shit and tell me where did you go?" Hunter asked.

"I told you I was here, maybe not in the apartment but I was here. In the city." Sebastian said, a tight grip on the glass in his hand.
Hunter chuckled darkly. "You were never good at lying to me."

He rolled his eyes and took a sip. "Ever stop to think that maybe you have trust issues?"

This didn't take the smile off of Hunter's face. "If I do it's because of you, Samyaza."

At the sound his real name, Sebastian's hand clenched and the glass in his hand broke. A piece of glass wedged in his palm and blood ran down his hand. His gaze darkened and the air in the room grew heavier. This reaction apparently pleased Hunter for he chuckled again as he took another drink.

"Now that I have your attention." Hunter said and set his glass on the coffee table. "Don't lie to me. I know you weren't in the city. I don't know where you went to but I know you came back with the answer we've been looking for. This Kurt that you've been stalking is the Last Guardian. You said you needed proof and you found it."

Sebastian could do his best to deny this but there was no point. As long as Hunter didn't find out the means to which he confirmed the truth then they would be alright. Sebastian tilted his head back a little and continued to stare at Hunter. His silence was the answer that Hunter needed.

"How did you find out?" Hunter asked as he stood up.

Sebastian clenched his jaw and turned away breaking eye contact. He grabbed a clean towel from the side of the bar. He removed the jagged piece of glass and wrapped the towel around his hand to stay the bleeding. It also served as a way for Sebastian to keep his expression composed and to make the next thing out of his mouth as convincing as possible.

"Soothsayer." He replied a moment later with his back still turned. "The same one that lead me here. I had more to go on now that I made contact. She confirmed that Kurt was the Last Guardian."

There was a brief pause before Hunter spoke, and he seemed to buy it. "Well then, why didn't you tell me sooner? I could have come with you."

Hunter was very good at playing games so Sebastian had to make sure to keep his guard up. For now, he had to believe that Hunter bought the lie Sebastian told.

"No. If we both left it would have left Kurt vulnerable to an attack. And had I told you where I was going, you can't tell me that you wouldn't have come along regardless." Sebastian said. He faced Hunter again applying pressure to his hand.

Hunter shook his head. "I suppose it doesn't matter now, does it? We know that it's him! We can take him and be off."

Sebastian felt a fire in the pit of his stomach at the suggestion of Hunter taking Kurt anywhere with or without Sebastian. "He's not leaving New York." He said. "I'm..we're going to stay and protect him."

This made Hunter arch a brow and he walked closer to Sebastian. "You're going to protect him?"

The slip up could not be ignored and Sebastian's mind raced to prepared for whatever Hunter might do next.

"I said we're. As in we are. The two of us."
"Not at first." Hunter's eyes narrowed. He pursed his lips and his arms folded across his chest and his eyes pierced through Sebastian. "You developed feelings for him. I knew it. That's what all the humming was about."

Sebastian's face felt warm but he forced himself to remain calm. Revealing any deep seeded feelings for Kurt could jeopardize the whole thing. It would give Hunter something to hold over Sebastian.

"I don't think it's wise to take him away from this place. Not yet." Sebastian said ignoring Hunter's comments. "He doesn't even know who or what he is. He'll have to learn first before anything else can be done. Hell, he doesn't know what we are. He's living a normal Human life blissfully ignorant of everything around him. Take that away in an instant and protecting him could prove impossible. It leaves him open." Sebastian hoped this would buy him more time.

Hunter seemed to consider this for a moment.

"Perhaps you're right. For now. We'll have to tell him sometime soon though." He said. "The fact remains that protecting him around other Humans puts those Humans at risk. He needs to be taken away from here and kept someplace safe. We've stayed here long enough. If he comes into his magic he'll be like a beacon. Away from the city we can at least lower the casualties. Not to mention we'll be away from any Guardians. There are some already within the city."

