Summary: Three months after the ending of Turmoil and Bliss, Jess is finally getting married. Alice has already begun wedding preparations for the long awaited wedding between Carlisle and Annabelle. With all their enemies finally wiped out, they believe all their troubles are over. New opportunities are explored and a huge surprise awaits everyone in Seattle. This surprise brings everyone closer. Old friends return, and n ew friends are made. What adventures await the Cullens? Rated M (Finally, I know!)

A/N: And a new book cover opened, with yet another story inside! I know, cheesy, but it was appropriate! I hope you love it!

Disclaimer: All recognizable characters belong to their rightful owner, Stephenie Meyer. I just own Belle and everyone else Stephenie Meyer doesn't own.

"Okay, come on. We can't wait on you forever!" I smiled as I watched Emmett gather everyone up before we left the house for the church.

"Emmett, I don't think it matters if we're late. They have forever." Seth said coming down the stairs dressed up in his tux.

The door opened and my fiancee walked in and Emmett looked at him as he started ordering everyone around again.

"Is Jess ready yet? We can not be late! Jess, where the heck are you? Carlisle, are the cars ready?" I pressed my lips together to keep from laughing. I looked myself over to make sure everything was in place. Alice would kill me if even one curl was out of place.

"You look beautiful." Carlisle assured me as I looked up and met his gorgeous golden eyes. They had all gone on a hunt last night, as was tradition for the groom before his wedding day.

"Thank you." I smiled and Emmett turned on us next.

"Okay, I totally get that you two are still in that lovey-Dovey engagement phase, but help would be appreciated. Alice put me, Emmett Cullen in charge of getting everyone in the limos assigned to you. So, let's go! Alice, where's Jess?"

"Would you just wait twenty seconds? She's on her way down!" Alice called from somewhere upstairs. I secretly enjoyed this. For once, it wasn't me in charge of this. And Emmett was definitely taking this seriously. But I knew that the next time this happened, it would be me upstairs getting ready to get married.

This wedding had taken three months to prepare. It would have taken less time, but Jess wanted to talk to her parents one last time. Even after what they'd done before her twins were born, and how she had told them she'd never wanted to see them again. But she must have had a change of heart, because she had gone to talk to them. Her Mom said she would be there, but her Dad wouldn't even speak to her.

"Okay, Carlisle, Jess and Belle, out the door. You'll ride with Rose Alex and me in the first one. Go, go."

I looked at Carlisle who just smiled at me and we helped Jess with her dress.

We climbed in and Rose handed me a sleeping Alex. The twins toddled behind her all smiles. We settled them in and after everyone else got into the remaining two cars, we were off.

"Jess, you look beautiful." I said smiling over at our nervous bride.

She smiled, fiddling with the green and silver ribbons that were carefully woven into the bouquet she held.

"Thanks, Belle. I don't even know why I'm so nervous."

"It's normal. All brides are." Rose assured her. Jess nodded and focused on the flowers in her hands as we rode to the church.

Jess had wanted it to be your traditional wedding. That included the church, pictures, and the reception that would be held in the city, rather than at home. Alice had been a little disappointed about it, but I gently reminded her that this was Jess's day, and if she wanted to have it there, we could honor that wish.

"And remember, I'm getting married here." She grinned then, her sad little pout completely wiped off her face.

"Yes, you are! I can not wait to start planning."

That had been just days after my engagement to Carlisle. Forks was beyond used to the idea that the hot doctor was off the market. I knew of course, that there were those who looked down on us because of who I was, and who they were. And the supposed age difference.

Upon arrival at the church, I saw a huge crowd gathered outside the church. Most of them the guests, the minority out of town tourists wishing the bride well. Weddings rarely happened in Forks, so this was a pretty big deal.

The limo stopped and Carlisle got out first, with Emmett right behind him. Carlisle reached for my hand and helped me out. Alice and the others were already there for the pictures we had to take before entering the church. We bridesmaids lined up on either side of the bride for a few pictures before heading inside. Once in the church, I saw Shayna Stanley in a red dress that barely concealed her small baby bump.

It felt like only seconds later that we walked down the aisle to the music Jess had carefully selected for the bridesmaids.

Jess had wanted us girls to stand apart from the men. Bella being the maid of honor stop next to her, while Angela, Alice, Rose Ness, and I stood off to the left. I smiled at Carlisle across the way and he smiled back. "It'll be us next time." he mouthed. I grinned and turned my head just as the doors opened and Angela's husband walked Jess down the aisle.

