So wrote this on a whim, apparently people like angry foul mouthed yet charmingly innocent romantic Harry, I...think I can have fun with that.

As Harry stumbled out of the trophy room his mind seized up, it was only through years of neglect and abuse courtesy of the Dursleys that his body kept moving while his brain went into lock down mode. The bastards at the Ministry of Magic were making him compete in a tournament meant for adults; him, Harry Potter, mister fly below the radar himself...not that any self respecting wizard would even know what a bloody radar was despite you being pertinent to anyone who flew a blasted broom!

What was he so torced about again? Right, the tournament and the guy who looked like Hitler's little brother insisting he had to compete due to a magical contract forcing the issue. Point one, get a hold of a goblin and find out how much water that claim really held because to the muggle raised wizard 'None At Fucking All' seemed to be the the most logical conclusion to that question. But as Hermione had pointed out on numerous occasions wizards and logic really...oh crap.

Hells bells what was he going to tell Hermione? Seriously his best friend worried enough about the stupid shite he got himself into on his own and now he had to break this to the brilliant bookworm? Ugh, so not worth it, you shouldn't have to anger the most important female in your life with stupid shite not of your own design, it just wasn't cricket!

Sirius had plenty of rather hilarious and altogether amoral pranks for his godson to perform in his stead that would never see the light of day, solely due to the raven haired boy being very aware that if a certain brown eyed witch ever caught wind of his plans she'd make him pay for it. When confronted with this both Padfoot and Moony broke out laughing with guffaws of 'Just like James,' Harry had no bloody idea what they were going on about when they got like that.

That being said he prowled towards Gryffindor tower staring at the floor wilst rage laced mutterings passed his lips and thus ignored the irate overprotective owl on his heels; therefore it was no surprise to anyone but himself and Ron when Hedwig attacked in a frustrated rage.

As the portrait door swung open it presented the entirety of his house waiting for him, a moment later Ron began speaking, "So the traitor arrives, I suppose-" he didn't get any further then that when he began screaming as Hedwig attempted to gouge out his eyes. As Ron ran up to the fourth year boys dormitories being followed by a blood lusting Crookshanks and Hedwig Harry turned to Hermione wanting actual answers instead of retarded conjecture.

The timid witch shifted her gaze to the side as she quietly muttered what she knew, "They blame you Harry, despite the obvious they insist you put your name in the goblet. Only Neville, Ginny, and the twins believe you didn't do it..." Harry stared at the bushy haired and slightly bucktoothed witch a few more moments causing her to squirm uncomfortably under his gaze.

Eventually, he spoke up, "But you believe me, right?"

Looking indignant Hermione stood up to her full height, (which was annoyingly enough slightly taller then Harry) while spitting out her reply. "I'll have you know Mister Potter I have never questioned your sincerity and the fact that you'd question me-"

She was cut off as Harry, for the the first time in their friendship, initiated a crushing hug silencing her with a laugh. "Right, I should never question Hermione Granger's integrity, tis a declaration of war that will result in a net loss."

As the brunette teenager nodded her assent her male friend only shook his head in return realizing in that moment he had no idea what he'd do without this witch. The thought that she'd be some other wizards woman someday burned a searing line of rage through his psyche so quickly it actually drew him short of breath.

As always the best way to deal with 'emotions' was to ignore them completely, "Apparently, regardless of the fact that I didn't put my name in the cup, the oh so responsible adults in my life are insisting I participate in their lovely blood sport. So yeah, that's a thing, suggestions?"

As Hermione grabbed several texts related to dangerous magical animals off the communal shelves she hopped down the steps and hooked her arm around Harry's leading him towards the entrance portal.

Sighing the young witch just shook her head slowly, "Well if the adults won't help you I'll have to do my best, I can't let my wizard get himself murdered now can I?"

Harry gulped dryly at this not knowing what to say, eventually he coughed and replied in turn. "Maybe he's not worth the effort?"

Hermione snorted a laugh as she leaned in and kissed his cheek, blushing profusely the entire time as she did so. "You're the only wizard worth the effort Harry," gathering his courage he pecked her cheek in return earning a squeak for his efforts.

Encouraged he pulled her to his side as they continued walking and he tilted his face to her ear as he whispered, "You're the only witch worth the effort as well." The pair stopped and stared at each other for a solid minute, eventually they both tentatively, experimentally leaned forward.

As their lips met there was no fireworks, there was no ridiculous announcements of unheard of soul bondings, there was only two teenagers who broke the kiss and stared into each others eyes with nothing but mutual love. Eventually they pulled each other into a tight embrace and began snogging in a rather unseemly manner, after a time they finally released each other and Harry coughed lightly to himself feeling rather embarrassed for his rash actions.


He spat it out so quickly the older teen barely caught what he said and stated as much a moment later, "Harry I have no idea what you just said..."

The deeply blushing teenager took a deep breath before grasping his best friends shoulders to, if nothing else, give him something to prop himself on. "Hermione, will you be my girlfriend?"

Now blushing in turn she leaned in and pecked his lips again while nodding concisely, "Of course." Kilometers away in an abandoned rotting manor, a being resembling a mutated baby monster screamed in agony, having no idea what was causing him so much pain.

Later that night, despite studying spells so complex it made his brain hurt, Harry Potter slept soundly as he passed out on a couch holding a pretty young lady who only had eyes for him; and a Dark Lord writhed in agony the entire time.