Sebastian resisted the urge not to scoff. As if Hunter truly cared about Human casualties. He was trying to make his case for taking Kurt away but Sebastian was not going to allow it to happen.

"All the more reason for us to stay in the city. The last thing we need are for both Grigori and Guardians to be after us. You don't think they won't come looking for the Last Guardian if we snatch him away?"

"Point taken." Hunter appeared to be getting more distressed that he wasn't winning the argument. "But what if-"
"We're not taking him out of the city." Sebastian said firmly. "End of story. Now get out of my apartment."

Hunter clenched his jaw and rolled his shoulders back. He sized up Sebastian one more time before he reached down for his glass and finished off whatever was left inside.

"Fine." He said. "All I ask is you think on it."

"I already have and I decided we're not taking Kurt anywhere. Now I won't tell you again, leave."

Hunter scoffed and left without another word. Sebastian held his breath waiting for the moment that the door closed behind Hunter. The second it did Sebastian exhaled and his demeanor changed. Kurt was going to be in trouble. Sebastian could tell that Hunter wanted him but he wasn't at all ready to tell Kurt anything. He had to get more time to come up with a plan. He now not only needed to protect Kurt from the other Grigori but he would need to protect him from Hunter. First thing was first, he needed to heal himself. It looked like he wasn't going to make it to class after all.


When arriving back at Sebastian apartment, he was glad to see that Hunter hadn't returned. He knew that it wouldn't be that way for long, especially after what happened with Ramiel...or Marco as he was apparently calling himself these days. Sebastian remained firm in the belief that he should have killed the other Grigorian.

He thought back to an hour prior where he had burst into Kurt's apartment to find Ramiel strangling Kurt, his lips started to turn blue and there was a rage that exploded inside of Sebastian that he couldn't begin to describe. Kurt had stopped him from finishing off the Grigori. The same one who had almost succeeded in killing Kurt minutes before. Mercy was something Sebastian wish he had had a long time ago. Maybe if he had, they wouldn't be in the situation they were now. Sebastian admired and envied Kurt for it. He did not ignore the irritation that settled inside of him as well knowing that Kurt allowed this killer to walk free. Ramiel would only try to kill Kurt again the next chance he got.

The thought of losing Kurt hurt too great for Sebastian to fathom. Watching him almost die was the closest he wanted to ever get to that situation again. He needed to protect Kurt more than ever even if that meant allowing Blaine to help.
Sebastian wasn't thrilled with a Guardian being in his apartment, Kurt didn't count, and almost shut the balcony doors behind him as to leave Blaine outside. Kurt wouldn't mind, Sebastian thought as he had carried Kurt to the bedroom. They're mad at eachother anyway. A small smirk played at the corner of his lips at this thought. Sebastian set Kurt down gently on his bed and went so far as to cover him with a blanket.

Forty-five minutes later, Sebastian made sure that he was the first thing Kurt saw when he woke up. He didn't want Kurt to freak and hurt himself somehow. Sebastian still maintained that It was a stupid idea to come back here. Hunter's loyalties were no longer in the right place. Sebastian was certain of that now. However, Sebastian had to grab a few items from his apartment before they left again. They would go far from the city and Kurt would be safe under Sebastian's close eye. It was no longer safe to stay in New York. Ramiel knew of Kurt's existence and chances were other Grigori would know by morning.
Sebastian sat in a chair he positioned beside the bed and watched Kurt with a careful and calculating expression. He was weighing his options as the best place for them to hide. Kurt stirred and opened his eyes slowly trying to allow his vision to focus. He groaned quietly and when his gaze found Sebastian, Kurt pushed himself up. If Sebastian wasn't mistaken there was a slight grin on Kurt's lips when they made eye contact. It warmed Sebastian even if only for a brief moment.

"W-what happened?" Kurt mumbled softly. He seemed surprised to be laying in a bed and even more surprised, perhaps confused, as to why he was covered up.