Angela's Dad stood as the bride walked down the aisle, a nervous smile on her face.

When she saw Nahuel her smile widened and her eyes filled with tears. Nessie sighed and with a small shrug she said, "Young love." quiet enough so that only we could hear.

I chuckled and we watched as she reached Nahuel, finally. She wore a triumphant smile as Ben placed her hand in Nahuel's.

Mr. Weber addressed everyone. "We're gathered here today to honor the union between Jessica Stanley and Nahuel Denali. Who gives the bride away?" Ben stepped forward. "I do." He smiled at Jess before returning to his seat in the front pew.

Mr. Weber continued, telling Jessica and Nahuel what marriage meant. It was a serious commitment to each other and something that should never be broken.

Jessica's mom sat a few people down from Ben, tears streaming down her face.

"And now, the rings." Seth stepped forward, leading Noah who held the little pillow.

When it was time for their vows, Ness's eyes were already pooling with tears. Alice shot her a look as if to say, don't ruin the makeup Ness!

"I Nahuel Denali, take Jessica Anne Stanley to be my lawfully wedded wife. I will honor and protect you through sickness and health, for richer, or poorer, through the good times and bad times, as long as we both shall live. I promise this with this ring, in front of all our loved ones."

He slipped the ring onto her finger, and then it was her turn.

"I Jessica Anne Stanley, take you, Nahuel Denali to be my lawfully wedded husband. I will honor and protect you through sickness and health, for richer, or poorer, through the good times and bad times, as long as we both shall live. I promise this with this ring, in front of all our loved ones."

"Remember this day as the day the Lord has brought you together as one. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride."

Jess rapped her arms around Nahuel's neck and pulled him in for a kiss. Their lips crashed together as we all applauded. They kissed for a long moment before Emmett cleared his throat and everyone laughed.

They led us down the aisle with huge smiles on their faces. We paired off with the groomsmen and headed outside to take more pictures. Rose and Emmett walked behind Carlisle and I with Jess's twins and Alex who seemed to enjoy chewing on everything as of late.

"Next up, Annabelle Swan and Carlisle Cullen!" Noell said excitedly as we headed back toward the cars after taking pictures. It hadn't rained, miraculously. I knew it'd probably pour as soon as` we got to the venue where Jess's reception was going to be held.

"you can't say that until this wedding is over with. That includes them leaving for their honeymoon." Alice said.

"You're so unfair." Noell said laughing.

At the reception hall, Alice ran around doing one last check on everything. The guests were told to arrive a half hour after we did. She made some last minute adjustment to the seating arrangements and rearranged the flowers in the centerpieces one last time.

"Perfect. We're all good." she announced.

When the guests began to arrive, I looked out the door and saw that it was starting to drizzle.

I helped people with their jackets as they entered. A girl with curly blond hair stopped and stared at me for a few seconds before speaking to me.

"So… you're the lucky girl who gets to marry doctor Cullen huh?"

"I am." I said smiling.

"Well, congratulations. You're doing better than my cousin Shayna. Even Jessica is better off. Oops." she stopped when she caught sight of Shayna staring daggers at her.

"Better go." She scampered away, Shayna now in hot pursuit behind her. Some things never changed.

"Oh Sweetie! You look great in that green dress!" I looked up and saw Lanie smiling at me. I took her jacket and she hugged me.

"I can't believe you're next. Have you started on your preparations yet?"

"Not really. Alice plans to start tomorrow. Tonight at the earliest. You know Alice." she laughed. "That I do. I can not wait to see you in a wedding dress."

"I'm still pretty nervous about it." I admitted to her. I smiled at her husband as he approached.

"Hey there." He greeted me.

I smiled and took his coat before they went to find their seats.

I was seated at my table ten minutes later. Bella sat with the twins on her lap, trying to feed them. The caterers were serving everyone the first part of the meal.

"Never thought I'd see Shayna after she gave up the baby. I mean, Belle you know I'm not one to gossip, but you'd think she would have learned after getting pregnant the first time. Does she think she can just keep opening her legs and popping out kids? What, is she going to hand this one over to Alice and Jasper this time?"

I speared a cherry tomato with my fork and just shrugged.

"Well Ness, we can't do much about Shayna. She's an adult. If she wants to keep giving kids out like candy, that's on her." As I said it my eyes drifted down the table and saw Alex in Emmett's arms. He had grown to be a strapping baby boy with curly dark hair. His eyes were big and blue. And if you didn't know any better, you would have thought he was Emmett and Rosalie's biological son. Rose had told me that before Carlisle had changed Emmett, he had had the same blue eyes as Alex had.

