Percy's POV:

I just finished my quest for Athena and Hephaestus, when my life was ruined. I heard a scream behind me. I turn around to see a dark haired boy that looked around the age of fourteen being chased by a hellhound and a Furie. I killed the hellhound first , then the Furie. She swung her talons and looked up. I took that chance to kill her. She screeches and turned into yellow dust.

"Hey kid, are you alright?," I asked him.

"Yea, no thanks to you!," he screamed,"you left me to deal with them myself?"

"Percy, I'm so disappointed in you. I thought you could do better than that?," Annabeth said as she came up behind me

"But I did-," I started

"Save it," she snapped. Annabeth turned to him, "let's get you back to camp. What's your name?"

"Justin Malarkey" he said out of breath.

"Hi Justin, I'm Annabeth Chase," she said seductively. He was limping so she put his arm around her waist. I walked to get Riptide.

A week later that kid got claimed by Poseidon and had everyone wrapped around his finger except the 7, plus Nico, Thalia, Reyna, the Stolls, Katie, and Will .

I was ready to propose to Annabeth. The ring was a silver band with green emeralds on it. She is supposed to meet me on the beach.

When I went to the beach I saw a blonde haired girl kissing a black haired guy. Then I hear Annabeth.

"Of course Justin, I love you more than Percy, you are Poseidon Most powerful and son. He could never beat you at a fight and you should be crowned prince of the sea. You're hot then he will ever be. I never really loved him like I love you. When were married will go to Camp Jupiter for our honeymoon".

"Oh Wise Girl, why would you do this to me?" I said

"P-Percy? W-What are you d-doing here?", she asked

"Don't you remember I asked you to meet me here this morning because I had to ask you an important question?", I asked her. She looked blank for a moment, then looked horrified. "Oh", is all she said

"The question going to ask you was, will you marry me?,"I asked Annabeth. I showed her the ring and she gasped, "you can take it as wedding gift from me."Just like that I left. I wrote a note to everyone that was still with me

Dear Chiron, Nico, Will, Conner,Travis, Katie, Thalia, Jason, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Reyna, and Leo,

By the time you get this I will be long gone. I couldn't handle being betrayed by Annabeth like that. Don't be controlled by Justin. Chiron, you have always been like a father to me, so don't blame yourself for me leaving. Nico, go with your heart smile more, even fake smile if you have to, just smile. Will, take care of Nico for me please and make sure he doesn't do any Underworldly stuff. Go Solangelo! Conner and Travis, prank them hard core for me go with your heart. Travis, don't hurt Katie! Katie, you are like my distance cousin (Ha Ha) but seriously,be safe and don't hurt Travis. Go Tratie! Thalia, you are like my strong big sister. Jason, you are my will live on! Piper, charmspeak them do embarrassing, please. Please stay together, Jasper forever! Frazel you guys are an adorable couple, so stay cute. Reyna, stay independent, don't depend on people. Stay you. Leo, stay crazy and smile a lot. Can you set fire to them once in awhile, please? Don't come looking for me I will be gone for awhile.

With All My Love,

Perseus Jackson

I packed stuff in 2 bags and I ran into Poseidon,

"Oh Percy I need to tell you something, I Poseidon disown, Perseus Jackson." It felt like the energy left my body. I closed my eyes for a second and I smelled the sea. I open my eyes and Poseidon left. I felt the tears come and I left the letter in the Hades. I ran and didn't look back.

Hey guys. I'm writing a Chaos story! I am super excited about it. Ok so its not going to be Percabeth its going to be Perzoe. Percy is going to marry her and he is also going to have a sister! hope you guys enjoy it!