Sebastian scooted himself to the edge of the chair and leaned forward with his elbows on his knees. The magic Blaine had hit Kurt with fairly strong and Sebastian tried not to find himself too impressed with the amatuer Gaurdian.

"You're in my bed." Sebastian replied. It was the only response that Sebastian offered, as if those four words explained everything that happened between Ramiel fleeing and the three of them arriving in the apartment.

Kurt's brow furrowed. He didn't understand how he had ended up in Sebastian's apartment. "I...umm..what?"

Sebastian sighed. The magic was still wearing off leaving Kurt a little disoriented. It was to be expected. The last thing Sebastian wanted to explain was the exact magic that Blaine had used or that he used it in the first place. He hoped Kurt would come to his senses enough to realize it. A moment later after that though, Kurt reached out and slapped Sebastian hard as he could on the arm. The confusion was gone from Kurt's face and there was now a scowl to replace it.

"Hey!" Sebastian protested.

"No! You know what that was for!" Kurt snapped pointing a finger as if he were speaking to a disobedient puppy.

Sebastian couldn't argue further and but still didn't feel like he deserved to be hit for it. After all, he did save Kurt's life. Kurt tried to swing his legs off the bed but the magic was still looming over him. His eyes rolled back into his head and his whole body swayed before his feet even touched the ground. Sebastian was quick and abandoned his chair in favor of sitting beside Kurt.

"Easy. Just stay still, okay?" Sebastian's voice was soft, and it was not something Kurt was entirely used to. Normally Sebastian would have some sort of clipped tone or sarcastic underlay, but this must have been knew because Kurt was looking at Sebastian ratherly strangely.

"Al-alright." Kurt didn't fight Sebastian and instead closed his eyes. "What's wrong with me?"

"Where do you want me to start?" Sebastian quipped.

Kurt's eyes shot open and he smacked Sebastian again on the arm. Okay, maybe that one Sebastian deserved.

Sebastian chuckled. He loved being the one to put the scowl on Kurt's face. His face was so perfect and beautiful that to see anything like a scowl settle over the boy's features was almost out of place and hilarious to Sebastian. Although, Kurt still managed to look beautiful no matter what expression he held.

"It's the magic." Sebastian said as Kurt continued to scowl in his direction. "It's what Blaine used to get you to calm down enough so we could bring you here."

This news did nothing to relieve Kurt it would seem. The expression remained on his face but now there were tears starting to form in his eyes. Sebastian shifted a little where he sat unsure what to do next. He hadn't wanted Kurt to cry.

"Blaine.." Kurt muttered. Sebastian hadn't known that one could utter a single word and hear the betrayal that it caused.

"Look, Blaine had his reasons." Sebastian said and quickly held up his hands. "Not that I am defending Blaine or whatever but you were being difficult and we had to get away."

"Difficult?" There it was again more betrayal. "Sebastian, I had just found out that everything in my life is a lie. That my existence is a lie. One of my best friends, who happens to now be my boyfriend, was sent to protect me from the start. I was nothing but a mission for him. I found out that there are other insane Grigori out there all of which want me dead. And for what? To bring back Luci-the freaking Devil back to wreak havoc on the world. Excuse me if I needed a moment to process everything!"

Sebastian blinked and stared at Kurt. He was impressed that Kurt had managed to do all of that in one breath. Of course, that was not the point of all of this. Sebastian sighed. He didn't like being yelled at by Kurt but the other was right, there was a lot of life changing information that was thrown at him in such a short amount of time.

"You know, the Devil isn't quite the same as...you know. They're two separate beings. Not saying the Devil exists but as a concept he was created by-"
"So not the point right now." Kurt interrupted.

Sebastian pursed his lips and gave a nod. "No, you're right. Sorry." He sighed. "Kurt. I know you've had a pretty shitty night and I understand it's a lot. Blaine did what he did to protect you-"
"The first problem." Kurt interjected again.
"Would you cut that out?" Sebastian said with a bit of an edge to his voice. "We're trying to prepare you with all the knowledge we can to help you survive now that you're identity has been exposed to our world. You're pretty much a sitting duck, as the expression goes, and excuse us for trying to protect you and the rest of this stupid world."