"I know, it just makes me worry about the kid's life. I could care less about Shayna. Coming from a mother Belle, I have that worry all the time. She clearly doesn't have motherly instinct if she doesn't even know how Alex is going to feel when he grows old enough to know Emmett and Rosalie aren't his real parents.

I swallowed my food before answering.

"He's going to think that his Mom giving him up is the best damn decision she's ever made. Now Ness, let's stop talking about her and gush over how beautiful Jessica looks." I smiled and she snorted before digging into her salad. As much as she would have loved to have had them here, her sons were going through a rebellious phase she and Jake blamed on he wolf genes. Billy, Colin and Brady had stayed back with a few other wolves to hang with their Alpha's cubs.

"I do like the dress. I think it compliments her figure nicely."

"I agree. Alice has a great eye for that."

"I do, I know.' Alice said sliding in to the chair across from us and took a dainty sip of the champagne she'd just served.

"Don't drink too much of that. It's a pain in the ass when it comes back up." Emmett said in a low voice.

"Emmett, I know. I drank quite a bit at Bella's wedding." she said and that made me remember that at some point that night, Carlisle and Edward had conspiratorially let me have a glass of champagne. With a cup of Coke right after that.

As if knowing what I was thinking, Carlisle winked at me and I grinned back.

Edward chuckled and Bella looked at us questioningly.

"What's all that about?" she asked.

"Just a thought." Edward said dismissively. My sister looked at Carlisle.

"They were probably remembering Alice on the night of your wedding. She had that alcohol in her system for some time, it started messing with her missions, among other things." Jasper said smiling at his pixie.

Both Carlisle and Emmett nodded, agreeing with him.

"You should have put that on video so we could re watch it." Bella said laughing.

After dinner came the first dance. Shayna watched her sister as she danced with her husband. She looked so happy and so beautiful, it made you want to cry just looking at how happy they were.

Carlisle held my hand under the table as we watched them dance to, "All Of Me".

It seemed like seconds later when they cut the cake. They playfully shoved huge pieces into each other's faces as the photographers took pictures. All the guys watched with amusement as she stood on a chair so Nahuel could get under her dress for the garter. I was sitting at the table with everyone but Alice and Jasper. I was enjoying the engaged status quite a lot. No more standing in crowds of unengaged girls for the bouquet. I had Ness's bouquet dried and put away in tissue paper in a cute pink box.

Shayna came to our table a few minutes later.

"Hey guys!" she said cheerily sliding into Nessie's empty seat.

We all said our hellos and she looked at me.

"About what Marianne said earlier, you don't believe her do you? I mean, I'm not in a bad place. Brad loves me deeply and can't wait for our baby to arrive. I'm three months by the way."

"I'm choosing to not answer that question. We're out of high school, Shayna. It's immature to start drama over what one girl said. Leave it alone. The only reason you wouldn't, is if it offended you. Can't you at least enjoy your sister's wedding and try to be happy for her?"

Her mouth opened and closed like a fish desperate for water. "Whatever then." she muttered before leaving. But luck wasn't on her side tonight. Her dress caught on the chair. I was about to warn her, really I was but I was too late.

It split down the side with an audible Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrippp! I couldn't help it. I started laughing uncontrollably. She looked horrified as all eyes fell on her.

"Take that to the bedroom!" Peter shouted. That made us all laugh all the harder.

"You that desperate?" Marianne echoed.

"That's enough. Let's enjoy the rest of the wedding shall we?" Carlisle said to the room at large. But I knew my fiance well enough to know he was just dying to start laughing along with the rest of us.

She rushed to her mother's side and they walked out of the room.

The party resumed then and we all went out to dance.

I scooped Karissa into my arms and Carlisle took Noah. We danced with them for a bit before letting them dance with their Mom. She had asked Carlisle and I to care for them.

"They're great practice for you two. I know y'all are going to want kids soon." And we did. We had discussed that at great lengths quite a lot.

When it was finally time for her to get changed we all went with her. Noell proudly held the bouquet in her hands as she followed us.

Alice had chosen a beautiful green rest for her to wear. It sort of reminded me of Bella's going away dress. Jess's was a bit shorter and off the shoulder.

"Thank you for everything Alice." she said as we all unpinned her hair. I put all the bobby pins into a neat little pile as I worked.

"You don't have to thank me Jessica. You just focus on tonight." Alice winked and Jess blushed.

