A/N: Hi Everyone! It's been soo Long! LOL. But here it is an hour just before deadline. I am sorry that it took so long but with my engagement, (thanks to everyone!) but my mother had to get surgery done. She is alright but it was a bit touch and go on what she could and could not do. I also had writer block because I wasn't sure where this would be heading. Now that I have some direction to go it will make it easier to write. I am not sure when the next update will be but I am currently working on it. Thank you everyone who read, added as favourites and followed this and my other stories.
So once again. Please read, review and enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not own Boondocks. All right are reserves to the rightful owners.
Blended Together
Chapter 18
Huey always thought about what he would have wanted in a wife. Strong, smart, beautiful, courageous and overall, perfect in his eyes. Those were the qualities he found in Adrianne when he first met her. He thought back to when he first met her. Shouting for his people's rights, standing up with her words of strength and mind. She didn't stand down and held herself with grace. When Huey asked her on a date, it was the first time Huey could see himself with someone on his side. They work together though out their dating life. Until she got pregnant with Malcolm. Than those qualities he loved her for became her flaws. It was the first time Huey had started to doubt his relationship with her. It was there until her untimely death. Afterwards Huey decided that he was better off alone and raised his son the best way he could. But with his plan to be alone he didn't expect Jazmine to walk back into his life.
Jazmine, a girl he was always annoyed with when he was younger became something more in his life. The flaws Huey had always thought she had became her strength. He always thought she was beautiful, especially when she kept her hair natural with all of her glorious curls. But Huey never enter into a relationship with her because they were way too different. At least that what he always thought. Because he did want her. He did like her and wonder what it would be in a relationship with her. But she wasn't ready and had different plans from his own.
But knowing what Jazmine did to keep her daughter safe and alive, giving up her whole life just to have her daughter. Something he knew all too well. Her sweetness was still there when it came to both of the kids. He enjoyed the conversations they had late at night, they had similar lifestyles when it came to their eating habits and how they wanted their kids to be raised. But what got him was how she not only manage to make a decent life for herself and daughter but also how she was willing to raise Malcolm as her own. No woman he have ever dated would be willing to raise a child that wasn't their own. But it went both ways. Because Rosa was truly what a little girl should be but Huey could see the influence he set out for her. Huey really did love her as much as her mother.
Because Jazmine was strong, smart, beautiful, courageous and overall, perfect in his eyes.
But Huey wanted more, more than he ever thought when it came to women. And it started to become an urge that he felt within himself and he had only felt that with Jazmine.
He had thought about it a lot since their return home to Chicago. That urge. When he was standing at that alter as everyone was watching Tia coming down, his eyes were on Jazmine the whole time. Her with all of the kids surrounding her smiling.
The urge to not only make Rosa officially his daughter but to make Jazmine his wife. Giving her his last name and have her by his side. Huey knew that his work for his people would be completed one day but he saw Jazmine by his side when it came to completion. Because in the end, she was the one he really wanted all of this time.
"Daddy Look!" Rosa said looking at the aquarium filled with exotic fish. Summer was coming to an end and the cold weather was coming back. But Huey always felt warm when it came to Jazmine and his children. Because he now had something he never thought he wanted. A family.
"Can we go in the water?" Rosa looking up at Huey.
"It's not the best idea Rosa," Huey said, "beside that's their home."
"Oh," she said, "but they have a nice home!"
Huey shook his head, but wasn't surprise at Rosa's comment. That was Jazmine in her.
"We need to get going Rosa," he said taking her hand, "we want to get your mom a birthday present don't we?"
"Yes!" she said excited, jumping up and down, "bye fishes!"
Huey just shook his head as they leave the aquarium. Rosa was humming happily to a tune as they reached the streets of Chicago. Now Huey had to think about what he wanted to get Jazmine for her birthday because she was always thought of something he may want or really need. But for the first time in a long time, he wanted to give her something she would always remember.
Huey was brought out of his thoughts by Rosa gasping at something she saw in one of the shops windows. It was a simple pearl necklace. But it was what was beside that that caught Huey's eye. It was a engagement ring. Simple but stunning. It would look good on Jazmine.
"You want to see Rosa?" Huey asked.
He alway knew that Rosa would say yes but it's was better to confirm because he knew that three year olds had a mind of their own. With Rosa nodding her head, they headed into the store.
Baltimore's Jewellers.
Huey found that kind of ironic when he enter into the store.
It was a typical jewellery store. With glass cases filled with different jewelry for any occasion and in different prices.
"Hello there."
Huey turned to the woman's voice. She was older but she held herself with class and ease.