"Where is Blaine?" Kurt either wasn't listening or didn't seem to care. Regardless of what it was, Sebastian was irritated.

"Or don't listen, you know that's cool too. Whatever." Sebastian mumbled.
"Where's Blaine?" Kurt repeated.

"Out." Sebastian's reply obviously wasn't enough because Kurt was scowling even deeper now. It was almost comical the way Kurt looked. Sebastian rolled his eyes. "He's outside working on some protection magic to keep you safe."

There was no response from Kurt. Instead Kurt cast his eyes down at the bed and drew his legs up to his chest.

"Want me to get him?" Sebastian began to stand up but Kurt reached out and took hold of Sebastian's sweater and tugged him back down.

"No! I'm mad at him." Kurt said. "Don't leave." It was sort of childish in execution but it managed to make Sebastian grin even just a little bit. Kurt either didn't notice or didn't bring attention to it as he let go of Sebastian's clothes and said nothing else on the matter.

Silence settled between them and Sebastian rubbed the back of his neck trying to think of what to say next or waiting for Kurt to strike up conversation. Instead, Kurt sat there with his knees drawn to his chest, still under the blanket Sebastian had covered him with when he laid him down. There had to be a lot to process for Kurt and Sebastian wished he could related. Truth of the matter was, he never found out his whole life was a lie before so it made it difficult to understand exactly how Kurt was feeling. Sebastian was trying though.

He looked around the dimly lit room until his eyes found a photo laying on the dresser. The photo was crinkled around the edges. Had Blaine placed that there? It didn't belong to Sebastian. He didn't know the people in the photo although he was able to guess who they were. Sebastian gave a nod toward the bedside table.

"Is that your mom?" Sebastian asked.

Kurt blinked and stared a moment at Sebastian as he was pulled from his thoughts. Kurt glanced over at the photo beside him. "I...I didn't br-who put this here?"

Sebastian could tell this photo meant the world to Kurt just by the way his eyes glossed over as he gently picked it up. There was a jealous part of Sebastian that wanted to claim responsibility for putting it there, but he couldn't.

"Blaine must have done it." Sebastian mumbled.

Kurt's expression shifted and there was a smile on his face now. A sad smile, but one nonetheless. "Yeah. This is her. And that's me and my dad."

Sebastian realized, perhaps a little too late, that bringing up Kurt's family right now may not have been the best idea. His mother was a Guardian and Sebastian knew the real cause of her death. It hadn't been as natural as Kurt was led to believe.

"She was beautiful." Sebastian said.

"She really was." Kurt's smile turned more joyful and it made Sebastian's heart flutter.
Boy was that really annoying.

"You were kinda cute." Sebastian said, "What the hell happened?"

Kurt scoffed and hit Sebastian on the arm. The two laughed and Sebastian felt happy that he could make Kurt genuinely smile in that moment.

"Do you remember your mom?" Kurt asked.

The question took Sebastian by complete surprise. It was a simple answer and yet complex all the same. Yes, Sebastian remembered his mother but no he did not like to remember her or discuss her. Sebastian's face must have shown this as Kurt reached over and grabbed Sebastian's hand as a sign of comfort.


Sebastian pulled his hand away as casually as he could and did everything in his power to not fall weak at the nickname. Kurt had used the same one back in the loft and there was something about it that made Sebastian one hundred and ten percent Kurt's. He hated nicknames but he almost didn't mind it when Kurt used one.

"She died a long time ago." Sebastian replied. "I don't want to talk about if it's all the same to you."

Kurt nodded slowly and he pulled the photo closer to him.

"Do you uhh...you want anything to drink?" Sebastian asked feeling another awkward silence coming on.

