So how are these going to work?
Basically, these drabbles are just short little tidbits of GF stuff. Some may include Wendip, like the one below, but others may just be thoughts of characters or simple oneshots.
They're not perfect, either - they're just my thoughts on a computer screen. I haven't reread them and I'm certainly not grammar checking them - so don't get all huffy with me in the reviews.
I see you. You're my favorite. :)
She managed to finally get her hearty breakfast finished before 7. The morning light streamed through the trees in peaceful waves. This, however, was the average morning sight for Wendy Corduroy.
The 25-year-old Gravity Falls Forestry Officer didn't have a shift on that day. Instead, she was given an off day. She had made her good taste about the situation quite known to the man who was visiting the small, backwoods town over the winter break.
She settled down against the lodge's vintage couch, flicking on the television and finishing whatever cereal she still had in the bowl across from her on the coffee table.
The door was thrown open, and in ran 22-year-old Dipper Pines. His iconic pine tree hat and vest were gone, in their stead were a torn shirt and matted hair. He had scratches running up his left side, and a gash on his thigh that was oozing blood at a slow rate. His head was bruised, though not scarred in any way.
He noticed Wendy's aghast expression from across the room. His face reformed into a calm smile as a large animal collided with her door. "Oh, hey Wendy."
She flew up, her nightgown flowing lazily behind her. "Dipper! What the heck!"
"So yeah, uh, funny story..." He leaned against the door, almost being thrown back every time whatever was outside rammed into the door.
Wendy's face changed from scared to disappointed in a matter of seconds. "Dipper... what did you lead to my house...?"
He checked outside the window, two threatening, bulbous red eyes staring back at him. "Oh, just a Mothman... These guys are actually really hard to sneak up on."
Facepalming, the redhead shoved Dipper aside. The hulking, winged grey monster outside seemed surprised at the sudden outburst from someone who was not the man it was chasing earlier.
Swiftly and unafraid, Wendy landed a punch on one of its crimson eyes. The creature shrieked from a mouthless face, turned, and with one giant flap of its disproportionate wings, was off into the morning sky.
"Wow." Wendy turned, seeing the man she had saved sprawled out on his back, staring at her incredulously.
She grinned. "Nothing compared to my brothers." It was then that she noticed the gashes up and down Dipper's body for a second time. Kneeling down, she inspected the awkward guy.
Dipper felt uncomfortable. "Dude, don't knife me please."
Instead, his girlfriend laughed, deciding to kiss him on the forehead instead. "You really need to get that whole monster-chasing thing under control. This is the third time this week."