"Welcome to Baltimore Jewellers," she said smiling, "if you need anything please let me know."
"Hi!" Rosa said going up to the woman.
"Oh aren't you a beauty!" she said smiling, "what's your name sweetie?"
"Rosa," she said shyly but had that big smile on her face.
"Hello Rosa," she said, "I'm Lois it's nice to meet you."
"Thank you," Rosa said.
"Your daughter is very sweet," Lois said to Huey, "oh where are my manners! I'm Lois Berkley, one of the owners."
"Huey," he said shaking hands with Lois.
"What are you interested in? Maybe I can help."
"It's my mommy's birthday!" Rosa cried out in excitement.
"Rosa calm down," Huey said and Rosa settled down.
"Oh she is a sweetheart, gives this old woman some spark," she said smiling.
"We're interested in the necklace in the window," Huey said, wanting to see it, "and the ring beside it."
"Oh let me go get it."
"Lois! Where is the polishing cloths?" an older man coming into the showroom but stop when he saw customers. "Oh hello!"
"Carl this is Huey… I'm sorry I didn't get your last name. Anyways that is not important. He is looking for a birthday present for his wife."
"Girlfriend," Huey corrected as Lois came with the necklace and ring. Huey saw the ring closely but it wasn't what he was expecting. This wasn't something he wanted to give to Jazmine.
"Oh it's so pretty!" Rosa said carefully touching the necklace.
"Do you want to see more?" Lois asked and Rosa nodded her head. Lois took Rosa's hand leaving the men to talk.
"Girlfriend huh?" Carl said smiling, "that is an engagement ring you were looking at."
"I'm aware," he said, "but I would like to keep it quiet."
Carl looked over at the young girl who was engage in a interesting conversation with his wife.
"I understand," Carl said in understanding, "but tell me about her? What's she like?"
Huey raise an eyebrow but listed off the qualities that were Jazmine. Sweet, loving, strong.
Carl laughs, "I get it but do you have a picture of her?"
"She looks like her," Huey said pointing at Rosa who was coming back.
"Here daddy!" Rosa said taking his phone out of his pocket and punching in his passcode.
"Rosa what are you doing?" Huey said in alarm as Rosa search through something in his phone.
"Here daddy!" she said handing back his phone. Somehow there was a picture in the form of a selfie of Jazmine, Rosa and Malcolm on his phone. Rosa ran somewhere else leaving him alone again. Huey started to realize he may have taught Rosa a little too well.
"I can see why you love her so much," Carl said looking at the picture on his phone, "is that your son?"
"Yes," Huey said.
"Are they twins?" Carl asked because the children didn't look older than three.
Carl raise an eyebrow at Huey knowing what he met. That cute little girl wasn't his daughter because that boy in the picture looked a lot like him.
"I think I may have what you are looking for," Carl said, "hold on."
Huey watch the man leave into the back.
"Daddy this one!" Rosa cried out. He went over to see what she was looking at. It was a simple necklace with a heart charm.
"This one?" Huey asked as Rosa nodded her head.
"I think it's a good choice," Huey said, figuring that he would surprise her with this first and somehow do the engagement when they were alone.
"Here it is," Carl said coming back into the room.
Huey looked over at the ring… well rings. He made sure that Rosa was still occupide with other things. He was lucky.
"It's perfect," Huey said looking over it. It was a yellow gold swirling into three diamonds. It was matched with the band with five diamond set into it and curl into the engagement ring. This was Jazmine.
"How much?" Huey asked.
"Damn," he said. He didn't have enough for both and looking at Rosa excitement for the necklace.
Lois notice the look on his face as did Carl. As Lois and Carl look at him, Huey decided to get the necklace instead. Thinking that this was the best way to go.
"I'm having a sale next week," Carl said, "we'll throw in the necklace."
Huey snapped his head up looking at Carl.
"You seem like a good man and raising two children can't be an easy feat," he said.
"I… I don't know what to say," he said in shock.
"Just take it," Lois said smiling as she packed up the necklace for him, "just come back when she says yes."
"Thank you," Huey said as Rosa was smiling at him, "and what do we say about this to your mother?"
Rosa held up one finger to her lips, showing him not to say anything.
"Good girl."
"Ugh! I am so tired," Jazmine said collepsing onto the couch beside, Huey who was currently keeping up with the current news. "I didn't think that Malcolm would drain me from my energy."
"That's any three year old," Huey replied, "I thought you were taking him to the Field's Museam?"
"I did," Jazmine said, "but he got really excited that we ended up going around three times."