Kurt shook his head. "I'm fine. Well, not fine, but I'm alright. Actually not even alright I'm just..ugh! This isn't fair! I was doing just fine in my life! I was in New York working toward my dream of being on Broadway and I had a boyfriend and I-"

Sebastian watched Kurt carefully as he began to break down again.

"I want things to go back to the way they were. I don't want to be a Guardian and I don't want to know about Grigori." Kurt wiped his eyes with the back of his hand.

"You wish you had never met me?" Sebastian found himself asking this out loud before he could stop himself.

Kurt looked up in surprise at Sebastian. He hesitated a moment. "I…I wish that Blaine wouldn't have lied."

It wasn't a yes and it wasn't a no answer and Sebastian wasn't sure how he was supposed to feel, if he was supposed to feel anything at all.

"I thought I had control over my life, and it turns out that I don't." Kurt sniffled and took a deep breath.

Sebastian remembered back to what Kurt had said once before. "You write your own story."
"What did you say?" Kurt's brow furrowed.

"Those are your words, right? You write your own story. No one else can write it for you. Or something. Look, those asshole know-it-all Guardians may have messed with or manipulated your memories but it doesn't change who you are as a person. And it certainly doesn't give them the say in where you go in life. And even if you aren't in total control.." Sebastian said. "Fate doesn't have to be a bad thing."
Kurt smiled at Sebastian, his eyes never leaving Sebastian's face as he spoke. The staring continued and Sebastian felt as if he were being judged and he shifted under the gaze. Kurt moved from his sitting position and leaned forward on his knees to wrap his arms around Sebastian in a hug.

Kurt was warm and his arms were stronger than Sebastian thought they would be. He smelled nice a hint of lavender in his hair, perhaps it was his shampoo? Sebastian closed his eyes and returned the hug after he was over the initial shock of it all.

"What's this for?" Sebastian asked.

"For everything." Kurt sat back, kicking his feet over the side of the bed and sitting next to Sebastian with their arms touching. "For putting up with me. I still don't understand what's going on or where I'm supposed to go from here but...you make it easier."

Sebastian lifted his chin with a smug grin. Kurt laughed softly and rested his head on Sebastian's shoulder.

"I thought you were mad at me. You seemed pretty upset back at your place." Sebastian said.

"I'm still mad, but somehow...it hurts to be mad at you." Kurt confessed. This made Sebastian smile and he was going to take the initiative to reach out and grab Kurt's hand. It was right there and it wasn't like he hadn't held Kurt's hand before.

There was the clearing of one's voice from the doorway. Kurt lifted his head and Sebastian scowled seeing Blaine standing there with his arms crossed like a child who didn't get his way. There was anger and a flash of jealousy in his hazel eyes as they locked onto Sebastian. Sebastian arched a brow inviting Blaine to say or do something. Instead the anger faded and he turned his attention toward Kurt.

"Kurt." Blaine smiled and moved across the room.

Sebastian stood as Blaine came closer and went to stand against the opposite wall. Kurt gave Sebastian a look as if begging him to come back to his side and not leave him alone with Blaine.

"I have nothing to say to you right now." Kurt said and angled his body away from Blaine.

"Kurt, please. You have to let me explain. Yes I was technically placed with you initially to protect you, but everything I feel for you...that's real. I swear." Blaine tried to catch Kurt's gaze but Kurt continued to move away or turn himself each time Blaine was successful. Blaine stopped and took a deep breath.
"Kurt just look at me! Please!"

"I said, I have nothing to say to you. I don't even know who you are anymore, Blaine. And I certainly can't trust you." Kurt snapped. He stood up in an attempt to get away from Blaine but there was still a bit of the magic that hung over him. When his feet touched the ground, Kurt's knees wobbled and he began to fall. Sebastian crossed the distance between them at an inhuman speed to catch Kurt before he fell. This left Blaine with his arms reached out but no Kurt to hold up.

"Get off me." Kurt mumbled and fought weakly against Sebastian.

