Hey guys, so excited to show you my first story. I hope the next will be longer. The story is set sometime between Race to the Edge and the second movie. I know that Alvin is gone by then but I still like him as the captor better than Dagur. Hope you enjoy!
Chapter 1
"Race you to the edge!" shouted Astrid from the back of Stormfly. "She never learns does she Toothless." said Hiccup softly so she wouldn't hear. Toothless cooed in response.
Hiccup let Astrid get ahead for the first little while, the he started picking up speed.
"I'm gonna win this time Hiccup!
"Yeah, in your dreams." Hiccup shouted back, just as he pulled on the stirrup that attached his metal leg to Toothless' prosthetic. Toothless shot past Astrid with a burst of speed. Your gonna have to start feeding her a lot more chicken if you want your Nadder to beat a Night Fury!" Hiccup said, teasing, of course. He beats her by several seconds to Dragons Edge. "I might have a few more tricks up my sleeve, just you wait Hiccup." said Astrid with a joking look in her eye. "I don't doubt it." Hiccup said as he winked at her.
"Ugh, are you two love birds done yet? Cause we're ready to leave and we don't really want to see yo getting all lovey dovey!" said Snotlout, a bit agitated. "At least not til I get a man." Ruffnut muttered. "But baby!" Snotlout, "I'm your man!
Sure and I'm Tuffnut." said Ruffnut, getting a bit frustrated with Snotlout's antics.
"Okay guys, lets get going." said Hiccup. The group mounted their dragons and they took off towards Sparkwing Island
Tuffnut - "Are we there yet?
Fishlegs - "No.
Ruffnut - "Are we there yet?
Astrid - "No.
Tuffnut - "Are we there yet?
Fishlegs - "No! Does it look like we're there!
A pause and silence.
Snotlout - "Are we there ye...
Astrid - "Snotlout!
Hiccup - "Actually we're here.
"It's about time!" said Tuffnut.
Astrid glared at him. "What!" exclaimed Tuffnut. They landed on Sparkwing Island, and dismounted their dragons. All except for Snotlout, whom of which Hookfang, his Monstrous Nightmare, stopped midair before landing, did a roll, and proceeded to whip his body to get Snotlout off by his own means. After recovering from his fall, Snotlout muttered something under his breath. "Okay guys, lets each take a buddy for safety precautions.
"There he goes again. Always about the safety." muttered Snotlout still agitated.
"Actually I think that it's a great idea especially with there being totally new species of dragons.
"Thank you Fishlegs," said Hiccup "I want us to all be very aware of the dangers on this Island so keep your eyes and ears open and be ready to defend yourselves if necessary. But we can't ride our dragons. They may scare off any new species. They need to stay on the beach. They will come find us if we're in danger."
"I'll take Ruffnut!" shouted Snotlout. She gave him a look of disgust in return.
"Fine." she said. "Okay, I'll take Hiccup." said Astrid, Finely happy to be alone with him. Just her and him. "I guess that leaves me and you Fishlegs. Old buddy, old pal."
Fishlegs only sighed. Hiccup walked over to Toothless. "You've gotta stay here bud." Toothless looked at Hiccup with a worried look in those big green eyes. He cooed softly. "I know bud. But you know if I'm getting in trouble, you come find me okay." Toothless licked him in response. "Toothless! You know that doesn't wash out!" Toothless gave him a gummy smile. "That's my boy." He whispered as he rubbed his black, scaly head and turned to walk off. "You ready Astrid?
"Yeah, just saying goodbye.
"Okay everyone, we'll meet back here on the beach before sundown. If we get into trouble, just take your pouches I gave you with Monstrous Nightmare saliva, set the string on fire, and throw it in the air. When we hear the explosion, us and our dragons will come running.
"Aye, Aye Cap." said Tuffnut. "Come on Astrid." said Hiccup. They walked off together into the forest. "It's good to finally get you to myself." Astrid said as they walked deeper into the woods. Terrible Terrors jumped into the brush on their left. "Yeah, sorry. It's just I've been so busy lately with my dad and all. 'Hiccup you need to start doing more in the village if you're gonna be chief someday, Hiccup you need to stop playing with those dragons,' Hiccup this, Hiccup that, I just wish sometimes that people would go to ignoring me again." He said, sounding a little disheartened. "It's okay, I understand. And don't get so discouraged. It'll get better.
"I sure hope so.
And in in the mean time, let's try to enjoy ourselves, and each other, and look for new dragons." Astrid encouraged. She did truly feel sorry for Hiccup. And maybe even a little for herself, because she missed spending time with him. There was a Gronckle flying off to their right. They saw a huge shadow fly over them. "What was that?" Astrid asked, sounding worried. "Nightmare?" Hiccup wondered. But there was nothing there. "Maybe a Changewing?
"Maybe." Hiccup replied, But he knew this was bigger than a Changewing.
"Hiccup, look!" Astrid spoke in complete awe. Clinging to the side of a mountain was a dragon. A huge dragon with huge wings and head and long sharp claws. He was blue with a deep purple head and black wings. His tail was at least as long as his body. He let out a earth shattering roar, and looked straight at them. "Oh no.
"What Hiccup!
"It smells our dragons. We've invaded his territory