Welcome to a new fanfic made by me.

I trust that you know what you've gotten yourself into.

This ride will be slightly more darker than Naruto's Flames, my other fanfic. For those of you who love dark Naruto I welcome you and hope you enjoy the ride. For those who aren't hold on tight, by the end of this you'll see why dark Naruto is so enjoyable.

In this fanfic, Naruto will be forgotten and tormented.

He'll become the embodiment of immortality. As well he'll be the avatar to three powerful beings.

It will be a multi crossover like Naruto's Flames. In this fanfic I took Dishonored, Dawn Of War and Naruto and wrapped it into one.

Please, sit back releax and enjoy.

Disclaimers: I own nothing.

Chapter 1: From Pain Rises...

October 10th. The night the Kyuubi no Yoko attacked the Village Hidden in the Leaves, and layed waste to everything living thing. There were many casualties for the forces of Konoha.

Shortly after the whole thing the Yondaime appeared with his newly born twin children. One looking like her mother the other like him. Deciding to seal the beast into his children he split the Kyuubi from its chakra and placed it inside his daughter he named Hitomi and the soul into Naruto his son.

Unfortunately he made a terrible mistake with the seal matrix for Naruto and the soul of Kyuubi merged with Naruto. Due to his closed mind, he started to see Naruto as the demon more than his son.

Returning with only Hitomi and lying to his wife's face, the two mourned the 'death' of their son. The village was slowly rebuilding itself and Hitomi was praised for holding the beast's soul which she never held back.

And now...

Waking up to a bright morning, Hitomi, now 16 years old was going into her graduation exam. Feeling all cheerful she climbed out of bed and got dressed consisting of black second skin pants, a white collared shirt which was buttoned bown to reveal bust a bit of her developing bust, and some running shoes.

Her hair was just like her mothers while she had her father's eyes. Walking down she saw her family sitting at the table waiting for her. Smiling to her family which made them smile as well.

"Morning." she said as she sat at the table.

"Ready for today?" asked Minato as he turned the page of his newspaper.

That was when Hitomi noticed the front page of her father's newspaper. It read: Mysterious monster attacks noble family.

It couldn't have been the Uchiha massacre as that happened way before this paper was published. Her only friend Satsuki and her brother survived. It was a true tragedy. After breakfast she walked out the estate and went to the academy.

Walking along the way she spotted her other frineds, Hinata, Sakura, and Kiba. They knew about her secret and were willing to help her master it.

That was when they noticed Sasuke. The twin brother of Satsuki. He was a real dick and was always being all broody on everything. His only response he every gave of his famous, "Hn."

They were more aquantinces than friends. As they walked the one topic that was on everyone's mind surfaced.

"Did you hear about the latest murder done by that guy?" asked Hitomi.

"Yes, they say he's a powerful assassin with a flee on sight order in the Bingo Book." replied Kiba.

"Who ever he is, he can't stand up to an Uchiha like me." said Sasuke puffing out his chest.

"You may be an Uchiha, but you're still too cocky for your own liking." said Satsuki as she slammed her fist into her brother's head.

Yes, it was true. The one they called Child Of Darkness was the most renowned assassin ever to exist. Bedtime stories were modified to fit him in it as the bad guy. But it never worked as he was always killing the good guy. Leaving children with nightmares of him coming in the dead of night to kill them.

No one has ever seen his face. The only people who have are all dead. When the bodies are found, they all share common things apart from how gruesome the murder is. Their tongue, ears and eyes were all ripped out.

It was like the old saying: See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil. No one dared to even speak his name. It was now at that point.

Unknown to them, a certain white haired boy was watching them. His red slitted eyes watched with great interest as he watched his sister go about her day without even knowing she had a brother.

Yes, this person was Naruto. He would've gone by the name, Naruto Uzumaki if he wanted to, but then again. They would think he was joking around. No one knew the truth. But he did.

After Minato abandoned him, making his parents think he was dead. Little Naruto was raised by demonic foxes, due to them being drawn by his fox like appearance. It wasn't his fualt that he became a hanyou right?

While he lived with the foxes, his hair turned snow white and his eyes went from crystal blue, to demonic red. He trained like mad, building up hi strength as a hanyou. That was when he awoke his hanyou side.

When he awoke it, a tattoo apeared on his left hand. On the top of his hand was what looked like an eye in a triangle with multiple line like cracks moving up his arm, stopping at his elbow.

Shortly after that, he was approached by three of the most powerful beings in all existance. The three each gave him a piece of their power making him their avatar. The three people that visited him was Kami herself, the Shinigami and the Outsider.

The Ousider gave him the power to bend forces to his will, abilities like Blink and Dark Vision. The Shinigami gave Naruto the power he used to use, known as the Nightbringer. And Kami gave him the power to ressurect an undead race of powerful beings known as the Necrons. As well she gave him the ability to have space time travel powers, making inter dimensional travel possible.

After they gave him the powers, they told him that it was now a bloodline and could be passed down to his children. So far he didn't have anyone yet as they were too afraid of him, but there was one who loved him. Walking into a parlor that had strippers in it, Naruto walked up to the bar.

His clothing consisted of black pants with black shoes. White collared shirt with a black trench coat over the shirt. On the end of the sleeves were what looked like white crosses (A.N. Think Justin's crosses on his jacket from Soul Eater). Around his neck was a gold chained necklass which had a pendant on it. The pendant was a gold kanji word for Death. He also had a mask, but he hid it through a seal on the side of his face. He also had a choker like collar around his neck with a wierd symbol on the buckel. Some found it wierd with him having that around his neck, but he loved it.

"The usual?" asked the bartender.

Nodding his head, the bartender slid him a glass of whiskey and a new mission. Unraveling the scroll, Naruto saw it was a mission to assassinate a person who was a high ranking dictator. Turned out the village he was threatening was putting their loved ones into the gas mines which killed them in a few days. This mission came from a woman who just recently lost her lover.

These missions paid very well. Being the most strongest in his line of work the jobs were very good. Getting paid 140 000 ryo every successful assassination.

Paying for the drink he walked out and Blinked to the trees where he began to run across to his new target.

The only reason why he became an assassin was number one, hone in on his powers as both the avatar of the three and his hanyou powers. And number 2 he needed enough blood to awaken the Necrons.

So here he was, once again hunting for his new prey.

And scene.

There will be a Naruto pairing here.

I was thinking that seeing that he has the ability to do inter dimensional travel he can go to the world of Akame Ga Kill and take Esdeath with him.

I say Esdeath is because she is so fucking hot. And any of you who have seen the anime know what I'm talking about.

As well I'm thinking on Kirche from Familiar of Zer.

He will have atleast 3 to 5 girls. Max 6.

Let me know via review on who you want in the harem.

Rate and review.

BlackSpirit101 out. ;)