Hi everyone! Midnight Cielo is back! Thank you guys so much for following and favorite my first story "My Savior". I can't believe it! Thank you guys so much!

Here's a another new poem / story for you guys! Hope you guys like it! I forgot to mention before that I didn't own Katekyo Hitman Reborn and it's character. Except for me! XD!

4 years old

In the middle of the night

As I tucked on my sheets

I hear sorrowful whispers

That makes me afraid of darkness

7 years old

As I step outside of my house

My new adventures will begin

But that will be crushed again

By the darkness that I really hate

10 years old

Everyday as I woke up in the morning

I always pray that this is just a dream

A dream where I felt sadness and pain

But I must accept, darkness is my reality

13 years old

The pain that I felt was always repeated

It becomes the cycle of my life

But everything changes when the door opens

I saw my new hope in form of darkness

14 years old

A year has been passed since my dark came

My whole life changed, I don't feel pain anymore

As I step outside of my house

I saw my friends smiling at me

20 years old

Many years has been passed

Since I embraced the darkness

I can't believe that darkness

Will change my life forever

21 years old

Today I was called the Saint of Sky

As I ruled the whole underworld

Before I became a ruler

I vow to change the system of darkness

22 years old

As I continued to rule the world

My friends are always by my side

Especially my one and only darkness

Who is an angel without wings

23 years old

Everything changes with just one shot

Crimson blood splutters everywhere

My hands have been tainted

As they look at me with fear

23 years old

They treated me like a plague

As I walked in front of them

In their eyes I'm a monster

Who killed everyone without mercy

24 years old

I'm living alone in this big mansion

All of my friends I trust leave me

Now my heart and soul is broken

And the darkness I hate is now consuming me

24 years old

Late in the evening there was a war

I fight alone but I don't care

Then one shot straight to my heart

I saw darkness but this time I felt happiness

After reading this to everyone...

Cielo: This is my poem dedicated to my Tsu - kun! 3

Tsuna: Hieeeh! You're so mean Ciel - chan! I'm not like that really... (bangs shadowed his eyes)

Cielo: Tsu - kun... A - are you alright?

Tsuna: You know guys, Cielo was right about me... I - I'm afraid of darkness since I was a kid... I was always bullied because I'm a Dame - Tsuna after all RIGHT! (crying while smiling) but everything change when Reborn came to my life and I - I met you guys but you know... I - I'm still so scared that I - I'm going t - to lo - se you guys... Wh - what if I ki - killed so - someone... You - you will be sca - scared and leave me a - alone... I - I'm ju - just so scared that it will happen!

Reborn: You're still a Dame - Tsuna after all... Of course, you're going to kill somebody because you're in a mafia, especially the boss of the biggest mafia Vongola... You can't escape this reality Tsuna... You will kill someone even though you don't like it!

Hayato: Reborn - san is right, Jyuudaime! Don't worry as your right hand man, I will always be by your side even you kill!

Takeshi: Maa maa... Tsuna, don't think deeply of what Ciel - chan wrote. We will always be by your side no matter what happens.

Ryohei: To the EXTREMEEE! Sawada Think POSITIVE! To the EXTREMEEE!

Hibari: Hn! You're becoming a herbivore again, omnivore.

Chrome: Bossu, Eto... Just like Rain - san said we will be always by your side.. we will never leave you..

Mukuro: Kufufu! Sawada Tsunayoshi I will make sure that your fear will gone if your going to agree to possess your body.. Kufufu!

Hayato: Pineapple head! How dare you to say that to Jyuudaime!

Takeshi: Maa maa.. Calm down Hayato!

Lambo: Gyahahahahaha! Tsuna wll always be my slave for eternity! Gyahahaha!

Tsuna: Minna - san Arigatou!

All: Tsuna/ Jyuudaime/ Bossu/ Omnivore/ Sawada/ Sawada Tsunayoshi

Cielo: Tsu - kun always remember that we will always be together cause we were friends after all. No matter what happens we will always stick together okay!

Tsuna: Thanks, Cielo!

Reborn: Dame - Tsuna, you're still have a long way to gone so you're going to have a hellish training made by me!

Tsuna: Hieeeehhh!

Hope you guys like it! Thank you guys for reading! See you next time! Please review and favorite!

Midnight Cielo Signing Off!