Counting Stars

Summary: "Darkness has fallen upon the land. The blood of the dragons will revive once again, and the ancient pact will be kept. When the four dragons are gathered, the sword and shield which will protect the king shall awaken, and the Red Dragon shall restore the dawn at last," Modern A/U

Okinawa, Japan


He didn't understand.

Understand why the other children were afraid of him.

Why was he alone?

Why was his story done before it began?

Why was he here?

Why did no one want to be his friend?

Why did he have to look away?

And why did they?

Shin-ah's first memory were of eyes lost and confused as his remained.

Why did no one else let him hold their hand?

Why did they treat him like some kind of dieses?

Why did this man leave him here?

Shin-ah loved him.

So why did he have to go?

Why did this man apologize?

Why did he make him wear a mask?

Why did he tell Shin-ah he set him free?

What did that mean?

Why was he different?

Is this why the adults covered his eyes with their hand when he took his glasses off?

He wasn't going to hurt them.

He just wanted to be their friend.

Why did no one understand?

More importantly:

Why was Shin-ah all alone?

Did no one want him?

What was so horrible about him that they just hurried on by?

Tears pooled behind the dark shades he wore.

Shin-ah rocked on the swing alone.

The sky was gray.

Autumn leaves flew around him in circles, gathering in blankets on the earth underneath his feet.

The wind blew back blue hair gently.

No one spoke.

And why would they?

He was alone.

Just like it was suppose to be.

He didn't know why.

Or what he did that made them so afraid.

And what could he have done?

Shin-ah had no memories that provided an answer.

He had memories of Ao.

The man who left him here, at this place.

Surrounded by children who didn't have parents either.

They took his glasses.

They laughed at him.

He slept in all corner with no one to talk to.

Shin-ah simply rocked back and forth.

The chains tangled together.

He stopped rocking when he heard a squeak.

It was very weak and high pitched.

It came from inside the leaves.

The curious five year old stood, inspecting the ground beneath.

Gentle fingers pulled the leaves back revealing a small, delicate creature.

It was stained red.

It's tiny leg was bent.

Shin-ah picked the animal up like he was picking up a feather.

How had it gotten there?

It must have been a dog or cat.

Shin-ah held it close.

She wasn't scared.

Her beady little eyes opened, taking in the world like it should be the one that was frightened by her.

Shin-ah couldn't help but smile.

He petted her head with a light tipped finger.

Then he put her in his jacket.


It wasn't about him anymore.

Shin-ah had someone else to take care of that needed his help.

If only he get find a tiny piece of wood for its leg.

He searched the playground until finding one.

He didn't mind the blood in his jacket.

He just hoped it was enough to keep her warm.

The small boy tore of piece of his sleeve.

Then wrapped it up with the twig.

The squirrel looked thankful.

At least, he thought it was a squirrel.

Shin-ah wasn't quite sure.

He wanted to name her Ao.

But he wasn't sure that fit either.

He wrapped her back up in his clothing.


Maybe Ao wouldn't mind being his friend.

Only time would tell.

Chapter End

Author: What do you think? More Shin-ah? I have another chapter for him I was going to put out. Should I wait, writing stuff for the other young dragons and come back to it? That sounds right to me. Okay, here we go. Kija next. Because…I'm still working on modern Jae-Ha. So Kija is what you're getting ;) ;) I'm also trying to re-write the prolouge before I get into the second chapter so I'll let you know when that's up. Allonz-y