Jazmine put her head onto his shoulder as they watch the rest of the news. This is how Huey always thought things should be. The ring was hidden somewhere in the house where only Huey knew. When he felt Jazmine taking his hand into her left one. He couldn't help but stare at her hand. Wondering what would the ring look like on her hand.
"Huey? The news is over," she said softly and started to get up.
Huey snapped out of his thoughts and saw some show that held no interest to him. He watched her stretch out her muscles, showing off the beauty she posses.
"We should get to bed," Huey said getting up and turning off the TV.
"Yeah," Jazmine said softly, "we should get some sleep."
Huey raised and eyebrow at her, "Did I say anything about sleep?"
"Happy Birthday Mommy!" Malcolm and Rosa cried out as Jazmine woke up in the morning. She smiles at her babies knowing how much they really love her.
"Aww thank you guys," she said getting down onto the floor and them running up to her in her arms. This was already an amazing birthday for her because she got her kids.
"You all should get off the floor," Huey said, "or you all going to get sick."
And she kept on smiling because she had gotten Huey's love as well.
"Huey," Jazmine laughs as they get off the floor, "I doubt I'll get sick. And please no conversations about it's my birthday and it's only another year closer to being dead."
"No promises," Huey said as he quickly got the coffee maker on. Jazmine shook her head but was still smiling as she reached for a pan. But Huey stop her.
"We're going out for breakfast," he said as he took the pan out of her hands.
"Are you sure?" she asked.
"Go get ready."
Breakfast was always a interesting affair when you have two three year olds contently wanting attention. But Jazmine wouldn't want it any other way. Rosa and Malcolm begged to go to the park with their parents. Huey tried to tell them it was their mother's birthday but Jazmine caved due to the fact that winter was now coming closer and there wouldn't be a lot of time to enjoy the outdoors. But they did walk along the waterways before settling onto a park where Malcolm and Rosa took off running.
But Jazmine just smiled as she watched her babies having fun. Well Rosa look like it while Malcolm was determining something he found along the playground.
The leaves were falling all around them as Huey and Jazmine sat on a park bench. It was a magical sight to see as she gave a small shiver.
"Are you cold?" Huey asked.
But Jazmine only shook her head, "No Huey I'm fine."
Huey nodded his head as he continued watching Rosa and Malcolm.
"Thank you Huey."
Huey look right back at Jazmine. "For what?"
"For giving me an amazing birthday."
"I didn't do much," he said shrugging his shoulders.
"I know but knowing that I have you and them with me makes it wonderful," she said smiling at him.
Huey felt his heart beat faster. He had the ring on him for about a month and there was never a right time to ask her. But now?
"Jazmine there is something I want to ask you," he said.
"What?" she said giving him her full attention.
Huey swallowed hard. Why was it so difficult to ask her to marry him?
"You know that you are a year older and-"
But Jazmine just started laughing.
"Huey you promised," she said.
"I made no promise about that remember?" he said as he watched her smiling at him.
"But I've been thinking about something for awhile now," he said, "and I wanted your opinion."
"Go on."
"I wanted to know if you were interested in adopting Malcolm?" Huey asked. He mentally smack himself in the head. Why would he bring this up now?
"Are you serious?" Jazmine asked with her eyes widen in surprised.
"Well it would go both ways," Huey said, "I would also adopt Rosa."
"Huey," Jazmine said with tears in her eyes, "that's the best thing I could ever ask for."
"And I want to know if you want to get married?" he said suddenly.
Jazmine went and did a double take at Huey. She couldn't hide her surprise. "What?"
"Would you marry me?" he asked.
"In a heartbeat," she said smiling.
"Good," he said pulling out the ring he purchase with Rosa.
"Oh my god Huey!" Jazmine said, "I didn't know you were proposing now?"
"What did you think I was doing?" Huey asked as he placed the ring onto her finger. Just like he thought, it looked perfected on her.
"I thought that you were just asking a simple question," she said.
Huey heart dropped.
"But yes," she said suddenly realizing the situation, "yes I will marry you."
With that Jazmine kiss Huey right there and then. Sealing new newly form engagement.
"Gross mama!"
Huey and Jazmine both looked at their kids. Malcolm had a disgust face on him as Rosa's eyes were widen.
"Daddy you gave your present? What about mine?"
"Come on, it's time to go home," Huey said picking up Malcolm as Jazmine picked up Rosa. Better to go home before Rosa spilled about the necklace.
Together they walked as a family should.
A/N: So how did you think Huey did with his proposal? That was so hard to write but it was so very Huey and Jazmine. I will see you all next time. :D