"Consummating the marriage is the best part of the whole experience." Bella said and Alice, Ness and Rose nodded. I just smiled and when I was done, her hair fell in curls down her back. I was going to miss her. And when she came back, she would be Mrs. Jessica Denali. She had gotten so emotional when she, Kate and Nahuel had gone and worked out all the paperwork for her. She had come into the house tears streaming down her face as she showed me her brand new ID that had her new last name on it.

She hugged us all one last time as Noell and Shelby took pictures. When we walked out everyone applauded as Nahuel took her hand and they went to say good bye to the twins one last time.

"More cake?" Emmett asked me. He held a huge slice of cake on a plate.

"If I eat one more thing I'll explode." I said as he held the chocolate cake tantalizingly in front of me.

"But it looks so good." I said as he grinned.

He took it away then, promising to save it for me. Jess came back with Karissa and Noah holding each of her hands. We were all outside now ready to see them off.

"Take care of yourself." I said hugging her tightly.

"I promise. Make sure Karissa doesn't eat another hair tie. Or that Noah doesn't eat more than he's supposed to."

"We'll take great care of them. Remember what Bella said. Just focus on consummating your marriage."

She laughed as Karissa tugged on my dress. "Remind me to tell you that when you leave for your honeymoon."

I smiled a few tears falling onto my cheeks. I always got emotional at weddings.

They walked to their car amidst a shower of rice, flower petals and confetti. Noah and Karissa watched their Mommy leave with huge smiles. They didn't know she'd be gone for three weeks.

We all applauded as they drove slowly past us off to have a wonderful time in Rio.

When the car was nothing but a speck in the distance, we headed back inside to make sure the cleaning crew was doing okay. Alice sent the rest of us home and promised that she'd be home shortly.

When we got home, it was raining buckets. The kiddos weren't even tired. They raced around the living room as I headed upstairs to change out of my dress. Noell followed still proudly holding the bouquet.

"I feel so out of the loop!" she complained following me into the room Carlisle and I shared.

"I'm the only one not engaged or married. Why?" She threw herself onto the bed still in her dress.

"Give it time Noell. It'll happen before you know it." She smiled and nodded. "You're right. Sorry."

She had nothing to be sorry for. She wanted to be engaged. I will admit it was fun having the title of Fiancee! It was exciting and always made me smile. When Lane and Lyndie had found out about it, they'd cried copiously for two hours.

I knew that tomorrow would begin my official preparations for my wedding. I knew that the dress was priority. Along with picking the bridesmaids dresses. It was all beginning to sound so exciting. I didn't want to make Carlisle and Alice pay for an overly expensive dress. I knew Carlisle would let me wear anything I'd wanted. And I do literally mean anything. If I were the kind of girl who wanted the most extravagant dress in the world, he'd let me have it. Even if it was made entirely out of pearls and diamonds. I didn't even know what kind of dress I wanted to wear. It would all be decided eventually.

The wedding day was set for August twenty sixth. It was right at the end of the summer. I had already picked my bridesmaids. My maid of honor was Bella, of course. She had been so happy when I'd told her that she was who I wanted.

"Hello Belle? Did you hear a word I just said?" I jumped, startled, realizing I had stopped paying attention to Noell.

"No, I'm sorry. I sort of got lost in my thoughts."

"Of course you did. Come on Belle you can't think about the wedding night just yet! You've got three months to go!" I blushed and went to hang my dress back in the closet. I hadn't thought about that until now. I was being a good girl and blocking those images from my mind. Of course, she had just had to say wedding night and they all flooded in.

As I imagined Carlisle and I, our bodies intertwined on a king sized bed, Edward burst through the door a disgusted look on his face.

"Belle for the love of all that is mountain lions. Stop thinking about that. Spare me." he emphasized that by grabbing his hair and pulling it. He put his hands over his eyes as I laughed, unable to contain it.

"I can't help it. Unfortunately, you have to deal with it because you're a mind reader so…" I trailed off as I thought about Carlisle using his gloriously long fingers on my lady parts. I even think a moan of pleasure escaped my lips. I don't know though, because Edward growled and ran out of the room shouting, "Carlisle, you're Fiancee is sex deprived!"

Ah yes, three months couldn't get here soon enough.

A/N: Soooooo? I know this is short, but I promise the chapters will get longer. I do hope you like the first chapter. Please let me know in some lovely reviews! I love those, so much. They're like chocolate to me! I love chocolate! Also a huge, huge thanks to ILoveTwiFics for riding along on this adventure with me.

Until next week!