"Look, as fun as it is to watch lovers quarrel, we have bigger issues to deal with." Sebastian said not taking heed of Kurt's order. "I know there is still a lot to explain, but we don't exactly have the luxury of time. We've wasted enough waiting for you to wake up. One of two things are about to happen. One; the council shows up to take Kurt away. Two; Ramiel shows back up or any other Grigori to kill Kurt."
Kurt managed to push himself out of Sebastian's arms and stand on his feet all by brow scrunched as he processed the two scenarios that Sebastian spelled out. "But...I thought Blaine was doing protection magic or...whatever it was."

Blaine sighed and stood. "They won't last long. It gives us enough time to figure out where we're going and to grab a few things along the way."

Sebastian had to admit he was a little surprised Blaine was suddenly all for the three of them getting the hell out of Dodge instead of handing Kurt over to the council. He eyed the Guardian carefully but saved any skepticism for later.

Kurt shook his head violently side to side. "No."

Sebastian pinched the bridge of his nose. "If we have to take you out of here unconscious again, we will."

"I'm not leaving Rachel." Kurt said through gritted teeth. "Marco..Ramy-whatever his name is, has her."

"Hate to say it buttercup but she's probably already dead." Sebastian said with his arms folded across his chest. Kurt's face paled. Blaine shot Sebastian a look to which Sebastian merely shrugged. "What? I'm only telling the truth."

Kurt put distance between him and the others. "She's my best friend."

"I know what Rachel means to you-" Blaine began but this was not an argument that either Blaine or Sebastian was going to win. Blaine looked over to Sebastian and Sebastian knew exactly what Blaine was going to say before he said it.

"No. No, we do not have time for some stupid rescue mission on a human." Sebastian said firmly.

"You could go look for her and I'll stay with Kurt." Blaine suggested. "I'll make sure he's safe."

"Yeah, you've been doing great in that department so far haven't you, Guardian?" He rolled his eyes.

Blaine puffed out his chest and tried to match Sebastian's height. "I'll say it again, I was doing just fine before you came along."

"Whatever pipsqueak. Look, you honestly think Kurt is going to just sit here and let one of us go riding off to play knight?"

"Of course not, he's always been stubborn." Blaine said. "It's hard to convince him otherwise once his mind is made up."

"For the second time tonight, could you both stop talking as if I am not in the room? I'm right here! " Kurt shouted to be heard above the two bickering boys. "Sebastian's right, I'm not going to sit here. She's my best friend and..and she's involved because of who I am but most importantly because you didn't tell me who I was." Kurt pointed at Blaine. "You owe her..we owe her. She's your friend too, or I thought she was. I don't actually know anymore."

"Of course Rachel is my friend." Blaine said sounding a little hurt. "I don't want to risk losing you though."

Kurt turned to face Blaine. "I know that I'm supposed to be more important right now, but I'll never forgive myself if anything happens to Rachel. I'm going so protect me along the way or don't."

This was getting out of hand. Sebastian groaned and turned to his dresser, knocking whatever sat on top off. It caught the attention of both Kurt and Blaine.

"Do you realize how dangerous this is?" Sebastian asked. "You want us to jump head first into Grigori territory to rescue your friend. Not only that but you want to come along and risk your own life which in turns risks the whole world. That we aren't just going to be up against Ramiel, but quite possibly other Grigori as well. Maybe even stronger. You do understand how insanely suicidal this whole thing is. Yes?"

Kurt gave a simple answer. "Yes."

"We'll just knock you out again." Sebastian said trying to think of ways to make Kurt reconsider.

"Do it and I'll never forgive either of you." Kurt was serious.

"You are impossible!" Sebastian said in frustration.

"You say that a lot, but it's not going to change my mind. I'm coming with you." He stared Sebastian down and when Sebastian had nothing to say in return, it was Blaine who spoke next.

"Then I guess we're planning a rescue mission."